Le Provigil (Modafinil) peut être pris par les adultes qui souffrent de narcolepsie pour les aider à rester éveillés. La narcolepsie est une affection qui provoque une somnolence excessive pendant la journée et une tendance à s’endormir soudainement dans des situations inappropriées (accès de sommeil). Le modafinil peut améliorer votre narcolepsie et diminuer la fréquence des accès de sommeil. Des affections telles que la narcolepsie, l’apnée du sommeil et les troubles dus au travail en équipe peuvent être un vrai problème dans votre vie. On parle aussi de « smart drug ». Facilement trouvable aux Etats-Unis, où il est prescrit sous le nom de Progivil, il est commercialisé sous la dénomination Modafinil en France. Lisez la suite pour découvrir comment acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance en France.
Provigil (Modafinil) achat: médicament pour rester éveiller
Modafinil aide à garder un individu éveillé pendant de longues périodes de temps. Modafinil est l’ingrédient actif pour les médicaments fabriqués diffèrent constructeurs et vendus dans différents pays sous les noms commerciaux Alertec, Carim, Modafinil, Modalert, Modavigil, Modiodal, Provigil, Vigil. Tous ces médicaments sont d’origine médicaments de marque ou analogues pharmaceutiques. Achetez le Modafinil en ligne et avec un envoi gratuit pour la France.
La meilleure option qui combine la commodité et la tranquillité d’esprit est la recherche d’un fournisseur Modafinil basée en Europe qui expédie directement à partir de l’UE. FamilyStoreRX est notre fournisseur fiable et recommandé pour tous vos besoins Modafinil en France. Si vous avez des doutes, achetez Modafinil en ligne sans ordonnance et assurez vous dans sa qualité vous-même. Cliquez ici pour acheter Modafinil pas cher en ligne.
Certaines pharmacies en ligne proposent des prix dégressifs en fonction de la quantité de Provigil en France achetée, avec des réductions pouvant atteindre les 140€ en cas d’achat important. Modafinil est l’ingrédient actif pour les médicaments fabriqués diffèrent constructeurs et vendus dans différents pays sous les noms commerciaux Alertec®, Carim®, Modalert®, Modavigil®, Modiodal®, Provigil®, Vigil®. Tous ces médicaments sont d’origine médicaments de marque ou analogues pharmaceutiques.
- 1 Provigil (Modafinil) achat: médicament pour rester éveiller
- 2 Qu’est-ce que le Modafinil ?
- 3 Prix du Modafinil en ligne
- 4 Pourquoi le médicament est utilisé ?
- 5 Ce médicament stimule l’intelligence
- 6 Est-il sûr d’acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance ?
- 7 Le mécanisme d’action de Modafinil
- 8 Posologie
- 9 La dose recommandée de Provigil
- 10 Mode d’administration
- 11 Modafinil prix en pharmacie
- 12 Avantages du Modafinil
- 13 Acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance en ligne
- 14 Modafinil et alcool
- 15 Fertilité, grossesse et allaitement
- 16 Précautions d’emploi
- 17 Les interactions médicamenteuses
- 18 Contre-indications
- 19 Effets secondaires
- 20 Où acheter du Modafinil en France?
- 21 Alternatives de modafinil
Qu’est-ce que le Modafinil ?
Le Modafin est un stimulant utilisé dans le traitement de la narcolepsie et de l’hypersomnie idiopathique composé de la molécule modafinil. Inventé pour traiter l’hypersomnie, financé par l’armée et testé sur les soldats pendant la guerre du Golfe, le Modafinil sans ordonnance se trouve facilement sur le web. Il permet aux personnes souffrant d’une fatigue inhabituelle de rester éveillée sans influencer son efficacité au travail. Souvent utilisé par les étudiants durant leurs révisions. Ce produit permet de rester éveillé sur de très longue période sans ressentir de fatigue. Le dosage varie d’une fois 100 mg par jour à deux fois 200 mg par jour.
Il est possible d’acheter Modafinil en Belgique, Suisse ou au Canada sans ordonnance a prix pas cher. Les français peuvent profiter de l’occasion d’acheter Modafinil en ligne, pour commencer son aide efficace et plus sûre la pharmacothérapie pathologique de la somnolence.
Pour information : Le prix d’une boite de 60 comprimés de Provigil 100 mg se situe en moyenne entre 60€ à 80€ en pharmacie en ligne.
Prix du Modafinil en ligne
Les travaux de création de Modafinil ont commencé en France à la fin des années 1970. Le développement de médicaments a été achevé avec succès en 1986. Cependant, il a fallu encore quelques années, avant que les patients aient reçu la possibilité d’acheter Modafinil pour le prendre pour le traitement de la narcolepsie.
En ligne, les prix du médicament sont relativement plus bas. Modafinil 100 mg prix en pharmacie varient entre 45€ et 280€ pour paquet. Si vous voulez acheter Modafinil pas cher en pharmacie, optez plutôt pour un grand paquet économique.
Pourquoi le médicament est utilisé ?
Indications : c’est un traitement bien connu contre la narcolepsie, mais depuis quelques années, il est également consommé à d’autres fins.
Modafinil, qui est commercialisé sous plusieurs noms de marques tels que Modvigil, ModAlert, et Provigil, est un médicament pharmaceutique approuver par la FDA pour soigner différents troubles du sommeil. C’est un médicament oral visant à stimuler l’état de veille chez les individus ayant tendance à la somnolence ou à un sommeil diurne prolongé. Сertains thérapeutes utilisent le modafinil pour lutter contre les déficits de l’attention et la diminution des facultés mentales consécutives à une chimiothérapie ou à un servage à la cocaïne.
Provigil aide : à augmenter l’opérabilité, à améliorer la mémoire, à augmenter l’activité des processus cognitifs, à conserver la clarté de la réflexion, à mobiliser l’activité fonctionnelle du cerveau, à réduire le besoin de sommeil.
Il produit des sensations plus fortes de vigilance et de concentration, tout en vous gardant éveillé. Modafinil s’est récemment fait connaître comme « nootrope » ou “médicament pour stimuler le cerveau” compte tenu de sa capacité à améliorer les performances mentales et à améliorer la concentration pendant la journée. Les étudiants ont commencé à l’utiliser pour les longues sessions d’études et pour passer leurs examens.
Est-il possible d’obtenir générique Modafinil sans ordonnance? Si vous cherchez à acheter Provigil Générique à un prix compétitif dans une pharmacie en ligne fiable, alors FamilyStoreRX est votre 1er choix.
Ce médicament stimule l’intelligence
En période d’examen? Votre stress et votre trac prennent le dessus ? Vous souffrez de problème d’attention ou de perte de mémoire ? A l’exception de la maladie d’Alzheimer, la perte de mémoire est liée à la fatigue ou au surmenage, responsables de troubles de l’attention. Découvrez vite tous nos produits mémoire et concentration comme Provigil ou Modiodal ! Ces dernières années, il y a eu un afflux de rapports et d’articles présentant des témoignages d’étudiants et de professionnels qui ont découvert l’utilisation hors indication intéressante d’un tel médicament. Les gens rapportent que ce medicament contre le sommeil aide à accroitre la concentration, améliorer la productivité et augmenter la motivation tout en diminuant simultanément le besoin de temps de repos.
Et pharmacie en ligne pascherpharm, nous vous proposons plusieurs sortes de médicaments efficaces pour la mémoire et la concentration. Stimulez votre mémoire ! Le Provigil aident à vous retrouver une performance intellectuelle optimale, ainsi que la concentration qui vous manquait.
Pour les jeunes et les adultes à la recherche d’un boost en période d’examen ou de charge de travail importante, le médicament Modafinil seront d’une grande aide pour la mémoire et la concentration. A n’utiliser que sur une période courte. Besoin de booster mémoire et concentration ? Demandez conseil à l’un de nos pharmaciens et découvrez toute notre gamme pour retrouver vos pleines capacités ! Acheter Modafinil comprimés en ligne pour le traitement des troubles du sommeil, Apnée du sommeil, narcolepsie, TDAH et somnolence excessive pendant la journée.
Est-il sûr d’acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance ?
Mais peut-on légalement acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance ? Y-a-t-il un risque à se procurer du Provigil pas cher en ligne ? Si vous souhaitez obtenir rapidement le médicament nootropique sans ordonnance à un coût faible, il est facile de le faire en faisant une commande en ligne. Le Modafinil est devenu un médicament hautement recherché au sein de la communauté des drogues intelligentes en raison de sa réputation pour fournir des capacités cognitives sensiblement accrues. Vous êtes déjà sur le site, où vous pouvez acheter médicament pour booster le cerveau, et afin d’obtenir le médicament, il vous suffit de faire quelques clics de souris d’ordinateur. Acheter Provigil générique en pharmacie un nouveau médicament qui augmente les capacités intellectuelles.
Si vous décidez de faire un achat ailleurs, méfiez-vous des contrefaçons. Les fraudeurs peuvent profiter de votre confiance et vous tromper. Par conséquent, vérifiez soigneusement la pharmacie en ligne où vous voulez acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance.
Le mécanisme d’action de Modafinil
Le modafinil appartient au groupe de produits médicinaux appelés stimulants du système nerveux central (SNC). Le modafinil possède des propriétés stimulantes qui permettent aux personnes souffrant de troubles du sommeil particuliers de rester éveillées et vigilantes sans être victimes de trop d’effets secondaires. Cette substance est capable de bloquer la recapture de la noradrénaline et de la dopamine au niveau des centres cérébraux responsables du sommeil.
On l’utilise également pour réduire la somnolence diurne excessive des personnes atteintes du syndrome d’apnées ou d’hypopnées obstructives du sommeil (des désordres respiratoires qui se produisent pendant le sommeil), de troubles du sommeil provoqués par le travail par quarts ou de troubles du sommeil liés au rythme circadien. Il commence par améliorer vos compétences cognitives en rendant plus efficace le processus de réflexion tout en augmentant votre mémoire et ce, sans aucun effet de somnolence. Il s’avère très efficace puisque l’envie de dormir diminue, vous permettant de réaliser n’importe quelle activité plus longtemps.
Les effets du Modafinil durent en principe toute la journée, mais n’empêchent pas la personne de dormir aux horaires normaux, à condition d’être pris au plus tôt après le réveil, puisque sa demi-vie dans le corps humain est d’environ 16h.
Les comprimés de Provigil contiennent 100 mgs ou 200 mgs de modafinil et des ingrédients inactifs suivants : le monohydrate de lactose, la cellulose microcristalline, pregelatinized l’amidon, croscarmellose le sodium, povidone et le magnésium stearate.
Son utilisation régulière conduit à une accoutumance, ce qui signifie qu’il ne sera plus aussi efficace lorsqu’utilisé trop fréquemment. Afin d’éviter cela, nous recommandons de limiter son utilisation à 2 à 3 fois par semaine.
La dose recommandée de Provigil
La dose de modafinil recommandée pour un adulte atteint de narcolepsie varie entre 200 mg et 400 mg par jour. La dose quotidienne totale doit être administrée en une seule prise le matin ou en deux prises, une le matin et une à midi, selon l’avis du médecin et selon la réponse du patient. En cas d’insuffisance hépatique, la dose utilisée doit être réduite de moitié.
Des doses allant jusqu’à 400 mg en une ou deux prises fractionnées peuvent être administrées chez les patients présentant une réponse insuffisante à la dose initiale de 200 mg de modafinil.
Pour les adultes atteints d’apnée du sommeil obstructive, la dose quotidienne habituelle de modafinil pour les adultes est de 200 mg pris en une dose unique le matin.
Les adultes atteints d’un trouble du sommeil lié au travail par roulement doivent prendre 200 mg une fois par jour, environ 1 heure avant le début du quart de travail.
Il est important d’utiliser ce médicament conformément aux indications de votre médecin. Si vous oubliez une dose, prenez le médicament dès que vous constatez l’omission et reprenez la suite du traitement aussitôt que possible. S’il est presque temps de votre prochaine dose, ne vous souciez pas de la dose omise et reprenez le schéma posologique usuel. Évitez de prendre le médicament à la fin de l’après-midi ou le soir, car cela pourrait vous empêcher de vous endormir à votre heure normale de sommeil.
Patients âgés (plus de 65 ans) : La posologie habituelle est de 100 mg par jour. Elle peut être prise une fois par jour (le matin) ou fractionnée en deux prises par jour (50 mg le matin et 50 mg à midi). Votre médecin pourra augmenter votre dose (jusqu’à un maximum de 400 mg par jour) uniquement si vous n’avez pas de problèmes de foie ou de reins.
Modafinil 100mg
Si vous ne souhaitez que pour soulager la fatigue, il est donc une dose unique de 100 mg de l’aide.
Modafinil 200 mg
La posologie habituelle est de 200 mg par jour. Elle peut être prise une fois par jour (le matin) ou fractionnée en deux prises par jour (100 mg le matin et 100 mg à midi).
De nombreux sites tentent d’attirer les clients avec des intitulés comme “modafinil achat moins cher“, au “acheter Provigil pas cher en ligne“. Sachez que ces médicaments sont probablement des contrefaçons.
Les symptômes les plusù accompagnant fréquemment overdose modafinil, pris seul ou en combinaison avec d’autres médicaments, ont inclus: insomnie; à des symptômes du système nerveux central tels que l’agitation, la désorientation, la confusion, l’agitation, l’anxiétéà; changements digestifs tels que nausées et la diarrhée; et les changements cardiovasculaires tels que la tachycardie, l’hypertension et douleur thoracique.
Conditions de stockage
Ce médicament ne nécessite pas de conditions particulières de conservation.
Mode d’administration
Voie orale. Les comprimés doivent être avalés en entier.
Modafinil prix en pharmacie
Le Modafinil prix en France est aussi important que ses effets. Désormais, le Provigil pas cher est disponible en pharmacie dans sa version générique. Ces déclinaisons présentent alors la même apparence que la pilule originale, en outre, on leur accorde les mêmes propriétés. Le Provigil générique est disponible en comprimés dosés à 30mg, 60mg, 90mg, 120mg, 180mg, 270mg et 360mg.
- Modafinil 100 mg prix en pharmacie est de €0.75 par comprimé;
- Modafinil 200 mg prix en pharmacie est de €0.81 par comprimé;
Veuillez noter que le prix des comprimés lors de la commande importante de Modafinil est plus bas que lorsque vous passez une commande en petite quantité.
Avantages du Modafinil
Il est actuellement Provigil utilisé par le continent européen par des gens qui ont l’apnée du sommeil et la narcolepsie. Il aide à normaliser les habitudes de sommeil d’une personne, efficace pour l’agitation et l’attention.
- Le nootropique le plus réputé dans la communauté ;
- Le Modafinil permet aux personnes qui souffrent d’une fatigue inhabituelle de rester éveillés, sans effets secondaires ou presque ;
- Il est souvent utilisé par les étudiants en période d’examens, afin de réviser plus efficacement et plus longtemps ;
- Utile pour ceux travaillant de nuit ;
- Modafinil en combination avec des antidépresseurs réduit la gravité de la dépression plus effectivement ;
- Possède une très bonne tolérance ;
- Obtenez votre Modafinil sans ordonnance en ligne ;
- Des prix plus bas par rapport à l’Apotheke local .
Viagra pour le cerveau ?
Dans une interview au New-Yorker datant de 2012, le joueur de poker professionnel Paul Philips a révélé que grâce à Provigil, il a réussi à gagner des millions de dollars. Selon un rapport d’un service de la CBS, on a assisté ces derniers temps à un pic de ventes de ce médicament à des professionnels qui veulent être toujours au top. Pour cette raison, le Provigil a été rebaptisé « Viagra du cerveau » .
Effets positifs
Et ces effets bénéfiques sur les individus en bonne santé ont été confirmés par les recherches récentes: le Provigil accroît l’attention, améliore la capacité à apprendre et mémoriser, et augmente la capacité à résoudre des problèmes. Selon une autre étude, le médicament rendrait également les taches à réaliser plus agréables. A l’inverse, les effets négatifs sont quasi-inexistants, ou alors se manifestent très faiblement, via des nausées ou des maux de tête.
Comparé à d’autres dopants intellectuels comme le Ritalin, qui entraînent de nombreux effets secondaires non désirés, les auteurs de l’étude, publiée dans la revue European Neuropsychopharmocology, estiment que le Provigil est le premier produit de ce genre semblant raisonnablement sûr pour les individus en bonne santé.
Acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance en ligne
Acheter sur Internet ne veut pas dire obtenir le traitement sans ordonnance. Certaines cliniques en ligne proposent aux patients de passer une consultation médicale contrôlée et validée par un médecin, le tout en ligne. A la suite de celle-ci, si le médecin juge que l’état de santé du patient lui permet de prendre le traitement sans danger pour sa santé, vous pouvez acheter Modafinil en ligne sans prescription.
Veuillez prêter Votre attention à Provigil générique– c’est une copie exacte du médicament original dont l’efficacité est la même, mais le prix beaucoup moins cher. Pour acheter des nootropiques sans ordonnance, nous recommandons les sites familystorerx.com et goodmedsstore.com, où vous pouvez acheter un très grand nombre de nootropiques parmi les plus populaires.
Modafinil et alcool
On devrait conseiller aux patients que l’utilisation de Provigil dans la combinaison avec l’alcool n’a pas été étudiée. On devrait conseiller aux patients qu’il est prudent d’éviter de l’alcool en prenant.
Fertilité, grossesse et allaitement
Grossesse :
L’effet de ce médicament pendant la grossesse est mal connu : son utilisation est déconseillée pendant la grossesse. Chez la femme en âge de procréer, une contraception efficace (non hormonale) est nécessaire pendant le traitement et les 2 mois qui suivent son arrêt.
Allaitement :
Ce médicament passe dans le lait maternel ; un choix est donc nécessaire entre l’allaitement et la prise du médicament. Cette décision devra être prise en accord avec votre médecin.
Précautions d’emploi
L’utilisation du modafinil chez les enfants et les adolescents âgés de moins de 18 ans n’est pas recommandée. L’administration de ce médicament requiert une prudence chez les personnes âgées et les patients qui présentent des antécédents liés à l’alcoolisme, à la toxicomanie, à la psychose, à la manie ou à la dépression. Ces patients doivent être surveillés médicalement pendant le traitement.
Il convient d’effectuer un électrocardiogramme (ECG) avant d’entamer le traitement et de surveiller régulièrement la fonction cardiaque, notamment la pression artérielle et le rythme cardiaque, des patients.
Les interactions médicamenteuses
D’autres médicaments peuvent interagir avec ce médicament. Signalez à votre médecin tout ce que vous prenez, qu’il s’agisse de médicaments sur ordonnance ou en vente libre et de remèdes à base de plantes médicinales. N’oubliez pas de mentionner tout supplément que vous absorbez. Si vous consommez de la caféine, de l’alcool, de la nicotine ou des drogues illicites, vous devriez en avertir votre médecin prescripteur puisque ces substances peuvent modifier l’action de nombreux médicaments.
Ne prenez pas Provigil si vous:
- è allergique (Hypersensible) au modafinil, ou à l’un des autres composants de ces comprimés ;
- Il dispose d’un rythme cardiaque irrégulier ;
- a la modérée à sévère pression artérielle élevée, non contrôlée (hypertension) .
Effets secondaires
Comme tous les médicaments, ce médicament peut provoquer des effets indésirables, mais ils ne surviennent pas systématiquement chez tout le monde. Parmi les effets secondaires répertoriés, seul le mal de tête était statistiquement significatif (5% des cas, soit chez seulement 1 personne sur 20). Vous devez arrêter de prendre ce médicament et informer immédiatement votre médecin si :
- une douleur thoracique ;
- anxiété ;
- nervosité ;
- vision floue ;
- insomnie ;
- démangeaisons, réaction allergique cutanée ;
- nausées, bouche sèche, douleurs d’estomac ;
- comportement agressif ou hostile pouvant nécessiter l’arrêt du traitement .
Où acheter du Modafinil en France?
En France, le Modafinil est un médicament inscrit sur liste I, disponible seulement sur prescription médicale. Les autres utilisateurs du Modafinil réussissent à se le procurer sur internet. Mais il est important d’être vigilant. En effet, de nombreux sites illégaux ont vu le jour ces dernières années, et ils chercheront à vous vendre «médicament pour la concentration«. Pour vous garantir d’obtenir votre traitement en toute sécurité, vous pouvez passer par notre pharmacie partenaire agréée. Vous pouvez acheter du Modafinil sous le nom de Provigil ici, si vous habitez dans un pays où l’ordonnance n’est pas obligatoire.
Comme on le sait, les produits européens sont réputés pour leur fiabilité. Cette affirmation s’applique aux medicament pour rester éveiller. Un achat du Provigil générique sans ordonnance en pharmacie, vous pouvez être sur d’une réception des produits de haute qualité. Si vous êtes intéressé par ce médicament contre le sommeil, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser les services de pharmacies en ligne. Vous pouvez y acheter Modafinil sans ordonnance, rapidement et anonyme.
Alternatives de modafinil
Une alternative au Modafinil est une substance appelée Adrafinil . Adrafinil est disponible sans ordonnance et peut être acheté facilement dans des magasinAlternatives de modafinils de nootropiques en ligne établis et réputés.
Aux États-Unis et dans la plupart des pays du monde, Adrafinil n’est pas une substance contrôlée et peut être acheté en ligne ou en vente libre. L’adrafinil est métabolisé dans le Modafinil par le foie, de sorte que les effets du médicament sont retardés d’environ une heure pendant ce temps de conversion, mais sinon les effets sont ceux du Modafinil.
Sources :
L’effet de Provigil est différent pour chaque personne. Personnellement, mon effet vient dans 30-45 minutes. Je le prends le ventre vide dès que je me réveille. Après cela, je m’habille et prendre le petit déjeuner. Après le petit-déjeuner, je me sens ingambe, comme si je prenais une dose élevée de caféine et cet état dure environ 8-10 heures.
Depuis plus de 5 ans, Provigil fonctionnait très bien. Il me semble que j’ai développé une tolérance à ce médicament, puisque j’ai remarqué une diminution significative de l’efficacité pendant 6 derniers mois.
Ce médicament est incroyable! Après 20 ans de somnolence excessive, je peux enfin rester toute la journée au travail sans m’endormir. Je ne me sens plus de somnolence en conduisant, et je peux prendre du plaisir du soir avec ma famille sans m’endormir. Je suis en bonne humeur et mon énergie est celle d’un enfant. C’est vraiment dommage que je ne savais pas de ce médicament auparavant. Je prends Provigil 100 mg tôt le matin et 100 mg après le déjeuner. À ce jour, je n’avais aucun effet secondaire.
Provigil aide parfaitement le matin, mais l’effet disparaît rapidement. J’utilise une dose supplémentaire dans l’après-midi.
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NFL picks and expert predictions as well as betting tips and parlays for all of this weeks games. All of our expert NFL predictions are against the spread. (ATS) This page will be updated weekly.
The Kansas City Chiefs hit the road to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium (6:30 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs and Tom Brady for the Buccaneers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field (3:05 PM EST). The quarterbacks expected to start the game are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Aaron Rodgers for the Packers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Buffalo Bills go up against the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium (6:40 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Josh Allen for the Bills and Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Cleveland Browns hit the road to play the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium (3:05 PM EST). The probable starting quarterbacks are Baker Mayfield for the Browns and Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers hit the road to take on the New Orleans Saints at Mercedes-Benz Superdome (6:40 PM EST). The expected starting QBs are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Drew Brees for the Saints. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Baltimore Ravens take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Lamar Jackson for the Ravens and Josh Allen for the Bills. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Los Angeles Rams take on the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field (4:35 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Jared Goff for the Rams and Aaron Rodgers for the Packers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Chicago Bears take on the New Orleans Saints at Mercedes-Benz Superdome (4:40 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Mitchell Trubisky for the Bears and Drew Brees for the Saints. This matchup report includes Vegas odds and a free NFL prediction for tonight.
The Baltimore Ravens hit the road to play the Tennessee Titans at Nissan Stadium (1:05 PM EST). The expected starting quarterbacks are Lamar Jackson for the Ravens and Ryan Tannehill for the Titans. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Los Angeles Rams go up against the Seattle Seahawks at Lumen Field (4:40 PM EST). The expected starting quarterbacks are John Wolford for the Rams and Russell Wilson for the Seahawks. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Indianapolis Colts hit the road to take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (1:05 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Philip Rivers for the Colts and Josh Allen for the Bills. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the Washington Football Team at FedEx Field (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Alex Smith for the Football Team. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Cleveland Browns hit the road to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers at Heinz Field (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Baker Mayfield for the Browns and Ben Roethlisberger for the Steelers. This games report has current odds, betting predictions, and free picks against the spread.
The Minnesota Vikings hit the road to play the Detroit Lions at Ford Field (1:00 PM EST). The probable starting QBs are Kirk Cousins for the Vikings and Matthew Stafford for the Lions. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Miami Dolphins hit the road to take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Tua Tagovailoa for the Dolphins and Josh Allen for the Bills. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The New Orleans Saints play the Carolina Panthers at Bank of America Stadium (4:25 PM EST). The probable starting QBs are Drew Brees for the Saints and Teddy Bridgewater for the Panthers. This matchup report includes betting lines and our NFL pick of the day for this game.
The Dallas Cowboys take on the New York Giants at MetLife Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The quarterbacks expected to start under center are Andy Dalton for the Cowboys and Colt McCoy for the Giants. This games report has current odds, betting predictions, and free picks against the spread.
The Pittsburgh Steelers hit the road to play the Cleveland Browns at FirstEnergy Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The QBs expected to start the game are Ben Roethlisberger for the Steelers and Baker Mayfield for the Browns. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Green Bay Packers hit the road to play the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field (4:25 PM EST). The probable starting quarterbacks are Aaron Rodgers for the Packers and Mitchell Trubisky for the Bears. This matchup report has your NFL football pick of the day as well as NFL football odds for the game.
The Washington Football Team hit the road to take on the Philadelphia Eagles at Lincoln Financial Field (8:20 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Dwayne Haskins for the Football Team and Jalen Hurts for the Eagles. This matchup report includes odds, betting predictions and a free pick against the spread.
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п»їScore Correction.
Coaches and Athletic Directors, you can make all score corrections within your admin accounts. Parents and Fans you can submit score corrections that will go through an approval process. Select the correct view below:
How to make a score correction:
Go to Results tab on the blue taskbar and select Scores/Stats .
Once the box score information populates, go ahead and edit the final score or box scores and to save the correct scores you will select, » Save & Exit » If you want to add stats, select » Save & Enter Stats . »
That’s it. The team page will update within 15-30 min. Please note, if you make any score corrections after the rankings have been published, the rankings will update again during the next rankings update.
That’s it. The team page will update within 15-30 min. Please note, if you make any score corrections after the rankings have been published, the rankings will update again during the next rankings update.
Correct Score Betting – Stats, Tips & Predictions.
Correct score betting is a very straightforward bet type where players must predict the exact full-time score in a match. With high odds reflecting the difficulty that comes with such a precise bet, we will give you all you need to make the best possible correct score bet predictions.
What’s in this article.
Best Bookmakers for Correct Score Betting.
Where Can I Find Correct Score Predictions?
If you are keen on placing on a correct score bet and want to know what the experts are thinking, there are plenty of third-party correct score prediction sources , such as Kickform which do the statistics-checking work for you. These sites compile all the correct score statistics and trends together expert intuition to help you make your bets and benefit from the best correct score odds.
You can also access correct score predictions on your mobile with specific apps such as Correct Score Tips which is available to download via the Google Play store.
How to Make Correct Score Predictions?
We recommend breaking down the process into a series of steps to eliminate the less favourable chances of a score from your prediction. You should start by thinking about whether both teams are likely to score . In this way you can decide whether you will go for a win to nil , bore draw, or BTTS prediction (and eliminate other options). Once you have done this, you should try and estimate whether a match is likely to have over/under 2.5 goals . This figure is typically used as the benchmark when predicting the number of goals in a match. The final step is to decide who will be the likely match winner .
Taking these steps into consideration can help you make a more accurate prediction. For example, if in a match between Chelsea and West Ham you think that Chelsea is likely to win the match, that both teams will score, and there will be over 2.5 goals, then the most likely outcomes will be 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, or 3-2. In this way, you have narrowed down the options of the potential final score . Using this method together with our other tips listed below can greatly increase your chance of making more reliable correctscore bets.
What are Correct Score Statistics?
Looking at market statistics when considering making a correct score bet is one of the most important things you can do because statistics provide completely unbiased information based on actual events. There are several sites providing correct score statistics but two of our favourites are TheStatsDontLie and 1x2Stats .
These pages give you an updated snapshot of the correct score statistics across the top soccer leagues and let you sort through the home and away form of individual teams. In first 28 games of the 2019/20 Premier League season 12% of all matches finished 1-1 whilst 10% of all matches finished 2-0 in favour of the team playing at home.
Looking more specifically at the individual teams, Sheffield United, for example, won 1-0 in 26% of their home matches, whilst a whopping 28.5% of Liverpool’s matches at Anfield have finished 2-1 in favours of the Reds. When looking at losing sides, we can see that Southampton lost 2-1 in 21.4% of matches on the road while Tottenham almost to that same score line 28.6% of the time away from home.
From the above data, we can therefore see that placing a correct score bet on Liverpool to beat Southampton 2-1 when the match is played in Merseyside might prove to be a more reliable bet with both teams having trends of finishing on either side of that result.
Correct Score Betting Tips.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the best correct score tips to help you make the best correct score bet possible.
Do Your Research.
When placing a bet, doing proper research is crucial to making an informed decision and increasing your chances of winning. As we mentioned earlier, you should always look at statistical information to see past correct score results and look for notable trends. In addition to this, you should also take into consideration other important factors such as a team’s current form, head-to-head results, team news (including injuries and suspensions), and teams with a strong defense – all of which can make a big difference to your correct score bets.
Go For The most Likely Outcome.
Low scoring matches are more likely to occur than higher scoring ones with a scoreline of 1-0 being the most common . If an underdog manages to stage an upset, it also be highly likely that they will do so with a low scoreline. As a general rule in correct score betting, you should avoid games where plenty of goals are likely to be scored as this makes the final score very difficult to predict.
Final scores of 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, and 1-1 are considered to be low scoring matches so finding two teams which have a track record or scoring few goals can give you a 1 in 4 chance of being successful. Despite having lower correct score odds, when in doubt, we recommend going for a low final score. In the first 25 years of the English Premier League, 1,782 matches finished 1-0, 1,455 matches finished 2-1, 1,140 matches finished 1-1 and 828 matches finished goalless .
Look at Other Leagues.
Different leagues have developed their unique own style of soccer . Some leagues are known for having teams who play on the offence and go for many goals while others tend to have teams which play more conservatively. The German Bundesliga , for example, is known for having fewer goals scored compared to other top European leagues, which makes it ideal for correct score bets . The statistics sites we mentioned earlier show up to date information on many leagues and we definitely recommend exploring different leagues when making a correct score bet.
Play the Long Game.
Our next correct score tip involves betting on both teams to score . The reason for this is that betting on BTTS can actually keep your bet alive for longer . If you predict a 2-0 scoreline and the other teams bags a goal early on, then your bet is lost straight away. Going for a 2-1 scoreline, for example, will keep your bet valid even if the other teams manages to sneak a goal in.
Boost Your Bet.
If you manage to beat the odds and win your correct score bet, naturally you are going to want to receive the highest payout possible . Thankfully, there are several ways of increasing your overall winnings. Firstly, you need to find the best odds . Different betting sites offer different odds for different markets. Shop around and find the best correct score odds so that when that fateful day comes that you make the right prediction, your payout will be as high as can be .
Betting sites offer lots of different and exciting promotions which you can take advantage of to boost your correctscore winnings. For example, Bet365’s Bore Draw Money Back offer is great to use for correct score betting because it virtually refunds you if one of the most popular outcomes doesn’t come through. Look around for the best promotion and remember to always read the terms and conditions .
If you are feeling exceptionally confident about your correct score prediction for one particular scoreline, you should consider pairing this selection with an accumulator to greatly increase your odds and potential winnings.
What is a Correct Score Bet?
As the name implies, correct score betting involves predicting the final score of a match . This type of bet is very simple to make and is offered by virtually all top betting sites. The bookie will provide a list of all the possible score outcomes for you to choose from e.g. 0-0, 1-0, 3-1, 2-2 and so on, up to a certain number. For even higher (and less likely) match scores which are not listed, the bookie will provide an вЂOther’ option which you can select if you are correct score prediction involves many goals.
Correct score betting is much more difficult that other types of bets because to be successful you will need to be extremely precise in your predictions . To make up for this, the correct score odds are usually very high and lucrative . The reasoning as to why someone would choose a correct score bet over, for example, a typical match winner bet, is that even though there is a lower probability of you winning your bet, once you actually win a bet, the large pay-out could be well worth the wait .
Whilst it is impossible to be 100% sure of the outcome when making your correct score predictions, as we have seen in this article, there are several tips and tricks which you can use to increase your chances of placing a winning bet.
Have a question about ?
Sometimes during the fantasy season, you may find that one of your players has had their points changed. A player’s score/stats will be impacted when the official NFL statistics used to calculate them are adjusted, updated, or corrected.
ESPN always works to ensure that matchup scores accurately reflect the real, official NFL statistics and if you notice changes, it is to correct previously incorrect data or react to a stat correction from the league.
There are several scenarios when you might see these changes:
Live Scoring – During the game, scores/stats are updated as they are received. This information may change as more accurate data from the league is reported. Each player’s individual points and stats will be accurately reflected once the game is final. Post-game adjustments – There are times when the NFL decides to adjust stats after a game has been concluded. For example, during the game the NFL credits one player with a full sack, then after the post-game review decides instead to award two players half a sack each. This type of stat correction can appear up to seven (7) days after the game was played. Post-game corrections – Sometimes ESPN receives incorrect data in the stats feeds. Most of the time when inaccurate data is detected, the incorrect score/stat is corrected within minutes. Rarely, incorrect scores/stats may not be corrected until the next day. League Manager changes : In League Manager leagues, the LM has the power to adjust scores manually. The reasons for changing a player’s score are completely up to the League Manager. CAUTION: If the LM notices the incorrect scoring before ESPN has updated the stats and uses the Adjust Scoring League Manager tool to manually change the score then afterward when the system updates automatically to reflect the same correction, the impacted team will be awarded double credit for the correction. If this occurs, you should contact your LM and ask them to re-adjust the scoring by reversing their manual adjustment.
The deadline for all weekly scoring or stat corrections made by the system during the season is the Saturday following the week of the game in question. Only official stat corrections made by the NFL after a game’s conclusion will appear on the stat correction page. Corrections to incorrect data received by ESPN will not appear on that page Any changes entered in the system will automatically reflect in both your Box Score and your Standings pages.
Correct Score Betting Tips.
Are you looking for winning Correct Score Betting Tips to help you make a chunky profit from your betting? We have had winners at odds ranging from 40/1 all the way up to 360/1. On an average day the odds of our correct score tips will usually be around 90/1 so a ВЈ10 bet would return over ВЈ900.
Want to See ALL the Correct Score Predictions?
Predictions price in other currencies: 520 NGN, 149 KES – We accept card payments and Paypal.
Want More Betting Tips?
Here are some of the most popular areas of the site that you may also want to check out whilst you are here picking your bets:
If you are serious about making a profit from your football betting, then you NEED to take a look at our PRO TIPS section where we give you the exact bets you need to place every day to make a consistent profit from your betting.
Are you ready to make a profit from your football betting?
What Is Correct Score Betting?
With Correct Score betting you are trying to pick the exact final score of a football match. Rather than simply picking a team to win you need to also correctly predict the exact number of goals each team is going to score in the game. This means that you will get much better odds due to the complexity of the bet. As an example, Man City to beat Watford might be available at odds of 1.50 (1/2) – however, Man City to win 3-0 may be at odds of 8.00 (7/1) which offers much better value.
How To Pick Correct Score Bets?
Correct score bets are very difficult to predict consistently however if you use a methodical approach you can narrow down the number of options. Firstly you need to narrow down whether or not you think both team will score in the match as if you think they will then this will remove all the win-to-nil options like 1-0, 2-0, etc. Once you have made a decision on BTTS it is then time to decide on the number of goals in the match, we tend to look at whether it will be over or under 2.5 goals. Finally we need to combine our goals and BTTS thoughts with who we think will win the game. As an example using the Man City vs Watford game mentioned above – Chance of BTTS = Yes, Chance of Over 2.5 Goals = Yes, Likely Winner = Man City, this leaves us with the follow best predictions 2-1, 3-1, 4-1. You can either use your own judgement at this point or potentially could look at any previous meetings or previous winning margins to narrow the selections further. As Man City normally win by more than one goal at home the 3-1 prediction would be most likely. As you can see it is a fairly long process – which is why having an algorithm do it for you is beneficial. Use our tips above to save time and win more correct score bets.
Best Way To Use Correct Score Tips.
Using the above correct score tips in singles is an obvious option given that the average odds will likely be around 7.00 (6/1), however, the most profitable way of doing may actually be to build out some multi bets and accumulators. Personally, we like to combine them into Correct Score Doubles, as these are lower in risk and can have odds around 49.00 (48/1) which wins ВЈ480 from a ВЈ10 bet. Another option we like to employ is to pick five correct score tips and combine them as doubles. This will create a ten line bet, so ВЈ1 a line will have a ВЈ10 total stake and you only need two out of the five to come in for a decent profit, any more than two winners will deliver a huge profit. If you are really confident you can go for trebles for average odds per line of around 343.00 (342/1)!
What is a Correct Score Double?
A Correct Score Double is when you select two correct score picks and back them together to create a higher odds bet that needs both correct scores to be correct in order to win. These can be very attractive for punters as the returns can be very high however, the risk is also very high as well so don’t invest heavily in these selections.
Pro Tips.
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п»їFantasy Football Rankings, Week 16, 2020: Model that beat experts says start David Johnson, sit Tyler Lockett.
SportsLine’s advanced computer model reveals Fantasy football start-sit advice for Week 16.
Championships are on the line in many leagues as the Week 16 NFL schedule unfolds. That means finding a reliable set of Week 16 Fantasy football rankings could be the difference between winning it all or going home with nothing. NFL injury news also plays a role this time of year. The Falcons, for example, have ruled out receiver Julio Jones (hamstring) for their Sunday matchup with the Chiefs, while Washington receiver Terry McLaurin (ankle) is also likely to watch from the sidelines.
Which players on your bench or in the free-agent pool like Mecole Hardman or Nyheim Hines can you trust this week to step in as Fantasy football picks? Before you lock in your Fantasy football lineups, be sure to check out the Week 16 Fantasy football rankings from the proven computer model at SportsLine.
When it comes to ranking players, their model beat human experts in Fantasy football last season when there were big differences in ranking. Over the course of a season, that could literally be the difference between winning your league or going home empty-handed.
Last week, the model was extremely high on Falcons wide receiver Calvin Ridley, saying he’d finish as a top-five player at his position. The result: Ridley recorded 10 receptions for 163 yards and a touchdown. Anybody who had him in their lineup was well on their way to a huge week.
Now, the model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, has revealed its Fantasy football rankings for Week 16 of the 2020 NFL season. Head to SportsLine now to see them.
Top Fantasy football picks for Week 16.
One player the model is extremely high on this week: Texans running back David Johnson. With fellow running back Duke Johnson sidelined with a neck injury, David Johnson exploded a week ago, reeling in all 11 of his targets for 106 receiving yards and a touchdown.
Now, Johnson is poised to be the lone back again against a Bengals defense that has allowed productive days on the ground to running backs like Wayne Gallman (94-1), Derrick Henry (112-1), Benny Snell (84-1), and Nick Chubb (124-2). The model lists Johnson as a top-10 player in its Week 16 Fantasy football running back rankings, ahead of stars like Austin Ekeler, Jonathan Taylor, and Miles Sanders.
And a massive shocker: Seahawks wide receiver Tyler Lockett, who’s hauled in 85 receptions for 920 yards and eight touchdowns this season, stumbles big-time and doesn’t even crack the top 30 at his position. Lockett scored seven touchdowns over the first six games, but he’s seen his productivity drop dramatically since then.
In fact, Lockett has produced just one score over his last eight contests and hasn’t eclipsed 70 receiving yards during that stretch. Last week against Washington, Lockett caught four of seven targets for just 34 yards. The sixth-year wideout hasn’t received more than seven targets in three of his last four games and averaged less than 8.5 yards per reception in three of his last five outings.
In addition, Lockett and the Seahawks square off against one of the NFL’s toughest defenses this week. The Rams feature the NFL’s top-ranked total defense, giving up just 286.1 yards per game. Los Angeles is also giving up just 192.0 passing yards per game, which also ranks first in the league. With one of the toughest Fantasy football matchups, Lockett is a player to consider putting on the bench in Week 16.
How to set your Week 16 Fantasy football rankings.
The model is also calling for a surprising quarterback you aren’t even thinking about to finish in the top 10 of its Fantasy football rankings. This pick could be the difference between winning big and going home with nothing. You can see who it is here.
So who should you start and sit this week? And which surprising quarterback could lead you to victory? Visit SportsLine now to get Week 16 Fantasy football rankings for every position, plus see which QB is going to come out of nowhere to crack the top 10, all from the model that out-performed experts big-time last season.
Wild Card Saturday DraftKings Picks: NFL DFS lineup advice for daily fantasy football playoff tournaments.
The NFL now features a triple-header on the Saturday of wild-card weekend, starting with Colts-Bills and ending with Buccaneers-Washington (with Rams-Seahawks in between). Those six teams have plenty of solid DFS options, but with several top defenses in action, it’s not easy building a tournament-winning DraftKings lineup. Our picks target several sleepers from the Colts, who we’re hoping are underowned, as well as a couple of high-priced stars who we’re hoping step up in the playoffs.
Pivoting from likely chalk picks, such as Josh Allen, give us the differential that, while risky, could provide an edge. When you’re playing small-slate tournaments, you have to take some chances, and we certainly do that with this lineup.
Wild Card Saturday DraftKings Picks: NFL DFS tournament playoff lineup.
QB Philip Rivers, Colts @ Bills ($5,400). You know the Bills are going to score points, so Indianapolis will likely have to air it out to keep up with them. Rivers has shown he can still do that effectively, averaging 260.6 yards per game with 24 total TDs this year. That includes seven multi-TD games and three three-TD games. Using Rivers, the fifth priciest QB, gives us more salary to play with for our other roster spots while not sacrificing a solid floor and relatively high ceiling against a Buffalo defense allowing the fourth-most fantasy points to QBs.
RB Jonathan Taylor, Colts @ Bills ($7,900). Taylor has taken advantage of favorable matchups down the stretch, averaging 19.8 carries and 123.5 yards over his final six games. He’ll get the ball early against Buffalo’s mediocre run defense, but he’s shown he can also be an effective receiver, posting multiple catches in all but four games and having at least four catches on four occasions. It’s an unconventional stack to pair him with Rivers (and Nyheim Hines), but it’s also the kind of unique play that could pay off in a matchup that could be high scoring.
RB Nyheim Hines, Colts @ Bills ($4,700). Hines has averaged 66.9 total yards and 4.4 receptions in the second half of the season. That’s come with just three scores, but keep in mind he has three multi-TD outings on the season. Maybe we’re limiting our upside a bit by playing both Colts backs, but with tough RB matchups in across the board on Saturday, it’s not as crazy as it might look, especially when you factor in how much Rivers throws to his backs. Also, a lineup construction like this is sure to give us differentiation, so if both Hines and Taylor can find the end zone, they could really pay off in DraftKings full-point PPR scoring.
WR Stefon Diggs, Bills vs. Colts ($7,700). We’re hoping some steer clear of Diggs because of the « Q » tag he’s carried all week, but we’d be very surprised if his oblique injury keeps him out on Saturday. Instead, we’ll bank on the guaranteed production he’s provided all year. It doesn’t hurt that Indy’s pass defense has struggled down the stretch, allowing an average of 309.1 yards over its final seven games.
WR Antonio Brown, Buccaneers @ Washington ($6,100). Brown was force fed the ball last week, in part because Mike Evans (knee) got hurt early and also because he was trying to hit an incentive in his contract. Either way, there’s a good chance he’ll see plenty of targets again this week with Evans either out or limited. Washington has a tough pass defense, but Brown can beat anyone. He’s scored in three straight games and will once again be a favorite target of Tom Brady.
WR Cam Sims, Washington vs. Buccaneers ($3,900). We’re going to need at least one value WR to hit it big, and we’re counting on Sims to be that guy. He’s seen 6.6 targets over Washington’s final five games despite playing with three different QBs. Obviously, the quarterback situation is a worry, but Washington will undoubtedly be forced to throw more in the second half of this contest, and the 6-5 Sims will get chances downfield and in the red zone. He plays virtually every snap, so we’ll take our chances in a favorable matchup.
TE Jack Doyle, Colts @ Bills ($2,900). Rivers spreads the ball around to his receivers, so it’s tough to pick one to pair with him. That’s why we’re hoping Doyle can cash in around the goal line. It’s a risky pick, as it’s pretty much touchdown-or-bust, but it’s a great matchup. Fading Rob Gronkowski and Logan Thomas is also risky, but we’ll be in decent shape if neither score, even if Doyle manages just a couple catches.
FLEX Tyler Lockett, Seahawks vs. Rams ($6,900). In two games against the Rams this year, Lockett posted eight catches for 110 yards — not great, but better than teammate DK Metcalf (8-87). Lockett will still plenty of targets, and his big-play ability always makes him a threat. You have to take some chances on a three-game slate, and with many opting to avoid the Seahawks passing game in a tough matchup, we’ll embrace the talent and hope for a big payoff.
D/ST Seattle Seahawks vs. Rams ($2,700). We’ll take a cheap defense against either John Wolford or a banged-up Jared Goff (thumb) any day, especially one playing as well as the Seahawks have down the stretch (16 offensive points allowed per game over its past eight contests, at least three sacks in seven of past eight games).
DFS lineup advice and picks for NFL Wild Card Weekend Sunday slate.
My Draft Kings lineups for Wild Card Weekend.
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Photo by Frederick Breedon/Getty Images.
I’m back again with my DFS lineup for Sunday’s NFL Wild Card slate. Its a tougher selection than Saturday, with some really heavy fantasy hitters to consider, but I’ve tried to balance my team and my selections are in.
My quarterback/receiver stack comes from the Steelers with Ben Roethlisberger and Diontae Johnson. The Steelers run game has been so poor this year, we’re going to see the Steelers throw the ball a ton and Johnson has been the number one receiver for the Steelers in 2020.
I tried to get both Derrick Henry and Alvin Karama in my lineup but to balance the team I went with Henry and J.K. Dobbins who has finished the season strongly and matches up well against the Titans defense.
Emmanuel Sanders and Miles Boykin make up a risky receiving corps but I’ve doubled down on tight ends with Mark Andrews and Jared Cook, with Cook being the best available player to sit in the flex as he offers a red zone threat.
Finally I’m backing the Steelers to come up big against the Browns offense after resting some of their playmakers in their Week 17 tilt.
DFS Fantasy Football: Favorite Pro Plays – Wild Card Weekend.
DFS – Daily Fantasy Football player picks and tips.
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These are some of the players Jason will be locking in his lineups on DraftKings and FanDuel for this weekend’s slate.
$7,500 DRAFTKINGS, $9,300 FANDUEL.
I could make a case for Josh Allen to be the MVP. The steps he took this year officially landed him in the elite category for me. He has been a fantasy darling for season long and DFS and carried me to a championship in one of my leagues. Averaging 27.3 DraftKings points per game establishes him as one of the safest plays on the slate. The Bills really don’t have a running game and it all relies on Allen, which is great for fantasy purposes. The matchup is one of the best on the board as well with the Colts ranking 26th against defending Quarterbacks. Lock him into cash and tournaments and hopefully the Bills win this week so we can play him again next week.
$7,800 DRAFTKINGS, $9,000 FANDUEL.
Let Lamar cook! Russell Wilson has officially stopped his chef status and its time for Lamar to shine. It looks like the 2019 Lamar is back. In 4 of his last 5 games he ran for over 80 yards, which provides such a nice floor for fantasy. This Tennessee defense really struggles all across the field and is coming off a shootout where Deshaun Watson just torched them. We can expect the same here from Lamar in what should be one of the higher scoring games of the slate. Lamar’s rushing floor combined with a weak defense on the other side of the ball should provide safety for cash games and upside for tournaments.
$8,500 DRAFTKINGS, $9,000 FANDUEL.
It will be very scary to fade Derrick Henry and I will have to watch that game with one eye open. I will not fade Henry in all lineups and will have some exposure to him, but I am currently leaning on a pivot to Kamara in my main lineup on DraftKings if I can’t find a way to play both. We will need some savings and especially on DraftKings the full point PPR opens a door where I can see Kamara outscoring Henry. Playing Henry on FanDuel and Kamara on DraftKings is also a great option to hedge your plays. The matchup may not look so great on paper but I still like the upside with Kamara being so heavily involved in the offense with Michael Thomas out.
$5,100 DRAFTKINGS, $6,100 FANDUEL.
We need to save money somewhere and Akers seems like the safest spot to land at the running back position. The play on Akers is slightly dependent on whether or not Goff plays in this one. If Goff plays I feel more comfortable about the Rams moving the ball. It looks like Kupp will be back and the offense may be at full strength. If that holds true when the ball is kicked off Akers should be a solid value with some touchdown equity at a very fair price. We will need to take some chances in order to land the elite plays in our lineup and I believe Akers is that guy in Wild Card Weekend.
$7,700 DRAFTKINGS, $8,700 FANDUEL.
What more can we say about Stefon Diggs? He was criticized prior to the season similarly to Josh Allen, and all he did was come out and put up one of the best wide receiver seasons and hushed all the haters. The upside is massive, the targets are consistent, and the fantasy production follows almost every week. All we need is for Philip Rivers and the Colts to be able to hang in this game long enough in order to get four quarters of Diggs. The Colts rank 21st at defending wide receivers so this should be another 100 yard day for Diggs. Feel confident playing him in both cash games and tournaments.
$6,600 DRAFTKINGS, $7,200 FANDUEL.
I will try my best to get at least two stud receivers in my lineups this week and Robinson will be the second. I want target monsters with a safe floor in the playoffs, along with the proper upside. Robinson caught 6 of 7 passes for 87 yards and one touchdown in a matchup against the Saints in Week 8. A solid rapport with Trubisky can bolster that stat line and the fact that this game is in a dome gives me extra confidence that the game conditions will help provide safety as well. I can see the Bears covering the spread, winning this game outright, and I believe Robinson will be a major factor in making that happen.
$5,200 DRAFTKINGS, $7,000 FANDUEL.
If you have the salary, pay up for tight end and lock in Andrews as he should be the safest on the slate with an elite matchup. He torched the Titans in Week 11 for 5 receptions, 96 yards and 1 touchdown. This game has a real opportunity of shooting out and Andrews should be able to take advantage of it. Tennessee ranks 17th against defending tight ends and are currently allowing 287 passing yards per game. If you’re playing Lamar make sure you pair him with Andrews this weekend.
$4,900 DRAFTKINGS, $6,400 FANDUEL.
Logan has put up numbers almost every single week within a below average passing offense. Quarterback play has been average at best and that has not stopped Thomas. Thomas has put up double-digit points in the past 6 weeks and that should continue against Tampa Bay. Tampa ranks 15th against defending tight ends and are allowing 269 passing yards per game. Game script should be in Logan’s favor as Washington should be trailing and passing most of the second half. Thomas is one of the safest tight ends on the board and I will try to lock him into 50% of my lineups this weekend.
$3,400 DRAFTKINGS, $4,300 FANDUEL.
The Washington Football team is struggling on offense. When you can’t score at will against the Eagles you will struggle heavily versus Tampa. As much as I respect the comeback of Alex Smith, he is still hobbling out there and I think Tampa brings the pressure and sacks him at least 4 times on the day. The Bucs are the play this weekend if you can afford paying up.
$2,700 DRAFTKINGS, $3,600 FANDUEL.
This Seahawks team has transformed from the start to the end of the season. This defense was terrible and league worst while this offense was elite and putting up points by the dozen. A tail of two seasons and with the addition of Dunlap and a healthy Adams this defense has changed. If Goff is out this week I slide them ahead of the Buccaneers. If Goff plays I still like this defense as I don’t believe in Goff regardless.
Wild Card Sunday FanDuel Picks: NFL DFS lineup advice for daily fantasy football playoff tournaments.
DFS players are getting a late Christmas gift from the NFL in the form of three games instead of the usual two on Saturday and Sunday of wild-card weekend. Sunday’s slate of Ravens-Titans, Bears-Saints, and Browns-Steelers offers some interesting options for playoff FanDuel tournaments, and our lineup picks are a bit contrarian from what you might expect.
We start by playing it safe with a high-priced backfield, but from there we opt for big-play WRs, two TEs, and a D/ST with a tough matchup. This squad certainly isn’t for everyone, but weird things happen on small slates, so it never hurts to have one lineup that’s focused on differentiation.
Wild Card Sunday FanDuel Picks: NFL DFS tournament playoff lineup.
QB Lamar Jackson, Ravens @ Titans ($9,300). We all know what Jackson brings to the table when he’s at the top of his game, so paying top dollar for him isn’t a big concern. He averaged 161.8 passing yards, 86 rushing yards, and three total TDs per game over Baltimore’s final five contests. With the best statistical matchup on the board, Jackson is worth his high price.
RB Alvin Kamara, Saints vs. Bears ($9,000). If you’re doing multiple playoff lineups this week, you need Kamara in one of them. Yes, the matchup isn’t great on paper, but when has that slowed Kamara down this year? Against the Bears in Week 8, he had 67 rushing yards and nine catches for 96 receiving yards. Somehow, he’ll find a way to put up a solid point total, and you can’t afford to miss out if he really goes off. Because of his price and « IR » listing, he might even see slightly lower ownership than usual, but it doesn’t look like he’s in any danger of missing this game after sitting out Week 17 due to a positive COVID test.
RB Nick Chubb, Browns @ Steelers ($7,700). We’re hoping others are scared away by the tough matchup. Chubb has been sort of a « Derrick Henry lite » this year, putting up numbers against virtually everyone. He rumbled for over 100 yards and a score last week against a depleted Pittsburgh defense, and for the year, he’s either scored or had 100 yards in all but two games. He’ll be leaned on early, and we’re betting he’ll produce more than many expect.
WR Marquise Brown, Ravens @ Titans ($6,300). Brown has scored in five of his past six games while averaging 56.3 yards per contest in that stretch. Tennessee allows the second-most FanDuel points per game to WRs, so Hollywood is almost a must-play regardless of your quarterback, but he has to be in your lineup if you’re using Jackson at QB.
WR Chase Claypool, Steelers vs. Browns ($6,100). Claypool finally topped 100 yards and scored again last week against Cleveland, and while that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s « back, » it does give us hope heading into this game. It’s also noteworthy that he performed well in both games against the Browns this year (at least 74 receiving yards, two TDs), and he remains Pittsburgh’s top deep threat. For $6,100, we’ll gamble on Claypool pulling off one or two big plays in this favorable matchup.
WR Anthony Miller, Bears @ Saints ($4,700). Miller ended the season with four straight games in which he posted fewer than 17 yards — not exactly an encouraging sign. But you have to take some chances on a three-game slate, and since we paid up for our QB and RBs, we’re hoping to strike it big with a random WR. Miller is still playing about half of Chicago’s snaps, and with Darnell Mooney (ankle) « questionable » after missing practice all week, there’s a chance Miller sees a major uptick in targets. If Mooney is out, Miller might actually become a chalky pick, but either way, we like his chances to make a big play or two in a game where Chicago figures to be trailing in the second half.
TE Jared Cook, Saints vs. Bears ($5,900). Over his final five games, Cook averaged three receptions and 43.8 yards while scoring three times. Those numbers won’t blow you away, especially when you factor in Michael Thomas’s absence for the past three games, but Cook is clearly a big part of New Orleans’ red-zone offense. There are plenty of decent TE choices on this slate (see below), so taking a risk with Cook might be unnecessary, but we’re hoping for some differentiation with our two-TE strategy.
FLEX Mark Andrews, Ravens @ Titans ($7,000). Over his final six games, Andrews averaged 5.3 catches (7.3 targets) and 67.3 yards — all solid for a TE. He was especially good against Tennessee earlier this year, posting 96 yards and a score on five catches. Since we’re playing Jackson, it makes sense to pair him with his most reliable red-zone target, and Andrews has proven he can make plays all over the field.
D/ST Cleveland Browns @ Steelers ($4,000). We’re going with a contrarian pick here and hoping Myles Garrett and Co. can pressure Big Ben into a few mistakes.
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College football picks and college football predictions for the 2020-21 season. Covering every game from power conference and Top 25 teams . Get college football expert picks against the spread and on totals every week of the season absolutely free. Check out our college football best bets for our top plays of this week’s college football slate.
College Football Betting News.
Senior Bowl reaction – Mond named MVP, former UNC RB Carter also impresses.
Five top NFL Draft prospects to look out for at the 2021 Senior Bowl.
A look ahead to the Senior Bowl – Increased importance with NFL Combine gone.
Latest News.
College Football Picks And College Football Predictions.
The Home Of Free College Football Expert Picks For The 2020-21 Season.
College football picks and college football predictions for the 2020/21 season. Our college football experts crunch the numbers, look through the injury reports, and betting trends data to find the college football best bets every week.
2020 College Football Predictions.
The biggest theme of college football betting is finding the hidden gems. With tons of college football games heading into the weekend, there are always hidden gems that Vegas tends to miss. Thankfully here at Pickswise, the home of free college football predictions, we unearth those gems and breakdown our college football predictions for every single game. Our 2020 college predictions cover today’s action from the Power Five conferences, as well as those top-25 nationally ranked teams with our experts detailing their best predictions across the main college football lines such as the moneyline, against the spread, and points totals. Check back each week ahead of the big games for the best free college football predictions throughout the entire 2020 college football season and into the 2020 College Football Playoff .
Free College Football Picks Against The Spread (ATS)
The most popular college football bet is against the spread (ATS). Against the spread betting isn’t about picking a winner of the football game, it’s about picking the team who will cover the spread.
Against the spread betting is extremely popular in football and that’s one of the main reasons why it’s one of our most popular college football predictions on site.
NCAA Football Predictions.
There are tonnes of College Football across the country with over 130 division 1 team alone. Here at Pickswise, we cover all games in the Power five conferences and the top 25 teams outside of Power five. This gives you a wide range of free college football picks to choose from.
Big Ten.
The Big Ten Conference is the oldest Division 1 college football conference and is one of the best in the country. It’s made up of 14 members based in Midwest & Northeast – Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State, Rutgers, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern, Purdue, and Wisconsin. Plus two affiliate members – John Hopkins University and Notre Dame.
Big 12.
The Big 12 another prestigious Division 1 college football conference and is made up of 10 members based in the South Atlantic, West North Central, and West South Central regions – Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas, Kansas State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas Christian University, Texas, Texas Tech and West Virginia.
Additionally, the Big 12 has 11 affiliate members – Air Force, Alabama, Denver, California State, Northern Colorado, Northern Iowa, North Dakota State, South Dakota State, Tennessee, Utah Valley, Wyoming.
Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)
The ACC is a Division 1 conference made up of 15 members from the South and Midwest Regions – Boston College, Clemson, Florida State, Louisville, Notre Dame, Syracuse, Wake Forest, Duke, Georgia, Miami, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Pittsburgh, Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic.
Pac-12 Conference.
The Pac-12 operates on the Western side of the country and is another Division 1 conference. It’s made up of 12 members – Arizona, Arizona State, California, California LA, Colorado Boulder, Oregon, Southern California, Standford, Utah, Washingon, Washington State.
Southeastern Conference (SEC)
The final Power Five member is the SEC which has 14 members from the South and Midwest regions competing in Division 1 football – Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Mississippi State, and Texas A&M.
NCAA Football Today – Today’s College Football Picks.
At Pickswise we cover all of the Power Five NCAA football today, with full game previews, picks, and predictions brought to you by our college football experts. A typical college football season runs from August to December and preceded by the College Football Bowl Season and College Football Playoff, culminating in The College Football Playoff National Championship game in January. The 2020-21 college football season is slightly different, with the Big Ten and Pac-12 currently not planning to play football this fall, but our experts remain on hand to cover all of the NCAA football today, from the remaining three Power Five conferences, right through to the College Football Playoffs and National Championship game, once details of those become clear.
College Football Best Bets.
There can be hundreds of games each week which can mean it’s difficult to determine what Pickswise’s College football best bets are. For that reason, we have a star rating system that indicates our strongest college football predictions for each game week.
Our college football spread picks will always have a star rating on ranging from one to three stars. This shows you how confident our handicappers are on their pick in that game so be sure to check out our three-star plays, our college football best bets this week.
2020 College Football Lines & College Football Odds.
When it comes to college football betting, the most popular college football lines amongst bettors are moneylines, particularly with underdog bettors and betting against the spread. You can sometimes get a lack of parity in college football scheduling and see college football lines of -50, with most sportsbooks not even offering college food odds on the moneyline for teams favored by that much. We bring you all of the best college football odds and betting lines, as well as our picks and predictions throughout the entire college football season.
Week to Week NCAAF Predictions.
The best way to have success with college football betting is by finding those under-the-radar games like that do not draw as much public betting interest.
Our week to week college football predictions are the best ways to get a breakdown and insight into all of the games on a college football slate. We cover so many games, there’s always a hidden gem of value knocking around.
College Football Playoff Predictions 2020-21.
Our College Football Playoff predictions for the 2020-21 season are two-fold with our experts highlighting their best predictions on who will make the playoffs, and also making individual game predictions throughout the College Football Playoff itself. The college football playoff is typically made up of two semi-final matchups with the winner of each semifinal advancing to The College Football Playoff National Championship game. The 2020 Playoff Semifinals are scheduled for Friday, January 1, with the Rose Bowl Game and Sugar Bowl. The winners will then progress to The College Football Playoff National Championship game which is scheduled to take place on Monday, January 11, at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. In an unprecedented time for sports, these dates, locations, and details are all subject to change but the selection committee and conferences are planning on seeing the College Football Playoff run as close to normal as possible.
College Football Bowl Predictions.
We will have college football bowl predictions for every bowl game of the 2020-21 season. So if you’re looking to bet on the college football postseason action Pickswise has you covered.
While the landscape of the college football postseason and bowl games is not yet clear, the NCAA seems committed to having as close to a normal season as possible with those teams and conferences that remain committed to playing football this fall. Our college football experts will be on hand regardless of the shape of the 2020 college bowl season, to provide the best free, insightful college football bowl predictions including all of the games in the New Year’s six – Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Cotton Bowl Classic, Peach Bowl, and Fiesta Bowl – should they take place as planned.
More Than Just College Football Picks.
IIt’s not only college football we have experts in, we also have college basketball picks including March Madness.
We also specialize in every major North American sport including the NFL , MLB , NBA and NHL .
College Football Picks & NCAA Football Predictions.
Picks and Parlays hits the gridiron hard and provides college football picks and predictions for every game on the card each week. Our talented team gives you expert picks on NCAA Football from opening night in August through the bowl season and CFP National Championship game in January. Our CFB picks are the best around, because we have the best analysis and latest relevant team info for every game.
CFP National Championship – Ohio State Buckeyes vs Alabama Crimson Tide – Monday 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
NCAA Football Bowl Season is almost over and we have all your betting needs covered.
Ohio State vs Alabama 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
The CFP National Championship presented by AT&T will take place on Monday night, when the Ohio State Buckeyes battle the Alabama Crimson Tide from Hard Rock Stadium.
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Your Daily Dose Of Betting Tips.
Correct Score Tips.
We are chasing some high-odds correct scores today.
Correct Score Double for Thursday, 4th February:
Luzern v Servette – 2:1 FT @ 9.00.
Independiente Medellin v Millonarios – 1:1 FT @ 5.50.
Correct Score Double for Wednesday, 3rd February:
Strasbourg v Brest – 2:0 FT @ 9.00 – LOST.
Metz v Montpellier – 1:1 FT @ 6.00 – WON.
Correct Score Double for Tuesday, 2nd February:
Newcastle v Crystal Palace – 1:1 FT @ 6.50 – LOST.
Rizespor v Kasimpasa – 1:1 FT @ 6.50 – WON.
Correct Score Double for Monday, 1st February:
Real Betis v Osasuna – 2:1 FT @ 8.50 – LOST.
Odisha v Jamshedpur – 1:1 FT @ 6.00 – LOST.
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Correct Score Tips.
This is the place for dreamers and those who chase big wins. Obviously, the money or the win is anything but guaranteed, but the fun most certainly is. If from time to time we get to win big and hit our correct score double, the entertainment will be even greater.
As you most probably know, correct score is one of the toughest markets to predict. However, the odds are proportionally much higher than those you will find with other markets. Landing a single correct score bet is tough. We are going to chase doubles. That’s how brave we are.
Correct Score Predictions – Big Profits.
Why did we decide to have this feature on the site after all? On quite a decent number of occasions, our detectives have managed to land sick odds doubles over the years of betting. Since the theme of the page itself is football betting, we just could not skip good old correct scores.
Detectives will try and update this section regularly. This means that you can expect daily correct score predictions. There is enough of football action across the globe literally on a daily basis. Since detectives will be analysing most of matches, predicting the most likable scores should not be too big of a challenge .
Best Place to Bet on Correct Score.
Online bookmakers frequently go out with special promotions connected to correct score bets. We will also do our job on this field and make sure to let you in on where to place our correct score double picks to get the most of them. Normally, it’s the massive price boost for certain scores. If these match our predictions, that’s a win-win situation.
Also, you can always check our promotions section and back these “risky” tips using exclusively free bets.
Strategy For Correct Score Predictions.
There is not a 100% win strategy for this type of market. What we can do is make our chances as high as possible. Backing 1-1 or 0-0 draws is of the formulas that have used to work very well for us so far. The main principle is to check teams’ form and their H2H stats. If the sides have the similar quality and if you believe the game will end out in a draw, backing correct score instead of the outcome can actually be much more profitable.
At the end of the day, correct score is a combination of a possibility for a huge profit and fun with minimum investments. It will be very interesting to follow our progress here.
Correct Score Double for Monday, 9th November: 42.00 DOUBLE WON!
Kiel v Hamburger SV – 1:1 FT @ 7.00 – WON.
Girona v Las Palmas – 1:1 FT @ 6.00 – WON.
Correct Score Double for Saturday, 28th November: 39.00 DOUBLE WON!
Augsburg v Freiburg – 1:1 FT @ 6.50 – WON.
Elche v Cadiz – 1:1 FT @ 6.00 – WON.
Test Grade Calculator.
If you’re looking for a tool which can help you in setting a grading scale, this test grade calculator is a must. Also known as test score calculator or teacher grader , this tool quickly finds out the grade and percentage on the basis of the number of points and wrong (or correct) answers. Moreover, you can change the default grading scale and set your own one. Ar you still wondering how to calculate test score? Scroll down to find out – or simply experiment with this grading scale calculator.
If this test grade calculator is not the tool you’re exactly looking for, check out our other grading calculators like the high school GPA calculator with many weighting options, as well as the complementary college GPA calculator. Also, you may find the final grade tool useful to check what your final grade will be – or what you can do to improve it.
Besides, if you are considering to take a student loan, check out our student loan calculator where you can make a projection on your expenses and study the effect of different student loan options on your budget.
How to calculate test score.
To calculate the percentile test score, all you need to do is divide the earned points by the total points possible. In other words, you’re simply finding the percentage of good answers:
percentage score = #correct / #total.
percentage score = (#total – #wrong) / #total.
Then, all you need to do is convert the percentage score into a letter grade. The default grading scale looks as in the table below:
If you don’t using the +/- grades, the scale may look like:
An A is 90% to 100% A B is 80% to 89% A C is 70% to 79% A D is 60% to 69% and finally an F is 59% and below – and it’s not a passing grade.
Above you could find the standard grading system for US schools and universities. However, the grading may vary among schools, classes and teachers. Always check beforehand which system is used in your case.
Sometimes the border of passing score is not 60%, but e.g. 50 or 65%. What then? We’ve got you covered – you can change the ranges of grades! Read more about it in the last paragraph of this article: Advanced mode options.
Test grade calculator – how to use it?
Our test score calculator is a straightforward and intuitive tool!
Enter the number of questions/points/problems in the student’s work (test, quiz, exam – anything). Assume you’ve prepared the test with 18 questions.
Type in the number the student got wrong . Instead – if you prefer – you can enter the number of gained points. Let’s say our exemplary student failed to answer three questions.
Here we go! Teacher grader tool is showing the percentage and grade for that score. For our example, the student got a score of 83.33% from a test, which corresponds to B grade.
Underneath you’ll find a full grading scale table . So to check the score for the next students, you can type in the number of questions they’ve got wrong – or just use this neat table.
Test grade calculator – advanced mode options.
That was a basic version of the calculations. But our teacher grader is a much more versatile and flexible tool! You can choose more options to customize this test score calculator. Just hit the Advanced mode button below the tool, and two more options will appear:
Increment by box – here you can change the look of the table which you get as a result. The default value is 1, which means that the student can get an integer number of points. But sometimes it’s possible to get, e.g. half-points – then you can use this box to declare the increment between next scores.
Percentage scale – in that set of boxes, you can change the grading scale from the default one. For example, assume that the test was really difficult and you’d like to change the scale so that getting 50% is already a passing grade (usually it’s 60% or even 65%). Change the last box Grade D- ≥ value from default 60% to 50% to reach the goal. You can also change the other ranges if you want to.
And what if I don’t need +/- grades ? Well, then just ignore the signs 🙂
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п»їCollege Football Picks: Indiana’s big chance; FSU’s big fall.
This Saturday, Indiana will play at Ohio State and Clemson will visit Florida State.
One of these games is a matchup of ranked teams that will go a long way toward deciding a division title. The other carries a 35-point spread.
As three-time national champion Florida State limps toward its worst season in 45 years, No. 9 Indiana will try to pull off the biggest upset of the season against No. 3 Ohio State.
The Hoosiers are in the midst of what could be their best season since 1967, the last time they went to the Rose Bowl. That 1968 New Year’s Day game against No. 1 USC was also the only time Indiana football has ever played in a game matching two top-10 teams.
Meanwhile, Florida State’s fall has turned what for years was the Atlantic Coast Conference’s biggest game into mismatch.
For six straight seasons (2011-16), Clemson and Florida State played with both in the Top 25. Each time, the winner went on to win the Atlantic Division and then the conference championship.
The last three seasons, the Seminoles haven’t stood a chance, losing by an average of 32 points.
The good news for Florida State is that basketball season starts next week and the Seminoles, who finished No. 4 in the tournament-less last season, are No. 21 in the preseason poll.
Indiana hoops is unranked. Strange year.
Tulane (plus 6 1/2) at No. 25 Tulsa.
Golden Hurricane last played as a ranked team in 2008, going 1-2 that season … TULSA 27-23.
Kentucky (plus 31) at No. 1 Alabama.
Wildcats play slow on offense and limit big plays on defense so maybe they can stay within shouting distance for a while … ALABAMA 38-13.
No. 9 Indiana (plus 20 1/2) at No. 3 Ohio State.
Hoosiers have already snapped a 24-game losing streak to Michigan. They have lost 25 in a row to the Buckeyes … OHIO STATE 45-21.
No. 4 Clemson (minus 35) at Florida State.
Trevor Lawrence is back for the Tigers, trying to make up for lost time in the Heisman race … CLEMSON 49-12.
No. 6 Florida (minus 31 1/2) at Vanderbilt.
Seems like a game for Gators QB Kyle Trask to pad his stats, but aren’t they all these days? … FLORIDA 56-21.
No. 7 Cincinnati (minus 6 1/2) at UCF.
Biggest test yet for the Bearcats’ stingy defense; the Knights are averaging 619 yards per game … CINCINNATI 38-35.
North Alabama (plus 47 1/2) at No. 8 BYU.
Bad timing: If the Cougars had this date open, they might have been able to get a game with idle Colorado out of the Pac-12 … BYU 63-10.
No. 10 Wisconsin (minus 7 1/2) at No. 19 Northwestern.
Wildcats tend to give the Badgers fits; Or is it Fitz? … WISCONSIN 24-20.
UCLA (plus 13 1/2) at No. 11 Oregon.
Coach Chip Kelly’s second visit to Eugene to face his old team; first one was a 21-point loss … OREGON 45-24.
Mississippi State (plus 25) at No. 13 Georgia.
There have been hints QB J.T. Daniels is ready to make his Georgia debut … GEORGIA 31-7.
No. 14 Oklahoma State (plus 7) at No. 18 Oklahoma.
They call it Bedlam but the final result tends to be predictable; Sooners have won 15 of 17 … OKLAHOMA 34-29.
Appalachian State (plus 5 1/2) at No. 15 Coastal Carolina.
For first place in the Sun Belt East … APPALACHIAN STATE 28-24.
Kansas State (plus 11) at No. 17 Iowa State.
Cyclones are 5-1 in conference – any conference – for the first time … IOWA STATE 30-17.
No. 20 USC (minus 3) at Utah.
Utes have yet to play this season, but they have won three straight against the Trojans in Salt Lake City … USC 28-21.
No. 21 Liberty (plus 3 1/2) at North Carolina State.
Flames already have more ACC victories (two) than Florida State (one) … LIBERTY 28-24.
Tennessee (plus 11) at No. 23 Auburn.
Vols are guessing and hoping at quarterback right now … AUBURN 27-13.
LSU (minus 2 1/2) at Arkansas – @SurlyGabe.
Razorbacks were a six-touchdown underdog to the Tigers just last year … LSU 35-31.
San Diego State (pick) at Nevada – @GaryWCE.
Mountain West contenders get the SEC’s afternoon slot on CBS after Ole Miss-No. 5 Texas A&M; was postponed … NEVADA 28-24.
Washington State (plus 1 1/2) at Stanford – @jonthecoug.
Cardinal looking to avoid first 0-3 start since they went 1-11 in 2006 … STANFORD 30-27.
Virginia Tech (minus 3) at Pittsburgh – @TK_on_the_Coast.
Panthers ranked No. 1 in FBS in sacks (38) and the Hokies are tied for second (30) … VIRGINIA TECH 28-21.
Last week: 12-4 straight; 8-8 against the spread.
Season: 108-44 straight; 71-79-1 against the spread.
Copyright В© 2021 The Washington Times, LLC.
College Football Picks: Indiana’s big chance; FSU’s big fall.
This Saturday, Indiana will play at Ohio State and Clemson will visit Florida State.
One of these games is a matchup of ranked teams that will go a long way toward deciding a division title. The other carries a 35-point spread.
As three-time national champion Florida State limps toward its worst season in 45 years, No. 9 Indiana will try to pull off the biggest upset of the season against No. 3 Ohio State.
The Hoosiers are in the midst of what could be their best season since 1967, the last time they went to the Rose Bowl. That 1968 New Year’s Day game against No. 1 USC was also the only time Indiana football has ever played in a game matching two top-10 teams.
Meanwhile, Florida State’s fall has turned what for years was the Atlantic Coast Conference’s biggest game into mismatch.
For six straight seasons (2011-16), Clemson and Florida State played with both in the Top 25 . Each time, the winner went on to win the Atlantic Division and then the conference championship.
The last three seasons, the Seminoles haven’t stood a chance, losing by an average of 32 points.
The good news for Florida State is that basketball season starts next week and the Seminoles, who finished No. 4 in the tournament-less last season, are No. 21 in the preseason poll.
Indiana hoops is unranked. Strange year.
Tulane (plus 6 1/2) at No. 25 Tulsa.
Golden Hurricane last played as a ranked team in 2008, going 1-2 that season . TULSA 27-23.
Kentucky (plus 31) at No. 1 Alabama.
Wildcats play slow on offense and limit big plays on defense so maybe they can stay within shouting distance for a while . ALABAMA 38-13.
No. 9 Indiana (plus 20 1/2) at No. 3 Ohio State.
Hoosiers have already snapped a 24-game losing streak to Michigan. They have lost 25 in a row to the Buckeyes . OHIO STATE 45-21.
No. 4 Clemson (minus 35) at Florida State.
Trevor Lawrence is back for the Tigers, trying to make up for lost time in the Heisman race . CLEMSON 49-12.
No. 6 Florida (minus 31 1/2) at Vanderbilt.
Seems like a game for Gators QB Kyle Trask to pad his stats, but aren’t they all these days? . FLORIDA 56-21.
No. 7 Cincinnati (minus 6 1/2) at UCF.
Biggest test yet for the Bearcats’ stingy defense; the Knights are averaging 619 yards per game . CINCINNATI 38-35.
North Alabama (plus 47 1/2) at No. 8 BYU.
Bad timing: If the Cougars had this date open, they might have been able to get a game with idle Colorado out of the Pac-12 . BYU 63-10.
No. 10 Wisconsin (minus 7 1/2) at No. 19 Northwestern.
Wildcats tend to give the Badgers fits; Or is it Fitz? . WISCONSIN 24-20.
UCLA (plus 13 1/2) at No. 11 Oregon.
Coach Chip Kelly’s second visit to Eugene to face his old team; first one was a 21-point loss . OREGON 45-24.
Mississippi State (plus 25) at No. 13 Georgia.
There have been hints QB J.T. Daniels is ready to make his Georgia debut . GEORGIA 31-7.
No. 14 Oklahoma State (plus 7) at No. 18 Oklahoma.
They call it Bedlam but the final result tends to be predictable; Sooners have won 15 of 17 . OKLAHOMA 34-29.
Appalachian State (plus 5 1/2) at No. 15 Coastal Carolina.
For first place in the Sun Belt East . APPALACHIAN STATE 28-24.
Kansas State (plus 11) at No. 17 Iowa State.
Cyclones are 5-1 in conference — any conference — for the first time . IOWA STATE 30-17.
No. 20 USC (minus 3) at Utah.
Utes have yet to play this season, but they have won three straight against the Trojans in Salt Lake City . USC 28-21.
No. 21 Liberty (plus 3 1/2) at North Carolina State.
Flames already have more ACC victories (two) than Florida State (one) . LIBERTY 28-24.
Tennessee (plus 11) at No. 23 Auburn.
Vols are guessing and hoping at quarterback right now . AUBURN 27-13.
LSU (minus 2 1/2) at Arkansas — @SurlyGabe.
Razorbacks were a six-touchdown underdog to the Tigers just last year . LSU 35-31.
San Diego State (pick) at Nevada — @GaryWCE.
Mountain West contenders get the SEC’s afternoon slot on CBS after Ole Miss-No. 5 Texas A&M was postponed . NEVADA 28-24.
Washington State (plus 1 1/2) at Stanford — @jonthecoug.
Cardinal looking to avoid first 0-3 start since they went 1-11 in 2006 . STANFORD 30-27.
Virginia Tech (minus 3) at Pittsburgh — @TK_on_the_Coast.
Panthers ranked No. 1 in FBS in sacks (38) and the Hokies are tied for second (30) . VIRGINIA TECH 28-21.
Last week: 12-4 straight; 8-8 against the spread.
Season: 108-44 straight; 71-79-1 against the spread.
2021 Outback Bowl odds, line: Ole Miss vs. Indiana picks, predictions from model on 56-36 run.
SportsLine’s advanced computer model simulated Indiana vs. Ole Miss on Saturday 10,000 times.
The No. 11 Indiana Hoosiers will try to win their first bowl game in almost 30 years when they square off against the Ole Miss Rebels on Saturday in the 2021 Outback Bowl at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla. The Hoosiers (6-1) have lost five straight bowl games. Their last bowl victory came on Dec. 30, 1991, when they shut out Baylor, 24-0, in the Copper Bowl. On Saturday they’ll meet an Ole Miss program that is 11-2 in its last 13 bowl games and has won 63.9 percent of its bowls, which ranks second nationally among teams with at least 25 appearances.
Kickoff is set for 12:30 p.m. ET. William Hill Sportsbook pegs the Hoosiers as 9.5-point favorites in the latest Indiana vs. Ole Miss odds, up two points from the opening line. While the over-under for total points scored is 67. Before making any Ole Miss vs. Indiana picks, check out the college football predictions and betting advice from the SportsLine Projection Model.
The model simulates every FBS college football game 10,000 times. Over the past four-plus years, the proprietary computer model has generated a stunning profit of over $3,500 for $100 players on its top-rated college football picks against the spread. It enters bowl season a sizzling 56-36 on all top-rated picks, returning over $400. Anyone who has followed it has seen huge returns.
Now, the model has set its sights on Ole Miss vs. Indiana in the Outback Bowl 2021. You can visit SportsLine now to see the picks. Here are the college football odds and betting trends for Indiana vs. Ole Miss:
Why Indiana can cover.
Fryfogle is having one of the best seasons by any receiver in the FBS. The senior receiver from Lucedale, Miss., leads the Big Ten and ranks 10th in the country in yards per reception (20.2). He also ranks third in the conference in receiving touchdowns (seven). For his efforts this season he was named a third team All-American by the Associated Press.
In addition, Indiana faces an Ole Miss team that will be without multiple playmakers on offense. Receiver Elijah Moore, a first team All-American who leads the nation in both receptions per game (10.8) and receiving yards per game (149.1), opted out of the season before the Rebels’ last regular season game. So did tight end Kenny Yeboah, who ranks fifth among tight ends in receiving touchdowns (six) and eighth in receiving yards (524). Ole Miss also may be without running back Jerrion Ealy and receiver Braylon Sanders due to injury.
Why Ole Miss can cover.
Even without those key pieces, Ole Miss has quarterback Matt Corral leading one of the most prolific offenses in the country. The Rebels average 562.4 yards per game, which leads the SEC and ranks third in the nation. A big part of that is their passing offense, which averages 344.8 yards a game, ranking sixth in the FBS.
In addition, receiver Dontario Drummond has emerged as a reliable pass-catching threat. The senior from Laurel, Miss., has caught a touchdown in four straight games. He also has 12 receptions for 195 yards in those four games. In 17 previous games for Ole Miss, he had just 20 catches for 300 yards and zero touchdowns.
How to make Indiana vs. Ole Miss picks.
SportsLine’s model is leaning under the total. In fact, it says both teams will combine for around 60 points. It also has generated an against-the-spread pick that cashes in almost 60 percent of simulations. You can only get the pick at SportsLine.
So who wins Ole Miss vs. Indiana? And which side of the spread hits almost 60 percent of the time? Visit SportsLine right now to see which side of the Indiana vs. Ole Miss spread to back, all from the advanced model on a 56-36 run on its top-rated college football picks this season.
College Football Odds & Picks for Indiana vs. Ohio State: Betting Value on Buckeyes.
James Black/Icon Sportswire via Getty Images. Pictured: Ohio State wide receiver Chris Olave.
We have a top-10 Big Ten matchup on our hands as the Ohio State Buckeyes host the Indiana Hoosiers on Saturday. The Buckeyes’ rise to the top of the conference standings is very unsurprising, but the Hoosiers weren’t expected to be in this position at this point in the season. Check out Collin Wilson’s full betting preview with updated odds below.
Indiana vs. Ohio State Odds.
Indiana Hoosiers.
Based solely on the eye test, the Hoosiers are legitimate Big Ten contenders with an undefeated record straight up and against the spread. However, there is probable cause for further inspection.
Indiana has beaten Michigan State, Rutgers, Michigan and Penn State. If their records against each other aren’t included, Indiana’s opponents have a combined 1-13 record .
Head coach Tom Allen was a former defensive coordinator, and that side of the Indiana equation has been stable. The Hoosiers rank 18th in tackling, per Pro Football Focus grading. The team also reports a top-10 defensive Havoc rating, derived from 27 passes defended and 26 tackles for loss.
Indiana’s opponents are averaging just 2.4 points per trip past the 40-yard line, making Indiana one of the best defenses at limiting scores. Opponents have only driven past the Hoosiers’ 40-yard line nine times this season, with the defense allowing just five touchdowns on those drives in four games.
Ohio State Buckeyes.
The Buckeyes are the top overall team in Offensive Success Rate, with that overall rating breaking down to 17th in the rushing game and seventh in passing attempts.
Yet, anyway you slice it, no one is moving the chains better than Ohio State.
While Justin Fields is completing plenty of explosive plays through the air, an Offensive Rushing Expected Points rank of 75th exposes the breakaway speed of the Ohio State running game.
Running backs Trey Sermon and Master Teague III average no more than 3.1 yards after contact, which tells you Ohio State has been on cruise control without facing a quality run-stop unit. However, at some point this season, a defense that can play one-on-one coverage will give the Buckeyes issues.
Defensively, only the Nebraska ground game has been able to get a punch in on the Buckeyes. The Cornhuskers put up more than 200 yards rushing on the Buckeyes’ front seven, something Rutgers and Penn State were unable to replicate.
Ohio State’s 118th-place rank in defensive Power Success reveals a key deficiency: Any opposing offense that is successful in short-yardage rush attempts will handle the Buckeyes. Opponents have also been able to score when reaching the red zone, as Ohio State ranks 105th in opponent red-zone scoring percentage.
First-Round NFL Draft Picks a Rarity for Indiana, Now 26 Years and Counting.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — The first round of the 2020 NFL Draft takes place on Thursday, and there won’t be any Indiana players drafted in that round, which will continue a dubious streak.
It will now be 26 years since a Hoosier was drafted in the first round. The last one to go that high was former wide receiver Thomas Lewis, who was drafted by the New York Giants with the 24th overall pick in 1994.
If 26 years sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve mentioned that number often during the past year. When Indiana’s football team won eight games in 2019, it was the first time since 1993 that the Hoosiers had reached that total.
That lack on high end, first-round talent coincides with the lack of victories, of course. And with Indiana’s lack on history in football, it’s really clear when looking at first-round picks. Since the NFL-AFL merger in 1970 — a whopping 50 years ago already — Indiana has had only five first-round picks ever.
The list is short — and fairly dubious, to be honest. None of the first-round picks from Indiana ever had an all-star kind of career.
Here are the five first-round picks since the merger.
1994 — Thomas Lewis, WR, New York Giants.
Lewis was taken with the 24th overall pick in 1994, and he played four seasons in the NFL, all with the Giants, but didn’t have much of an impact. He really had only one good year, his third in 1996, when he had 53 receptions for 694 yards and four touchdowns.
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NFL Threatens To Pull Draft Picks From Teams Over COVID Masks.
NFL Threatens To Pull Draft Picks Over COVID Mask Violations.
39 9/30/2020 9:11 AM PT.
The NFL is so pissed off over coaches continuing to flout its COVID mask rules . it’s now threatening to pull draft picks from teams if the violations continue.
It’s all in a new league memo officials sent to the 32 clubs on Wednesday, which spells out the possible heavy punishments.
In the memo, obtained by multiple media outlets, the league says a forfeiture of picks as well as suspensions are on the table if coaches keep pulling down their masks during games.
Of course, the problem was a HUGE issue for teams in the first two weeks of the season . and the league handed down some big fines over it all.
Head coaches like Jon Gruden , Sean Payton , Vic Fangio , Pete Carroll and Kyle Shanahan were all docked $100,000 . while their respective teams were hit with $250k fines as well.
Coaches seemed to clean up their act in Week 3 . with most of the previous offenders abiding by the rules.
But, cameras still caught Arizona Cardinals head man Kliff Kingsbury , Fangio and a few others once again ditching their masks . and it’s clear the league is tired of seeing it.
Bottom line . wear your masks, people — or else.
2 things about the вЂfacemask’ rule you probably don’t know.
Sometimes what might not look like a вЂfacemask’ foul is , in fact, a foul.
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Grasping and turning the face mask like this is a foul at any level of football. Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports.
You’ve seen it 100 times. A player with the ball reaches out and stiff arms a defender right in the facemask. Good move giving him the Heisman!
While that may not be a foul, don’t be surprised if a “facemask” foul is called, because the runner very well may have committed a violation.
At every level of football, what’s bad for the defense is bad for the offense — all it takes is a little twist, and that runner’s run can end very quickly — and with a 15-yard penalty headed backward.
вЂFacemask’ rules cover all helmet openings.
What is little-known is that football’s “facemask” rules in high school, college and the NFL don’t just cover contact to the facemask, but to any opening in the helmet. That could be grasping the ear hole, the back of the helmet or the chin strap. Turning the helmet by grasping any of those openings is an expensive personal foul.
Why? Because it’s super dangerous, and in paving a path to the future for the sport, safety is key.
High school bans virtually all facemask contact.
The National Federation of High School Associations (whose rules book is used in every state but Texas, which applies the NCAA rules book) makes it illegal to “grasp,” “turn” or “pull” the facemask or any helmet opening of an opponent. The penalty is 15 yards. If the contact is “incidental,” it’s a foul that draws a 5-yard penalty.
Just like high school, any college player — runner, linebacker, safety — who manipulates or controls the facemask or helmet opening of an opponent has committed a foul. That’s covered in Rule 9.1.8:
“No player shall grasp and then twist, turn or pull the facemask, chin strap or any helmet opening of an opponent.”
In the NCAA and NFL, twisting and turning is key.
Unlike the high school rules, the NCAA rules book does allow brief or incidental contact to the facemask that does not include twisting or turning. The NCAA rule makes clear that simple grasping is not sufficient to draw a penalty — there has to be more than just fingers to the facemask:
“It is not a foul if the facemask, chin strap or helmet opening is not grasped and then twisted, turned or pulled.”
The NFL’s rule is nearly identical to the NCAA and is covered in rule 12.2.14:
“No player shall grasp and control, twist, turn, push, or pull the facemask of an opponent in any direction.”
Like the NCAA, the NFL adds a clarification to make it clear that brief contact is not illegal:
“Note: If a player grasps an opponent’s facemask, he must immediately release it. If he does not immediately release it and controls his opponent, it is a foul.”
That foul is 15 yards, and if it’s by the defense, it draws an automatic first down.
While the language may be different from level to level, the end result is the same. If a player grasps and twists a player’s helmet via facemask or another opening, it’s a foul that draws a 15-yard penalty.
In only high school football, “incidental” contact to the facemask draws a 5-yard penalty.
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As states and counties lift COVID-19 lockdowns, parents and kids are taking steps back to normal life. Backyard barbecues, outdoor exercise and recreational sports are returning, but with one big change this year: Face masks are still necessary to keep COVID-19 at bay.
« Any type of facial covering and material can be effective as long as it fits well, stays dry, and covers the nose and mouth, » infectious disease expert Mark Cameron told SFGATE.
Of course, wearing the right mask makes a huge difference, especially when exercising. Cameron explained that medical masks, like an N-95, should be avoided for a variety of reasons:
They’re more stifling during physical activity They’ll lose efficacy when inevitably soaked with sweat and moisture during exercise Health care workers and other direct caregivers and patients need them.
Instead, Cameron suggests experimenting « with light fabrics and various styles to find one they can exercise comfortably with, right from bandanas, to neck gaiters, to home-made or commercial ear-loop masks, or those that are purpose built for various forms of exercise. »
Recent research has shown that face coverings may play a large part in preventing future waves of the virus, and with California, Texas and the Carolinas have all seeing COVID cases rise since Memorial Day, precautionary measures aren’t going anywhere.
« It may not be easy, especially with children, but until we can come down from the plateau phase of new case rates in which we are currently stuck in the U.S., masks are going to be part of our daily lives and our children’s lives if we are to succeed, » Cameron said.
Look for masks made of breathable materials for exercise and sports—athletic wear companies have shifted some of their resources toward producing masks made of moisture-wicking materials typically reserved for undergarments and workout clothes, for example. Here are a few different options to play with, based on your face covering preferences.
How to Choose a Football Facemask.
The one thing between your face and your opponent is a thin piece of metal. This vital piece of protective gear is designed to help protect your face from the action you encounter on the football field.
Maybe, at first glance, you’d consider choosing the facemask with the most bars, but the choice is a bit more complex than that.
So, what is it you should look for when buying a facemask? Let’s get to it.
Facemasks are made of three standard materials: Carbon steel, stainless steel and titanium.
The most common option, and most affordable, is carbon steel. Tough and durable, carbon steel is heavier than other material choices.
Although more expensive, stainless steel facemasks offer durable protection with a lighter overall weight.
The top material, worn mainly by the pros, college athletes, and some elite high school teams is titanium. Titanium facemasks combine lightweight construction for speed with superb strength and durability.
No matter which material you choose, the model you need varies based on your position and responsibilities on the field.
The closed caged, (also called a full cage) is a type of facemask does exactly what you’d expect: it maximizes the protection of your face without compromising your field of vision.
Closed cage models typically include numerous horizontal bars along the bottom half of the facemask. This type of facemask is a good option for players in the trenches who desire maximum protection for their eyes, face, mouth and chin from the fingers, arms and elbows of their opponents. Linemen, linebackers and fullbacks traditionally use this type of facemask due to the continued physical nature of their position.
More bars equals more protection and durability, but also lowers visibility and field of vision.
For some positions, added visibility is key to success. An open cage facemask has horizontal bars at nose level and below, but is open around the eye area to maximize the player’s field of vision.
These facemasks are designed for skill players like quarterbacks and wide receivers, who need to be able to see the whole field and the ball at all times. They are also good for kickers and punters, who need enough visibility to aim.
Some models are designed to provide extra protection for skill players who demand open vision and protection. Many open cage models include eye protection in the form of an extra vertical bar in the players’ peripheral view or the jawline to help reinforce oral and eye protection.
Open cage facemasks offer a good balance of vision and protection for players who possess the ball often and are looking for a better level of protection from oncoming hits. But if you need even more protection without sacrificing visibility, there is another option that you can clip to your facemask: a football visor.
Although most leagues do not require football visors, they are increasingly popular with both youth and pro players because of the additional eye protection they can provide. They can also be helpful to filter out glare and could even make it more difficult for opponents to read your eyes during the play.
A lightweight material like polycarbonate, with an anti-fog layer, helps your vision remain unimpeded. So, if you’re looking to unlock advanced benefits, find a visor that has a tint like sunglasses, since that can help shroud your eyes and cut down severely on disruptive sunlight. Always check with your league regarding guidelines or limitations on what players are permitted to wear before picking up a tinted visor.
Generally speaking, most brands create facemasks specifically designed to fit on their specific helmets and come in youth or adult sizes.
Whether you’re going head to head with your team’s biggest competitor or scrimmaging during football camp, having the right facemask can make a big difference in protecting you on the gridiron.
Before the season starts, make sure you know what to look for when buying other vital football protective gear — like a football helmet and chin strap — so that you’re ready to take the field.
NFL threatens suspensions, forfeiture of draft picks for mask-wearing violations.
SportsPulse: Week 3 had so much action we provide a jumbo sized version of overreactions this week. Mackenzie Salmon reacts to all the biggest storylines from a wild Sunday in the NFL. USA TODAY.
The NFL sent a memo to all 32 teams indicating that further violations of the league’s game-day protocols for wearing masks could result in discipline that includes suspensions or forfeitures of draft picks.
Sent Wednesday from NFL executive vice president of football operations Troy Vincent and addressed to team executives, general managers, head coaches, athletic trainers and public relations directors, the memo warns that « this lack of compliance creates unnecessary risk to game day participants. »
During the 2020 season, as the league focuses on playing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the NFL and the NFL Players Association have mutually agreed upon a list of game-day protocols to help prevent the spread of the virus. Some of those measures include mandatory mask or face coverings to be worn by coaches and non-player personnel on sidelines.
« We will continue to address lack of compliance with accountability measures that may also include suspensions of persons involved, and/or the forfeiture of a draft choice(s), » reads the memo, which was obtained by USA TODAY Sports.
Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll reacts on the sidelines during the second half of an NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys, Sunday, Sept. 27, 2020, in Seattle. (Photo: Elaine Thompson, AP)
Last week, USA TODAY Sports confirmed that five head coaches – Pete Carroll of the Seahawks, Kyle Shanahan of the 49ers, Vic Fangio of the Broncos, Sean Payton of the Saints and Jon Gruden of the Raiders – were each fined $100,000 for failing to proper maintain their faces covered during their Week 3 games. Each of the franchises was also docked $250,000 as part of the discipline.
« I had a coach who was reminding me about it throughout the game, (running backs coach) Chad Morton was on my ass the whole night, » Carroll said after Seattle’s Week 3 game against the Patriots. « He was reminding me the whole time. I even changed masks at halftime to find one that worked better. Sometimes you’ve got to get coached up. Sometimes you have to admit that that you screwed up and have got to do better. »
Vincent sent a memo to the 32 clubs on Sept. 14 and another from the NFL Football Operations/NFL Management Council on September 25, asking that teams and personnel observe the game-day protocols.
In Wednesday’s memo, Vincent said the league « saw significant progress » in Week 3’s games but noted that « wearing of protective equipment is still not universal. »
Vincent also noted that inconsistent use of face coverings « threatens to undermine fan confidence » in the healthy and safety protocols outlined by the league before the 2020 season.
« If we are to play a full and uninterrupted season, we all must remain committed to our efforts to mitigate the risk of transmission of the virus, » the memo read. « Inconsistent adherence to health and safety protocols, such as wearing face coverings and observing physical distancing requirements will put the 2020 season at risk. »
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EPA is Expected Points Added, ATS is Against The Spread, YPPL is yards per play, YPPP is yards per pass play.
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2016-20 NFL Best Bets are 281-193-2 (59.3%) – 159-88-2 (64%) on Sides!
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Dr Bob Sports NFL Season.
Note : There will be no play on the side or the total of the Super Bowl. There will be some prop bets, which are 22-5 the last few years, and a detailed analysis of the game’s matchups with the model’s predicted side and total prediction.
2016-20 NFL Best Bets are 281-193-2 (59.3%) – 159-88-2 (64%) on Sides!
2020 Best Bets are 59-27 (69%)!
2016-20 NFL Strong Opinions are 178-143-8 (55.5%)
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2016-20 NFL Best Bets are 281-193-2 (59.3%) – 159-88-2 (64%) on Sides!
2016-20 NFL Strong Opinions are 178-143-8 (55.5%)
Championship Round Week and 2020 Season Results.
The Strong Opinion on Kansas City was a winner, as was the Strong Opinion player prop on Allen Lazard over receiving 48.5 yards (62 yards). The other player prop on Chris Jones over 0.5 Sacks lost.
The results since 2016, when I started using play-by-play data and advanced metrics, has been good on both Best Bets and Opinions.
2016-20 NFL Best Bets are 281-193-2 (59.4%) – 159-88-2 on Sides , 96-83 on totals, 6-3 1st-half totals, 8-11 team totals, 11-7 teasers, 1-1 season win totals.
2016-20 NFL Strong Opinions are 178-143-8 (55.5%) – 78-81-7 sides, 67-50-1 totals, 1-1 1st-half sides, 4-1 1st-half totals, 4-4 Team Totals, 2-1 teasers, 22-5 Post-season prop bets.
Closing Line Value.
If you are among those that purchase plays by the week you’d be much better off subscribing to a 4-week or season package, as we are getting a lot of line value releasing Best Bets to subscribers early in the week.
The Best Bets beat the closing line 76% of the time last season and 79% of the time this season .
Bobs football picks.
Bob Stoll founded Dr. Bob Sports in 1987 while studying statistics at UC Berkeley. In those 32 years Dr. Bob has been one of the most profitable and respected handicappers in the nation. Bob uses advanced math models with adjustments for current personnel/injuries that have proven to give him an edge over the Vegas line. Dr. Bob’s picks have an influence on the betting markets and his long term results are rivaled by very few public handicappers.
NFL Best Bets 222-166-2 (57.2%), including 132-78-2 (63%) on sides, in 4 seasons using an advanced NFL play-by-play model.
NBA Guru.
NBA Guru has two decades of handicapping experience in which he has utilized a background in math, finance, economics, and psychology to find value in the sports betting market.
Sports Betting as an Investment.
Most people think that sports betting is about finding вЂsure things,’ but in reality such вЂlocks’ are nothing more than gamblers’ fancy. Read More.
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College Football.
Dr. Bob.
Packages Available.
Daily/Weekly Recap.
College Bowls and 2020 Season Recap.
It is unfortunately fitting that the final Best Bet of the College Football season was a 1/2 point loss on a game that looked like a winner the entire way – and should have been a winner. It took 31 4th quarter points to push the North Carolina-Texas A&M game over 67.5 points. The game shouldn’t have even been close to going over, as the teams combined for just 782 total yards even with explosive touchdown plays of 76 yards and 75 yards. Neither team could consistently move the ball (just 5.1 yards per play combined without those two big plays included) and the 782 yards on 125 plays projects just 55.3 total points. That was a very good bet and will be recorded as my second undeserved Best Bet loss of the season. The other undeserved loss was Auburn -2.5 vs S. Carolina when Auburn outgained the Gamecocks by 179 yards but were an uncharacteristic -2 in turnovers (only 6 offensive turnovers combined in their other 10 regular season games and 3 vs South Carolina). I also had a Best Bet loss on the East Carolina-Tulsa Under that was featured as one of Scott Van Pelt’s 3 worst beats of the year (in all sports). That was a brutally unfair ending that caused us to lose that game (3 officials mistakes) but I counted that one as a toss-up game that lost due to the stats projected score being pretty close to the total.
For the season my College Best Bets are 28-28-3 for -4.9 Stars (0-1 on 3-Stars, 8-7 on 2-Stars, 20-20-3 on 1-Stars with -0.15 of juice) and my Strong Opinions are 25-19-2 for the season .
The Best Bets were just 2-5-3 on toss-up games (instead of 50%) and with 2 undeserved losses against zero lucky wins this season (my first college season without a lucky win). The Best Bets were just 28-28-3 but winning those two games I certainly deserved to win and going 3-4-3 on toss-up games instead of 2-5-3, would have resulted in a decent 31-25-3 record (55.3%), which is right at my all-time win percentage in college football. The Strong Opinions were 25-19-2 (57%), so overall my level of handicapping in 2020 was pretty solid, especially considering the amount of late-breaking news due to the Covid pandemic. I’ve has seasons when the luck has been on my side too and this season I’ve won more close games than I’ve lost in the NFL, which has been incredibly good, so no complaints about this football season overall (81-53-3 on all Football Best Bets), although I suppose the few of you that haven’t been on the NFL have some complaints.
Free Analysis.
My Week 16 Free Analysis sides were 9-8 ATS and 2-3 on differences form the line of 4 points or more. The totals were 10-7 (1-3 on differences or 6 points or more, which are historically profitable). For the season, the Free Analysis sides are just 149-166-1 (38-44 on differences of 4 points or more) while totals are 166-161-5 (19-19 on differences from the line of 6 points or more, 45-34 on differences of 5 or more).
This will likely be the first season in which the Free Analysis sides with differences from the line of 4 points or more have not been profitable and the first season in which all Free Analysis sides will have a losing record. However, the Best Bets and Strong Opinions are a decent 51-41-2 (55.4%) and going forward the free plays should be profitable given the long term record.
The record on all Free Analysis sides is now 2064-1856-73 ATS since 2013 , which is very good picking nearly every game over 8 years. The Free Analysis sides in which my predicted margin was 4 points or more away from the line are a profitable 688-587-27 . Totals on the Free pages are now 1807-1757-31 in the 7 seasons I’ve been tracking them.
The spreads posted are the consensus lines at the time I posted each analysis .
Challenge Detroit News columnist Bob Wojnowski in Wojo’s Picks contest.
Challenge Detroit News columnist Bob Wojnowski in the Wojo Picks contest. (Photo: Detroit News)
Do you think you know college football better than Wojo?
Detroit News columnist Bob Wojnowski will pick the winners of the top college football games every week.
One contest participant each week who has the best record will be featured on the « Winners » tab on the contest web page and will automatically receive the prize listed for that week. The winner also will make picks for the following week’s games in The Detroit News.
All players are eligible to win the grand prize at the end of the season: a $500 VISA gift card.
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From conference champions to biggest storylines to dark horse teams, Sportsnet’s panel makes their picks for the NFL Playoffs.
NFL playoff predictions: Picks for NFC, AFC champions and more – Sportsnet.ca.
Sportsnet СЃ Sports Interaction .
It’s the game everyone’s been waiting. Can the Chiefs go back-to-back or will Tom Brady add another Super Bowl to his Hall of Fame resume? рџ‘Ђ
Let’s go Inside The Lines with Sports Interaction to look at the odds for Super Bowl 55.
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Against The Spread: NFL Divisional Round picks.
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Against The Spread: Week 10 NFL picks.
Donnovan Bennett and Geoff Lowe return for Week 10 featuring plenty of tough matchups, capped by what is definitely the best Monday night game of the year: Seattle Seahawks at the San Francisco 49ers.
Which teams should you pick this week? The guys break down every Week 10 matchup and offer their selections for your survivor pool.
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Under the Wire: Week 17 NFL sleeper and waiver wire picks.
Seattle Seahawks running back Travis Homer (25) runs from Minnesota Vikings safety Marcus Epps, left, during the second half of an NFL preseason football game, Sunday, Aug. 18, 2019, in Minneapolis. (Jim Mone/AP)
Every Tuesday, Sportsnet fantasy analyst Andy McNamara will highlight the best sleeper and waiver wire picks of the week. And if you’re looking for more fantasy football advice, message him on Twitter using #AskAndy.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays fantasy football owners! This is the final week of the NFL regular season, which for most people means celebrating a fantasy league championship or plotting revenge for next season. For those of you in non-traditional formats, looking to win money in DFS contests, or planning for 2020 here is some fantasy advice as you prepare for Week 17.
Below are a few early Christmas presents from me in the form of sleepers and value plays.
“Beast Mode” returning, and what to do about the Seahawks running backs?
Seattle’s backfield was decimated during Sunday’s loss to the Arizona Cardinals as both Chris Carson and third-string turned backup C.J. Prosise went down with season-ending injuries. Enter the last man standing, rookie Travis Homer as well as the possible return of a former teammate.
RB: Travis Homer, Seahawks Owned in 0 per cent of Yahoo! Leagues.
Homer will no doubt become the most added player off of waivers heading into Week 17 and slotted into many Draft Kings lineups. Little is known about the five-foot-10, 202-pound sixth-round pick except that he should be in for a substantial workload in an undesirable Sunday night battle against the 49ers.
Another interesting wrinkle to this situation is that Seattle is bringing back semi-retired former running back Marshawn Lynch on Monday. If “Beast Mode” makes a triumphant return, in what capacity will it be? And how would that affect Homer’s touches? The bowling ball C.J. Anderson has also been linked to the club, and we know how effective he was late last year with the Rams.
My advice would be to scoop up Homer and keep an eye on any Seattle signings.
Baltimore Ravens running back Gus Edwards (35) is upend by Buffalo Bills cornerback Kevin Johnson (29) during the second half of an NFL football game. (Adrian Kraus/AP)
Double Purple.
RB: Gus Edwards, Ravens Owned in 10 per cent of Yahoo! Leagues Draft Kings salary of $4,800.
RB: Justice Hill, Ravens Owned in 4 per cent of Yahoo! Leagues Draft Kings salary of $4,600.
Baltimore’s Mark Ingram has officially been ruled out for Sunday’s finale against Pittsburgh. Lamar Jackson will also take a seat (don’t start Robert Griffin III).
It’s an intriguing situation as far as how the carries will be split between Edwards and Hill. “Gus the Bus” is a less dynamic version of Ingram, but a similar style, so I would lean towards starting him. The good news is that surely the Ravens won’t want backup RG3 throwing the ball that much, meaning there could be enough rock for both running backs.
Facing the Steelers’ fourth-best fantasy RB defence is not ideal under any circumstances, making this game one I would avoid if possible.
Pittsburgh Steelers running back James Conner (30) rushes against the Cleveland Browns during the first half of an NFL football game. (David Richard/AP)
Other running back situations to avoid.
Steelers: Another Sunday and another James Conner injury. The fragile rusher will likely miss the club’s 16th game and that unleashes an uninspiring Pittsburgh backfield by committee.
Benny Snell’s looked flat and is sharing opportunities with Kerrith Whyte and Jaylen Samuels. Stay clear of all three if you can. Need to roster one — fine. Samuels for PPR, Snell for any other format, and don’t get cute thinking about Whyte.
Dolphins: Woof. The Patrick Laird love fest is officially over. Bury it, release the man, not even worthy in PPR. The Miami Dolphins’ backfield claims another soul. Just 2.80-fantasy points versus the Bengals, and this off of a single-digit fantasy point effort the week prior. Now the nasty New England defense is up to polish off 2019.
Thinking of Myles Gaskin? Don’t. Head coach Brian Flores stated that Gaskin’s ankle injury will probably sideline him. Fade on all Dolphins.
WR: Greg Ward Jr., Eagles Owned in 9 per cent of Yahoo! Leagues Draft Kings salary of $4,700.
Ward makes a second straight stop in “Under the Wire”. His ownership rose only seven per cent and his Draft Kings salary increased just $500 from a week ago.
The best ability is availability and Ward is the poster-boy for that statement. Zach Ertz, Dallas Goedert, and J.J. Arcegia-Whiteside are all banged up with Nelson Agholor questionable as well. The five-foot-11 Eagles receiver is pretty much Carson Wentz’s only viable non-running back offensive choice.
The rookie’s going into the weekend off back-to-back double-digit fantasy point outings and 23-combined targets over his last three games. Ward is a smart, available, and affordable WR 3 play for Week 17.
Tennessee Titans tight end Jonnu Smith (81) celebrates his 61-yard touchdown catch against the Houston Texans. (Eric Christian Smith/AP)
TE: Jonnu Smith, Titans Owned in 15 per cent of Yahoo! Leagues Draft Kings salary of $4,200.
Just like Ward, I’m going back to the well on tight end Jonnu Smith. Since I advised readers to snatch him up in last Tuesday’s column and his ownership’s only increased by two per cent and by $400 in Draft Kings salary.
People… go… grab… Jonnu… Smith! Especially after a third consecutive week of 11 or more fantasy points, averaging 14.63 during that stretch with two touchdowns. The Ocala, Fla., native’s chemistry with quarterback Ryan Tannehill is the real deal and I’d argue there is no better safe high floor tight end floating around on your waiver wire.
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п»їWhy Our Correct Score Tips?
Correct Score is a bet type that highlights the exact score of the outcome of a given match in soccer. Most bookmakers present it in many forms with the most being fixed to first half or full time. It usually one of he most crucial bet to predict but our Experts got you covered.
Top Tips Today.
Table below shows top most correct score tips and predictions for today.
Time League Match Pick 01:15 Uruguay 01:15 Uruguay – Primera Division, Clausura, Round 4 Montevideo City Torque vs Defensor Sporting Correct Score HT(1-0) 03:00 Brazil 03:00 Brazil – Brasileiro Serie A, Round 34 Athletico Paranaense vs Internacional Correct Score HT(0-0) 04:00 Colombia 04:00 Colombia – Primera A, Apertura, Round 4 Independiente Medellin vs Millonarios FC Correct Score HT(0-0) 06:00 Mexico 06:00 Mexico – Liga MX, Clausura, Round 5 Queretaro vs Pachuca Correct Score HT(0-0) 16:50 Bahrain 16:50 Bahrain – Premier League, Round 9 Al-Budaiya vs Al Riffa Correct Score HT(0-2) 19:00 Turkey 19:00 Turkey – TFF 1. Lig, Round 20 Samsunspor vs Bandirmaspor Correct Score HT(1-0) 19:00 Cyprus 19:00 Cyprus – 1st Division, Round 23 Nea Salamina Famagusta vs Olympiakos Nicosia Correct Score FT(2-1) 21:00 Switzerland 21:00 Switzerland – Challenge League, Round 19 SC Kriens vs FC Aarau Correct Score HT(0-1) 22:00 France 22:00 France – Ligue 2, Round 24 Rodez AF vs Clermont Foot 63 Correct Score HT(0-1) 23:00 Chile 23:00 Chile – Primera Division, Round 32 Deportes La Serena vs Universidad Catolica Correct Score HT(0-0)
Its is usually abbreviated as « CS » and its annotation is as follows; CS HT(0-0), CS FT(2-1), CS HT(1-0), CS FT(1-1) etc. Most bookmakers have a huge number of odds placed on this bet type, hence our free tips helps your to increase your chances of winning on this bet.
Tomorrow’s Tips.
All correct score prediction of the matches scheduled to play tomorrow.
The correct score matches will be updated soon. Otherwise subscribe to our Expert tips or Premium tips.
Best market for correct score tips include Egypt soccer competition, Greece Super League, Turkish Super Lig just to name a few. This is not always guaranteed due to ever changing nature of events. Use our exact score tips to boost your chances of winning.
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Correct Score Tips for Today.
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Correct Score 5th Feb 2021.
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BTTS and Win Tips.
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Correct Score Betting Tips.
Correct Score bets are some of the most popular football bets to place, and yet they are also some of the hardest to get right. As a result, the odds – and potential rewards – when you do can mean a decent pay-out in your favour.
What is a Correct Score Bet?
A Correct Score bet, unsurprisingly, is a single bet on the final score of a game. As mentioned, it is one of the hardest bets to get right, but as a result you will get good odds on each selection.
Usually, the odds are shorter for lower scoring games – 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1 – and they increase gradually as you bet on more goals being scored.
Why bet on Correct Score?
While they are the hardest to get right, and you can often be waiting for some time for a payout, thanks to the increased odds available for a correct score bet the payouts are often well worth waiting for.
Providing you bet sensibly, you only need a handful of correct scores to payout each season to finish the year in profit and, as we will cover below, there are plenty of ways to improve your odds of getting a correct score bet right.
Correct Score Tips: Bet types and how to improve your potential returns.
It is difficult to correctly predict the exact score of a football match, but there are many ways you can improve your chances of placing a successful bet. Study the form, look for games where less goals are likely to be scored and look at leagues where match outcomes tend to be easier to predict. Let’s take a closer look…
What to look out for when betting on Correct Score.
One of the first things you do when betting on the correct score of a football match is avoid picking games where you think plenty of goals will be scored.
Of course, the bigger scorelines will return greater odds and more potential profit, but thereРІР‚в„ўs a reason for that – itРІР‚в„ўs less likely to be successful. Even if you think a match will be a one-sided affair, with one team dominating, there are so many different variations of how that scoreline – even if you predicted the outcome (i.e. a big win for one team) correctly – could look. Anything, really, above a 3-0 win would be considered a big victory. Will the team step off the gas after building such a lead? Will the opposing team snatch a consolation? The number of scorelines that would be considered РІР‚Вhigh-scoringРІР‚в„ў are vast, whereas if you correctly pick a low-scoring game, there are only really four outcomes to look out for.
Low-scoring matches.
Study the form book, and if you have found two teams playing each other who tend not to score – or concede – many goals, you have a good starting point for a successful correct score bet.
For starters, a game with few goals will finish one of four ways – 0-0, 1-0, 0-1, 1-1. If you are correct in predicting the low-scoring game, there is a one-in-four chance, effectively, that you will then have picked the correct scoreline too.
The odds are lower for those scorelines, but given 1,782 matches finished 1-0 to either side in the first 25 years of the Premier League – no other outcome occurred more than 1500 times – you can see there are going to be more payouts. For the record, in that period, 1,140 finished 1-1 and 828 were goalless draws.
However, we would advise normally looking away from the Premier League (see below) due to the more unpredictable nature of the league compared to some of EuropeРІР‚в„ўs other top divisions.
Correctly identifying a low-scoring match also offers the chance of a consolation should you bet through Bet365 too – weРІР‚в„ўve detailed how to take advantage of their « Bore Draw Money Back » offer below.
But where should you be looking for these low-scoring matches?
Regimented leagues.
The Premier League is often viewed as being the best league in the world, by commentators prone to hyperbole, thanks to its unpredictable nature. High-scoring games are common and, as many managers like to point out РІР‚Вanyone can beat anyoneРІР‚в„ў. Of course, that bit is true for every league, but in the Premier League it seems to ring true more often.
Instead, you need to find leagues where low-scoring games are common – the German Bundesliga, for example. With teams known typically for their organised defences and regimented formations, just less than 25 per cent of all matches played before the winter break in the 2017/18 finished either 1-0 to the home team or 1-1.
Both teams to score; over 2.5 goals in match.
Another popular type of football bet is a combined BTTS/over 2.5 goals in match bet, and when predicting the correct score a 2-1 win is another result worth betting on.
Indeed, in the first 25 years of the Premier League as we quoted above, the second most common scoreline was 2-1 – occurring 1,455 times.
If you choose the BTTS/more than 2.5 goals in match bet, you will likely get slightly lower odds than if you specifically back a team to win 2-1 – and yet it is a relatively common scoreline.
In La Liga, 14 per cent of matches in the 2017/18 season – at the time of writing – finished 2-1 to either the home or away team, while in the Scottish Premiership that total goes up to more than 18 per cent; on average, that means one team every weekend in the Scottish Premiership will win a game 2-1. And yet you can still get odds of around 8/1-9/1 of the favourites winning 2-1 in a typical Scottish Premiership match market.
Picking a 2-1 scoreline can also keep your bet alive for longer than if you back a 1-0. No matter who scores first, your bet still has a chance of winning. ItРІР‚в„ўs no use if it ultimately fails, but nobody wants to be reaching half-time or even earlier on match day having already had to tear up their betting slip.
Pick a score, and stick with it.
Once you have identified the potential low-scoring games, it is best to stick with a scoreline when placing correct score bets.
Sure, the chance of every game you bet on finishing with that scoreline is extremely low, but some are likely too at least meaning you will get at least some payouts if you pick your games well. Constantly change your predicted score around and, in actual fact, you are reducing the probability of your correct score bet coming off.
How can you take advantage of Bet365РІР‚в„ўs Bore Draw Money Back Offer?
We have already mentioned the bonus of a consolation if you pick a low-scoring game through Bet365.
Bet365 offer money back on any Correct Score, Half-Time/Full-Time or Scorecast bets if the match in question finishes 0-0. So if you have correctly identified a low-scoring game, that ends up finishing goalless, you will get your money back at least – even if your 1-0 Correct Score bet is therefore not successful.
Correct Score Prediction & Correct Score Tips For Today & Tomorrow.
As an expert correct score prediction site we recommend various prediction and tips for both today and tomorrow.
вљЅ Football рџЋѕ Tennis рџЋ® eSports.
Correct Score for today.
Australia – A-League Correct Score.
вњ”пёЏ Expires in 24 hrs вњ”пёЏ 39 Voucher used вњ”пёЏ 22Bet – рџ’Ћ Best Bookmaker вњ”пёЏ Sports, eSports, Casino.
Austria – OFB Cup Correct Score.
Brazil – Serie A Correct Score.
вњ”пёЏ Expires in 24 hrs вњ”пёЏ 40 Voucher used вњ”пёЏ 1xBet – рџ’Ћ Best Bookmaker вњ”пёЏ Sports, eSports, Casino.
Czech Republic – 1. Liga Correct Score.
England – Championship Correct Score.
England – League One Correct Score.
France – National Correct Score.
Germany – 2. Bundesliga Correct Score.
Germany – 3. Liga Correct Score.
Germany – Bundesliga Correct Score.
Italy – Serie A Correct Score.
Netherlands – Eredivisie Correct Score.
Poland – Ekstraklasa Correct Score.
Spain – LaLiga Correct Score.
вњ”пёЏ Expires in 24 hrs вњ”пёЏ 40 Voucher used вњ”пёЏ 1xBet – рџ’Ћ Best Bookmaker вњ”пёЏ Sports, eSports, Casino.
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What are Correct Score Predictions?
correct score predictions bets are played dry. The player indicates the exact number of goals that both teams will score in the course of ninety regular minutes. Certainly a very dangerous game in the eyes of an expert. The professional player knows correct score tips are a great asset if well placed. We basically have two different approaches.
The first approach is mathematical, through the use of mathematical rules and formulas to create game systems that bring the player to the cashier. We can also call it the most nerdy approach. That point of view that only a fan tends to exploit.
The second approach is a little less mathematical but certainly no less methodical. You make predictions based on your knowledge of the teams that will take the field. It is an approach that relies heavily on factor c, which is luck. In the first case, however, what the player tries to do is eliminate luck as much as possible to try to be certain on the correct score.
Correct Score Tips & Predictions (05.02.2021)
Here, you can find the best football correct score tips and predictions around. You can never be 100% sure of the outcome when you put in a score prediction. However, by using some fundamental tips, you put yourself in a position to decipher the most likely outcomes.
We update the soccer score predictions daily. This means you have access to the most up to date free correct score predictions for today. We make sure you are ready before the game starts, putting you in an onside winning position.
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Daily Correct Score Football Prediction.
With football matches taking place every day, you can find the most up to date score predictions for leagues around the world right here.
There are a few main points you may want to keep in mind before placing your footy score predictions. By looking at all the aspects of a game, you are in the best position to predict the upcoming match scores correctly.
You want to pay attention to:
The teams’ current form Which players are in the squad Previous results between the two clubs Club politics.
We have taken all these points into account to give you the correct score tips today. Unlike other correct score prediction sites, we only consider cold hard facts. Unless rumours are proven right, they should not influence your score prediction.
The Best Correct Score Betting Tips Explained.
Let’s look at why these tips will help you decide on the most likely footy score prediction.
By taking the teams’ current form into account, you pick up on a trend. This trend allows you to predict the next outcome rather accurately. You should also consider the average amount of goals scored in previous matches. That way, you can bet on a correct score double too.
The players in the squad determine the outcome of the match. Knowing if key players are missing due to cards or injuries can help you determine if the team in question is likely to win or even score at all.
All outcomes of previous matches played against a team shed a lot of light on upcoming meets. Some clubs have quite a record against others. Often, an unbeaten record between two clubs gives you insight into the players’ mindsets. Knowing you’re going up against a team you’ve never beaten is a bit of a mental hurdle.
Football rumours are rife. Player transfers, managers sacked for not achieving results, and even player drama, which we have all heard. The validity to some, if not most rumours, takes time to surface. That’s why you should never base an outcome on a story until it is proven right.
Using these free correct score predictions for today will help you tomorrow. There are plenty of soccer correct score tips out there. Adding them to your arsenal will only make betting on the correct score easier.
2021 Football Result Predictions.
So far, the 2020 Premier League season has offered a lot of upsets as well as a few predictable outcomes. One of the most significant predictions has seen one of the top four teams soar to the top of the leaderboard and run away with the title. There’s even talk of the points record for the season being broken.
Some upsets we’ve seen so far include some of the big clubs, who are spending most of their time lower down in the table. Much lower than punters thought. As expected, the fear of coach sacking and relegation is causing concern within some squads. But, there is still time to inch back up the table and achieve a decent position before the end of the season.
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Fantasy Football: Top 5 differential picks ahead of GW20.
A huge DGW19 saw many differential players shine last week. The likes of James Maddison, John Stones and Michail Antonio all proved to be solid picks who scored highly.
However, looking ahead in GW20, we are back to a normal week with 10 Premier League matches. Favourable fixtures lie ahead for several sides as we look at five differential options for you and your fantasy teams.
With Tuesday’s deadline fast approaching, these cheap picks with low ownership will help you stand out in your mini-leagues.
Bernardo Silva – Manchester City (ВЈ7.4m)
Man City are arguably the most in-form team right now and have a great fixture against West Brom coming up. West Brom have the worst defensive record in the Premier League and face a rampant City side who have scored 10 goals in their last four league games.
With Kevin De Bruyne now out with a hamstring injury for the next 4-6 weeks, City’s midfield will need to step up if they want to keep their run of form going. Silva has started their last six league games and grabbed his first goal of the season against Aston Villa last week.
Owned by only 0.9% of players, he is a great differential option instead of opting for Ilkay Gundogan (ВЈ5.5m) or Phil Foden (ВЈ6.3m), who are already owned by many.
Silva is undoubtedly a player who is looking to get back to his best. After a quiet campaign so far, this could be the time to put faith in Silva to fill the void that De Bruyne has left.
Bukayo Saka – Arsenal (ВЈ5.3m)
Arsenal’s resurgence in the league continues away at Southampton, as they look to get revenge following a 1-0 loss to the Saints in the FA Cup on Saturday. Despite their poor performance, the Gunners are still unbeaten in their last six league games and a large part of it is down to Bukayo Saka.
The 19-year-old has been in great form this season and is of incredible value at ВЈ5.3m. He has scored three goals and produced two assists in his last five games – including one against Newcastle United last weekend.
Despite being owned by 10.3% of owners, Saka remains at the heart of Arsenal’s attack. He was rested in their FA Cup game before being forced to come on as an impact sub for the last half-an-hour.
Arsenal have needed more attacking flair this year and Saka has been the one to bring it for them. He is definitely a good, cheap option for GW20.
Vladimir Coufal – West Ham United (4.7m)
West Ham right-back Vladimir Coufal has been in impressive form since he signed for the club at the start of the season. The Czech international has been an integral part of West Ham’s excellent campaign, which has put them 7th in the league table.
They are now unbeaten in their last seven games in all competitions, keeping five clean sheets during that spell. They will face a struggling Crystal Palace side that have only won one game in their last nine in all competitions.
Coufal, who is owned by 7.4% of FPL managers, has also produced four assists this season including one last week against West Brom.
While West Ham’s alternative full-back option, Aaron Cresswell, is owned by 18.7% of managers, Coufal is a great differential option as they look to earn another clean sheet on the road.
Edinson Cavani – Manchester United (ВЈ7.8m)
Man United striker Edinson Cavani has been a top signing for Solskjaer so far this season. He has only started four league games but has already scored four goals and produced two assists.
Cavani, who is owned by only 3.6% of FPL managers, put in a solid display and scored against Fulham in their 2-1 win last week.
Now that he has found his feet in the Premier League, Cavani could start more games and may be chosen from the off against Sheffield United. The Blades own one of the worst defensive records in the league, conceding 32 goals already.
United, on the other hand, are still at the top of the table and will look to continue their good run of form with an attacking display against a side that has only won once all season.
Bertrand Traore – Aston Villa (ВЈ5.9m)
After a tough 2-0 loss to Man City, Aston Villa put in a commanding performance to beat Newcastle by the same scoreline last weekend. Bertrand Traore was one of their top performers in that match, grabbing a goal himself.
Traore is beginning to find his feet in this Villa team after arriving from Lyon for ВЈ17m in the summer. He has now scored four goals in his last six games and is one of the first names on the team sheet.
Only owned by a surprising 0.6% of FPL managers, Traore is a great differential option. Where 36.6% of managers have opted for his teammate Jack Grealish, Traore can still give you valuable attacking returns.
Villa will travel to an in-form Burnley side who became the first side to beat Liverpool at Anfield in the league since April 2017 last week. However, Villa have been a good side this season and Traore will be important to their hopes of climbing further up the table.
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Sure Correct Score Prediction
п»їNFL Divisional Playoffs NFC Picks: Rams-Packers вЂIs Really Strength Versus Strength,’ Says SportsLine’s Kenny White.
(CBSLA) — The NFL moves on to the Divisional round of the playoffs. The NFC features one somewhat unlikely matchup and another everyone saw coming. The Los Angeles Rams managed to get by the Seattle Seahawks, despite seeing their inexperienced quarterback and best defensive player go down. Their reward is a trip to Green Bay, where the top-seeded Packers, fresh off a bye, await them. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers overwhelmed the Washington Football Team, and the New Orleans Saints subdued the Chicago Bears to set up the second divisional matchup.
Kenny White, SportsLineвЂs the Wizard of Odds, looks at matchups for the NFC Divisional round.
All times listed are Eastern.
Los Angeles Rams @ Green Bay Packers, Saturday, January 16, 4:35 p.m. (FOX)
The Rams boast one of the league’s best defenses, and maybe its best defensive player. The unit gave up 281.9 yards and 18.5 points per game during the regular season, both tops in the NFL. Those averages basically held up in the Wild Card round. Russell Wilson was limited to 174 yards passing, and the Seahawks’ ground game managed just 136 yards. Defensive tackle Aaron Donald sacked Wilson twice before leaving in the third quarter with torn rib cartilage.
Wilson, who usually shines in the spotlight, didn’t really have a chance against the Rams defense. Aaron Rodgers will be an even tougher challenge for the Rams. Rodgers finished the season playing as well as any quarterback in the NFL. He tossed four touchdown passes in Week 17 en route to the Packers’ 35-16 rout of the Bears. His 48 TD passes and 121.5 rating both led the league.
Rodgers also delivers against the spread. According to White, “we always talk about the quarterback being the most important player on the field, and Aaron Rodgers is one of the best. In Aaron Rodgers’ career, in all of the games he’s played in, he’s covered the point spread 59 percent of the time. If you bet $100 on every game that Aaron Rodgers has played. You’re up $2,700.”
And that’s not even the whole story. “And let’s make it a little bit stronger,” White continues. “When he’s playing at home, he’s covered 64 percent of the time… amazing. Aaron Rodgers doesn’t lose. He’s 61-35 ATS in his home games.”
If any defense can contain Rodgers, it’s the Rams. Donald is currently listed as day-to-day, though he’s expected to play. Should he be unable to go, the matchup tilts more in favor of the Packers. Donald remains the linchpin of this unit.
“This is really strength versus strength,” says White. “Right now the Green Bay Packers, number one offense in the NFL, according to adjusted defensive and offensive ratings to their opponent. And the Rams number one defensive team. I think the game comes down to which unit operates better, whether it’s the Packers offense, or it’s the Rams defense. That’s going to make the difference in this football game.”
Tampa Bay Buccaneers @ New Orleans Saints, , Sunday, January 17, 6:40 p.m. (FOX)
As divisional foes, the Bucs and Saints have already met twice this season. The Saints won their Week 1 matchup, 34-23, as Tom Brady was picked off twice. New Orleans dominated Tampa Bay, 38-3, in Week 9, intercepting Brady three more times. For reference, Brady had 12 interceptions total in the regular season. Do the Saints just have the Bucs’ number this season, or will the third time be a charm?
“In the first trend with Aaron Rodgers being at home, the home crowd is not going to be the same as it was in all those games,” says White. “And the same thing here for the team that won the first two games. This has happened 21 times since 1970, that teams will play for the third time that one team has won the first two games. Out of those 21 times that team that won the first two, 14 times they won game three. Only seven times they lose. A 67 percent chance to win. But remember, there’s no home crowd, and this is Tom Brady getting points.”
It’s hard to bet against Brady in the playoffs, given his track record. Even at 43 years old, he put up 289.6 yards passing per game and tossed 40 TDs on the season. He’s hardly showing his age in the Bucs passing attack. Brees, however, had a much more subdued season. He averaged 245.2 yards per game and managed 24 TD passes. The longtime Saints starter also missed a month recovering from 11 broken ribs and only returned to action a few weeks ago.
At 41 years old, Brees is also nearing the end of his career. And some suggest that end might be closer than we think. According to White, “what I’m hearing, though, from the media is there’s so much talk about it that maybe this is it. Maybe Drew has kind of hinted that this is his last year, and he’ll be in the booth next year, being the next Tony Romo, talking about the game as plays happen. So I’m going to make it a favorite that he’s going to retire after this season, everything that I’m hearing.”
But the Saints have at least one more game to play this season. Alvin Kamara, Latavius Murray and Michael Thomas all returned last week, giving Brees his full complement of weapons. One advantage they won’t have is a sold-out Super Dome crowd. Only about 3,000 fans were allowed inside for the Wild Card game against the Bears. How much of a home-field advantage does that really mean?
“This is only the one out of the four games that is going to be played indoors,” White points out. “And indoor playoff games are 29-13 to the over. That’s 69 percent of the time indoor playoff games go over. And then let’s look at Drew Brees playing at the Mercedes Benz Superdome. His games are 71-52, 58 percent over. And the two coaches going head to head, Sean Payton and Bruce Arians, they’ve coached seven times against each other. Five of those seven games have gone over. I think it’s going to be a fun game to watch. I’m going to bet it over.”
Pete Prisco.
Pete Prisco’s Super Bowl 2021 pick: Patrick Mahomes, Tom Brady make big plays in Chiefs-Bucs shootout.
Prisco says the Chiefs and Bucs will stay true to their aggressive natures in high-scoring game; here’s who’ll prevail.
2021 Super Bowl: Ranking every single starter for Chiefs and Buccaneers in Super Bowl LV.
The Chiefs have more top-end talent, but the Bucs are deeper.
Pete Prisco’s picks for NFC, AFC title games: Aaron Rodgers sends Tom Brady home, Bills-Chiefs a thriller.
Prisco reveals his picks for the conference championship games, including a one-point game in Kansas City.
Pete Prisco’s NFL picks for divisional round: Saints sweep Brady’s Bucs, Bills edge Ravens in thriller.
Prisco reveals his divisional round picks, including the Chiefs sending the Browns home.
Pete Prisco’s NFL picks for wild-card round: Lamar Jackson nabs first playoff win, Steelers send Browns home.
Prisco reveals his wild-card round picks, including a two-point game in Seattle.
NFL Power Rankings: Browns, Rams make biggest leaps from Week 1 to end of season, top 10 was eerily spot on.
Eight of Pete Prisco’s original top 10 teams are in the playoffs; his preseason Super Bowl picks are still his top two.
Pete Prisco’s Week 17 NFL picks: Cowboys make playoffs with Eagles win, Packers earn top seed, Jets upset Pats.
Prisco reveals his picks for Week 17, including the Eagles upsetting Washington to send the Cowboys to the playoffs.
NFL Week 17 Power Rankings: Chiefs, Packers same top two as opening week, Dolphins soar to No. 9, Colts sink.
Pete Prisco’s preseason Super Bowl picks are still his top two, while a Week 17 full of meaningful games awaits.
Pete Prisco’s Week 16 NFL picks: Rams rebound to upset Seahawks, Steelers and Saints get back on track.
Prisco reveals his picks for Week 16, including the Packers pounding the Titans to lock up the top seed.
NFL Week 16 Power Rankings: Seahawks up to No. 4, Rams fall five spots, Jaguars sink to bottom and have hope.
Pete Prisco says Jacksonville won by seeing the Jets jump above them, while his top three stayed steady.
Pete Prisco’s Week 15 NFL picks: Giants, Cowboys, Washington all deliver upset wins in tight NFC East race.
Prisco reveals his picks for Week 15, including why the Bears and Patriots will contribute to an upset-heavy slate.
NFL Week 15 Power Rankings: Steelers keep sinking as Packers and Bills rise into top three, Ravens rebound.
Pete Prisco says Mike Tomlin will get Pittsburgh’s ship righted, while the Bears and Washington soar up the rankings.
Pete Prisco’s Week 14 NFL picks: Giants win again, Bears finally end slide, Steelers lose again.
Prisco reveals his picks for Week 14, including why the Steelers will lose a second straight after starting 11-0.
NFL Week 14 Power Rankings: Chiefs replace Steelers at the top, Browns up to No. 6, Titans take biggest fall.
Pete Prisco wonders if anybody is all that good, while a pair of NFC East teams rise the most.
Pete Prisco’s NFL Week 13 picks: Titans over Browns, Falcons upset Saints, Rams rebound vs. Cardinals.
Prisco reveals his picks for Week 13, including why the Ravens will win on short rest against well-rested Cowboys.
Pete Prisco has covered the NFL for three decades, including working as a beat reporter in Jacksonville for the Jaguars. When he’s not watching game tape, you can find Pete on Twitter or dreaming of an Arizona State national title in football.
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Here’s a list of football contests at Las Vegas sportsbooks.
Circa Sports sportsbook already is scaling the heights of the city’s high-end handicapping contests with its Circa Sports Million Pro Football Contest.
Circa the end of 2020, the Circa resort is on pace to open in downtown Las Vegas with a sportsbook featuring a video screen three stories tall.
Circa Sports sportsbook already is scaling the heights of the city’s high-end football handicapping contests.
As of Saturday morning, 1,194 entries had paid $1,000 each to enter the Circa Sports Million Pro Football Contest at the Golden Gate and D Las Vegas.
The format is the same as the prestigious $1,500-entry Westgate SuperContest, with entrants selecting five NFL games against the spread each week.
Circa’s contest guarantees a $1.5 million prize pool, $1 million to the winner and $50,000 quarterly prizes.
“The exciting part is if it’s over 1,500 (entries), all that money goes into the quarters and it could add up fast,” Circa Sports sportsbook director Matthew Metcalf said. “If we got up to 1,700 entries, that would be another $50,000 each quarter. If we keep that format over time, it could potentially be huge.
“There seems to be room in the market for another contest. People are embracing it.”
Despite Circa’s new contest, the SuperContest is closing in on a record number of entries for the ninth consecutive year and will crown its third consecutive $1 million-plus winner.
Eric Kahane of Irvine, California, went 59-25-1 ATS (70.2 percent) last season to win the $1.4 million first-place prize and top a field of 3,123 entries. As of Saturday, the 2019 SuperContest was up to 2,665 entries.
“I think we’re going to break our record from last year,” Westgate sportsbook director John Murray said. “But we certainly did lose some business to Circa.”
The Westgate and Circa are each accepting contest selections via mobile app this season.
A high-end option for college football bettors is the Golden Nugget’s $1,000-entry Ultimate Football Challenge. The contest drew 308 entries in its inaugural season last year and, as of Friday, had 250 entries. Entrants select seven NFL and/or college football sides ATS during the 17-week NFL season. Rich Velez of San Francisco went 81-36-2 ATS (69.2 percent) to win last year’s contest.
“If you’re a college football player and don’t want to mess with the pros, this is the contest to be in,” Golden Nugget sportsbook director Tony Miller said. “The fact that we mix and match college and pro and put every college game available on the card, a lot of guys that bet college football, especially sharp guys, really like that.”
Here is a rundown of the major handicapping contests offered by Las Vegas sportsbooks, with entry fees ranging from free to $5,000 for the SuperContest Gold.
Complete rules available at all sportsbooks:
Contest: Pick the Pros.
Entry fee: Free; Must have B Connected card.
Details: Select NFL games with no point spreads; $30,000 in weekly prizes, with total prize pool of more than $500,000.
Properties: Aliante Hotel, California Hotel, Fremont, Gold Coast, Main Street Station, Sam’s Town, Suncoast, The Orleans.
Contest: Circa Sports Million Pro Football Contest.
Entry fee: $1,000; limit three per person.
Details: Select five NFL games ATS each week; $1.5 million guaranteed prize pool. The contest will pay out 100 percent of the entry fees. The top 10 places will be paid, with $1 million to the winner and $50,000 quarterly prizes.
Properties: Golden Gate, D Las Vegas.
Contest: Ultimate Football Challenge.
Entry fee: $1,000; limit three per person.
Details: Select seven college and/or NFL sides ATS during the 17-week NFL season. The contest will pay out 97 percent of the entry fees to the top 20 finishers, with 40 percent to first place, 20 percent to second and 10 percent to third.
Contest: Pro Football Kickoff Weekend Jackpot Parlay Card.
Entry fee: $5; no limit on number of cards played.
Details: Select NFL games with no point spreads on Sunday and Monday in Week 1; contestant with the most correct selections wins the jackpot, with $25,000 guaranteed.
Properties: CasaBlanca Resort, Rampart Casino at the Resort at Summerlin, South Point, Virgin River.
Contest: Last Man Standing (Pro)
Entry fee: $25; limit four with fifth free.
Details: Select one NFL game ATS each week, one loss means elimination; winner takes prize pool with $150,000 minimum guaranteed. There is a $750,000 early bird bonus if a contestant wins the Last Man Standing pro and college contests (must register by Monday to qualify).
Contest: Last Man Standing (College)
Entry fee: $25; limit four with fifth free.
Details: Select one college game against the spread each week, one loss means elimination; winner takes prize pool with $100,000 minimum guaranteed.
Properties: All Station Casinos, Fiestas and Wildfire locations, El Cortez and Palms.
Contest: Pro Football $1 Million Pick & Play.
Entry fee: Free; Must have Boarding Pass or Club Cortez card.
Details: Select NFL games with no point spreads; 2,500 winners each week share $50,000 in free slot play, 10,000 end of season winners share $200,000 in free slot play.
Contest: SuperContest.
Entry fee: $1,500; limit two per person.
Details: Select five NFL games against the spread each week; prize money consists of all entry fees less $120 administrative fee per entry, and the top 100 finishers are paid, with the winner to earn more than $1 million.
Contest: SuperContest Gold.
Entry fee: $5,000; limit one per person.
Details: Select five NFL games against the spread each week; winner take all.
Contest: College Pick’em.
Entry fee: $500; limit four per person.
Details: Select seven college games ATS each week off menu of 25 games; $75,000 guaranteed prize pool and top 10 finishers are paid. There is a $25,000 bonus if winner of 10-week contest selects 49 winners or more.
Contest: Pro Pick’em.
Entry fee: $25; limit 15 per person; purchase four and get one free entry.
Details: Select Sunday and Monday NFL games with no point spreads; $300,000 guaranteed prize pool; $10,000 weekly cash prize awarded to entry with the most winners; $20,000 grand prize for season. Also, there is a $100,000 cash bonus for winning 200 or more games out of 256.
Properties: On the William Hill sports betting kiosk or at all full-service William Hill sportsbooks in Nevada, including Downtown Grand, Ellis Island, Four Queens, Hooters Hotel, M Resort, Plaza, Silver Sevens, SLS Las Vegas, Stratosphere and Tuscany.
Stations casino football picks.
Want to win today? This page is a one-stop-shop for all serious and recreational sports bettors. Here we combine betting odds from Las Vegas sportsbooks for all major sports with valuable stats, betting trends, profitable angles and our best bets for today.
Have you ever wondered what side the public is betting and what side the sharps are on? With our betting trends, we’ll show you pivotal betting data aggregated from some of the most popular Las Vegas sportsbooks. The data includes betting percentages for each side of the point spread (or run-line/puck-line), moneyline, and total (also known as the Over/Under known. Find out how to read lines, visit our FAQ page, or if you’re interested in mobile wagering, visit our online sports betting section to find out where you can get the best available bonuses, promotions and free money.
This information will help you discover why a line is moving a particular direction as you determine whether you want to log in to online sports betting sites to lock in your bet now or wait for more line movement. Once you’re ready to bet on today’s games, head to our NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NCAAF or NCAAB odds comparison pages to find which legal US sportsbook has the best odds for your particular bet(s).
If you find multiple betting trends or profitable angles you like, maybe you can put our parlay calculator to use.
Important Sports Betting Terms.
Side: The side is the Point Spread (a bet “against the spread”) or in baseball, the Run-Line, and in hockey, the Puck-Line. Money: This is the “Moneyline” bet where sportsbooks adjust the price of the wager instead of using a point spread to handicap a sports matchup. Moneylines are more popular for MLB and NHL betting. Total: The total is also known as the Over/Under, where the wager is based on the combined score for both teams, overtime and extra innings included.
Top Wagers.
Rk Team Type 1 Chiefs NFL Point Spread 2 Buccaneers NFL Point Spread 3 Chiefs NFL Money Line 4 Buccaneers NFL Money Line 5 Chiefs NFL Over 6 Lakers NBA Money Line 7 Nuggets NBA Point Spread 8 Mavericks NBA Money Line 9 Gonzaga NCAAB Money Line 10 Iowa NCAAB Point Spread.
Privacy Policy Cookie Policy The activities offered by advertising links to other sites, may be deemed an illegal activity in certain jurisdictions and are void when prohibited. The viewer is specifically warned that they should make their own inquiry into the legality of participating in any of these games and/or activities. The owner of the web sites assumes no responsibility for the actions by and makes no representation or endorsement of any of these games and/or activities if they are illegal in the jurisdiction of the reader or client of this site. Scores and Odds 2021 Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
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Join Station Casinos Sports Book Directors Chuck Esposito and Jason McCormick weekly, as they discuss the world of sports and sports betting.
In addition to news, trends, and analysis, Chuck and Jason give listeners a unique perspective from behind the sportsbook and talk about what they’re seeing from their side of the counter in Las Vegas. You can subscribe to Book Ends on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Wagers accepted within the state of Nevada only.
New Sign-Up Offer applies to new mobile sports app enrollment only. 10% bonus will be awarded onto your STN Sports account once the total initial deposit amount has been wagered. Maximum deposit $5,000. Guest has 30-day earning period. Visit any Station Casino sports book or Wildfire Gaming sports book for details.
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A 2019 Guide to Football Season, Drink Specials, $1 Million Last Man Standing, How to Bet, and More.
In 2019, Station Casinos is your home for all things football. Here’s all the info you need to know about massive football season contests, new STN Sports App offers, drink specials, football viewing, and much more.
You could win your share of $50,000 in free slot play per week. Sign up at any kiosk starting August 19, 2019 and play all season long.
Play for free and win every week 21 convenient locations (parking is free!) You must have a Boarding Pass or Jackie’s Club Card to enter. Simply pick the winners of every game each week – NO point spreads! Easy, right? 2,500 winners each week plus 10,000 end of season winners.
$1 Million Parlay Card Specials.
Parlay your way to $1 Million!
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STN Sports Betting App Up to $50 New Sign-up Bonus This Football Season.
Right now if you sign up for the STN Sports App at any Station Casinos Sports Book, you can earn up to $50 with our new sign up bonus.
The bonus is 20% applied to the initial deposit. So to earn the $50, you must deposit $250. The minimum initial deposit is $50.
Bets can only be made in the state of Nevada.
$1 Beer at Station Casinos and More Drink Specials for 2019 Football.
EDIT 12/31/19: These specials come to a close with the end of 2019. For playoff specials through February 3, 2020, visit: Station Casinos Offers $1 Beer for Football Playoffs.
$1 Million Last Man Standing Contest (DEADLINE PASSED)
(Sorry, the deadline has passed for this contest)
Two contests. One million dollars. Last Man Standing returns in 2019 bigger and better than ever. Here are the details:
Last Man Standing Pro Contest.
Minimum guaranteed: $150,000 Winner takes all Entry Fee: $25 Bonus: Buy 4 entries and get your 5th free. Sign up by 9 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, 2019 at any Station Casinos Sports Book.
Last Man Standing College Contest.
Minimum guaranteed: $100,000 Winner takes all Entry Fee: $25 Bonus: Buy 4 entries and get your 5th free. Sign up by 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, 2019 at any Station Casinos Sports Book.
Don’t Miss Out: LMS Early Bird Winner’s Bonus.
To qualify for the early bird winner’s bonus potentially worth $750,000, you must sign up by September 2, 2019.
If you sign up by September 2 and you individually win both the Pro and College Last Man Standing Football Contest, you receive the additional $750,000.
100% of all entries are returned as prize money.
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п»їThe Sports Brief with Besse and Keefe.
A sports blog for the American working man, because that’s who I am, and that’s who I care about.
Sunday, October 11, 2009.
Jimmy the Greek’s Week 5 NFL picks.
Last week was a little rough for the Greek. But those will happen. What’s important is having a nice bounceback week, and that’s what will happen in Week 5. There seem to be a lot of cupcake games for some of the elite teams like the Giants, Vikings, Eagles, Steelers and Colts, but there are a lot of points flying around for the underdogs, as well. It’s an interesting week of spreads, but the Greek has them all figured out for you.
Panthers (-3.5) over Redskins D’Angelo Williams is going to run wild today. You can count on it. The Redskins are awful and won’t do a thing on offense. Expect this to be somewhat of a surprising blowout/breakout/turnaround game for the Panthers while Jim Zorn lines himself up to be the first head coach on the chopping block in 2009.
Cowboys (-8.5) over Chiefs A nice rebound for Romo and the ‘boys. The Chiefs are terrible, there’s no other way around it. They can’t run, and they only score garbage points at the end of games. I’m sure they will again today, but Dallas will have too big of a lead to forfeit the spread.
Steelers (-10.5) over Lions I don’t know if Stafford is playing or not, but even if he is, he won’t be 100%. Which is scary considering he’s still a ways from being good. Mendenhall is going to feast like he did last week.
Vikings (-10.5) over Rams I want to pick the Rams here as a classic letdown game for Favre and the Vikings after last week’s Monday night thriller. But I can’t. The game is in a dome, and I think their offense, especially Adrian Peterson, will just light up the scoreboard.
Giants (-15.5) over Raiders I’d pick the Giants even if David Carr was the quarterback. You can’t make this spread big enough.
Pats (-3.5) over Broncos I think we’ll all be surprised with how easily the Pats win this game. I don’t know why, it’s just a feeling I have. One thing I do know is that the postgame handshake between Belicheck and McDaniels will be more of a hug. For once, Bill still likes one of his former proteges.
Colts (-4.5) over Titans Peyton Manning will continue his dominance in the air and boost his argument for a 4th MVP.
Jets (-1.5) over Dolphins I have nothing to say about this game. Perhaps one of the more boring MNF games in a while. Thank god Braylon Edwards got traded to NY. It’s the only good storyline they have.
Last week: 5-9 Overall: 35-27 Note: I won’t be able to have Tarrific Tara’s picks in time for the 1pm games. But she doesn’t watch them anyway, so I’ll post them later. – Greek.
The Sports Brief with Besse and Keefe.
A sports blog for the American working man, because that’s who I am, and that’s who I care about.
Sunday, September 13, 2009.
Jimmy the Greek’s Week 1 NFL picks.
Falcons (-3.5) over Dolphins The Falcons add Tony Gonzalez to what was already a solid offensive lineup, and Matty Heisman returns at the helm. This team should put up a lot of points against a Dolphins squad that overachieved last year but won’t do the same in ’09. Falcons win comfortably at home.
Colts (-6.5) over Jaguars I don’t like the Jaguars offense other than Maurice Jones-Drew. He’ll get his numbers and have a solid fantasy day, but look for Peyton Manning and the Colts O to silence all the critics in Week 1. A lot of people have them finishing out of the playoffs at 8-8, but I think they’re delusional.
Vikings (-2.5) over Browns I hate this pick probably because I hate Brett Favre. What a loser. But let’s face it, AP is filthy good and Brady Quinn just found out he’s starting the other day. Mangini is a dink and the Browns will lose because of it (and the fact that the Vikings are better).
Cowboys (-3.5) over Buccaneers Who the hell is the quarterback for the Buccaneers? I honestly have no idea. And who is their running back? In fact, who the hell is on the freakin’ team?
Ravens (-9.5) over Chiefs Matt Cassel isn’t starting and the Chiefs had the 30th ranked run defense last year. Hello, Ray Rice. It’ll be a feast for the Ravens on offense as Joe Flacco simply hands the ball off and starts off 1-0 in 2009.
Bengals (-3.5) over Broncos We don’t know if Brandon Marshall is playing and Kyle Orton sucks. Plus, Chad OchoCinco is in for a MONSTER year. Remember where you heard it first!
Saints (-11.5) over Lions This could be over after the first quarter.
Giants (-6.5) over Redskins Albert Haynesworth against arguably the best offensive line in football makes for a lot of fun. This will be a competitive game, but the Giants simply have too good a defense to let the Redskins score enough to stay in it come the 4th quarter. Manning and Jacobs will help them eventually pull away as the big, physical RB wears down the вЂSkins D.
Cardinals (-6.5) over 49ers Cardinals have too many weapons on offense, even with Anquan Boldin out, for the 49ers to make this a competitive game on the road. Josh Morgan isn’t ready to carry the load for the receiving corp and the 49ers need Michael Crabtree to sign and report. In a ye ar or so, however, that will be a potent offense if they can find a quarterback for the future (apologies to Alex Smith).
Patriots (-10.5) over Bills As long as Brady doesn’t get hurt in the first 8 minutes, this won’t even be close. The Patriots will pick up where they left off in 2007 as a record setting offense. Call me crazy, but I think they have a good enough offense to have us wondering about 16-0 again in a few weeks.
Chargers (-8.5) over Raiders Oakland still sucks.
Jimmy the Greek Sports Oddsmaker.
One of the founding fathers of sports handicapping is Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder. As a teenager growing up in Ohio, Jimmy made close connections with the bookmakers around his town where he grew his affinity for the sports betting and handicapping world. In 1956, he moved to Las Vegas to pursue his passion full-time and become one of the most successful sports pickers in the history of sports handicapping.
He gained national acclaim by being featured on various NFL shows on networks such as CBS, to feature his weekly sports picks. While already well established amongst gambling circles throughout Las Vegas and beyond, Jimmy the Greek began to build his name even larger on the national scale through his new TV appearances. While sports betting was still illegal at the time and considered somewhat taboo, instead of giving outright picks on his TV segments, Jimmy the Greek would simply give out his final score predictions for games, which was a way for TV networks to circumvent the illegal sports handicapping aspect of his segment.
Jimmy the Greek is still considered to be one of the most famous and successful sports handicappers and pickers of all time. His legacy has only grown over the decades, and he’s even been featured in an ESPN 30 for 30 production about his life as a sports picker. Jimmy died in 1996 due to a heart attack, but the impression and influence he left on the sports betting world will never be forgotten.
After Jimmy the Greek’s passing, many are looking for someone to step up and take the thrown as the world’s best sports handicapper, and we have one of the best candidates in the world for that title on our own team. Jon Price is our founder and lead sports picker for the last 20 years in the industry, and he’s made his name as being the absolute best sports picker in the modern era. Considered a living legend of modern day sports handicapping, Jon Price has been the main feature of multiple Forbes Magazine articles, as well as features in the Huffington Post, Gambling911, and Yahoo Sports, just to name a few. Jon Price has also made his own headlines with multiple multi million dollar wagers over the years that he’s placed on high profile games like the Super Bowl. Mr. Price is no stranger to success and his clients are his biggest fans. Go ahead and google Jon Price and read what others have said about him. He’s arguabaly the greatest current sports picker in the country in terms of the four major American sports, as he’s not showing any signs of slowing down.
Jommy the greek football picks.
Sports betting, sports handicapping, gambling information, betting odds, daily notes, exclusive sportsbook bonuses, sports handicapping articles, by the top online sports betting expert Joe Duffy. It’s the same JD of the ACC you’ve known for years, the NFL pointspread VegasAdvisor.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009.
Jimmy the Greek Special Opposite Ohio-Buffalo Football Spread.
Today in the Daily Sports Roundup: The Wizards travel to Miami to meet the Heat, the Mavericks host the Rockets, and the Penguins get ready for the Bruins. The NFL power rankings week 10 are out to compare to the NFL point spread.
Jimmy The Greek…
ESPN will do a profile of handicapping pioneer Jimmy « the Greek » Snyder on their « 30 on 30 » show. Grandmaster sports handicapper Joe Duffy widely accepted as the top sports handicapper since Jimmy the Greek has praised Snyder for making sports betting mainstream.
Colliding on the gridiron . . .
Week 11 of the college football season gets underway on Tuesday night with a Mid-American matchup between Ohio and Buffalo in western New York . The Bobcats (6-3 SU, 4-4 ATS) are coming off a 20-17 road win over Ball State in their last contest, with Theo Scott going 17-of-27 for 161 yards passing on the day. The Bulls (3-6 SU, 3-5 ATS) fell 30-29 to Bowling Green in their last contest. Zach Maynard completed 13-of-27 pass attempts for 149 yards in that matchup.
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I’ve had 11 of 13 winning days after the Steelers. Now a perfect 6-0 over the past three days on the gridiron for 600,000* of profit. I am the hottest man alive, bar none. 75,000* Tuesday it’s an EZ Money Lock on Ohio-Buffalo and a 50,000* lock on Oklahoma City-Sacramento. Click now to purchase.
Tipping off on the hardwood . . . The NBA has six games on the schedule for Tuesday, including Washington at Miami . The Wizards dropped to 2-5 on the season on Sunday, falling 102-90 at home to the Suns. Gilbert Arenas had 20 points in that defeat for Washington , while Brendan Haywood picked up 10 points and 10 boards. The Heat sit at 5-1 on the year after getting past Denver 96-88 at home on Friday night. Dwyane Wade had a team-high 22 points in that win, and Jermaine O’Neal had 18 points.
Rounding out the action on the hardwood for Tuesday: Orlando at Charlotte , Denver at Chicago , Portland at Memphis , Oklahoma City at Sacramento , and Houston at Dallas . The Rockets are 4-2 on the season after getting past the Thunder 105-94 at home on Friday night. Trevor Ariza and Carl Landry each had 24 points in that win. The Mavs , also 4-2, knocked off the Raptors 129-101 at home Saturday. Dirk Nowitzki poured in 29 points and had nine boards that day.
Taking a trip around the rink . . .
Finally, the NHL offers up a half-dozen games on Tuesday, including Pittsburgh at Boston . The 12-5-0 Penguins were blanked 5-0 in San Jose in their last game on Saturday night, with goaltender Marc-Andre Fleury giving up three goals on 14 shots before getting yanked. The 7-7-2 Bruins doubled up Buffalo 4-2 at home last time out, with Tuukka Rask making 28 saves in the victory. Mark Recchi , Zdeno Chara , Byron Bitz , and Marco Sturm had the Boston markers on Saturday.
Also on the ice on Tuesday: Calgary at Montreal , Edmonton at Ottawa , Vancouver at St. Louis , Nashville at San Jose , and Minnesota at Toronto . The 6-10-0 Wild held on for a 3-2 win over the Stars on Saturday, with Cal Clutterbuck , Mikko Koivu , and Marek Zidlicky all scoring. The 3-7-5 Leafs won their second straight game last time out, blasting Detroit 5-1. Phil Kessel picked up his first marker as a Maple Leaf in that contest, while Jonas Gustavsson made 35 saves.
Jommy the greek football picks.
Watch this important Video.
MikeWarrenSports VIP iWin System:
MIKE WARREN’s iWIN System averages better than 80% Winners. Get READY to start iWINNING! FULL Online access to your own personal MEMBER AREA. EASY and FUN to track and View all WINNERS throughout the FOOTBALL season. Minimum of 2-3 Sports Picks every Saturday and Sunday. Throughout the 2015 College and Pro Football Seasons.
Now, Mike Warren is back, stronger than ever, because of the most powerful handicapping breakthrough of the last 50 years…
THE “IWIN MACHINE” Your Own Personal ATM To Withdraw Cash Any Football Game Day!
“Once upon a time, in the world of sports betting, it was Mike Warren FIRST and the rest “nowheres.”
****Could move lines 5-6-7 points OR MORE with one word—LOCK!
In 1979, Mike Warren’s Lock of the Year was South Carolina over Wake Forest. The line opened at Wake (-3)! Within two hours of releasing Game Cocks as the play, South Carolina had moved to -5, an 8 point swing. They won by 21, 35-14.
**Beat Bob Martin’s Post Season Line 8 Straight Years!
When “Legends” collide then myths are created. And Mike Warren’s heads up battles with the renowned linemaker Bob Martin, of the Union Plaza, were indeed epic. In 8 years of Bowls and Playoffs, Mike Warren beat Martin’s best lines 77% of the time.
**Jimmy “the Greek” wanted Mike Warren’s opinion.
Jimmy “the Greek” Snyder had a reputation all his own for picking winners, but on the TV Show “Beat The Pros” and in his own plays, Jimmy always sought out Mike’s opinion before he finalized his picks. People still talk about Jimmy “The Greek” and those who knew “The Greek” know the one handicapper he respected above all was Mike Warren.
Top football minds worked closely with Mike Warren in his career. Coach Buddy Ryan, the most astute defensive mind in the game and father of Bills head coach Rex Ryan and defensive coordinator Rob Ryan, co-hosted a football analysis show for years with Mike. Johnny Unitas and Mike worked closely on Johnny’s handicapping magazine and selection services.
**Moved MORE MONEY in Las Vegas than any handicapper in history and won MORE MONEY for clients than any public handicapper ever.
In 1983, Mike Warren’s Formula for Winning was captured in one of the first handheld computers, THE MIKE WARREN FOOTBALL ANALYZER, an algorithm that combined hard data with Mike’s “gut instincts” for winning. It was the MOST SUCCESSFUL robot device in the history of sports betting….
…But, it was too successful! As Mike Warren notes, “The analyzer gave the true strength of the teams playing each other and predicted a final score. It was so accurate that beating the spread was easier than taking an Oreo from a 2-year-old, but the linesmakers wised up and began to adjust the spreads when вЂAnalyzer Money’ hit. I had to take it off the market because who got down late after the lines changed either had вЂno play’ or had lost their edge.”
After a nearly 40 year winning run, the “Wizard of Winning” retired. He’s been just picking games for himself and friends the last few years. But even then, his reputation was so strong and no one from the generation of handicappers could equal his record so he was sought out by many anywhere he went, from the movies to the grocery store to a restaurant or inside a sports book.
He couldn’t stay retired, it seems. Everyone wanted Mike Warren’s picks on college and NFL football. His national contact list at training camps and stadiums around the country was still intact, his data base was updated by math wizards and, of course, he never lost his own innate sense of making “the right choice” between 2 teams.
A few years ago, a team of Computer Science “genius” students from a major university broke the code for crushing the tables in Las Vegas at blackjack, poker and baccarat. They turned the “House’s advantage” into a liability. Using sound mathematical models they knew when to bet “strong,” when to back off and when to pass. Over the course of a year, they took MILLIONS each from casinos in Las Vegas and helped to put out the lights in more than one Atlantic City venue.
This вЂcartel’ for all the cash then turned to betting professional football and working on a system to beat the spread. They focused on such esoteric mathematical theories as “advanced regression equations and advanced analytic hypotheses using modern technology often reserved for NASA projects. Gradually they developed their own proprietary algorithms to beat the spread.
But, their system lacked something—a soul, a “gut instinct for winning. Yes, it had the raw data and a way to analyze it, but unlike cards or dice, which have no peaks and valleys, football is played by human beings and they were stymied by the often erratic play that was either way above or way below a team’s usual performance.
In their research, the students had studied some of the great handicappers and when they spotted Mike Warren in a Las Vegas sports book they jumped at the opportunity to talk to the man who created the “Theory of Peaks and Valleys,” which states that when a team play with extra emotion and over its collective head that there is a strong likelihood of a letdown and fall off in efficiency the next week.
Comparing their notes, Mike Warren’s knowledge and the Football Analyzer equations, this new “partnership” created the IWIN SYSTEM.
**Predicts a Final Score That Can Be Compared To the Spread **Rates a Chance of Winning from 70% to over 92% **Provides Money Management Principles Based on %
Starting with the National Football League, the IWIN SYSTEM was 36-7 in 2012, 84%. In 2013, that number dipped slightly to 41-11 during the regular season, 78.8%. The 2 year average was better than 80%.
And, 2013’s testing of College Football was nearly as good, 93-37 or 71.5%, which is pure profit. The difference between college and pro stems from the uneven competitiveness of many teams and the fall off in talent between the 1st string and substitutes when injuries occur.
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The Seven Best Fantasy Football Value Picks of 2019.
True “sleepers” don’t really exist anymore, but there are still plenty of chances to get an edge over the rest of your league. Let Julian Edelman, Mark Ingram, and others lead you to fantasy success.
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Getty Images/Ringer illustration.
With the overflowing abundance of fantasy football analysis now available at our fingertips, it’s become harder and harder to find true “sleepers” to target in your fantasy draft. With draft cheat sheets, expert rankings, and most importantly, consensus average draft position (ADP) lists all just a mouse click away, your predraft research into unheralded fantasy breakout candidates is likely seeing diminishing returns; fantasy football is so mainstream now that even guys like Keke Coutee and Geronimo Allison are approaching household-name status.
Getty Images/Ringer illustration.
The Ringer ’s 2019 Fantasy Football Rankings.
Our fantasy experts have ranked and analyzed the top 150 players in 2019. Print out our handy cheat sheet, and may it bring you success and glory in your fantasy league.
Instead, the best way to get an edge is to mine for value on draft day. Once the first couple rounds are in the books, the challenge becomes identifying players who are poised to significantly outperform their ADP. With that in mind, here are a few players in line to outplay their average draft spot in 2019.
WR Julian Edelman, Patriots.
At 33, Edelman is on the downslope of his career, but that doesn’t mean he’s being drafted appropriately. The veteran pass catcher is currently coming off the board as the WR15 in PPR leagues with an ADP of 39th overall—the result, perhaps, of fantasy drafters’ perception of a “down year” in 2018. Of course, Edelman’s total numbers from last season were down: He finished with a modest 74-catch, 850-yard, six-touchdown stat line. But Edelman’s bottom line was hurt by the four-game suspension he served to start the season, and his per-game fantasy scoring average was strong: The savvy playmaker averaged 17.3 PPR points per game from Week 5 on, the WR12 during that stretch.
Edelman has the chance to produce even bigger numbers in 2019. He’s the unquestioned go-to guy in a New England offense devoid of proven pass catchers. Rob Gronkowski is gone. Josh Gordon’s future in the league remains murky. Chris Hogan is a Panther. That trio leaves 195 targets and nine touchdowns on the board. With rookie N’Keal Harry drawing tepid reviews in camp, Edelman will have to shoulder a massive burden in the team’s passing attack. He will get a million targets, and should be expected to finish as a low-end PPR WR1. That’s a great potential value for a third-round pick.
RB Mark Ingram, Ravens.
Ingram seems to be getting the “over the hill” treatment in drafts thus far too. The Ravens’ new runner is currently the RB23 with an ADP of 49th overall—a draft slot that seems way too low for a guy with 1,000-yard upside and the potential to score 10-plus touchdowns in Baltimore’s unique, run-centric offense under coordinator Greg Roman. The team is building its scheme around Lamar Jackson’s legs, and that should pay off for its running backs. From Week 11 on last year (after Jackson was named starter), Baltimore ran the ball a league-high 316 times―more than 45 rush attempts per game―and all signs point to a repeat of that philosophy in 2019. As Pro Football Focus’s Scott Barrett points out, “Baltimore’s running backs ranked second in carries that stretch], first in rushing yards, and first in yards per carry (a whopping 5.34).” Ingram, who came over from New Orleans, stands to inherit a huge chunk of that action. He could even be one of the team’s go-to options on third downs as a pass catcher, further boosting his value. He’s got low-end RB1 upside for the cost of an early fourth-round pick.
RB Chris Carson, Seahawks.
Carson is right behind Ingram on the ADP list, the current RB24 with an average draft slot of 53rd overall. The threat that Carson could lose his job to Rashaad Penny is clearly depressing his perceived value, but in my mind (and that of Seahawks beat writer Michael-Shawn Dugar, who recently wrote that “Carson continues to look like the best running back on the roster”), Carson’s the clear lead back. The Seahawks may look to give Penny, their 2018 first-rounder, more carries this year, but he’ll have plenty of slack to pick up after Mike Davis (112 carries in 2018) left in free agency. There’s enough volume to go around in the run-heavy Seattle offense.
Carson was the RB15 in PPR last year, averaging 14.4 points per game. That output may go up this season, too, even if he cedes a few carries to Penny; Davis also left 42 pass targets on the board when he left in free agency for Chicago, and the Seahawks are already talking about how they need to get Carson more looks through the air. As offensive coordinator Brian Schottenheimer said this week, “Ђ™s] got unbelievable hands and he’s a problem for people coming out of the backfield.” I’m bullish on Carson as an all-around weapon in Seattle’s backfield and I’m grabbing him in every draft I can. He’s got high-end RB2 upside at a fourth-round cost.
WR Alshon Jeffery, Eagles.
Injuries can muddle overall fantasy outlooks from year to year, and Jeffery’s surprisingly low ADP is probably connected to the fact he missed three games in 2018. The Eagles’ no. 1 wideout finished as the PPR WR26 (a high-end WR3) thanks to a 65-catch, 843-yard, six-TD stat line. But his per-game average of 14.3 PPR points would’ve ranked him as the WR23 over a full season. Jeffery’s now healthy, as is Carson Wentz—who loves to target his big wideout. Wentz posted a 111.7 passer rating when throwing to Jeffery last year, and as PFF’s astoundingly-great-named Daniel Kelley notes, Jeffery’s “PPR points-per-game average is 2 points higher with Carson Wentz at quarterback than without.” Kelley adds that “in the three years of his career that Ђ™s] played all 16 games, he’s averaged a 13th-place PPR finish among receiver, including two top-10 years.” Jeffery is currently the WR28 with an ADP of 71st overall. Getting a receiver with top-10 upside in the fifth round is a good way to give yourself an edge over the competition.
WR Will Fuller, Texans.
After missing all but seven games last year, health is the main concern with Fuller, and the lack of faith that he can play a full season has translated into a WR32 ranking with an ADP of 79th overall. But at that sixth-round price tag, his upside is far too scintillating for me to pass up. Fuller’s an elite deep threat and a touchdown-maker of the highest order. He’s also got an incredible connection with quarterback Deshaun Watson, whose game jumps to a new level when Fuller is on the field. In the 11 games Fuller and Watson have played together, Fuller has recorded 45 catches for 782 yards and 11 TDs. Extrapolate that to a full season and you get WR1-type numbers: 65 catches for 1,137 yards and 16 TDs. Even a regression on Fuller’s absurd touchdown rate would put him into WR2 territory, and that’s an excellent value in the middle of the sixth round.
The Most Fun Fantasy Football Team Fake Money Can Buy, 2019 Edition.
When It Comes to Fantasy Tight Ends, Go Big or Go Bargain Hunting.
Is Julio Jones the Key to Winning Your Fantasy Football League?
Rushing QBs Will Be the Late-Round Fantasy Football Picks of the Year.
QB Lamar Jackson, Ravens.
Jackson, perhaps more than anyone else on this list, has a chance to annihilate his current QB18 spot in drafts and far outplay his ADP of 129th overall. His rushing ability, almost alone, gives him the upside to finish as a top-five scorer at his position. Jackson, who started seven games as a rookie last year, set the record for rush attempts by a quarterback with 147 last season, gaining 695 yards and scoring five times on the ground. That helped make him the QB7 in that stretch—and that was with a wholly underwhelming 1,201-yard, six-TD, three-interception passing line. This year, expect Jackson to run less (though Ravens coach John Harbaugh said to “bet the over” for Jackson’s rush attempt total when Cam Newton’s career-high 139 carries was thrown out), but don’t be surprised if he makes a leap as a passer with the help of rookie receivers Marquise Brown and Miles Boykin and the smart scheming of Greg Roman. He already has a solid floor just from his rushing, but with a big jump in passing efficiency, Jackson could be a league-winning quarterback.
WR Albert Wilson, Dolphins.
Wilson played just seven games in 2018 before a hip injury ended his season, but the Golden Tate–esque playmaker was one of the most dynamic run-after-the-catch threats in the NFL when he was on the field. The frequent tackle breaker finished first in yards after the catch per reception (13.3 yards), per PFF, and while that number is bound to regress in 2019, it wasn’t a complete fluke. Wilson was second among qualifiers in yards after the catch per reception in 2017 (7.5), too, and finished ninth in that metric in 2015 (6.3). He averaged 13.8 PPR points per game in 2018, which would’ve been good for a WR25 (high-end WR3 bordering on WR2) finish over a full season, and he’s currently being drafted as the WR69 with an ADP of 208th overall. He’s got to stay healthy this year for the Dolphins, but he represents an opportunity for major value—and you can essentially get him for free.
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п»їLate College football DFS picks October 17: Rooooooooll Tide.
Late College football DFS picks October 17: Rooooooooll Tide.
We have a strong five-game slate for our late college football DFS tournaments tonight. Well, we had five games. COVID slashed it to three and took most of the value with it when we lost the Charlotte-FIU and UTEP-Southern Miss games. No Frank Gore Jr. I’m disappointed!
With the FIU and Charlotte game now off the docket, we have a few less options. I’m more torqued about the loss of Harbison than anything, but it also takes Norton, one of my favorite cheap QB’s, off the slate. We have to get a little more creative now.
The upstart Florida State team faces a North Carolina team that just trampled Virginia Tech. The night finishes off with Boston College, now a passing team, against one of the worst rush defenses in the country. That should be interesting.
The marquee matchup is the Alabama-Georgia game. Ownership will be tilted towards this one just because of name recognition. Don’t worry. There are still places to separate ourselves.
I went nuts on the 20 max last Saturday with good results. It would have been a lot better had Brennan Armstrong not got hurt and if Quentin Johnston caught a damn pass!
The scoring for DraftKings college football is much the same as it is for the NFL with one notable exception: the super flex! That means aside from the flex position which is RB/WR, you can add another player from any position! Want four running backs? Go right ahead! Five wide receivers? Sure! Two quarterbacks? Of course! Just stay under the salary cap!
The super flex replaces the defense, which is essential in college football. This is all about the offense. College football DFS scoring realizes that!
Oct 10, 2020; Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, USA; Boston College Eagles quarterback Phil Jurkovec (5) runs the ball during the first half against the Pittsburgh Panthers at Alumni Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Paul Rutherford-USA TODAY Sports.
College football DFS quarterback picks October 17:
Top Tier:
Georgia is a top-ten defense against the pass so far this year, but Mac Jones is by far the best QB on this slate. It’s not close at all. Even the other guys who share the $7,000 tier with him are a long ways behind and may not be better than the guys in the tier below them.
Middle Tier:
Phil Jurkovec isn’t much of a runner, and I tend to think BC will return to their roots after watching Carolina run for nearly 400 on the Hokies last week. Still, Jurkovec could be in for a good game if the BC backs can’t handle it. Virginia Tech is going to score, and if they get out front, Jurkovec could still have a very productive game. He’s too cheap for the talent level.
After seeing what Ole Miss did to Bama’s defense last week, Stetson Bennett has to at least be considered here. Maybe it was Lane Kiffin knowing the defense and how Saban likes to go after teams. Maybe not. At any rate, Bennett could be strong in the middle tier.
Bargain Shoppers:
I still find myself gravitating more towards Jordan Travis. He was impressive against the Irish. The North Carolina defense is good, but not great. There is a path to a really good DFS night for Travis here.
Braxton Burmeister has played well enough and BC’s pass defense hasn’t been great, but the Hokies are saying that Hendon Hooker is going to see some snaps. They’ve been saying that for the better part of two weeks now, but at some point it will come true. Buyer beware.
Alabama running back Najee Harris (22) is lifted after scoring his late touchdown against Michigan in the Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., on Wednesday January 1, 2020.
College football DFS running back picks October 17:
Top Tier:
I don’t care how good Georgia’s defense is. Najee Harris is better. He may be even more valuable in a close game. Georgia doesn’t play the patented « ole » defense that Ole Miss does, but this is still going to be a strong game for Harris.
If you want to get off the ownership, Khalil Herbert transferred out of the college football purgatory of Lawrence, Kansas. It has been a good move for him. The BC run defense hasn’t been very good. I can see Herbert being at least as good, if not better than Harris. The floor is lower though.
Middle Tier:
Both Javonte Williams and Michael Carter are superb plays against Florida State. They may not run for the 400 yards that they did against Virginia Tech, but they’ll sniff 300 combined here. Look for Carter to have more yards and Williams to have more touchdowns again. Carter is the solid option. Williams gets the big scores because of the touchdowns.
With Price out of the picture, I have to lean towards Zamir White. Bama’s run defense was gashed by Ealy last week. White has enough wiggle to make for an interesting play.
Bargain Shoppers:
David Bailey hasn’t done much this year with the Eagles playing like their namesakes and airing it out this year. However, I expect Bailey to have some big runs against Virginia Tech. He’s not as good as the Carolina backs, but the Hokies have struggled to stop the run all year.
James Cook is one of the better athletes Georgia has, and is an interesting punt against the Tide. Snoop Conner and Ealy both had huge games against Bama. White and Cook could be the next to do so, but there is some risk here.
FAYETTEVILLE, AR – NOVEMBER 9: DeVonta Smith #6 of the Alabama Crimson Tide runs the ball during a game against the Mississippi State Bulldogs at Davis Wade Stadium on November 16, 2019 in Starkville, Mississippi. The Crimson Tide defeated the Bulldogs 38-7. (Photo by Wesley Hitt/Getty Images)
College football DFS wide receiver picks October 17:
Top Tier:
Devonta Smith’s huge game against Ole Miss earned him the highest pricetag, but I still prefer Jaylen Waddle. Georgia’s pass defense hasn’t faced anyone like these receivers. I like both, but you can likely only afford one with the FIU-Charlotte value going away.
The Hokie defense has been tough against the pass, so I like Hunter Long again as Jurkovec’s safety valve. He’s getting pretty expensive, but Long has 31 receptions through four games this year. I don’t see the upside you want for GPP formats, but Long is a nice cash play.
Middle Tier:
After what Ole Miss did to Alabama’s defense, I understand the allure of running Kearis Jackson or George Pickens at them. However, is Stetson Bennett as good as Corral is? Is the offensive scheme set up to attack Bama’s D like Ole Miss is? I don’t mind this in GPP, but there is a large chance of one or both failing you.
Zay Flowers is the playmaker that Boston College has been lacking at receiver for decades. I don’t like the matchup, but I’m running Flowers at least once. He’s too good not to.
The Hokies are looking for ways to get James Mitchell the ball even when they don’t throw it to him. He had scored in every game so far and even tallied a rushing touchdown last week. He’s a strong play for the price.
Bargain Shoppers:
John Metchie is still way too cheap. Being the third receiver at Alabama isn’t all bad. Just ask Smith. He was third behind Jeudy and Ruggs last year.
Pickens may be a one-game wonder, but it’s worth the $4,300 to find out if he can do it again in GPP’s.
Who is going to fill the vacuum with Tamorrion Terry out? Ontaria Wilson was the only receiver besides Terry who caught more than one pass against the Irish. Wilson is cheap and intriguing. Camren McDonald is worth a look too if UNC can get after Travis, which they should.
Oct 10, 2020; Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA; North Carolina Tar Heels running back Michael Carter (8) reacts wide receiver Beau Corrales (15) after scoring a touchdown in the third quarter at Kenan Memorial Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Bob Donnan-USA TODAY Sports.
College football DFS core plays October 17:
There are a ton of places to look on this slate. Cash game staples are more common on this one, but most of them are viable in GPP formats as well.
Cash game staples:
Mac Jones, QB, Alabama.
Najee Harris, RB, Alabama.
Michael Carter, RB, North Carolina.
Devonta Smith, WR, Alabama.
Hunter Long, TE, Boston College.
John Metchie, WR, Alabama.
Like just about every week’s DraftKings college football slate, I am likely going to enter a cash lineup into at least one of the GPP tournaments because I think it’s solid enough to at least come out ahead.
GPP only pivot plays:
Stetson Bennett, QB, Georgia.
Khalil Herbert, RB, Virginia Tech.
Zamir White, RB, Georgia.
Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama.
Zay Flowers, WR, Boston College.
Ontaria Wilson, WR, Florida State.
Virginia Tech (GPP only)
Georgia (GPP only)
Be sure to keep it here at FanSided Fantasy for all of your daily fantasy sports needs! We will also have every college football game picked against the spread all season long! Who else does that?
CFB Picks: LA Tech vs Marshall College Football Picks,Predictions 10/17/20.
Marshall Thundering Herd (2-0) at LA Tech Bulldogs (2-1)
College Football: Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm (Joe Aillet Stadium)
TV: CBSSN Stream live sports and exclusive originals on ESPN+. Sign up now!
The Marshall Thundering Herd and Louisiana Tech Bulldogs meet Saturday in week 7 college football action at Joe Aillet Stadium.
The Marshall Thundering Herd look for another win to start 4-0 for the first time since the 2014 CFB season. The Marshall Thundering Herd have split their last six road games. Grant Wells is completing 61.4 percent of his passes for 632 yards, four touchdowns and one interception. Wells enters the game with 70 career pass attempts under his belt. Broc Thompson and Xavier Gaines have combined for 325 receiving yards and one touchdown while Talik Keaton has six receptions. The Marshall Thundering Herd ground game is averaging 226.3 yards per contest, and Brenden Knox leads the way with 330 yards and five touchdowns. Defensively, Marshall is allowing seven points and 274.7 yards per game. Tavante Beckett leads the Marshall Thundering Herd with 26 tackles, Darius Hodge has 2.5 sacks and Steven Gilmore has one interception.
The Louisiana Tech Bulldogs look for their third home victory to build on their impressive 3-1 start. The Louisiana Tech Bulldogs haven’t lost a home game since November of 2018. Luke Anthony is completing 60.2 percent of his passes for 739 yards, 10 touchdowns and two interception. Anthony enters the game with 98 career pass attempts under his belt. Adrian Hardy and Smoke Harris have combined for 375 receiving yards and four touchdowns while Wayne Toussant has seven receptions. The Louisiana Tech Bulldogs ground game is averaging 127.5 yards per contest, and Justin Henderson leads the way with 229 yards and two touchdowns. Defensively, Louisiana Tech is allowing 32.5 points and 418.3 yards per game. Tyler Grubbs leads the Louisiana Tech Bulldogs with 42 tackles, Milton Williams has three sacks and Bee Jay Williamson has one interception.
The Thundering Herd are 5-2 ATS in their last 7 road games and 3-7 ATS in their last 10 conference games. The Bulldogs are 4-1 ATS in their last 5 games in October, 5-2 ATS in their last 7 home games and 8-3 ATS in their last 11 games overall. The over is 4-1 in Thundering Herd last 5 games overall. The under is 4-1 in Bulldogs last 5 games as an underdog.
The Marshall Thundering Herd have had their schedule turned upside down a couple of times this season, but they looked terrific when they’ve played and have been one of the best defensive teams in college football. Marshall held a ranked Appalachian State team to just seven points and 96 rushing yards. The Louisiana Tech Bulldogs were crushed in their lone tough game of the season against BYU, and they gave up 38 points to Houston Baptist. With home field not mattering much these days in sports, I’m not sure Louisiana Tech has much of an edge to consider with the points here, even if it’s a thick line of nearly two full touchdowns.
Marshall has looked solid at both ends through three games. I’ll lay the points.
Early College football DFS picks October 17: Moore, Moore, Moore.
STATE COLLEGE, PA – NOVEMBER 30: A football rests on the field during the first half of the game between the Penn State Nittany Lions and the Rutgers Scarlet Knights at Beaver Stadium on November 30, 2019 in State College, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Scott Taetsch/Getty Images)
Early College football DFS picks October 17: Moore, Moore, Moore.
We have a 13 game monster for our early college football DFS tournaments on Saturday. Well, it’s down to 12 now with the loss of the DFS-rich Florida-LSU contest. Losing that game is going to serve to spread the ownership out more. It looks like a good day to max out the 20 max again!
Cash game staples:
Dillon Gabriel, QB, Central Florida Devin Leary, QB, North Carolina State Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson Tank Bigsby, RB, Auburn Elijah Moore, WR, Ole Miss Damonte Coxie, WR, Memphis Kenny Yeboah, TE, Ole Miss.
Like just about every week’s DraftKings college football slate, I am likely going to enter a cash lineup into at least one of the GPP tournaments because I think it’s solid enough to at least come out ahead.
GPP only pivot plays:
Brady White, QB, Memphis Jarret Doege, QB, West Virginia Leddie Brown, RB, West Virginia Chris Rodriguez, RB, Kentucky Jaylon Robinson, WR, Central Florida Taysir Mack, WR, Pitt Jalen Wydermyer, TE, Texas A&M.
West Virginia Memphis Central Florida Virginia Texas A&M (GPP only) Ole Miss (GPP only) South Carolina (GPP only)
Be sure to keep it here at FanSided Fantasy for all of your daily fantasy sports needs! We will also have every college football game picked against the spread all season long! Who else does that?
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п»їNFL odds, lines, spreads, picks, predictions for Divisional Round, 2021: Go Over in Buccaneers vs. Saints.
SportsLine’s computer model simulated every NFL game during the 2021 Divisional Round 10,000 times with surprising results.
The Kansas City Chiefs were the top team in the AFC during the regular season and earned the No. 1 seed in the NFL playoff bracket. While they’re the 2021 Super Bowl favorites, the latest trends suggest you might want to avoid including them in your NFL bets and NFL picks this weekend. Since 2003, No. 1 seeds are just 12-20-1 against the spread in the Divisional Round.
The Chiefs are the biggest favorites of the week, laying 10 points against the Browns on Sunday with the over-under at 57. according to the latest Divisional Round NFL odds from William Hill Sportsbook. Meanwhile, the Saints are three-point favorites against the Buccaneers, according to the current NFL spreads, with the total at 52. All of the 2021 Divisional Round NFL lines are listed below, and SportsLine’s advanced computer model has all the NFL betting advice and predictions you need to make the best 2021 Divisional Round NFL picks now.
The model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, is up almost $7,900 for $100 players on top-rated NFL picks since its inception five-plus years ago. It is a sizzling 24-14 on top-rated NFL picks this season, returning well over $800. The model also enters the Divisional Round of the 2021 NFL Playoffs on an incredible 120-78 run on top-rated NFL picks that dates back to the 2017 season.
Additionally, the model also ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, it has examined the latest 2021 Divisional Round NFL odds and NFL betting lines from William Hill, simulated every snap, and its predictions are in. Head to SportsLine now to see them all.
Top NFL predictions for the Divisional Round.
One of the top Divisional Round NFL picks the model recommends: Saints vs. Buccaneers goes over the total of 52. New Orleans began the season as four-point favorites over Tampa Bay in Week 1 and covered comfortably in a 34-23 win. That game also cleared the over (48.5) with plenty of room to spare.
Then, the Saints throttled the Buccaneers 38-3 as three-point underdogs in Week 9. That game went under the total (51), but the lack of offense from Tom Brady and the Buccaneers likely won’t be duplicated. The trends point strongly to this game going over as well. In fact, these teams are a combined 20-14 to the over this season.
The model predicts that Alvin Kamara will put up over 100 yards of total offense and scores, while Brady will throw for almost 300 yards. The teams combine for 53 points, providing value on the over.
How to make Divisional Round NFL picks.
The model has also made the call on every other game on the NFL Divisional Round schedule and says one team covers in well over 50 percent of simulations. You can only get every pick for every game here.
What NFL picks can you make with confidence during the 2021 NFL Divisional Round? And which team is a must-back? Check out the latest NFL odds from William Hill below, then visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are covering in more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that is up nearly $7,900 on its top-rated NFL picks.
NFL odds, matchups for the Divisional Round.
Sunday, Jan. 17.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. New Orleans Saints (-3, 52)
NFL odds, lines, spreads, picks, predictions for Wild Card Round, 2021: Top model loving Steelers, Ravens.
SportsLine’s computer model simulated every NFL game during the 2021 Wild Card Round 10,000 times with surprising results.
There are multiple divisional matchups on Wild Card Weekend, including an AFC North rivalry between the Steelers and Browns on Sunday. Division rivalries in the NFL are often difficult to pick when deciding which team to back in your NFL bets. That’s because the two teams are often extremely familiar with each other, which can lead to a surprising upset. The Steelers have won 10 straight meetings against Cleveland at Heinz Field, but can you trust them with your NFL picks after losing four of their last five games?
Pittsburgh is a six-point favorite at home according to the latest Wild Card Round NFL odds from William Hill Sportsbook. Will Pittsburgh pull off the home victory and advance to the next round of the NFL playoff bracket, or will Cleveland shock the world and win its first postseason game since 1994? All of the 2021 Wild Card Round NFL lines are listed below, and SportsLine’s advanced computer model has all the NFL betting advice and predictions you need to make the best 2021 Wild Card Round NFL picks now.
The model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, is up almost $7,900 for $100 players on top-rated NFL picks since its inception five-plus years ago. It is a sizzling 23-13 on top-rated NFL picks this season, returning well over $800. The model also enters the 2021 NFL Playoffs on an incredible 119-77 run on top-rated NFL picks that dates back to the 2017 season.
Additionally, the model also ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, it has examined the latest 2021 Wild Card Round NFL odds and NFL betting lines from William Hill, simulated every snap, and its predictions are in. Head to SportsLine now to see them all.
Top NFL predictions for the 2021 Wild Card Round.
One of the top Wild Card Round NFL picks the model recommends: The Steelers (-6) cover against the Browns. Cleveland earned its spot in the NFL playoff bracket with a 24-22 victory over the visiting Steelers last week, who rested quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.
The Browns will be without coach Kevin Stefanski, Pro Bowl guard Joel Bitonio and wide receiver KhaDarel Hodge due to COVID-19. The Steelers crushed the Browns, 38-7, in Week 6 when both teams were at full strength, as Cleveland quarterback Baker Mayfield threw two interceptions, including a pick-six to Pittsburgh’s Minkah Fitzpatrick.
SportsLine’s model predicts that the Steelers cover the spread in almost 60 percent of simulations. The under (47.5) also hits almost 60 percent of the time.
Another one of the top Wild Card Weekend NFL predictions from the model: The Ravens (-3) cover against the Titans. The Ravens enter Sunday’s showdown averaging 191.9 rushing yards per game this season, which ranks first in the NFL. Tennessee, meanwhile, is averaging 168.1 yards per game on the ground, the second-best mark in the league.
The Titans are 5-2 in their last seven games, but their defense has begun to deteriorate over the last few weeks. In fact, Tennessee has given up at least 38 points in three of its last five games. Baltimore, meanwhile, has given up 14 or fewer points in its last three outings. In addition, the Ravens have been sensational on the road, winning 12 of their last 14 road games.
SportsLine’s model projects that Baltimore’s defense will hold the Titans to just 23 points on Saturday, resulting in the Ravens covering the spread in over 50 percent of simulations. The under (54.5) also has value because that hits over 60 percent of the time.
How to make 2021 Wild Card Round NFL picks.
The model has also made the call on every other game on the NFL Wild Card Round schedule and identified a top Super Bowl contender that gets a huge scare. You can only get every pick for every game here.
What NFL picks can you make with confidence during the 2021 NFL Wild Card Round? And which contender gets a huge scare? Check out the latest NFL odds from William Hill below and then visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are covering in more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that is up nearly $7,900 on its top-rated NFL picks.
NFL Las Vegas Odds.
Spread В· Money Line В· 1st Half Page 1 В· Page 2.
02/07 6:30 PM 101 Kansas City 102 Tampa Bay -3ВЅ -10 57ВЅu-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3ВЅ -05 56u-10 -3 -10 55ВЅo-15 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -13 56u-12 -3 -15 56u-10 Buy Picks.
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How to read Super Bowl 55 Odds.
The Kansas City Chiefs wil meet the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl 55 from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida on Feb. 7, 2021.
The Chiefs opened as -3.5 betting favorites while the Buccaneers are 3.5 underdogs.
After early wagers came in, most operators are holding Kansas City -3 (-120).
If you were to wager on Kansas City -3, you would have to lay 5/6 odds (Bet $120 to win $100) instead of your normal 10/11 juice (Bet $110 to win $100).
The return on Tampa Bay would be even-money (1/1) and a $100 wager would return $100.
The total or over-under on Super Bowl 55 is hovering between 56 and 57 points.
How to read NFL Las Vegas Odds.
The point-spread was developed to provide a balance for both teams involved in a contest to entice bettors to potentially back the weaker team and receive points. The two squads in a game are listed with a title, either a favorite or an underdog. The favorite is usually the perceived better team in the game, as backing them means giving up several points.
Ex. Bet $110 to win $100 (10% juice) Ex. Bet $100 to win $90.91 (10% juice)
It’s not uncommon to see other values posted other than -10. Examples seen on the NFL Vegas Odds pages could include -08 , -12 , -15 and -20 . The -10 price is the most common value in the industry while many books offer reduced ‘juice odds’ and that would fall into the -08 category.
The lower-juice sportsbooks are normally found outside of the state Nevada. If you are in a state where sports betting is legal, please check out our online sportsbook directory to find the best and most secure places to make NFL bets.
Another number that’s posted on the NFL Las Vegas is the total or вЂover/under’ for the specific matchup. If the favorite is designated as the home team, then the total will be listed above and vice versa if the visitors are favorites.
All of the above numbers are listed next to the teams, and before each matchup is a Rotation number. The NFL Las Vegas Odds are listed in order of rotation and those numbers are generated and produced by the sportsbooks. Above each matchup and rotation is the Time of the game, which is subject to change. All game times are Eastern Standard Time.
NFL Open Line.
One of the best features on the NFL Vegas Odds is the Open Line. This numbers consists of the first betting line received from one of our Las Vegas or Global Sportsbooks. The opening line varies depending on the sportsbook but it provides a clear-cut rating that the oddsmakers use. If you’re betting on the NFL or any other sport, it’s a great idea to view the open line first.
VI Consensus NFL Line.
How do I bet on the Super Bowl?
We know that you can bet on the Super Bowl and all of NFL Futures or bet on the NFL Draft at any time of the year, but what’s the process? The future wager or the “Odds to Win” bet on the Super Bowl is correctly selecting a team to win an event that takes place at a later time. A bettor will have his wagered money tied up until there is an outcome and bettors will receive fixed odds when they place the wager. In the case of the Super Bowl, you’re not a winner or loser until you see zeros on the clock in the final game.
Most sportsbooks offer different ways to read to Super Bowl Odds. In the fractional NFL Futures Odds format below, you simply take the odds and multiply by the amount wagered.
Ex. Green Bay (8/1) to win the Super Bowl.
The Packers are listed as an 8/1 betting choice to win the Super Bowl. If you wager $100 on Green Bay to win the NFC and they capture the championship, then you would win $800 (8 Г· 1 x 100). Your online betting account would then credit your account $900, which includes your win and stake ($100).
If you are in a state where online betting is legal, we encourage you to check out our sportsbook directory to find the most trustworthy and reputable sites and mobile apps to place your Super Bowl bets.
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Correct Score bets are a popular way to bet on football matches. The bet is fairly straightforward, just select the correct score and if the score at the end of the game matches your prediction you’re a winner. In football matches where extra time is possible, correct score bets end at the end of 90 minutes plus injury time. Extra time doesn’t count.
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Correct score betting.
A popular market in football betting is predicting the final score of a game. Unlike straight match odds for which there are just three possible outcomes – home, draw or away – there are many more possible scores.
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Betting on correct scores: Summing up.
Many bettors love the appeal of a big win offered by correct score betting, and can be easily fooled by success. However, those attracted by the much longer odds available must recognise that not only will they have a far smaller chance of winning, but also the way the bookmakers manipulate their odds ensures that they will potentially be facing a far larger expected disadvantage.
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SportsPulse: Lorenzo’s been on a tear recently going 3-0 last weekend and 25-11 overall. So it’s probably a good idea to see what he has to say about Week 13. USA TODAY.
Happy Thanksgiving to all, a three-course football feast Thursday serving as mere appetizer with the NFL fielding its first lineup of 16 games since Week 3.
The playoff field can begin filling as the Saints, 49ers and Patriots have opportunities to clinch berths this weekend.
But not so on USA TODAY Sports’ picks panel, with four of our experts within two wins of each other over the course of the season. Interesting prognostications ahead, too, some foreseeing a Bengals breakthrough, others taking the Texans to upset the Patriots on Sunday night.
But maybe the most compelling matchup, and one creating plenty of divided opinions, will occur in Pittsburgh, where the Steelers host the Browns just two weeks after the Browns manhandled them 21-7 in a game that ended with an ugly brawl. You won’t see Myles Garrett in this one, and probably not Mason Rudolph, either. But it could get nasty between two historical rivals both gunning for the AFC’s final wild-card spot.
NFL picks against the spread, Week 11: Can the Patriots cover against the Eagles?
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It’s Week 11 of the NFL season, which kicks off on Thursday with the Steelers facing the Browns, so it’s time for our weekly look at the point spreads in order to help you win some money.
Last week, Charles Curtis went 4-8 in Week 10 picks (69-75 overall) and Steven Ruiz went 5 -7 (75-70 overall) . We now go to each of them for comments before their picks.
Charles: GAH. Another awful week. I vow to do better, although I can’t promise you I’ll catch Steven, who continues to have a solid betting record despite last week’s dud.
Steven: With the way this season is going, I’m just happy to above .500 at this point. It’s been a rough year for bettors, but there’s still time to turn things around.
(All bets courtesy of BetMGM)
Note: as of Thursday, there was no line listed for the Cowboys-Lions game.
Steelers at Browns (-2.5)
Charles: Steelers.
Minkah Fitzpatrick and the Steelers secondary is going to give Baker Mayfield fits, and on a short week, I’m liking the feistier team and the points.
Steven: Steelers.
I’ve been losing a lot of games betting against the Steelers this season. It’s my fault for not respecting that defense nearly enough. I could see it giving Mayfield some trouble this week.
Charles: Saints.
Last week was just an anomaly. The Saints will bounce back by throwing all day on the Bucs, and I think the defense bounces back by the embarrassment last week and forces Jameis Winston to throw a bunch of picks.
Steven: Buccaneers.
I agree with Charles about last week being an anomaly. It was just a weird game, and the Saints should be fine going forward. But they do always seem to have a hard time with the Bucs, and I could see Tampa’s offense keeping them in this one. I’ll take the points.
Falcons at Panthers (-5.5)
Charles: Falcons.
Will Atlanta win this game? No. But can they keep it close against Kyle Allen and with Matt Ryan back at the helm? Sure.
Steven: Falcons.
We have a Kyle Allen v. Matt Ryan matchup and you’re expecting me to lay 5.5 points on the former? Nope, not happening.
Jaguars at Colts (-3.5)
Charles: Colts.
Nick Foles is back … but Jacoby Brissett might be back, too. Although I don’t know what to do about either of these teams, I’ll back the better QB (don’t @ me, Eagles fans).
Steven: Colts.
You can @ me, Eagles fans. Jacoby is better. If he’s playing, this is an easy pick. Speaking of easy picks, I would not be surprised if Foles threw a couple of them on Sunday.
Broncos at Vikings (-10.5)
Charles: Vikings.
I’ve had my troubles picking games with giant spreads, but the Vikings defense will have no trouble handling Brandon Allen.
Steven: Vikings.
The Vikings have been great at home and they’re taking on a quarterback named Brandon Allen. Stop pretending like you know who Brandon Allen is. You don’t. John Elway barely knows. He just saw a tall, white guy walking about downtown Denver and thought to himself “He’ll do.”
Jets at Redskins (-1.5)
Charles: Jets.
Do I have to pick one? Fine. I’ll say Sam Darnold outplays Dwayne Haskins, but if I had my choice, I wouldn’t throw any money on this one.
Steven: Redskins.
This is honestly just a coin flip. Avoid this game at all costs. Not just betting on it, either. Pretend like it doesn’t exist.
Charles: Dolphins.
Fool me once, etc etc. I’m done shying away from the Dolphins, who are covering spreads like they’re coached by Mike Zimmer.
Steven: Dolphins.
The last time these teams played, Buffalo needed a flukey onside kick return to cover. That game was in Buffalo and the Bills defense was playing much better than it is now. And the Dolphins look like a real NFL team now.
(AP Photo/Gail Burton)
Texans at Ravens (-4.5)
Charles: Texans.
The scales have tipped a little too far in Baltimore’s direction here. I think Deshaun Watson can keep up and cover against Lamar Jackson.
Steven: Ravens.
I love both Lamar and Deshaun, but the Ravens are the more complete team and they’re playing at home. This is not a hard pick. Baltimore’s defense is starting to catch up to the offense.
Cardinals at 49ers (-11.5)
Charles: Cardinals.
These two teams met two weeks ago and the Niners barely escaped with a win. San Francisco will walk away with a win at home, but the Cards and their 7-3-0 record against the spread will cover.
Steven: Cardinals.
While I do think the close matchup between these teams had more to do with Thursday night wackiness, that line is too big. The Cardinals are a decent team and should be able to keep it within two scores.
Charles: Patriots.
It’s shocking this isn’t larger. Thanks, Vegas.
Steven: Patriots.
What Charles said. Easy call.
Bengals at Raiders (-10.5)
Charles: Raiders.
Could I see the Bengals backdoor covering easily? Sure. But here’s what I really see: Oakland puts up 37 points and allows 20.
Steven: Bengals.
I don’t know what to think about the Raiders defense, which had been very bad before the win over the Chargers but was very good during that game. I guess we’ll find out Sunday, but I’m betting that it was more of a fluke.
Brace Hemmelgarn-USA TODAY Sports.
Bears at Rams (-6.5)
Charles: Bears.
My head says, what the heck are you doing betting on the Bears on the road? But my heart says: am I really going to lay the points on a Rams team that has been mediocre at best?
Steven: Bears.
I was fully prepared to pick the Rams … until I saw that line. Los Angeles’ offense is not playing well enough to cover a touchdown spread.
Chiefs (-4.5) at Chargers.
Charles: Chiefs.
I bet on the Chargers last week. What was I thinking.
Steven: Chiefs.
Patrick Mahomes is back and the Chargers are still the Chargers.
Gannett may earn revenue from audience referrals to betting services. Newsrooms are independent of this relationship and there is no influence on news coverage.
NFL picks against the spread, Week 15: Can the Titans beat the Texans?
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It’s Week 15 of the NFL season, which kicks off on Thursday with the New York Jets facing the Baltimore Ravens, so it’s time for our weekly look at the point spreads in order to help you win some money.
Last week, Charles Curtis went 7-8 in Week 14 picks (102-101 overall) and Steven Ruiz went 8-7 (106-97 overall) . We now go to each of them for comments before their picks.
Charles: I’m just four games behind Steven with three weeks ago. This is almost as good of race as seeing who will be the least worst in the NFC East.
Steven: It’s not happening, Charles. The sooner you accept it, the better.
(All bets courtesy of BetMGM)
NOTE: The Giants and Dolphins spread wasn’t posted as of Thursday morning.
Jets at Ravens (-14.5)
Charles: Ravens.
You hear me say it practically every week — weird things happen on Thursday night. But even if RGIII plays half of this game, I’m pretty sure the Ravens can cover.
Steven: Ravens.
I think if RGIII played the entire game, the Ravens could still cover. But Lamar Jackson is playing, so this is an even easier pick, especially with the Jets’ injury report very cluttered.
Bears at Packers (-4.5)
Charles: Packers.
The Bears have been playing better as of late, but I don’t see how Mitchell Trubisky and Co. can cover in the unfriendly confines of Lambeau and against this defense.
Steven: Bears.
So, uh, are the Packers really that good? Their defense isn’t, and the offense has been disjointed all season. The Bears defense is good enough to keep this one close. I’ll take the points.
Broncos at Chiefs (-9.5)
Charles: Broncos.
The Chiefs aren’t winning games by that margin. I actually think Drew Lock has a good enough game to lose and cover.
Steven: Chiefs.
So, Drew Lock put up really good numbers in his first road start, but (1) the film from that game was not nearly as impressive as the stat line, and (2) the Texans defense was a mess. The Chiefs’ pass defense, which is really good, will give the raw rookie fits.
Texans at Titans (-2.5)
Charles: Titans.
Every fiber of me wants to take the road dogs, but the Titans defense has played well as of late and Ryan Tannehill has a chance to shred this secondary. So I’ll go with the home team.
Steven: Texans.
The Titans might be the hotter team but the Texans’ ceiling is higher, as we saw against the Chiefs and Patriots. I think Deshaun Watson has a big game and Houston wins this one on the road.
Charles: Patriots.
Prediction: Angry Bill Belichick decides to run up the score to silence all the questions about Spygate 2.0. Pats 47, Bengals 13.
Steven: Bengals.
Let’s just move on. I regret this already. I’ll say this: The Bengals defense is better than you think and we all know how bad the Patriots offense has been. I’m reluctantly taking the points here.
Charles: Redskins.
Seven words for the reasoning here: The. Eagles. Almost. Lost. To. Eli. Manning.
Steven: Eagles.
Charles makes a compelling case, but I have two more words for you: The. Redskins.
(Photo by Abbie Parr/Getty Images)
Charles: Seahawks.
I hesitated on this one only because the Hawks are hard to nail down, especially on the road. But the Panthers are just a mess.
Steven: Seahawks.
The Seahawks always find a way to make a game closer than it should be, but this Panthers team is just going through the motions after Ron Rivera was fired.
Charles: Buccaneers.
Assuming Jameis Winston plays with his injured thumb, he’s going to throw four touchdowns and three interceptions … and still win by five. That’s the Bucs in a nutshell!
Steven: Buccaneers.
The Lions are one of the worst teams in football at the moment. That’s enough for me to back the Bucs, even if Jameis is banged up.
Charles: Browns.
If I was betting on NFL games, I wouldn’t touch this one. But because we pick every possible game, I have to make a pick … and I’ll take the slightly better team.
Steven: Cardinals.
The Browns are a bad football team. The Cardinals aren’t very good either, but they are at home AND getting points. Kliff and Kyler will do enough to cover this one.
Jaguars at Raiders (-6.5)
Charles: Jaguars.
This is screaming shootout to me, so I’ll take the points even though the Jags aren’t that good.
Steven: Jaguars.
Yeah, I’m with Charles here. These are two bad defenses and I think the Jags can keep this close. Raiders win, but Jacksonville covers.
Charles: Vikings.
Kind of a head-scratcher to me. The Vikings are a lot better than a minus-2.5 spread in a stadium that isn’t much of a home-field advantage. Thanks for this one, Vegas.
Steven: Vikings.
I’m also confused by this line, but that’s not going to stop me from taking the better team. WHAT DOES VEGAS KNOW, though.
Falcons at 49ers (-10.5)
Charles: 49ers.
They’ll ride the momentum off of last week’s win and put up a big offensive game at home.
Steven: 49ers.
Was about to take the points and pick the Falcons then I remembered that it’s Kyle Shanahan vs. a terrible Falcons defense. Now I’m thinking 10.5 points isn’t that big of a spread.
Charles: Rams.
How can you bet on the reeling Cowboys right now? I certainly can’t.
Steven: Cowboys.
I’m not buying this revival of the Rams offense. The Cowboys will bounce back and pick up a key win in the NFC East race.
(AP Photo/Adrian Kraus)
Bills at Steelers (-2.5)
Charles: Steelers.
Duck over Josh Allen? Sure, why not? I think this is more about the Steelers’ defense forcing a bunch of turnovers, so I’ll take them.
Steven: Steelers.
Charles is making a lot of sense. The Steelers will protect Duck Hodges and Josh Allen will make enough mistakes to help the Steelers pull out a key win.
Colts at Saints (-9.5)
Charles: Saints.
The Colts are just so mediocre all over the place, and I can see them struggling on the road against a potential Super Bowl contender that might be angry at losing to a fellow elite NFC team last week.
Steven: Colts.
The Saints are a better team, but Frank Reich is a good coach and will have a good plan that keeps Indy in it. The Colts aren’t losing this one by 10.
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USA TODAY Sports college football staff picks for every bowl game.
SportsPulse: Joe Burrow and Chase Young are the obvious ones. Paul Myerberg gives you four players that can use the bowl season to elevate their NFL draft stock in the spring. USA TODAY.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year for college football fans. You have holiday season to celebrate and a plethora of bowl games to conclude what was another memorable season.
After 15 weeks, the College Football Playoff field emerged, with LSU and Oklahoma heading to the Peach Bowl and Clemson and Ohio State facing off in the Fiesta Bowl.
This will be the first appearance in the field for the Tigers, led by Heisman winner Joe Burrow. It’s the the third consecutive trip for the Sooners and fourth overall. They are still waiting for their first win in the semifinals.
Clemson beat Ohio State when the schools met in the 2016 Fiesta Bowl during in a semifinal of the College Football Playoff at University of Phoenix Stadium. (Photo: Matthew Emmons, USA TODAY Sports)
The Tigers and Buckeyes met in the playoff three years ago in Glendale, Arizona. In that one, Clemson cruised to a 31-0 victory en route to the national title. The defending champions likely won’t have it so easy in this matchup of unbeatens.
There are plenty of other interesting matchups outside the four teams that will fight for the national title.
Coach Chris Petersen leads Washington against his former school, Boise State, in the Las Vegas Bowl before stepping down. Memphis will carry the Group of Five banner against Penn State in the Cotton Bowl. And Alabama and Michigan – two of the traditional powers – meet in the Citrus Bowl.
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п»їCollege Football Picks & NCAA Football Predictions.
Picks and Parlays hits the gridiron hard and provides college football picks and predictions for every game on the card each week. Our talented team gives you expert picks on NCAA Football from opening night in August through the bowl season and CFP National Championship game in January. Our CFB picks are the best around, because we have the best analysis and latest relevant team info for every game.
CFP National Championship – Ohio State Buckeyes vs Alabama Crimson Tide – Monday 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
NCAA Football Bowl Season is almost over and we have all your betting needs covered.
Ohio State vs Alabama 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
The CFP National Championship presented by AT&T will take place on Monday night, when the Ohio State Buckeyes battle the Alabama Crimson Tide from Hard Rock Stadium.
College football picks, predictions, odds for Week 7: Notre Dame-USC among the best bets.
This week’s best bets include Miami-Virginia, Nebraska-Minnesota and more.
Each week, I will use this space to tell you what I think are a few of the best bets heading into the college football weekend. I will also throw in an upset of the week, which will feature a team that’s at least a touchdown underdog that I’m picking to win outright. I will also give you picks on other games involving potential College Football Playoff teams. Until the list of candidates gets whittled down some more, I’ll go with utilizing the AP top 12 for now.
I finished 2-1 last week and lost the upset special, but at least it covered. I’m 10-8 overall and 0-6 on the upset picks.
Week 7 picks.
USC at Notre Dame (-11) : Remember when this game meant something? I mean, it’s a rivalry, so it matters to the fans, but it has been a while since this game held any sort of national significance. Right now, the Trojans are the down team, trying to save their coach’s job while playing a third-string QB. The Irish have much bigger aspirations and much more talent. Pick: Notre Dame (-11)
Upset of the week.
Other CFP candidates.
So which picks can you make with confidence in Week 7? And which national title contender goes down hard? Visit SportsLine now to see which teams are winning more than 50 percent of simulations, all from a proven computer model that has returned over $4,300 in profit over the past four seasons.
College football picks, predictions, odds for Week 9: Notre Dame-Michigan among the best bets.
This week’s best bets include Maryland-Minnesota, UCF-Temple and so much more.
Each week, I will use this space to tell you what I think are a few of the best bets heading into the weekend. I will also throw in an upset of the week, which will feature a team that is at least a touchdown underdog that I am picking to win outright. I will also give you picks on other games involving potential College Football Playoff teams. Until the list of candidates gets whittled down some more, I’ll go with the AP top 12 for now.
Last week would have been perfect if not for a miss on the upset special. I am 13-11 overall and 0-8 on the upset picks. Historically speaking, I am way overdue for a hit on the upset.
Week 9 picks.
Maryland at No. 17 Minnesota (-17) : The people setting these lines are still behind on Maryland. Yes, it played Indiana tough last week, but that was Indiana. If not for Rutgers, the Terrapins would be the worst team in the Big Ten. There is a chance they catch the Gophers looking ahead to Penn State, but I’m not sure that would even matter. Pick: Minnesota (-17)
Upset of the week.
Other CFP candidates.
So what CFB picks can you make with confidence in Week 9? And which line is shows Vegas is way off? Visit SportsLine now to see which teams win and cover the spread in every game this week, all from a proven computer model that has returned over $4,200 in profit over the past four seasons.
ACC Championship Game: Clemson vs. Notre Dame odds, picks and prediction.
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The No. 3 Clemson Tigers (9-1 overall, 8-2 ACC) meet the No. 2 Notre Dame Fighting Irish (10-0, 9-0) in the ACC Championship Game at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, N.C., for a 4 p.m. ET kickoff. Below, we analyze the Clemson-Notre Dame college football betting odds and lines, with picks and predictions.
The Tigers are ranked No. 3 and the Fighting Irish No. 2 in the Amway Coaches Poll powered by USA TODAY Sports.
Clemson vs. Notre Dame: Betting odds, spread and lines.
Odds via BetMGM; access USA TODAY Sports’ betting odds for a full list. Lines last updated Friday at 9:13 p.m. ET.
Clemson vs. Notre Dame: Three things to know.
Clemson has won back-to-back games by 35 points each, after losing at Notre Dame 47-40 in double overtime Nov. 7. The Tigers also covered in their last two games after failing to cover in the previous three. Two of those ATS losses came with QB Trevor Lawrence out after testing positive for COVID-19. Freshman QB D.J. Uiagalelei , a five-star recruit, started in Lawrence’s place. Aside from Clemson and Louisville, Notre Dame has beaten each of its opponents by double-digits, including a 45-21 home win vs. Syracuse in its most recent outing Dec. 5. It went down as an ATS loss for the Fighting Irish, who were 34.5-point favorites, and snapped a three-game ATS win streak. The Fighting Irish handed the Tigers their only loss of the season, 47-40 in double overtime Nov. 7, but, again, Lawrence missed the game after testing positive for COVID-19.
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Bet $1 on Notre Dame’s money line, WIN $100 (in free bets) if Notre Dame scores a touchdown during their matchup! Place your legal, online sports bets in IN, CO, NJ, TN and WV at BetMGM , The King of Sportsbooks!
Clemson vs. Notre Dame: Odds, betting lines, predictions and picks.
Clemson 31, Notre Dame 27.
Money line (ML)
Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney deserves all the praise and money he earns, but Notre Dame has more active NFL players than the Tigers. There’s too much value on a Fighting Irish team that’s been an NFL factory since head coach Brian Kelly took over the program.
I am expecting this one to come down to the wire again, with Clemson prevailing this time, possibly setting up a third showdown in the College Football Playoff.
Against the spread (ATS)
There’s not a lot separating these teams, hence the No. 2 and No. 3 rankings, but the market seems to think otherwise. Clemson has been bet up from a 7.5-point favorite on the opening line to the current price. So, we have the fade the market angle in this spot.
Over/Under (O/U)
I am more fading the market and buying stock in talented defenses rather than handicapping the total. If I bet this total, it’s a small play only.
Follow Geoff Clark on Twitter. Follow SportsbookWire on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
Additional college sports coverage from USA TODAY Sports Media Group:
Gannett may earn revenue from audience referrals to betting services. Newsrooms are independent of this relationship and there is no influence on news coverage.
Rose Bowl: Alabama vs. Notre Dame odds, picks and prediction.
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The top-ranked Alabama Crimson Tide (11-0) and No. 4 Notre Dame Fighting Irish (10-1) will meet in a College Football Playoff semifinal Friday at 4 p.m. ET. While the game is still being called the Rose Bowl, it will be played at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas. It was moved from Pasadena due to the high number of COVID-19 cases in the Los Angeles area and because of the ban on fans at sporting events in California. Below, we analyze Alabama-Notre Dame college football betting odds and lines, with picks and predictions.
Alabama is No. 1 in the Amway Coaches Poll powered by USA TODAY Sports, while Notre Dame is No. 4.
Alabama vs. Notre Dame: Betting odds, spread and lines.
Odds via BetMGM; access USA TODAY Sports’ betting odds for a full list. Lines last updated Thursday at 10 p.m. ET.
Alabama vs. Notre Dame: Three things to know.
Alabama returns to the College Football Playoff (CFP) after missing it for the first time last season since its inception in 2015. The Tide, who are 12-5 in bowl games under head coach Nick Saban, are coming off a 52-46 victory over Florida in the SEC Championship Game. QB Mac Jones finished second in the country with 3,739 passing yards, while throwing 32 touchdowns. WR DeVonta Smith – BetMGMвЂs favorite to win the Heisman Trophy at -200 – caught 17 TDs and led all wideouts with 1,511 receiving yards. RB Najee Harris scored an NCAA-best 24 rushing touchdowns and ranked third with 1,262 rushing yards. Notre Dame will be making its second CFP appearance – the first was a 30-3 semifinal loss to Clemson in the Sugar Bowl two seasons ago. Speaking of Clemson, these Irish are coming off a 34-10 ACC Championship Game loss to the No. 2 Tigers, snapping a 16-game win streak. They beat then-No. 1 Clemson earlier in the season 47-40 in double overtime in South Bend, but the Tigers were without QB Trevor Lawrence in that first meeting. For the season, Notre Dame QB Ian Book has 2,601 passing yards with 15 TDs, while running for 430 yards and 5 scores. The ground game is led by RB Kyren Williams , who ran for 1,061 yards with 12 TDs, while WRs Javon McKinley (697 receiving yards, 3 TDs) and Ben Skowronek (398, 5) were Book’s top targets. The Irish are 5-4 in bowl games under head coach Brian Kelly. Notre Dame leads the all-time series vs. Alabama 5-2, but the Tide took the last matchup with a 42-14 rout in the BCS National Championship Game Jan. 7, 2013.
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Alabama vs. Notre Dame: Odds, betting lines, predictions and picks.
Alabama 37, Notre Dame 21.
Money line (ML)
PASS . Alabama (-1400) will advance to the Championship Game, but there’s no way you should risk 14 times your potential investment.
Against the spread (ATS)
The Irish will have the “motivation” factor working for them in this one.
ATS records : Alabama 8-3 | Notre Dame 5-6.
Over/Under (O/U)
The UNDER 65.5 ( -105 ) is the play. It’s no secret that Alabama is a juggernaut on offense. It ranks second in scoring (49.7 PPG) and fifth in total yards (543.9 YPG), but the Irish defense will be the best the Crimson Tide face this season. The Irish D allowed just 18.6 PPG. The Tide will score, but don’t expect them to put up 40 points.
O/U records : Alabama 7-4 | Notre Dame 6-5.
Johnny’s 2020 CFB record / Strongest plays 17-16 / 9-6 2020 overall record (all sports) 178-147-4 Strongest plays (all sports) 87-61-1.
Follow @JohnnyParlay11 on Twitter. Follow SportsbookWire on Twitter and like us on Facebook .
Additional college sports coverage from USA TODAY Sports Media Group:
Gannett may earn revenue from audience referrals to betting services. Newsrooms are independent of this relationship and there is no influence on news coverage.
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п»їNFL odds, lines, spreads, picks, predictions for Divisional Round, 2021: Go Over in Buccaneers vs. Saints.
SportsLine’s computer model simulated every NFL game during the 2021 Divisional Round 10,000 times with surprising results.
The Kansas City Chiefs were the top team in the AFC during the regular season and earned the No. 1 seed in the NFL playoff bracket. While they’re the 2021 Super Bowl favorites, the latest trends suggest you might want to avoid including them in your NFL bets and NFL picks this weekend. Since 2003, No. 1 seeds are just 12-20-1 against the spread in the Divisional Round.
The Chiefs are the biggest favorites of the week, laying 10 points against the Browns on Sunday with the over-under at 57. according to the latest Divisional Round NFL odds from William Hill Sportsbook. Meanwhile, the Saints are three-point favorites against the Buccaneers, according to the current NFL spreads, with the total at 52. All of the 2021 Divisional Round NFL lines are listed below, and SportsLine’s advanced computer model has all the NFL betting advice and predictions you need to make the best 2021 Divisional Round NFL picks now.
The model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, is up almost $7,900 for $100 players on top-rated NFL picks since its inception five-plus years ago. It is a sizzling 24-14 on top-rated NFL picks this season, returning well over $800. The model also enters the Divisional Round of the 2021 NFL Playoffs on an incredible 120-78 run on top-rated NFL picks that dates back to the 2017 season.
Additionally, the model also ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, it has examined the latest 2021 Divisional Round NFL odds and NFL betting lines from William Hill, simulated every snap, and its predictions are in. Head to SportsLine now to see them all.
Top NFL predictions for the Divisional Round.
One of the top Divisional Round NFL picks the model recommends: Saints vs. Buccaneers goes over the total of 52. New Orleans began the season as four-point favorites over Tampa Bay in Week 1 and covered comfortably in a 34-23 win. That game also cleared the over (48.5) with plenty of room to spare.
Then, the Saints throttled the Buccaneers 38-3 as three-point underdogs in Week 9. That game went under the total (51), but the lack of offense from Tom Brady and the Buccaneers likely won’t be duplicated. The trends point strongly to this game going over as well. In fact, these teams are a combined 20-14 to the over this season.
The model predicts that Alvin Kamara will put up over 100 yards of total offense and scores, while Brady will throw for almost 300 yards. The teams combine for 53 points, providing value on the over.
How to make Divisional Round NFL picks.
The model has also made the call on every other game on the NFL Divisional Round schedule and says one team covers in well over 50 percent of simulations. You can only get every pick for every game here.
What NFL picks can you make with confidence during the 2021 NFL Divisional Round? And which team is a must-back? Check out the latest NFL odds from William Hill below, then visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are covering in more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that is up nearly $7,900 on its top-rated NFL picks.
NFL odds, matchups for the Divisional Round.
Sunday, Jan. 17.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. New Orleans Saints (-3, 52)
NFL Las Vegas Odds.
Spread В· Money Line В· 1st Half Page 1 В· Page 2.
02/07 6:30 PM 101 Kansas City 102 Tampa Bay -3ВЅ -10 57ВЅu-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3ВЅ -05 56u-10 -3 -10 55ВЅo-15 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -13 56u-12 -3 -15 56u-10 Buy Picks.
Where to Bet: WynnBET FanDuel BetMGM DraftKings Fox Bet Bet365 PointsBet Unibet BetRivers All.
How to read Super Bowl 55 Odds.
The Kansas City Chiefs wil meet the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl 55 from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida on Feb. 7, 2021.
The Chiefs opened as -3.5 betting favorites while the Buccaneers are 3.5 underdogs.
After early wagers came in, most operators are holding Kansas City -3 (-120).
If you were to wager on Kansas City -3, you would have to lay 5/6 odds (Bet $120 to win $100) instead of your normal 10/11 juice (Bet $110 to win $100).
The return on Tampa Bay would be even-money (1/1) and a $100 wager would return $100.
The total or over-under on Super Bowl 55 is hovering between 56 and 57 points.
How to read NFL Las Vegas Odds.
The point-spread was developed to provide a balance for both teams involved in a contest to entice bettors to potentially back the weaker team and receive points. The two squads in a game are listed with a title, either a favorite or an underdog. The favorite is usually the perceived better team in the game, as backing them means giving up several points.
Ex. Bet $110 to win $100 (10% juice) Ex. Bet $100 to win $90.91 (10% juice)
It’s not uncommon to see other values posted other than -10. Examples seen on the NFL Vegas Odds pages could include -08 , -12 , -15 and -20 . The -10 price is the most common value in the industry while many books offer reduced ‘juice odds’ and that would fall into the -08 category.
The lower-juice sportsbooks are normally found outside of the state Nevada. If you are in a state where sports betting is legal, please check out our online sportsbook directory to find the best and most secure places to make NFL bets.
Another number that’s posted on the NFL Las Vegas is the total or вЂover/under’ for the specific matchup. If the favorite is designated as the home team, then the total will be listed above and vice versa if the visitors are favorites.
All of the above numbers are listed next to the teams, and before each matchup is a Rotation number. The NFL Las Vegas Odds are listed in order of rotation and those numbers are generated and produced by the sportsbooks. Above each matchup and rotation is the Time of the game, which is subject to change. All game times are Eastern Standard Time.
NFL Open Line.
One of the best features on the NFL Vegas Odds is the Open Line. This numbers consists of the first betting line received from one of our Las Vegas or Global Sportsbooks. The opening line varies depending on the sportsbook but it provides a clear-cut rating that the oddsmakers use. If you’re betting on the NFL or any other sport, it’s a great idea to view the open line first.
VI Consensus NFL Line.
How do I bet on the Super Bowl?
We know that you can bet on the Super Bowl and all of NFL Futures or bet on the NFL Draft at any time of the year, but what’s the process? The future wager or the “Odds to Win” bet on the Super Bowl is correctly selecting a team to win an event that takes place at a later time. A bettor will have his wagered money tied up until there is an outcome and bettors will receive fixed odds when they place the wager. In the case of the Super Bowl, you’re not a winner or loser until you see zeros on the clock in the final game.
Most sportsbooks offer different ways to read to Super Bowl Odds. In the fractional NFL Futures Odds format below, you simply take the odds and multiply by the amount wagered.
Ex. Green Bay (8/1) to win the Super Bowl.
The Packers are listed as an 8/1 betting choice to win the Super Bowl. If you wager $100 on Green Bay to win the NFC and they capture the championship, then you would win $800 (8 Г· 1 x 100). Your online betting account would then credit your account $900, which includes your win and stake ($100).
If you are in a state where online betting is legal, we encourage you to check out our sportsbook directory to find the most trustworthy and reputable sites and mobile apps to place your Super Bowl bets.
NFL odds, lines, spreads, picks, predictions for Wild Card Round, 2021: Top model loving Steelers, Ravens.
SportsLine’s computer model simulated every NFL game during the 2021 Wild Card Round 10,000 times with surprising results.
There are multiple divisional matchups on Wild Card Weekend, including an AFC North rivalry between the Steelers and Browns on Sunday. Division rivalries in the NFL are often difficult to pick when deciding which team to back in your NFL bets. That’s because the two teams are often extremely familiar with each other, which can lead to a surprising upset. The Steelers have won 10 straight meetings against Cleveland at Heinz Field, but can you trust them with your NFL picks after losing four of their last five games?
Pittsburgh is a six-point favorite at home according to the latest Wild Card Round NFL odds from William Hill Sportsbook. Will Pittsburgh pull off the home victory and advance to the next round of the NFL playoff bracket, or will Cleveland shock the world and win its first postseason game since 1994? All of the 2021 Wild Card Round NFL lines are listed below, and SportsLine’s advanced computer model has all the NFL betting advice and predictions you need to make the best 2021 Wild Card Round NFL picks now.
The model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, is up almost $7,900 for $100 players on top-rated NFL picks since its inception five-plus years ago. It is a sizzling 23-13 on top-rated NFL picks this season, returning well over $800. The model also enters the 2021 NFL Playoffs on an incredible 119-77 run on top-rated NFL picks that dates back to the 2017 season.
Additionally, the model also ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, it has examined the latest 2021 Wild Card Round NFL odds and NFL betting lines from William Hill, simulated every snap, and its predictions are in. Head to SportsLine now to see them all.
Top NFL predictions for the 2021 Wild Card Round.
One of the top Wild Card Round NFL picks the model recommends: The Steelers (-6) cover against the Browns. Cleveland earned its spot in the NFL playoff bracket with a 24-22 victory over the visiting Steelers last week, who rested quarterback Ben Roethlisberger.
The Browns will be without coach Kevin Stefanski, Pro Bowl guard Joel Bitonio and wide receiver KhaDarel Hodge due to COVID-19. The Steelers crushed the Browns, 38-7, in Week 6 when both teams were at full strength, as Cleveland quarterback Baker Mayfield threw two interceptions, including a pick-six to Pittsburgh’s Minkah Fitzpatrick.
SportsLine’s model predicts that the Steelers cover the spread in almost 60 percent of simulations. The under (47.5) also hits almost 60 percent of the time.
Another one of the top Wild Card Weekend NFL predictions from the model: The Ravens (-3) cover against the Titans. The Ravens enter Sunday’s showdown averaging 191.9 rushing yards per game this season, which ranks first in the NFL. Tennessee, meanwhile, is averaging 168.1 yards per game on the ground, the second-best mark in the league.
The Titans are 5-2 in their last seven games, but their defense has begun to deteriorate over the last few weeks. In fact, Tennessee has given up at least 38 points in three of its last five games. Baltimore, meanwhile, has given up 14 or fewer points in its last three outings. In addition, the Ravens have been sensational on the road, winning 12 of their last 14 road games.
SportsLine’s model projects that Baltimore’s defense will hold the Titans to just 23 points on Saturday, resulting in the Ravens covering the spread in over 50 percent of simulations. The under (54.5) also has value because that hits over 60 percent of the time.
How to make 2021 Wild Card Round NFL picks.
The model has also made the call on every other game on the NFL Wild Card Round schedule and identified a top Super Bowl contender that gets a huge scare. You can only get every pick for every game here.
What NFL picks can you make with confidence during the 2021 NFL Wild Card Round? And which contender gets a huge scare? Check out the latest NFL odds from William Hill below and then visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are covering in more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that is up nearly $7,900 on its top-rated NFL picks.
NFL Las Vegas Odds.
Spread В· Money Line В· 1st Half Page 1 В· Page 2.
02/07 6:30 PM 101 Kansas City 102 Tampa Bay -3ВЅ -10 57ВЅu-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3ВЅ -05 56u-10 -3 -10 55ВЅo-15 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -20 56u-10 -3 -13 56u-12 -3 -15 56u-10 Buy Picks.
Where to Bet: WynnBET FanDuel BetMGM DraftKings Fox Bet Bet365 PointsBet Unibet BetRivers All.
How to read Super Bowl 55 Odds.
The Kansas City Chiefs wil meet the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl 55 from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida on Feb. 7, 2021.
The Chiefs opened as -3.5 betting favorites while the Buccaneers are 3.5 underdogs.
After early wagers came in, most operators are holding Kansas City -3 (-120).
If you were to wager on Kansas City -3, you would have to lay 5/6 odds (Bet $120 to win $100) instead of your normal 10/11 juice (Bet $110 to win $100).
The return on Tampa Bay would be even-money (1/1) and a $100 wager would return $100.
The total or over-under on Super Bowl 55 is hovering between 56 and 57 points.
How to read NFL Las Vegas Odds.
The point-spread was developed to provide a balance for both teams involved in a contest to entice bettors to potentially back the weaker team and receive points. The two squads in a game are listed with a title, either a favorite or an underdog. The favorite is usually the perceived better team in the game, as backing them means giving up several points.
Ex. Bet $110 to win $100 (10% juice) Ex. Bet $100 to win $90.91 (10% juice)
It’s not uncommon to see other values posted other than -10. Examples seen on the NFL Vegas Odds pages could include -08 , -12 , -15 and -20 . The -10 price is the most common value in the industry while many books offer reduced ‘juice odds’ and that would fall into the -08 category.
The lower-juice sportsbooks are normally found outside of the state Nevada. If you are in a state where sports betting is legal, please check out our online sportsbook directory to find the best and most secure places to make NFL bets.
Another number that’s posted on the NFL Las Vegas is the total or вЂover/under’ for the specific matchup. If the favorite is designated as the home team, then the total will be listed above and vice versa if the visitors are favorites.
All of the above numbers are listed next to the teams, and before each matchup is a Rotation number. The NFL Las Vegas Odds are listed in order of rotation and those numbers are generated and produced by the sportsbooks. Above each matchup and rotation is the Time of the game, which is subject to change. All game times are Eastern Standard Time.
NFL Open Line.
One of the best features on the NFL Vegas Odds is the Open Line. This numbers consists of the first betting line received from one of our Las Vegas or Global Sportsbooks. The opening line varies depending on the sportsbook but it provides a clear-cut rating that the oddsmakers use. If you’re betting on the NFL or any other sport, it’s a great idea to view the open line first.
VI Consensus NFL Line.
How do I bet on the Super Bowl?
We know that you can bet on the Super Bowl and all of NFL Futures or bet on the NFL Draft at any time of the year, but what’s the process? The future wager or the “Odds to Win” bet on the Super Bowl is correctly selecting a team to win an event that takes place at a later time. A bettor will have his wagered money tied up until there is an outcome and bettors will receive fixed odds when they place the wager. In the case of the Super Bowl, you’re not a winner or loser until you see zeros on the clock in the final game.
Most sportsbooks offer different ways to read to Super Bowl Odds. In the fractional NFL Futures Odds format below, you simply take the odds and multiply by the amount wagered.
Ex. Green Bay (8/1) to win the Super Bowl.
The Packers are listed as an 8/1 betting choice to win the Super Bowl. If you wager $100 on Green Bay to win the NFC and they capture the championship, then you would win $800 (8 Г· 1 x 100). Your online betting account would then credit your account $900, which includes your win and stake ($100).
If you are in a state where online betting is legal, we encourage you to check out our sportsbook directory to find the most trustworthy and reputable sites and mobile apps to place your Super Bowl bets.
NFL odds, lines, spreads, picks, predictions for Divisional Round, 2021: Go Over in Buccaneers vs. Saints.
SportsLine’s computer model simulated every NFL game during the 2021 Divisional Round 10,000 times with surprising results.
The Kansas City Chiefs were the top team in the AFC during the regular season and earned the No. 1 seed in the NFL playoff bracket. While they’re the 2021 Super Bowl favorites, the latest trends suggest you might want to avoid including them in your NFL bets and NFL picks this weekend. Since 2003, No. 1 seeds are just 12-20-1 against the spread in the Divisional Round.
The Chiefs are the biggest favorites of the week, laying 10 points against the Browns on Sunday with the over-under at 57. according to the latest Divisional Round NFL odds from William Hill Sportsbook. Meanwhile, the Saints are three-point favorites against the Buccaneers, according to the current NFL spreads, with the total at 52. All of the 2021 Divisional Round NFL lines are listed below, and SportsLine’s advanced computer model has all the NFL betting advice and predictions you need to make the best 2021 Divisional Round NFL picks now.
The model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, is up almost $7,900 for $100 players on top-rated NFL picks since its inception five-plus years ago. It is a sizzling 24-14 on top-rated NFL picks this season, returning well over $800. The model also enters the Divisional Round of the 2021 NFL Playoffs on an incredible 120-78 run on top-rated NFL picks that dates back to the 2017 season.
Additionally, the model also ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, it has examined the latest 2021 Divisional Round NFL odds and NFL betting lines from William Hill, simulated every snap, and its predictions are in. Head to SportsLine now to see them all.
Top NFL predictions for the Divisional Round.
One of the top Divisional Round NFL picks the model recommends: Saints vs. Buccaneers goes over the total of 52. New Orleans began the season as four-point favorites over Tampa Bay in Week 1 and covered comfortably in a 34-23 win. That game also cleared the over (48.5) with plenty of room to spare.
Then, the Saints throttled the Buccaneers 38-3 as three-point underdogs in Week 9. That game went under the total (51), but the lack of offense from Tom Brady and the Buccaneers likely won’t be duplicated. The trends point strongly to this game going over as well. In fact, these teams are a combined 20-14 to the over this season.
The model predicts that Alvin Kamara will put up over 100 yards of total offense and scores, while Brady will throw for almost 300 yards. The teams combine for 53 points, providing value on the over.
How to make Divisional Round NFL picks.
The model has also made the call on every other game on the NFL Divisional Round schedule and says one team covers in well over 50 percent of simulations. You can only get every pick for every game here.
What NFL picks can you make with confidence during the 2021 NFL Divisional Round? And which team is a must-back? Check out the latest NFL odds from William Hill below, then visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are covering in more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that is up nearly $7,900 on its top-rated NFL picks.
NFL odds, matchups for the Divisional Round.
Sunday, Jan. 17.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. New Orleans Saints (-3, 52)
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Italy 🇮🇹 Atalanta – Sassuolo Pick : Over 2.5 @ 1.33 FT ? ?
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04/02/2021 England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї Tottenham – Chelsea Pick : DC1X @ 1.25 FT ? ?
England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї Tottenham – Chelsea Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.28 FT ? ?
Denmark 🇩🇰 Midtjylland – Sonderjylland Pick : DC1X @ 1.25 FT ? ?
England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї U23 Wigan – Coventry Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.28 FT ? ?
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 Al Hilal – Abha Pick : FT 1 @ 1.50 FT ? ?
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 Al Hilal – Abha Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.34 FT ? ?
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​​​​Spain рџ‡Єрџ‡ё Real Betis – Athletic Bilbao Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.56 FT ? ?
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15/01/2021 Germany 🇩🇪 Union – Bayer Leverkusen Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.28 FT ? ?
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Vietnam 🇻🇳 Nam Dinh – Hanoi Pick : Over 2.5 @ 1.36 FT ? ?
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Netherlands 🇳🇱 G. A Eagles – Maastricht Pick : FT 1 @ 1.52 FT ? ?
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04/02/2021 England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї Tottenham – Chelsea Pick : DC1X @ 1.25 FT ? ?
England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї Tottenham – Chelsea Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.28 FT ? ?
Denmark 🇩🇰 Midtjylland – Sonderjylland Pick : DC1X @ 1.25 FT ? ?
England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї U23 Wigan – Coventry Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.28 FT ? ?
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 Al Hilal – Abha Pick : FT 1 @ 1.50 FT ? ?
Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 Al Hilal – Abha Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.34 FT ? ?
Romania 🇷🇴 Academica Clinceni – UTA Arab Pick : FT 1 @ 2.36 FT ? ?
UAE 🇦🇪 Baniyas – Fujairah Pick : FT 1 @ 1.68 FT ? ?
England рџЏґу Ѓ§у Ѓўу ЃҐу Ѓ®у Ѓ§у Ѓї U23 Wigan – Coventry Pick : Over 2.5 @ 2.00 FT ? ?
Iceland 🇮🇸 Kopavogur – Hafnarfjordur Pick : FT 2 @ 1.66 FT ? ?
Iceland 🇮🇸 Kopavogur – Hafnarfjordur Pick : Over 2.5 @ 1.33 FT ? ?
Kuwait рџ‡°рџ‡ј Al Kuwait – Khaitan Pick : FT 1 @ 1.50 FT ? ?
​​​​Spain рџ‡Єрџ‡ё Real Betis – Athletic Bilbao Pick : Over 1.5 @ 1.56 FT ? ?
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п»їNFL odds, lines, picks, predictions for Week 4, 2020: Proven model backing Cowboys, Seahawks.
SportsLine’s computer model simulated every Week 4 NFL game 10,000 times with surprising results.
The Seattle Seahawks and Green Bay Packers have destroyed NFL spreads through three weeks, both going 3-0 against the number. Both teams have a realistic shot at moving to 4-0 on the season with their Week 4 NFL matchups. The latest Week 4 NFL odds from William Hill list Seattle as a 5.5-point road favorite against Miami, with Green Bay listed as a seven-point home favorite against the Falcons on Monday Night Football.
The Texans, meanwhile, have been the worst team in the league thus far against NFL Vegas lines. They’re 0-3 against the spread and have struggled mightily through the first three weeks. They’ll look to bounce back as 3.5-point favorites in the Week 4 NFL point spreads at home against the winless Minnesota Vikings. Where is the value in the NFL betting lines this week? All of the Week 4 NFL lines are listed below, and SportsLine’s advanced computer model has all the NFL betting advice and predictions you need to make the best Week 4 NFL picks now.
The SportsLine Projection Model simulates every NFL game 10,000 times and is up over $7,500 for $100 players on its top-rated NFL picks since its inception five years ago.
It’s off to a strong 7-2 roll on top-rated NFL picks this season. The model enters Week 4 on an incredible 103-67 roll on top-rated NFL picks that dates back to the 2017 season. The model also ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, it has examined the latest Week 4 NFL odds and NFL betting lines, simulated every snap, and its predictions are in. Head to SportsLine now to see them all.
Top NFL predictions for Week 4.
One of the top Week 4 NFL predictions the model recommends: The Cowboys (-4.5) cover at home against the Browns. Dallas is off to a disappointing 1-2 straight-up start with an 0-3 mark against the spread. That’s the worst start against the spread for the Cowboys since 1989, when they began 0-6.
However, the Browns have only covered once this season and own a minus-4.3 point differential. The Browns failed to cover their only road game so far as well as their only game as an underdog. SportsLine’s model is calling for a convincing 10-point Cowboys win that covers the spread in 60 percent of simulations. There’s also value on the under (56), which hits 56 percent of the time.
Another one of the top Week 4 NFL picks from the model: The Seahawks cover as 5.5-point road favorites against the Dolphins at Hard Rock Stadium. The Seahawks are off to a blistering 3-0 start thanks in large part to the play of quarterback Russell Wilson.
He has been sensational through the first three weeks of the season, throwing for 925 yards and 14 touchdowns. He’s thrown four or more touchdown passes in every game this season and will now try to dissect a Miami defense that’s giving up 399.3 yards per game.
In addition to Wilson’s spectacular play this season, the Seahawks have been dominant on the road. In fact, Seattle is 9-2 in its last 11 games on the road. SportsLine’s model says Wilson and the Seahawks cover in nearly 60 percent of simulations on Sunday.
How to make Week 4 NFL picks.
The model also has made the call on the huge Chiefs vs. Patriots matchup as well as every other game on the Week 4 NFL schedule. It’s also identified a Super Bowl contender that goes down hard. You can only get every pick for every game at SportsLine.
What NFL picks can you make with confidence in Week 4? And which Super Bowl contender goes down hard? Check out the latest NFL odds from William Hill below and then visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are winning more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that is up over $7,500 on its top-rated NFL picks.
NFL picks, predictions for Week 4: Browns upset Cowboys; Packers, Bears stay unbeaten.
Week 4 of the NFL season features a little bit of everything.
There are two matchups between winless teams, including a « Thursday Night Football » gem between the Broncos and Jets. The more surprising matchup of winless teams is Vikings-Texans on Sunday, a game that will put the losing coach on the hot seat.
There are also great matchups. .
When dealing with spreads, the Ravens are a 14.5-point favorite against Washington and the Rams are a 13.5-point favorite against the Giants.
Who will join the 4-0 club in the NFL? Below are our picks and predictions for Week 4 of the NFL season. As always, our point spreads are courtesy of Sports Insider.
NFL picks, predictions for Week 4.
Denver Broncos (-2 1/2) at New York Jets.
Thursday, 8:20 p.m. ET, NFL Network.
It’s a dynamite matchup between two of the three worst offenses in the NFL through three weeks. If the Broncos can protect Jeff Driskel or Brett Rypien, then Melvin Gordon and Jerry Jeudy should make a few big plays. The Adam Gase hot seat watch continues.
Pick: Broncos 21, Jets 18 ( Actual score: Broncos 37, Jets 28 )
Baltimore Ravens (-14) at Washington.
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, CBS.
It’s a short week for Baltimore heading into this Beltway Battle. Washington has won the last two meetings, and none of the six previous matchups have been decided by more than 14 points. That said, Lamar Jackson presents too many problems, especially if Chase Young (groin) is out.
Pick: Ravens 33, Redskins 20.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Cincinnati Bengals (-3)
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, CBS.
Cincinnati quarterback Joe Burrow has given the franchise hope, but he’s also taken 14 sacks in the first three games. Jacksonville’s Gardner Minshew has taken 10 sacks. This game might be more fun in a few years when the Jaguars have Trevor Lawrence at quarterback (if they can get him). Cincinnati gets Burrow in the win column here.
Pick: Bengals 23, Jaguars 20.
Seattle Seahawks (-6.5) at Miami Dolphins.
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, Fox.
Russell Wilson is playing at a MVP level, and that will need to continue if the Seahawks shuffle their rushing attack without Chris Carson (knee). Tua watch continues in Miami, but Ryan Fitzpatrick has managed to hold that by not throwing a pick in his last two starts. The Seahawks should cover on the road and improve to 4-0.
Pick: Seahawks 30, Dolphins 20.
Los Angeles Chargers at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-7.5)
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, CBS.
A battle of two teams Tom Brady was deciding between in the offseason, and the veteran quarterback is coming off his sharpest performance of the season. Chargers rookie Justin Herbert struggled in his second start, and the Buccaneers have a surprising top-five defense through three games.
Pick: Buccaneers 30, Chargers 21.
Arizona Cardinals (-4) at Carolina Panthers.
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, CBS.
Kyler Murray threw three interceptions in Week 3, and the Panthers have a better turnover margin than Detroit. The Panthers return home after two weeks on the road, but without Christian McCaffrey it might be tougher for Teddy Bridgewater to match big plays with Murray in a tight contest.
Pick: Cardinals 27, Panthers 24.
New Orleans Saints (-3.5) at Detroit Lions.
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, CBS.
This is a must-win game for a pair of 1-2 teams, and the Lions have won three of the last four meetings. Both defenses are giving up more than 30 points per game, and that means Drew Brees and Matthew Stafford should be able to turn this into a thriller. Take the over.
Pick: Saints 34, Lions 31.
Houston Texans (-4) at Minnesota Vikings.
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, Fox.
A pair of preseason playoff contenders are trying to hold off a 0-4 start. Houston wasn’t given any breaks by the schedule makers, but the Vikings have not inspired much confidence against AFC South teams the last two weeks. How much heat will Mike Zimmer and Kirk Cousins feel after another loss?
Pick: Texans 28, Vikings 24.
Cleveland Browns at Dallas Cowboys (-4.5)
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, Fox.
Cleveland has taken care of business in two games since an embarrassing Week 1 loss, and that Nick Chubb-Kareem Hunt tandem should work against Dallas’ run defense. Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott will keep the Cowboys going, but Baker Mayfield and Myles Garrett — both Texas natives — will match those big plays in a turning-point game for both teams.
Pick: Browns 34, Cowboys 31.
Pittsburgh Steelers at Tennessee Titans (NL)
NOTE: The Steelers-Titans game has been moved to Week 7 because of positive COVID-19 tests.
Sunday, 1 p.m. ET, CBS.
For those who love hard-nosed, throw-back AFC football, this is the game for you. Pittsburgh must keep Derrick Henry under wraps, but the Titans have to hold a furious Steelers’ pass rush that leads the NFL with 15 sacks. Pittsburgh joins the 4-0 club.
Pick: Steelers 24, Titans 21.
I ndianapolis Colts (-2.5) at Chicago Bears.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS.
The Colts have the league’s top defense, and Philip Rivers has settled in at quarterback. Chicago turned to Nick Foles last week, and the knack for winning close games continues at home. Yep, the Bears become the most-surprising member of the 4-0 club.
Pick: Bears 27, Colts 23.
New York Giants at Los Angeles Rams (-13)
Sunday, 4:05 p.m. ET, Fox.
The Giants average just 12.7 points per game, and that’s not going to cut it against a Rams team that has re-established its offensive rhythm. New York allows 123 rushing yards per game, and that could lead to another big game for Los Angeles running back Darrell Henderson. The big plays are coming.
Pick: Rams 35, Giants 17.
Buffalo Bills (-2.5) at Las Vegas Raiders.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS.
The Bills have an opportunity to get off to a 4-0 start against an improved Raiders’ team. Josh Allen has emerged as one of the league’s top quarterbacks, but this matchup will come down to which team can feed off the running game. That’s going to be tricky in a wild afternoon nail-biter.
Pick: Raiders 28, Bills 26.
New England Patriots at Kansas City Chiefs (-7)
NOTE: The Patriots-Chiefs game has been postponed to a later date, perhaps Monday or Tuesday, because of positive COVID-19 tests.
Sunday, 4:25 p.m. ET, CBS.
The Patriots are good with Cam Newton, but this is the second time in three weeks they can prove they will be a true Super Bowl contender. Patrick Mahomes is 1-2 in three career starts against the Pats, but the Chiefs average 31.3 points per game in those contests. It’s on New England to keep up this time, and they can’t quite do it this time. Kansas City is 4-0.
Pick: Chiefs 35, Patriots 32.
Philadelphia Eagles at San Francisco 49ers (-6)
Sunday, 8:20 p.m. ET, NBC.
Carson Wentz is under immense pressure here off the field, and the 49ers will provide more than enough on it. Despite injuries, the 49ers have recalibrated their offense. Nick Mullens will keep that rolling in the right direction at home, and it’s a chance to get the rushing attack going. The Eagles also have the league’s worst turnover ratio at –7.
Pick: 49ers 31, Eagles 19.
Atlanta Falcons at Green Bay Packers (-6.5)
Monday, 8:15 p.m., NBC.
It’s about state of mind for the Falcons after back-to-back fourth-quarter collapses against the Cowboys and Bears. The Packers are riding high, but Matt Ryan has a 100.2 career passer rating against Green Bay. The home team has won the last six games in this series. The over is a good play here, too. The Packers will round out the 4-0 club heading into a bye week, but it won’t be easy.
NFL football pool, pick’em, confidence picks for Week 4, 2020: Back the Bengals.
SportsLine’s advanced computer model locked in the top office pool picks for Week 4.
Underdogs win in the NFL, and Week 4 of the 2020 season has plenty of opportunities for the betting favorite to go down. The Week 4 schedule features four games with NFL point spreads of a field goal or less, and four more games between a field goal and a touchdown. Even prohibitive favorites like Ravens and Rams aren’t immune to potential upsets, which means tough decisions in your NFL office pool picks.
How do you lock down the winning Week 4 NFL confidence pool picks? Do you go straight chalk and pick favorites, or do you sprinkle in upsets with your NFL football pool picks? Before you make your NFL picks, you need to see the Week 4 NFL football pool picks from SportsLine’s proven model.
This model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, ranked in the Top 10 on NFLPickWatch in three of the past four years on straight-up NFL picks and beat more than 95 percent of CBS Sports office pool players three times during that span. It’s off to a hot 34-13 start to the 2020 season, and anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now the model has simulated the entire Week 4, 2020 NFL schedule 10,000 times and generated its optimal NFL pick’em plays. Go to SportsLine to see them.
Top Week 4 NFL office pool predictions.
One of the top Week 4 NFL pick’em predictions from the model: The Cincinnati Bengals win comfortably at home against the Jacksonville Jaguars. Joe Burrow has been steady in his first month as an NFL starting quarterback, throwing for 821 yards and five touchdowns despite the Bengals starting 0-2-1.
Cincinnati played the Eagles to the limit in Week 3, forcing overtime and finishing with a 23-23 tie. Burrow has continued to improve despite being hit an astounding 18 times (with eight sacks), as he passed for 312 yards and two scores against Philadelphia.
The Jaguars are 1-2 and riding a two-game losing streak, falling to the Titans two weeks ago and the Dolphins last week. Jacksonville’s defense gave up 294 yards to the Dolphins, while the offense turned the ball over twice. Veteran Dolphins quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick also threw two touchdown passes to out-play Jaguars QB Gardner Minshew. That’s a big reason why the model has Cincinnati winning this game in 60 percent of simulations.
How to make Week 4 NFL office pool picks.
The model also made the call on every other Week 4 game and has strong picks for potentially close games like Colts vs. Bears and Bengals vs. Jaguars. It’s also calling for a favored Super Bowl contender to go down hard. You can only see all of the model’s NFL pool picks at SportsLine.
Prisco’s NFL Week 4 odds, picks: Cowboys rout Browns, Chiefs roll past Patriots, 49ers edge Eagles.
Prisco reveals his NFL picks for Week 4, including why the Packers and Bills will remain unbeaten.
Picking NFL games so far in the early season hasn’t been as challenging for me as in years past. I went 9-7 against the spread last week for a season record of 29-18-1, which is good by any standards. My straight-up record is 33-14-1.
On the Pick Six Podcast, where we pick our best bets every week, I went 4-2 this past week and I am a sizzling 13-3 with my best bets. That includes a loss with the over in the Ravens-Chiefs game by a half a point in a game that had no business going under.
Let’s keep up the hot start and I offer one big tip as we head to Week 4: Play the overs. Until they can show me otherwise, the NFL defenses stink this year.
All odds are via William Hill Sportsbook.
Denver Broncos at New York Jets (PK)
This is the dog game of the week, and it happens to be one that is on national television. Oh, boy. One of these 0-3 teams is a likely winner — there could be a tie — but who will it be? I’ll go with the home team to wake up as Sam Darnold plays well and new Broncos starter Brett Rypien does not.
Pick: Jets 24, Broncos 17.
Which teams will cover the spread in Week 4? Pete Prisco, R.J. White and SportsLine’s Kenny White join host Will Brinson to break down their best bets and size up every game; listen below and be sure to subscribe for daily NFL goodness fired into your eardrums.
Arizona Cardinals (-3.5) at Carolina Panthers.
The Cardinals are coming off a bad loss, and now must take a long trip to the East Coast. The Panthers have played much better on defense than expected, but I think Kyler Murray will get back on track here and have a big day. Cardinals take it.
Pick: Cardinals 35, Panthers 23.
Indianapolis Colts (-2.5) at Chicago Bears.
This will be Nick Foles in as the starter for the Bears, which should help the offense. But the Colts defense has played well the past two weeks, which will make it a challenge. Look for the Colts to win a tight road game.
Pick: Colts 28, Bears 21.
Jacksonville Jaguars at Cincinnati Bengals (-3)
The Bengals tied last week at Philadelphia, which is a victory of sorts. But this is a good chance to get a real win. The Jaguars are having issues on defense, which should make for a big game for Joe Burrow. Bengals win it.
Pick: Bengals 33, Jaguars 27.
Cleveland Browns at Dallas Cowboys (-4.5)
The Cowboys are back home, but they better hope their defense shows up. It’s been awful. The Browns can run the ball, which could be a problem. Even so, look for Dak Prescott to get the Cowboys another home victory.
Pick: Cowboys 35, Browns 23.
The Saints didn’t look good in losing at home to the Packers, especially on defense. This is a tough road game to try and turn it around. Matthew Stafford played well last week, and I think he will in this one. But the Saints will score as well. They win a tight, high-scoring game.
Pick: Saints 31, Lions 30.
Minnesota Vikings at Houston Texans (-4.5)
This is a game matching two 0-3 teams, but one has looked far worse than the other. That’s the Vikings. Last time out on the road they were dominated by the Colts. The Texans have played a brutal schedule, and they will take it out on the Vikings.
Pick: Texans 34, Vikings 21.
Seattle Seahawks (-6.5) at Miami Dolphins.
This is the longest trip in the NFL, which is always a challenge. Miami is also rested after playing Thursday. Big edge to the Dolphins. But that’s it. They won’t be able to slow Russell Wilson. The Seahawks keep rolling.
Pick: Seahawks 37, Dolphins 23.
Pittsburgh Steelers at Tennessee Titans.
Postponed due to COVID-19.
This is a long trip for the Chargers, and the question is who will be playing quarterback. It won’t matter. Tampa Bay is playing well on defense and they will shut down the Chargers offense. Tom Brady will play well enough against a good Chargers defense.
Pick: Bucs 28, Chargers 21.
Baltimore Ravens (-13) at Washington Football Team.
The Ravens are coming off a bad showing in losing to the Chiefs. But Washington is the perfect tonic. Lamar Jackson and the offense will get back on track and win an easy one.
Pick: Ravens 34, Washington Football Team 17.
New York Giants at Los Angeles Rams (-13)
The Rams are home after two long road trips, which should be a comfort of sorts. The Giants are the team taking the long trip. They also aren’t playing well. The Rams are playing well and that shows up. Blowout.
Pick: Rams 36, Giants 17.
New England Patriots at Kansas City Chiefs (-7)
It’s always a treat when these two get together, even if Tom Brady isn’t a part of it anymore. The Chiefs are coming off an impressive showing at Baltimore and I think that carries over here. New England is great taking away one thing on offense, but this is an offense with many. Chiefs take it.
Pick : Chiefs 37, Patriots 24.
The Bills are riding high behind Josh Allen, but this is a long trip against a team coming off a loss. This is a be-careful game for the Bills. But I think Allen will win a shootout with Derek Carr as the Bills stay undefeated.
Pick: Bills 33, Raiders 31.
The Eagles haven’t played well yet. Carson Wentz is struggling in a big way. Can he turn it around here? It won’t be easy, even against a banged-up 49ers team. The 49ers take it in a close one.
Pick : 49ers 26, Eagles 21.
Atlanta Falcons at Green Bay Packers (-7.5)
The Falcons are coming off two major chokes in their past two games. They haven’t looked good on defense at all. The Packers are rolling on offense with Aaron Rodgers and I expect that to stay that way. Packers big.
Pick: Packers 34, Falcons 26.
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п»їNFL Picks Against the Spread: Super Bowl LV.
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NFL Picks (2020): 137-124-7 (+$3,815) NFL Picks (2019): 148-128-9 (+$1,200) NFL Picks (2018): 140-134-12 (+$845) NFL Picks (2017): 137-147-10 (-$4,300) NFL Picks (2016): 148-127-10 (+$780) NFL Picks (2015): 133-138-10 (-$3,215) NFL Picks (2014): 143-133-7 (-$1,885) NFL Picks (2013): 144-131-8 (+$7,825) NFL Picks (2012): 130-145-8 (-$7,445) NFL Picks (2011): 137-133-12 (-$1,335) NFL Picks (2010): 144-131-8 (+$5,880) NFL Picks (2009): 151-124-9 (+$4,235) NFL Picks (2008): 136-125-6 (+$6,105) NFL Picks (2007): 162-135-10 (+$3,585) If you don’t quite understand the line, total or anything else, go to my Sports Betting FAQ. Vegas betting action updated Feb. 2, 2:20 p.m. ET. Follow @walterfootball for updates.
Super Bowl LV Pick Chiefs at Buccaneers.
Get more free NFL picks for every game Doc’s Sports.
Last Week’s NFL Picks Against The Spread (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$250) Last Week’s 2-3 Unit NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$400) Last Week’s 4-5 Unit NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 0-0 ($0) Last Week Over-Under (Week 20, 2020): 0-2 ($0) Last Week’s Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks (Week 20, 2020): -$150.
2020 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-2, 50.0% (-$135)
2020 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-124-6, 52.5% (+$3,815) 2020 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 47-43-3, 52.2% (-$1,965) 2020 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 37-22-1, 62.7% (+$5,515) 2020 Season Over-Under: 140-122-6, 53.4% ($0) 2020 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$225.
1999 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 27-41-3 (39.7%) 2000 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 128-123-8 (51.0%) 2001 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 127-122-7 (51.0%) 2002 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 123-136-7 (47.5%) 2003 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 146-126-8 (53.7%) 2004 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 157-123-8 (56.1%) 2005 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 156-126-11 (55.3%) 2006 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 151-135-9 (52.8%) 2007 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 162-135-10, 54.5% (+$3,585) 2008 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 148-140-7, 51.4% (+$6,105) 2009 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 151-124-9, 54.9% (+$4,235) 2010 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 144-131-8, 52.4% (+$5,880) 2011 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-133-12, 50.7% (-$1,335) 2012 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 130-145-8, 47.3% (-$7,445) 2013 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 144-131-8, 52.4% (+$7,825) 2014 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 143-133-7, 51.8% (-$1,885) 2015 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 134-138-12, 49.3% (-$3,215) 2016 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 148-127-10, 53.8% (+$780) 2017 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-140-8, 49.5% (-$4,300) 2018 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 140-134-14, 51.3% (+$845) 2019 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 149-128-9, 53.6% (+$1,200)
2002 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 41-49-2 (45.6%) 2003 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 52-51-2 (50.5%) 2004 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 65-44-3 (59.6%) 2005 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 77-61-1 (55.8%) 2006 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 65-61-4 (51.6%) 2007 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 83-59-5, 58.5% (+$4,110) 2008 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-57-3, 43.6% (-$3,510) 2009 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 49-35-3, 58.3% (+$2,260) 2010 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 51-38-4, 57.3% (+$3,180) 2011 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-51-3, 46.3% (-$2,715) 2012 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 45-50-2, 47.4% (-$2,130) 2013 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 38-42, 47.5% (-$2,890) 2015 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 47-44-1, 51.6% (-$820) 2016 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 42-35-3, 54.5% (+$475) 2017 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 32-40-3, 43.8% (-$2,395) 2018 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 52-41-2, 55.9% (+$2,670) 2019 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-36-2, 55.0% (+$655)
2002 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 11-12 (47.8%) 2003 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 16-13-1 (55.2%) 2004 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 18-11 (62.1%) 2005 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 25-22-1 (53.2%) 2006 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 21-29-1 (42.0%) 2007 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 35-30-2, 53.8% (+$420) 2008 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 39-26-2, 60.0% (+$4,055) 2009 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 29-26, 52.7% (+$330) 2010 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 32-22, 59.3% (+$4,790) 2011 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 14-14, 50.0% (-$1,260) 2012 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 14-21, 40.0% (-$3,650) 2013 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 17-9-3, 65.4% (+$2,970) 2015 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 17-16-2, 51.5% (-$1,120) 2016 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 21-22-5, 48.8% (-$1,465) 2017 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 20-22-1, 47.6% (-$1,595) 2018 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 27-32-1, 45.8% (-$4,735) 2019 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 37-27-2, 57.8% (+$2,185)
2001 Season Over-Under: 3-2 (60.0%) 2002 Season Over-Under: 121-91-3 (57.1%) 2003 Season Over-Under: 126-132-2 (48.8%) 2004 Season Over-Under: 139-124-4 (52.9%) 2005 Season Over-Under: 117-145-4 (44.7%) 2006 Season Over-Under: 129-132-5 (49.4%) 2007 Season Over-Under: 136-145-3, 48.4% (-$1,900) 2008 Season Over-Under: 137-125-6, 52.3% (+$860) 2009 Season Over-Under: 128-135-4, 48.7% (-$3,195) 2010 Season Over-Under: 128-135-5, 48.7% (-$5) 2011 Season Over-Under: 131-131-5, 50.0% (+$135) 2012 Season Over-Under: 125-121-5, 50.8% (+$30) 2013 Season Over-Under: 132-130-5, 50.4% (-$340) 2015 Season Over-Under: 143-119-5, 54.6% ($0) 2016 Season Over-Under: 123-141-1, 46.6% (+$95) 2017 Season Over-Under: 136-139-2, 49.5% (+$640) 2018 Season Over-Under: 118-128-3, 48.0% (-$225) 2019 Season Over-Under: 126-133-4, 48.6% (-$50)
2007 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,035 2008 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,775 2009 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$865 2010 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$200 2011 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$590 2012 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$1,685 2013 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$2,245 2015 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$855 2016 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$275 2017 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$510 2018 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,495 2019 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$1,715.
2006 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3 (50%) 2007 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3, 50.0% (-$400) 2008 NFL Picks of the Month: 6-1, 85.7% (+$3,720) 2009 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-2, 60.0% (+$640) 2010 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-4, 33.3% (-$1,810) 2011 NFL Picks of the Month: 5-2, 71.4% (+$1,870) 2012 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-2, 60.0% (+$560) 2013 NFL Picks of the Month: 6-0, 100% (+$3,900) 2014 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-4, 33.3% (-$1,350) 2015 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3, 50.0% (-$100) 2016 NFL Picks of the Month: 5-1, 83.3% (+$2,780) 2017 NFL Picks of the Month: 4-2, 66.7% (+$1,040) 2018 NFL Picks of the Month: 4-3, 57.1% (-$640) 2019 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3-1, 50.0% (-$625)
Career NFL Picks Against The Spread: 2,994-2,761-179, 52.0% (+$14,120) Career 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 957-859-49 (52.7%) Career 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 452-396-23 (53.3%) Career Over-Under: 2,462-2,416-66 (50.5%) Career Second-Half NFL Picks: 22-15-1 (61.1%) Career NFL Picks of the Month: 44-29-1 (60.3%)
My Team-by-Team ATS Record This section shows how well I do when picking each team this year. The purpose is to see how well I read each team. Pushes are not displayed. Winning/losing streak in parentheses.
NFL football pool, pick’em, confidence picks for Week 11, 2019: Back the New England Patriots.
SportsLine’s advanced computer just locked in its Week 11 NFL office pool picks.
Playoff teams from a year ago face must-win games during the Week 11 NFL schedule. The 4-5 Bears visit the Rams on Sunday Night Football, the 4-6 Chargers play the division-leading Chiefs on Monday Night Football in Mexico City, and the 5-4 Colts host Jacksonville trying to halt a two-game skid. As you fill out your NFL office pool picks, should you bank on strong teams in desperate situations? Or should your NFL confidence picks steer you elsewhere? Fans everywhere will be making NFL predictions on these games as well as the entire Week 11 NFL schedule. Before you make your own NFL predictions, see the up-to-the-minute Week 11 NFL football pool picks from SportsLine’s proven computer model.
This model, which simulates every NFL game 10,000 times, has ranked in the Top 10 in straight-up NFL picks on NFLPickWatch for three years running. Last season, it beat more than 96 percent of CBS Sports office pool players. Anyone who has followed it is way up.
Now, the model has simulated the entire Week 11 NFL schedule 10,000 times and generated its optimal NFL pick’em plays. We can tell you the model likes the visiting Patriots to handle the Eagles, who have won two straight over New England, including Super Bowl LII. In fact, the Patriots are winning 64 percent of the model’s simulations.
Philly won’t have speedster DeSean Jackson (core muscle surgery), and these less explosive Eagles must contend with a defense allowing a league-low 10.9 points per game. Philadelphia will also be without wide receiver Alshon Jeffery (ankle), while running back Jordan Howard (stinger) is questionable.
New England’s Jamie Collins, Kyle Van Noy and Dont’a Hightower have combined for 12.5 sacks and will surely harass Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz, a notoriously slow starter.
The model also has made the call on Jets vs. Redskins, Texans vs. Ravens, Chiefs vs. Chargers, Jaguars vs. Colts and the rest of the Week 11 NFL schedule. In fact, the model says one team the public loves goes down hard. You can only see all of the model’s NFL pool picks at SportsLine.
Pete Prisco’s NFL Week 11 picks: Chargers stun Chiefs in Mexico, Ravens and Lamar Jackson win thriller.
Also, the Dolphins’ win streak reaches three and all of Prisco’s Week 11 picks.
Can I complain about winning weeks?
No chance. Not the way things have gone this season with my picks. So a 7-6 straight-up record and a 7-5-1 record against the spread this week are steps in the right direction.
It’s just that the week looked so good before the two primetime games on Sunday and Monday. They were both losers straight up and against the spread. Maybe I am the new Kirk Cousins and can’t handle primetime picks. Hey, he showed us all that was a myth by beating the Cowboys last week.
With seven weeks to go, it’s time for a big-time week. That means three games above .500 against the spread.
Ok, so I settle for another winning week.
The Steelers have righted things, while the Browns are trying to do so. This will be a tough game for the Steelers on the road. But I think their defense will be the difference. They will get all over Baker Mayfield.
Pick: Steelers 23, Browns 16.
Who are the legit Super Bowl contenders? Brady Quinn, Ryan Wilson and Will Brinson break down that question and more (is Joe Burrow a lock at No. 1?) on the Pick Six Podcast. Listen below, and subscribe for daily NFL goodness fired into your eardrums.
Texans at Ravens (-4)
This will be fun watching Deshaun Watson against Lamar Jackson. One of them could easily be the MVP this season and both are in the race. The Texans are coming off a bye, but I think this is a tough task on the road against the Ravens. There should be a lot of points, but Jackson will get the best of it.
Pick: Ravens 33, Texans 26.
Who should you back against the spread, on the money line and the total in every Week 11 NFL game? And which Super Bowl contender goes down? Visit SportsLine to see their NFL cheat sheet, all from the model that is up almost $7,000 on its top-rated picks.
The Falcons showed some life last week in beating the Saints on the road. But this is another tough road test. Can they do it again? I don’t think so. It will be tight, but look for the Panthers to pull this one out late.
Pick: Panthers 23, Falcons 21.
Cowboys (-4.5) at Lions.
The Cowboys are coming off a bad loss at home to the Vikings. They didn’t look good on defense and they couldn’t run it. But the Lions defense is the perfect tonic to get things back on track. Detroit will likely be without Matthew Stafford again, which means Jeff Driskel at quarterback. Dallas will take advantage of that.
Pick: Cowboys 30, Lions 20.
This is the return of Nick Foles for the Jaguars, while the Colts should have Jacoby Brissett back. The Jaguars are coming off their bye and they have traditionally played the Colts well. I think they will get a big day from Leonard Fournette to pull this one out on the road.
Pick: Jaguars 21, Colts 17.
The Dolphins have won two straight, while the Bills have lost two of their last three games. Buffalo is also on the road for a second straight week. I think Miami continues to play well here against a team that doesn’t score all that much. Miami will win another.
Pick: Dolphins 17, Bills 13.
Broncos at Vikings (-10.5)
The Vikings are back home after an impressive road victory against the Cowboys. They will face Brandon Allen at quarterback for the Broncos in this one. That will be a challenge for Denver, one they won’t be able to overcome. The Vikings will win it.
Pick: Vikings 27, Broncos 13.
Saints (-5.5) at Buccaneers.
The Saints were awful last week in losing to the Falcons at home. Now they have to turn it around against a division foe that can put up points. But I think the Saints will get back on track in this one with the defense forcing some Jameis Winston turnovers. Drew Brees bounces back.
Pick: Saints 23, Bucs 16.
This is the dog game of the week, even though the Jets are coming off a victory last week. The Redskins will play Dwayne Haskins at quarterback the rest of the way, which is the smart thing. But he will take his lumps, starting here. The Jets defense is stout against the run, which will put the pressure on Haskins. Jets win their second straight.
Pick: Jets 24, Redskins 20.
The 49ers are coming off their first loss, a tough one on Monday night. But it helps they will be home to offset that short week. The Cardinals are on the road for the second straight week. They played the 49ers tough in the first meeting. They won’t here. 49ers big.
Pick: 49ers 28, Cardinals 17.
Bengals at Raiders (-10.5)
The Raiders will be rested after playing last Thursday. Does it matter? The Bengals are a mess and this is the first road game for Ryan Finley as the starting quarterback. It won’t be pretty. Raiders take it.
Pick: Raiders 32, Bengals 14.
Patriots (-3.5) at Eagles.
Both of these teams are coming off the bye. The Patriots need to get back on track after losing the last time out to the Ravens. I think they will. The Eagles need this game a lot more in terms of their division race, but I think the Patriots will find a way behind Tom Brady.
Pick: Patriots 27, Eagles 23.
Bears at Rams (-7)
These two haven’t come close to living up to expectations. The Bears beat up the Rams last year, but this time around I think the Rams get their revenge. Jared Goff is better than Mitchell Trubisky and that shows up in a big way.
Pick: Rams 25, Bears 17.
This game will be played in Mexico City as a Chargers home game. The Chiefs let one get away last week against the Titans, while the Chargers struggled at Oakland. This will be a game where the Chargers run it and keep Patrick Mahomes on the bench. The Chargers stay alive with a victory here behind the play of Melvin Gordon and their running game.
Pick: Chargers 27, Chiefs 26.
NFL Week 11 game picks: Colts top Packers; Ravens over Titans.
Around The NFL Editor.
Gregg Rosenthal went 9-5 on his predictions for Week 10 of the 2020 NFL season, bringing his total record to 92-53-1. How will he fare in Week 11? His picks are below.
Cincinnati Bengals 24, Washington Football Team 21.
After a hot start, Chase Young has one sack and one other QB hit in his last six games. Montez Sweat has been better, but the Washington pass rush has slowed down in recent weeks. If that trend continues, Joe Burrow should have enough time to outscore Alex Smith, who is playing the trusty vet version of Burrow’s style of play, and playing it well.
Atlanta Falcons 28, New Orleans Saints 27.
This matchup is trouble annually for the Saints even when they are rolling, and the two-quarter sample size of Jameis Winston and Taysom Hill splitting work didn’t inspire confidence. I was tempted to go with the Falcons all week and finally switched my pick after NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport reported on Friday that Hill is expected to start at quarterback. The Falcons are getting Calvin Ridley back from injury and would be 4-0 under interim coach Raheem Morris if not for Todd Gurley’s touchdown by mistake. They are better at stopping the run than you think and I’m not convinced the Saints will be able to pass much.
Pittsburgh Steelers 27, Jacksonville Jaguars 13.
The Jaguars’ defense is undeniably better since the team’s Week 8 bye, getting surprising contributions from Sidney Jones and DaVon Hamilton. The Jaguars’ offense is undeniably worse with Jake Luton at quarterback, which gives them little hope against the T.J. Watt for DPOY Express .
New England Patriots 31, Houston Texans 27.
The Texans rank dead last in run defense and turnovers forced, which is a bad recipe against a diverse, peaking New England rushing attack led by Damien Harris. The Patriots didn’t turn the ball over and didn’t need to throw much during their two-game winning streak. They should be able to replicate that in this reunion with old pal Romeo Crennel.
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Pete Prisco’s NFL Week 9 picks: Patriots squeak out win over Jets, Ravens hold off Colts and more predictions.
Prisco reveals his NFL picks for Week 9, including why the Patriots will win a closer game than most expect.
I knew it was coming eventually, but the hurt from my first losing week still wasn’t fun. Yes, the picks went rotten last week.
For the first time this season, my picks against the spread were on the negative side of the ledger. I went 5-9 ATS to drop my record to 64-53-1 for the year. My straight up mark was 9-5 to get to 80-37-1 for the year. I also had my first losing week on the Pick Six Podcast with my best bets, going 3-4. That makes my season mark 31-17-1.
Now that the dud week is out of my system, it’s time to get back on track, which I plan to do.
All NFL odds are via William Hill Sportsbook.
Which teams will cover the spread in Week 9? Pete Prisco, R.J. White and SportsLine’s Kenny White join Will Brinson to break down their best bets and every game; listen below and be sure to subscribe for daily NFL goodness.
Green Bay Packers (-5.5) at San Francisco 49ers.
This rematch of the NFC title game last January has a different look to it for the 49ers in a big way. They are decimated by injuries, starting Nick Mullens at quarterback while being without George Kittle. They can still run the ball, which has been a problem for the Packers. But without Kittle and with a backup quarterback, it will be tougher to run it. The Packers will be thin at running back, but I think Aaron Rodgers and the Green Bay passing game will move the ball and find a way to win against a depleted team.
Pick: Packers 28, 49ers 21.
New York Giants at Washington Football Team (-3)
This game actually matters in the division race. That’s sick. The Giants are playing on a short week after losing to the Bucs Monday night, while Washington is coming off a bye. The more rested team will be the one that plays better as the defensive front has a big day. Washington takes it.
Pick: Washington 21, Giants 17.
Which picks can you make with confidence in Week 9? And which Super Bowl contender goes down hard? Visit SportsLine to see which NFL teams are winning more than 50 percent of simulations, all from the model that’s up over $7,600 on its top-rated picks.
Chicago Bears at Tennessee Titans (-5.5)
Both teams come in on two-game losing streaks. The Titans have major issues on defense, while the Bears have major issues on offense. Something has to give, and I think it’s the Bears offense that gets it going. Titans win it, but it’s close.
Pick: Titans 31, Bears 30.
Detroit Lions at Minnesota Vikings (-4)
The Vikings won at Green Bay last week by doing it the old-fashioned way: pounding the football. They will try and do that here with Dalvin Cook and should be able to run it. The concern is the Minnesota defense. But I think they showed some improvement last week that will carry over here. Vikings win another.
Pick: Vikings 28, Lions 23.
Carolina Panthers at Kansas City Chiefs (-10.5)
The Panthers have lost three straight and now must travel to play one of the best teams in the league. The Chiefs will have an offensive explosion again here against the Carolina defense. Even with Christian McCaffrey likely back, it won’t matter. Chiefs big.
Pick: Chiefs 37, Panthers 21.
Houston Texans (-7) at Jacksonville Jaguars.
This will be Jake Luton making his first start for the Jaguars. The rookie has a big arm, and he looked good in camp, according to team sources. But this is a big challenge. The Jaguars defense has been awful and Deshaun Watson should light them up. Texans take it.
Pick: Texans 35, Jaguars 20.
Baltimore Ravens (-2.5) at Indianapolis Colts.
This is one of the better games of the week. The Colts have won two straight as Philip Rivers has righted his season. But this is a big challenge in the Ravens defense. The Baltimore offense has run it well, but it will be the passing that wins this game. Lamar Jackson gets it going.
Pick: Ravens 28, Colts 27.
Seattle Seahawks (-2.5) at Buffalo Bills.
This is another good game this week. This is a long trip for Seattle to face a good Buffalo team. But the Buffalo defense has really struggled the past month. That is good news for Russell Wilson. He will light up the Buffalo secondary. Seattle wins a high-scoring game as Josh Allen also will play well.
Pick: Seahawks 33, Bills 28.
Denver Broncos at Atlanta Falcons (-4)
The Falcons have won two of three under interim coach Raheem Morris and have been rejuvenated a bit. Denver looked good coming back against the Chargers with Drew Lock leading it. This has a chance to be high scoring, but I think Matt Ryan will get the best of the Denver defense.
Pick: Falcons 30, Broncos 24.
Las Vegas Raiders at Los Angeles Chargers (-1.5)
The Raiders impressed last week on the road winning at Cleveland. The defense came up big. They face a tough challenge in hot rookie passer Justin Herbert. The Chargers find new ways to blow leads seemingly every week. But that won’t happen here as Herbert has a big day.
Pick: Chargers 31, Raiders 27.
Pittsburgh Steelers (-13.5) at Dallas Cowboys.
The Cowboys are a mess, while the Steelers are the league’s best team. They are playing a third straight road game, which is usually tough. But this is one of those games where you can throw that out the window. They are much better than the Cowboys right now, who will likely start Cooper Rush with Andy Dalton on the COVID-19 list. The Steelers stay unbeaten.
Pick: Steelers 34, Cowboys 20.
Miami Dolphins at Arizona Cardinals (-5)
The Dolphins have the top-scoring defense in the league, while the Cardinals were clicking on offense before the bye. This is a long trip for the Dolphins, but they won at San Francisco earlier this year. Even so, the Cardinals will carry over their hot play from before the bye and find a way to win this one. Kyler Murray beats Tua Tagovailoa.
Pick: Cardinals 28, Dolphins 21.
New Orleans Saints at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-5.5)
The Bucs are playing on a short week and didn’t look great against the Giants. But the Saints are playing consecutive road games. New Orleans won the first meeting, but this is a much better Tampa Bay team. The defense will get all over Drew Brees. Tom Brady will beat him in this one.
Pick: Bucs 27, Saints 17.
New England Patriots (-7) at New York Jets.
What a bad Monday night game this is for us. The Patriots have lost four straight, while the Jets haven’t won yet. They won’t win here either, but it will be close. The Patriots aren’t a good team either. Take the points.
Pick: Patriots 23, Jets 21.
Week 9 NFL expert picks and Vegas predictions: Browns, Jaguars cover.
R.J. White went deep in the Las Vegas SuperContest two of the past four years.
Picking NFL games has been extremely profitable if you’ve listened to CBS Sports NFL editor R.J. White. In fact, if you placed $100 on each of White’s NFL expert picks over the last two-plus seasons, you’d be up over $2,700. Smart bettors tail his selections.
White has been SportsLine’s top pro football analyst, and over that span, the CBS Sports NFL editor and nationally-recognized NFL Draft expert has gone 235-187 on NFL picks against the spread. The stats guru, whose picks are coveted by fans everywhere, has also cashed huge in the world’s most prestigious handicapping tournament, the Westgate Las Vegas SuperContest, twice in the past four years. Now, he’s back and crushing his SuperContest selections again in 2019.
« The worst part of the Browns’ schedule is over after consecutive games against the Rams, Ravens, 49ers, Seahawks and Patriots, five teams with a combined 31-7 record, » White told SportsLine. « That means this is the low point of Cleveland’s stock, and as such we’re getting them at a favorable line against a Broncos team that has no reason to fight with Brandon Allen at quarterback. Even if their defense (fifth in points per drive allowed) has another strong game here, the Browns’ offense only needs to get to 17 points to expect a cover, something they should accomplish with a run-based approach. »
« I believe Gardner Minshew’s progress from the 13-12 loss the Jaguars suffered in his first career start will be enough for them to win this game, » White told SportsLine. « The Texans’ defense has gotten progressively worse since that game, and they rank just 22nd in net yards per attempt. Even if the Jags are down in the second half, I think Minshew can come from behind and win against Houston’s mediocre secondary. On the other side of the ball, the Jags front can have success against a Houston offensive line that’s getting healthier, but still isn’t 100 percent. The Jags lean on their familiarity with this London trip and get the win. »
White also is calling for a favorite to cover with ease on Sunday. The line is way off in this game, White says. He’s only sharing which teams to pick at SportsLine.
So which teams should you back in Week 9? And which team cruises to a cover? Visit SportsLine now to see who you should back in Week 9, plus see which favorite covers with ease, all from the expert who keeps crushing the world’s most prestigious handicapping tournament.
Week 9 NFL Pick ’em Pool Picks Advice: Expert tips for football pools.
After a chalky week where the public largely rode favorites to favorable results, Week 9 features some tougher calls in NFL confidence and pick ’em pools. The number-crunching experts from TeamRankings break down win odds and pick percentages for five key games to help you find the right picks for your football pool.
As a reminder, TeamRankings is the only site that provides customized picks to maximize your edge in football pools. Last year, 80 percent of their subscribers reported winning a prize in a football pick ’em contest.
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Review of last week’s picks.
Last week, we highlighted three favorites that were coming at relative value given the large pick percentages on every favorite last week. We won’t take too much credit for suggesting that you take the top favorite, Minnesota, and slot them as your top confidence play. But San Francisco and Green Bay were two favorites that were being picked a little less by the public than other similar teams, and both got big wins.
Meanwhile, the two value gambles we highlighted for consideration in weekly contests both came close but lost in heartbreaking fashion. Tampa Bay had their chances — and some controversy — in the loss at Tennessee, while Denver led the Colts until Adam Vinatieri hit a 51-yard game-winning field goal to end the game.
Week 9 NFL Picks Advice: Tips for Pick ’em Pools.
As we always caution, you shouldn’t necessarily make every one of the picks below (especially the value gambles). The best Week 9 picks for your NFL pool depend on several factors, including rules, size, and prize structure. Our Football Pick ’em Picks product recommends weekly picks for you based on all those factors.
Win odds and estimated national pick popularity data is subject to change between publication and kickoff. For the latest numbers, check our pick ’em picks product, which updates multiple times daily.
Week 9 features several favorites that the public is picking at a lower rate than their respective chances to win. These types of teams are as close as you can get to “no-brainer picks” in NFL pick ’em contests, as both win odds and value are on your side. Here are three of them:
Pittsburgh Steelers (vs. Indianapolis)
The Colts are 5-2, but all seven games have been close affairs that could have gone either way. They were coming at value for the first month of the season as the public shied away from them, but now, the public is heavily on Indianapolis (73 percent of early picks are on the Colts), as it’s tied for the second-best record in the AFC entering the week.
The Steelers, though, are the Vegas favorite in this one at home. Both our models and the betting markets give the Steelers a 52-percent chance to win. Our predictive power rankings have Pittsburgh just above the Colts on a neutral field, with the difference in record explained by close-game performance (The Steelers are 1-3 in games decided by eight or less).
Cleveland Browns (at Denver)
Joe Flacco has been ruled out of this Sunday’s game against Cleveland because of a neck injury. Coincidentally or not, Flacco was very vocal in his criticism of head coach Vic Fangio’s conservatism at the end of last week’s loss to the Colts. As a result, Brandon Allen, a former sixth-round pick in 2016 by the Jaguars, is set to start. The 27-year-old Allen has been waived by both Jacksonville and the Rams prior to signing with Denver after rookie quarterback Drew Lock went on IR. He has yet to throw a pass in a regular season game.
So far, the pick popularity on this one has it pretty even, with the Browns getting 53 percent of the selections from the public. Sports books that have put a line back up on the board are generally in the 2.5-point to three-point range with Cleveland as the favorite. (Prior to the Flacco news, Denver was the favorite of around 1.5 points). Right now, Cleveland is coming at value as the favorite, and where the popularity ends up will determine whether that holds true by Sunday.
Oakland Raiders (vs. Detroit)
The Raiders have lost two in a row after their bye week and finally get to return home to play Detroit. One thing to keep in mind is just how infrequently the Raiders have played in Oakland this year. This is their first true home game since Sept. 15th against the Chiefs, as they have played four games on the road plus traveled to London and had a bye since then.
Oakland is a two-point favorite against the Lions and have implied win odds of 54 percent and public pick percentage of 53 percent. While that is not a huge value, you are still getting the betting favorite in a spot where almost half the public is going the other way.
If you’re going to make a gamble on an underdog, you need to make sure that the potential reward (that is, how much your odds to win your pool will increase if your gamble pays off) is as big as possible. If you take a bunch of extra risk on a super trendy upset pick, the joke could be on you.
The picks below are not appropriate for all pools. If you’re in a smaller, season-long pool with lots of games left, they’re probably not worth the risk. However, if you’re in a single-week pool with a larger number of entries — or if you only care about winning weekly prizes — these highly unpopular underdogs have compelling profiles.
Jacksonville (vs. Houston in London)
Jacksonville lost its first matchup with Houston back in Week 2 when Gardner Minshew made his first career start, and it came up just short on a two-point conversion in an attempt to take a late lead. This game is a near toss-up in London, with Houston as the early 1.5-point favorite. But two-thirds of the public is going with Deshaun Watson and the Texans, which provides value in weekly contests to go opposite the public and take a team that has a realistic chance of victory.
Los Angeles Chargers (vs. Green Bay)
The Packers are rolling, moving to 7-1 with the road win at Kansas City on Sunday Night Football. Meanwhile, the Chargers ended a three-game losing streak, but not necessarily in impressive fashion, as they needed a late field goal miss to win in Chicago. Now, these teams will meet in Los Angeles, where the Chargers will nominally be the home team but the stands are likely to be filled with green shirts.
The Chargers come in as a three-point underdog with about a 41-percent chance of winning, according to our models. But only eight percent of the public is going with Los Angeles. While it’s not the best pick in all formats, rolling with the Chargers in larger weekly pools provides a lot of value given their extremely low popularity for a team with a realistic chance of winning.
Which of these five NFL Week 9 picks should you make?
Once you know the best value opportunities of NFL Week 9, you can increase your odds to win your pool by making educated gambles on them. Maybe you bump up the number of confidence points you assign to a team like Pittsburgh or Cleveland, or you take a chance on an upset like the Chargers or Jaguars.
There are a lot of potential decisions to make, and not all of them will make sense for your specific pool. It takes a lot of data and math to get to the right answer. Fortunately, we’ve built technology to do all the analytical heavy lifting for you.
Our Football Pick ’em Picks product recommends the best weekly picks for your pool based on all the strategy factors that matter. You answer a few quick questions about your pool, and it shows you the weekly pick sheet that will maximize your edge. We invite you to give it (and all our other premium NFL tools) a try for free. Good luck in your NFL pick ’em contests and office pools this week!
FREE TRIAL OFFER: Sporting News readers can get a free three-day premium trial to TeamRankings , including game predictions, betting picks, and customized picks for pick ’em and survivor pools. Claim your free trial now !
NFL Week 9 game picks: Bucs top Saints; Ravens best Colts.
Around The NFL Editor.
Gregg Rosenthal went 9-5 on his predictions for Week 8 of the 2020 NFL season, bringing his total record to 75-43-1. How will he fare in Week 9? His picks are below.
Washington Football Team 21, New York Giants 19.
While Daniel Jones was decomposing in prime time, the Team was chilling on a bye week. It’s always tricky when teams play twice in such a short span, but the first meeting between the Giants and Washington, which came in Week 6, was instructive. Big Blue struggled to move the ball, relying on two Kyle Allen turnovers that set up 14 points. That could happen again, but the talent disparity here is real. The Giants are playing just hard enough to keep games close, but Washington has far more players (Terry McLaurin, Antonio Gibson, Chase Young, Montez Sweat and an underrated secondary) who can make plays without the help of some major schematic advantage.
Tennessee Titans 24, Chicago Bears 23.
This is a sneaky-great game. When the Titans have the ball, a dominant red-zone and third-down offense faces the league’s preeminent red-zone and third-down defense. When the Bears have the ball, a Nick Foles-led group ranked near the bottom in red-zone and third-down offense faces a Titans defense that is historically terrible in getting off the field. Foles made more tough throws last week than he was given credit for and has faced a brutal stretch of the schedule that ends this week, which makes this more of a coin-flip game than Titans fans want to admit.
UPDATE: NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport reported Thursday that Bears center Cody Whitehair tested positive for COVID-19.
Minnesota Vikings 27, Detroit Lions 24.
The Vikings and Lions are similar this season, as two teams stuck in the NFL’s middle that could easily have better records. I give the Vikings the edge on Sunday largely because of who’s available. Dalvin Cook is a tackle-breaking testament to a few running backs mattering, with coordinator Gary Kubiak’s zone-blocking concepts taking off when he’s in the lineup. Kenny Golladay, meanwhile, is Detroit’s offensive Jenga piece. The Lions’ erratic attack isn’t explosive enough without Golladay on the field, and he’s expected to miss this game with a hip injury, per NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport. Matthew Stafford was placed on the reserve/COVID-19 list on Wednesday after having a high-risk close contact with a non-team person earlier this week, according to NFL Network’s Tom Pelissero. He could be eligible to play on Sunday if his tests come back negative in the days ahead and he remains asymptomatic. I was picking the Vikings to win either way, but the score projection could change, depending on Stafford’s status.
Kansas City Chiefs 35, Carolina Panthers 21.
Pressure Patrick Mahomes or perish. The Panthers, who haven’t had their bye, have forced only one punt in their last two games. They make other teams work for their points, but Brian Burns’ breakout season doesn’t provide enough juice up front to make up for the losses of Kawann Short and Yetur Gross-Matos from an already-thin defensive group. Mahomes has the look of a man ready to feast on a stretch of vulnerable opponents, making Christian McCaffrey’s likely return from injury for this game of little concern for the defending champs.
Houston Texans 30, Jacksonville Jaguars 21.
I was convinced, based on Rapoport’s reporting and Jaguars coach Doug Marrone’s words, that rookie quarterback Jake Luton was going to start coming out of Jacksonville’s bye week, even before the team knew of Gardner Minshew’s injury. The Jaguars talked up Luton in training camp much like they talked up Minshew the year before. Facing the Texans’ defense represents an ideal first matchup, but it’s hard to imagine Luton keeping up in a shootout with Deshaun Watson. With the league’s 32nd-ranked defense, shootouts and blowouts are the only types of Jaguars games.
Baltimore Ravens 24, Indianapolis Colts 20.
This game is a stress test that will tell us how different these Ravens truly are. Baltimore’s defense is better than it was a year ago, but the sluggish passing game is impossible to ignore after another rough day for Lamar Jackson. Philip Rivers, on the other hand, is quietly carrying a Colts offense that ranks fifth in yards per pass attempt, yet dead last in yards per carry. I love Darius Leonard. I love Julian Blackmon. I love DeForest Buckner. But the Ravens’ running game is coming off its best game of the year, and Baltimore still has more ways to win, with more firepower than the Colts, on both sides of the ball.
Seattle Seahawks 30, Buffalo Bills 24.
Jamal Adams, who’s missed the last four games due to injury, and trade acquisition Carlos Dunlap could join a Seahawks defense coming off its best performance. This matchup sets up well for the upswing to continue. Like the other defenses that have slowed down the Bills lately, the Seahawks are happy to play coverage, keep the ball in front of them and wait for Josh Allen to make a mistake. Allen, who has turned the ball over as often as he’s notched a TD in the last four weeks, has mixed in too many quick drives with his brilliant playmaking. All Russell Wilson needs at the moment is a few stops, and he can do the rest. Unless you’re watching 2019 tape, the Bills’ defense doesn’t look like the group to stop him.
Denver Broncos 27, Atlanta Falcons 24.
Both of these teams have won two out of three games since resetting their season. Drew Lock looked absolutely lost for seven consecutive quarters before piloting a potential season-altering comeback over the Chargers. The Falcons have won decisively twice (and lost comically once) since Raheem Morris was named interim head coach, with Morris’ ascension coinciding with Julio Jones’ return to the field. This game means more for the Broncos. Their defense is well-coached and their offense has a ton of playmakers that can go the distance on any play. That’s a recipe for a win, if Lock can avoid being his own worst enemy.
Las Vegas Raiders 30, Los Angeles Chargers 28.
The Chargers have the highest variance in football, which means they are the least consistent team from week to week. Their erratic play exists within games, as they often look like world-beaters before turning into a self-defeating mess. The Raiders are steady like their quarterback, pleasantly boring as they rack up long field-goal drives behind their mammoth offensive line. Derek Carr might lack the flash of Justin Herbert, and the Raiders don’t quite measure up to their division rivals in overall talent, but there are mysterious, cosmic forces at play when the Chargers play fourth quarters. Don’t mess with the cosmos.
Pittsburgh Steelers 28, Dallas Cowboys 10.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s Garrett Gilbert or Cooper Rush starting at quarterback for the Cowboys. Dallas was the worst team in the league with Andy Dalton at quarterback because its offensive line can’t protect against four-man rushes and really can’t protect against the blitz. The signs of life from Dallas’ defense last week were heartening, but it’s worth wondering if that effort will sustain when the Steelers’ defense is scoring points and taking the ball away in bunches on Sunday afternoon. Free Tony Romo and Jim Nantz; no more Cowboys games!
Arizona Cardinals 27, Miami Dolphins 24.
The best way to prevent Dolphins coach Brian Flores from overwhelming your pass-protection schemes is to avoid obvious passing situations. One week after the Rams badly failed in this endeavor, the Cardinals will try to learn from Jared Goff’s mistakes. Blitzing Kyler Murray is dangerous because he’s so elusive, but the Dolphins’ 32nd-ranked run defense is vulnerable if they don’t go for broke. These are two fascinating teams that are dramatically improved from 2019 — and the Dolphins have some magic to them. My heart says Miami, but my head has a hard time riding with Tua Tagovailoa until he proves he can move the offense.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers 27, New Orleans Saints 24.
This score continues my theme of Week 9 underdogs falling short but keeping the game closer than expected. The analytics love the Bucs. I love the Bucs. There isn’t an obvious weakness for Tampa Bay, although the team’s big-name pass rush is quietly underwhelming. That could be a problem against a strong Saints offensive line, which protects Drew Brees well and blocks even better for Alvin Kamara in the run game and on screens. It’s also hard to overstate how much better the Saints’ offense should be with Michael Thomas, Emmanuel Sanders and Marquez Callaway all trending toward a return to the field.
Still, the best way to beat the Tampa defense is over the top. That does not favor Brees. And while Marcus Davenport has given the Saints’ pass rush new life, the Bucs’ offensive line figures to keep Tom Brady clean. This is not only the biggest game of Week 9, but one of the biggest in the NFC all season. Both teams are Super Bowl contenders, and the winner will have a significant edge in the battle for the NFC South.
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Friday 05 February 2021.
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League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score DE1 HERTHA BERLIN – BAYERN MUNCHEN 16 26 58 8.75 5.85 1.25 0-4 0-2 40 60 – IT1 FIORENTINA – INTER MILAN 29 26 45 5.80 3.95 1.50 0-1 0-2 50 50 – PT1 BENFICA – GUIMARAES 76 19 5 4-0 2-0 43 57 – PT1 MARITIMO – SPORTING LISBON 12 27 61 7.90 4.15 1.40 0-2 0-1 48 52 – BR1 ATLETICO PR – INTERNACIONAL 40 32 28 3.00 3.00 2.35 1-1 0-0 57 43 –
Saturday 06 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for tomorrow.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score ENP MANCHESTER UNITED – EVERTON 76 19 5 1.45 4.20 6.25 2-0 4-0 45 55 – IT1 JUVENTUS – ROMA 74 20 6 1.65 4.05 4.15 4-0 2-0 41 59 – ES1 HUESCA – REAL MADRID 6 35 59 6.80 4.35 1.40 0-2 0-1 47 53 –
Sunday 07 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score ENP LIVERPOOL – MANCHESTER CITY 70 20 10 3.25 3.60 1.95 2-0 3-0 41 59 – ES1 BETIS – BARCELONA 23 28 49 5.55 4.15 1.50 0-2 0-1 47 53 – FR1 MARSEILLE – PARIS SG 23 41 36 7.70 5.05 1.30 0-1 1-1 48 52 – ENP SHEFFIELD UNI – CHELSEA 19 27 54 6.25 4.20 1.45 0-2 0-1 47 53 –
Monday 08 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score ES1 ATLETICO MADRID – CELTA VIGO 77 19 4 1.55 3.50 5.85 4-0 3-0 36 64 – ENP LEEDS – CRYSTAL PALACE 42 28 30 1.75 3.70 4.05 1-0 2-0 51 49 – ES2 LUGO – ESPANYOL 11 28 61 4.40 2.85 1.95 0-2 0-1 50 50 – BR1 CORITIBA – PALMEIRAS 13 27 60 0-2 0-1 53 47 –
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Thursday 04 February 2021.
Best of successful predictions for yesterday.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score CH1 LUZERN – SERVETTE 75 20 5 2.05 3.40 3.20 3-0 4- 0 38 62 3 – 0 BR1 CORINTHIANS – CEARA 76 19 5 1.90 3.55 3.55 2 -0 1-0 50 50 2 – 1 CH1 LAUSANNE – BASEL 15 26 59 2.70 3.50 2.30 0-2 0-1 44 56 1 – 3 FGC ROSTOV – KRASNODAR 18 30 52 2.85 3.15 2.40 0-2 0 -1 49 51 0 – 2 RO1 CFR CLUJ – VITORUL 59 24 17 1.55 3.55 6.40 1-0 2 -0 51 49 2 – 1 TR1 TRABZONSPOR – DENIZLISPOR 76 19 5 1.45 3.95 6.95 4- 0 2- 0 43 57 1 – 0.
Wednesday 03 February 2021.
Best of successful predictions for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score FGC PELISTER – RABOTNICKI 29 50 21 2.80 3.60 2.15 1-1 0-0 53 47 1 – 1 CH1 SION – ST GALLEN 52 37 12 3.55 3.55 1.90 2-0 1-0 47 53 3 – 2 DEC STUTTGART – MONCHENGLADBACH 10 27 63 2.55 3.50 2.45 0-4 0-3 36 64 1 – 2 HU1 PUSKAS – DIOSGYOR 74 20 6 1.75 3.80 4.05 3- 0 4- 0 40 60 2 – 0 AU1 C.C. MARINERS – MELBOURNE CITY 39 27 34 3.25 3.55 2.00 0-1 0- 2 47 53 3 – 2.
Tuesday 02 February 2021.
Best of successful predictions for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score FR2 CHATEAUROUX – CHAMBLY 77 19 4 2.65 2.90 2.75 4-0 3- 0 38 62 4 – 0 PT2 AROUCA – ESTORIL 61 26 14 3.00 3.00 2.35 2-1 1 -1 47 53 1 – 0 IN1 EAST BENGAL – BENGALURU 11 28 61 2.35 3.20 2.80 0 -4 0 -3 41 59 0 – 2 ENC COVENTRY – NOTTINGHAM 15 26 59 2.50 3.00 2.80 0- 2 0-1 51 49 1 – 2 ENY TRANMERE – PETERBOROUGH 40 28 32 3.90 3.65 1.80 0- 1 0-2 51 49 2 – 1.
Major Update: Redesigned our webpages for improved mobile user experience, adding new features.
New Tips! Now tips for all matches are available, with small arrows near the corresponding percentages.
Our table has a lot of new features in addition to the sort/filter/paging functionality.
Last Updated at: 04 Feb 2021 21:34 UTC.
Pro gnosis Soccer offers free football predictions and tips for more than 150 leagues and cups, including matches from international competitions.
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What are Correct Score Predictions?
correct score predictions bets are played dry. The player indicates the exact number of goals that both teams will score in the course of ninety regular minutes. Certainly a very dangerous game in the eyes of an expert. The professional player knows correct score tips are a great asset if well placed. We basically have two different approaches.
The first approach is mathematical, through the use of mathematical rules and formulas to create game systems that bring the player to the cashier. We can also call it the most nerdy approach. That point of view that only a fan tends to exploit.
The second approach is a little less mathematical but certainly no less methodical. You make predictions based on your knowledge of the teams that will take the field. It is an approach that relies heavily on factor c, which is luck. In the first case, however, what the player tries to do is eliminate luck as much as possible to try to be certain on the correct score.
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Friday 05 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for today.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score DE1 HERTHA BERLIN – BAYERN MUNCHEN 16 26 58 8.75 5.85 1.25 0-4 0-2 40 60 – IT1 FIORENTINA – INTER MILAN 29 26 45 5.80 3.95 1.50 0-1 0-2 50 50 – PT1 BENFICA – GUIMARAES 76 19 5 4-0 2-0 43 57 – PT1 MARITIMO – SPORTING LISBON 12 27 61 7.90 4.15 1.40 0-2 0-1 48 52 – BR1 ATLETICO PR – INTERNACIONAL 40 32 28 3.00 3.00 2.35 1-1 0-0 57 43 –
Saturday 06 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for tomorrow.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score ENP MANCHESTER UNITED – EVERTON 76 19 5 1.45 4.20 6.25 2-0 4-0 45 55 – IT1 JUVENTUS – ROMA 74 20 6 1.65 4.05 4.15 4-0 2-0 41 59 – ES1 HUESCA – REAL MADRID 6 35 59 6.80 4.35 1.40 0-2 0-1 47 53 –
Sunday 07 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score ENP LIVERPOOL – MANCHESTER CITY 70 20 10 3.25 3.60 1.95 2-0 3-0 41 59 – ES1 BETIS – BARCELONA 23 28 49 5.55 4.15 1.50 0-2 0-1 47 53 – FR1 MARSEILLE – PARIS SG 23 41 36 7.70 5.05 1.30 0-1 1-1 48 52 – ENP SHEFFIELD UNI – CHELSEA 19 27 54 6.25 4.20 1.45 0-2 0-1 47 53 –
Monday 08 February 2021.
Preview of upcoming soccer matches for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score ES1 ATLETICO MADRID – CELTA VIGO 77 19 4 1.55 3.50 5.85 4-0 3-0 36 64 – ENP LEEDS – CRYSTAL PALACE 42 28 30 1.75 3.70 4.05 1-0 2-0 51 49 – ES2 LUGO – ESPANYOL 11 28 61 4.40 2.85 1.95 0-2 0-1 50 50 – BR1 CORITIBA – PALMEIRAS 13 27 60 0-2 0-1 53 47 –
Finished Matches.
You can view our prediction results and the scores of the finished matches for each past day.
Thursday 04 February 2021.
Best of successful predictions for yesterday.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score CH1 LUZERN – SERVETTE 75 20 5 2.05 3.40 3.20 3-0 4- 0 38 62 3 – 0 BR1 CORINTHIANS – CEARA 76 19 5 1.90 3.55 3.55 2 -0 1-0 50 50 2 – 1 CH1 LAUSANNE – BASEL 15 26 59 2.70 3.50 2.30 0-2 0-1 44 56 1 – 3 FGC ROSTOV – KRASNODAR 18 30 52 2.85 3.15 2.40 0-2 0 -1 49 51 0 – 2 RO1 CFR CLUJ – VITORUL 59 24 17 1.55 3.55 6.40 1-0 2 -0 51 49 2 – 1 TR1 TRABZONSPOR – DENIZLISPOR 76 19 5 1.45 3.95 6.95 4- 0 2- 0 43 57 1 – 0.
Wednesday 03 February 2021.
Best of successful predictions for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score FGC PELISTER – RABOTNICKI 29 50 21 2.80 3.60 2.15 1-1 0-0 53 47 1 – 1 CH1 SION – ST GALLEN 52 37 12 3.55 3.55 1.90 2-0 1-0 47 53 3 – 2 DEC STUTTGART – MONCHENGLADBACH 10 27 63 2.55 3.50 2.45 0-4 0-3 36 64 1 – 2 HU1 PUSKAS – DIOSGYOR 74 20 6 1.75 3.80 4.05 3- 0 4- 0 40 60 2 – 0 AU1 C.C. MARINERS – MELBOURNE CITY 39 27 34 3.25 3.55 2.00 0-1 0- 2 47 53 3 – 2.
Tuesday 02 February 2021.
Best of successful predictions for this day.
League Match Predict. Prob% 1 Predict. Prob% X Predict. Prob% 2 Tips Avg. Odds 1 Avg. Odds X Avg. Odds 2 Pred. Score 1 Pred. Score 2 Under 2.5 Goals Over 2.5 Goals Final Score FR2 CHATEAUROUX – CHAMBLY 77 19 4 2.65 2.90 2.75 4-0 3- 0 38 62 4 – 0 PT2 AROUCA – ESTORIL 61 26 14 3.00 3.00 2.35 2-1 1 -1 47 53 1 – 0 IN1 EAST BENGAL – BENGALURU 11 28 61 2.35 3.20 2.80 0 -4 0 -3 41 59 0 – 2 ENC COVENTRY – NOTTINGHAM 15 26 59 2.50 3.00 2.80 0- 2 0-1 51 49 1 – 2 ENY TRANMERE – PETERBOROUGH 40 28 32 3.90 3.65 1.80 0- 1 0-2 51 49 2 – 1.
Major Update: Redesigned our webpages for improved mobile user experience, adding new features.
New Tips! Now tips for all matches are available, with small arrows near the corresponding percentages.
Our table has a lot of new features in addition to the sort/filter/paging functionality.
Last Updated at: 04 Feb 2021 21:34 UTC.
Pro gnosis Soccer offers free football predictions and tips for more than 150 leagues and cups, including matches from international competitions.
Soccer Championships –> Inside 2016 a major redesign of our website has begun. Join our social media to contact us and learn news about new developments on ProSoccer.
Correct Score Football Predictions.
All of our football score predictions can be used to place lucrative wagers on any sports event you find interesting. Here you’ll find a list of correct score betting tips to ensure that your chances of winning are as high as ever. Check out our tips right away to make a sound decision.
What Every Punter Should Know about Correct Score Betting.
The most important advantage of correct scores in football betting is that they are associated with really fantastic odds of winning, especially when using betting predictions provided on our website. It is a highly popular way of placing wagers on your favorite football matches. Besides, it is fairly easy to understand what you need to do to get your winnings. Basically, you’ll need the following:
Check out the score predictions to find out which bet is more likely to be successful; Choose the correct score; If the given score appears to be right at the end of the sports event, you’ll be a winner; If you are dealing with football events where extra time can be taken by the participating teams, the bets will end by the time 90 minutes have passed coupled with injury time; Keep in mind that extra time does not make any difference and is often counted in a totally different market.
Why Keep Track of Correct Score Tips?
There are many reasons why bettors select this betting market. Here are some of the most prominent ones:
Potential winnings. No matter whether you are only a beginner in the betting industry or a real professional, correct score betting remains very popular with punters of all kinds. The key reason is that you can win big-sized rewards because this bet type is probably the most difficult bet to predict in the right way. As such, if you actually get it right, the earnings will be significant. What’s more, the odds of winning are not bad being a lot higher than those offered by other similar betting markets; Exciting and thrilling experience. Correct score betting is perceived by many bookmakers and bettors as one of the most captivating and exciting betting markets existing in today’s industry. What’s even more important, the choice of matches to bet on is really diverse because these bets are available across a wide range of football matches, such as Premier League among many others.
Popular Types of Correct Score Bets.
This betting sector can be divided into different types, each of which has its own rules and demands. Here is what you need to know about them:
Full Time. It’s the most common type which can let you get the greatest returns for the price you pay; Half Time & Full Time. In this bet, you can place bets on either full time or half time separately, even though they may also be combined in which case your potential winnings will grow dramatically; Scorecast. It allows you to bet on the goal scoring outcomes that happen at any time or at the beginning of the match; Extra Time. Any kind of football wager presupposes that your bet will be valid for 90 minutes in total so that you cannot make bets using extra time. However, some bookmakers allow you to predict correct score outcomes when the match comes to an end and whenever extra time is used. Other Results. These are also possible. Some bookmakers allow placing bets together with other results of the match, especially if we are talking about some wide-scale football games. As a result, it can maximize your winnings and make the betting process even more exciting and pleasurable.
How Precise Are the Predictions on Our Site?
No matter how many rewards are at stake, correct score prediction is perhaps the hardest wager to predict. This is the key reason why many bookmakers offer high odds to those bettors who want to give it a try. Our professional tipsters are doing their best to select only those games where the correct score can be predicted in almost 100% of cases. We are trying to avoid football games in which the identity of a future winner cannot be predicted at all, let alone choosing what the actual score will be. As such, we are using all our football-related expertise and deep knowledge of this industry segment in order to provide you with the most trusted tips and predictions and to make them as accurate and precise as possible.
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The text was real, of course, and nearly a year later, the Super Bowl LV scenario is quite mind-blowing, especially for a player like Brate who came from FCS college football – the perceived « small school » lower half of Division I that has filled…
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п»їCollege Football Picks & NCAA Football Predictions.
Picks and Parlays hits the gridiron hard and provides college football picks and predictions for every game on the card each week. Our talented team gives you expert picks on NCAA Football from opening night in August through the bowl season and CFP National Championship game in January. Our CFB picks are the best around, because we have the best analysis and latest relevant team info for every game.
CFP National Championship – Ohio State Buckeyes vs Alabama Crimson Tide – Monday 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
NCAA Football Bowl Season is almost over and we have all your betting needs covered.
Ohio State vs Alabama 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
The CFP National Championship presented by AT&T will take place on Monday night, when the Ohio State Buckeyes battle the Alabama Crimson Tide from Hard Rock Stadium.
College Football Picks & College Football Predictions.
College football picks and college football predictions for the 2020-21 season. Covering every game from power conference and Top 25 teams . Get college football expert picks against the spread and on totals every week of the season absolutely free. Check out our college football best bets for our top plays of this week’s college football slate.
College Football Betting News.
Senior Bowl reaction – Mond named MVP, former UNC RB Carter also impresses.
Five top NFL Draft prospects to look out for at the 2021 Senior Bowl.
A look ahead to the Senior Bowl – Increased importance with NFL Combine gone.
Latest News.
College Football Picks And College Football Predictions.
The Home Of Free College Football Expert Picks For The 2020-21 Season.
College football picks and college football predictions for the 2020/21 season. Our college football experts crunch the numbers, look through the injury reports, and betting trends data to find the college football best bets every week.
2020 College Football Predictions.
The biggest theme of college football betting is finding the hidden gems. With tons of college football games heading into the weekend, there are always hidden gems that Vegas tends to miss. Thankfully here at Pickswise, the home of free college football predictions, we unearth those gems and breakdown our college football predictions for every single game. Our 2020 college predictions cover today’s action from the Power Five conferences, as well as those top-25 nationally ranked teams with our experts detailing their best predictions across the main college football lines such as the moneyline, against the spread, and points totals. Check back each week ahead of the big games for the best free college football predictions throughout the entire 2020 college football season and into the 2020 College Football Playoff .
Free College Football Picks Against The Spread (ATS)
The most popular college football bet is against the spread (ATS). Against the spread betting isn’t about picking a winner of the football game, it’s about picking the team who will cover the spread.
Against the spread betting is extremely popular in football and that’s one of the main reasons why it’s one of our most popular college football predictions on site.
NCAA Football Predictions.
There are tonnes of College Football across the country with over 130 division 1 team alone. Here at Pickswise, we cover all games in the Power five conferences and the top 25 teams outside of Power five. This gives you a wide range of free college football picks to choose from.
Big Ten.
The Big Ten Conference is the oldest Division 1 college football conference and is one of the best in the country. It’s made up of 14 members based in Midwest & Northeast – Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State, Rutgers, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Northwestern, Purdue, and Wisconsin. Plus two affiliate members – John Hopkins University and Notre Dame.
Big 12.
The Big 12 another prestigious Division 1 college football conference and is made up of 10 members based in the South Atlantic, West North Central, and West South Central regions – Baylor, Iowa State, Kansas, Kansas State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Texas Christian University, Texas, Texas Tech and West Virginia.
Additionally, the Big 12 has 11 affiliate members – Air Force, Alabama, Denver, California State, Northern Colorado, Northern Iowa, North Dakota State, South Dakota State, Tennessee, Utah Valley, Wyoming.
Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)
The ACC is a Division 1 conference made up of 15 members from the South and Midwest Regions – Boston College, Clemson, Florida State, Louisville, Notre Dame, Syracuse, Wake Forest, Duke, Georgia, Miami, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Pittsburgh, Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic.
Pac-12 Conference.
The Pac-12 operates on the Western side of the country and is another Division 1 conference. It’s made up of 12 members – Arizona, Arizona State, California, California LA, Colorado Boulder, Oregon, Southern California, Standford, Utah, Washingon, Washington State.
Southeastern Conference (SEC)
The final Power Five member is the SEC which has 14 members from the South and Midwest regions competing in Division 1 football – Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vanderbilt, Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Mississippi State, and Texas A&M.
NCAA Football Today – Today’s College Football Picks.
At Pickswise we cover all of the Power Five NCAA football today, with full game previews, picks, and predictions brought to you by our college football experts. A typical college football season runs from August to December and preceded by the College Football Bowl Season and College Football Playoff, culminating in The College Football Playoff National Championship game in January. The 2020-21 college football season is slightly different, with the Big Ten and Pac-12 currently not planning to play football this fall, but our experts remain on hand to cover all of the NCAA football today, from the remaining three Power Five conferences, right through to the College Football Playoffs and National Championship game, once details of those become clear.
College Football Best Bets.
There can be hundreds of games each week which can mean it’s difficult to determine what Pickswise’s College football best bets are. For that reason, we have a star rating system that indicates our strongest college football predictions for each game week.
Our college football spread picks will always have a star rating on ranging from one to three stars. This shows you how confident our handicappers are on their pick in that game so be sure to check out our three-star plays, our college football best bets this week.
2020 College Football Lines & College Football Odds.
When it comes to college football betting, the most popular college football lines amongst bettors are moneylines, particularly with underdog bettors and betting against the spread. You can sometimes get a lack of parity in college football scheduling and see college football lines of -50, with most sportsbooks not even offering college food odds on the moneyline for teams favored by that much. We bring you all of the best college football odds and betting lines, as well as our picks and predictions throughout the entire college football season.
Week to Week NCAAF Predictions.
The best way to have success with college football betting is by finding those under-the-radar games like that do not draw as much public betting interest.
Our week to week college football predictions are the best ways to get a breakdown and insight into all of the games on a college football slate. We cover so many games, there’s always a hidden gem of value knocking around.
College Football Playoff Predictions 2020-21.
Our College Football Playoff predictions for the 2020-21 season are two-fold with our experts highlighting their best predictions on who will make the playoffs, and also making individual game predictions throughout the College Football Playoff itself. The college football playoff is typically made up of two semi-final matchups with the winner of each semifinal advancing to The College Football Playoff National Championship game. The 2020 Playoff Semifinals are scheduled for Friday, January 1, with the Rose Bowl Game and Sugar Bowl. The winners will then progress to The College Football Playoff National Championship game which is scheduled to take place on Monday, January 11, at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. In an unprecedented time for sports, these dates, locations, and details are all subject to change but the selection committee and conferences are planning on seeing the College Football Playoff run as close to normal as possible.
College Football Bowl Predictions.
We will have college football bowl predictions for every bowl game of the 2020-21 season. So if you’re looking to bet on the college football postseason action Pickswise has you covered.
While the landscape of the college football postseason and bowl games is not yet clear, the NCAA seems committed to having as close to a normal season as possible with those teams and conferences that remain committed to playing football this fall. Our college football experts will be on hand regardless of the shape of the 2020 college bowl season, to provide the best free, insightful college football bowl predictions including all of the games in the New Year’s six – Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, Sugar Bowl, Cotton Bowl Classic, Peach Bowl, and Fiesta Bowl – should they take place as planned.
More Than Just College Football Picks.
IIt’s not only college football we have experts in, we also have college basketball picks including March Madness.
We also specialize in every major North American sport including the NFL , MLB , NBA and NHL .
NCAA College Football Free Picks and Expert Predictions 021]
Regular Season: 47 -47 -0 Bowls: 9 -4 -0.
Saturday 1/2 – Texas A&M -7 over North Carolina WIN.
Friday 1/1 – Ohio State vs Clemson Free Pick LOSS Friday 1/1 – Notre Dame vs Alabama Free Pick WIN.
Wednesday 12/30 – Oklahoma -3 over Florida WIN.
Tuesday 12/29 – Oklahoma State -2.5 over Miami FL WIN.
Friday 12/25 – Buffalo -5 over Marshall WIN.
Thursday 12/24 – Hawaii vs Houston Free Pick WIN.
Saturday 12/19 – Clemson vs Notre Dame Free Pick LOSS.
Friday 12/18 – Marshall -4.5 over UAB LOSS.
Thursday 12/10 – Florida Atlantic -8.5 over Southern Miss LOSS.
Sunday 12/6 – USC -11.5 over Washington State WIN.
Friday 12/4 – App State -2.5 over Louisiana LOSS.
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Thursday 11/26 – Air Force -5.5 over Colorado State PPD.
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Thursday 9/24 – UAB -7 over South Alabama WIN.
Saturday 9/5 – Army -3.5 over Middle Tenn State WIN.
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п»їFree football picks spreadsheets.
Below you will find our Printable Weekly Pick’em Sheets/Schedules. Use our Fillable Pick’em Sheets if you would like to have the participants of your pool submit their picks electronically! If you would like a more challenging pool try our Pick ’em Against the Spread Pool or our Confidence Pool Sheets!
Try our Weekly Picks Master Sheets where you can combine all of your participant’s picks onto one sheet! Also check out our Pick’em Record Tracking Score Sheet, where you can keep track of the number of correctly picked games for the entire season.
If you’re looking for another office pool to run throughout the season, we recommend trying our new Weekly Props Pool, where the participants in your pool try to correctly guess the outcome of 20 questions related to all of the games that week.
Pass out a copy of the current week’s schedule to family, friends, and co-workers. Each participant should circle the team they think will win each game, they should also write down what they think will be the total number of points scored in the Monday Night Football game. This will be used as a tie breaker if two or more participants pick the same number of games correctly. We have dedicated a whole page on Rules for Pick’em Tie Breakers. If you’re looking for a more advanced pool try our Pick’em Against the Spread Pool.
Be sure to have all entries turned in before the first game of the week begins.
After all of the week’s games are complete, tally up the games each participant picked correctly, the player with the highest total wins.
2020 Fantasy Football Rankings: Downloadable Spreadsheets.
Downloadable 2020 Fantasy Football Spreadsheets – 2007 Excel.
If you’re looking for 2020 fantasy football spreadsheets that you can download, print out or make adjustments to, here they are.
This spread sheet WILL BE UPDATED as my 2020 Fantasy Football Rankings are updated throughout training camp and the preseason, so check back as often as possible for the most current spreadsheets.
Note that the different positions can be found by clicking on the different sheet numbers at the bottom of Microsoft Excel.
Be sure to check out my other 2020 Fantasy Football articles, which include mock drafts, rankings, sleepers, busts, cheat sheets and other features.
More 2021 Fantasy Football Articles: Fantasy Football Rankings.
2021 Fantasy Football Mock Drafts:
2021 Fantasy Football Cheat Sheets:
NFL Picks.
Get our top NFL picks for every game of the 2020/21 season including our NFL picks against the spread. We dive into the data, betting trends, team news, and a lot more to bring you the best expert NFL picks each week. Check out our NFL predictions and NFL best bets pages for our top plays on today’s NFL games.
NFL Point Spread Pick.
Well, we made it to the end of the season. It’s sad to see the NFL winding down, but we’ve still got one great game left as the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers square off in the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes will get his chance at revenge on Tom Brady after falling to him in the AFC Championship game two seasons ago.
Oddsmakers have the Chiefs as a three-point favorite, which feels a bit light to me for several reasons. One factor to keep in mind here is that the game is being played in the Buccaneers’ stadium, although I don’t think there will be any home-field advantage to speak of. There will be a limited amount of fans at the game, and many of those tickets are being given away by the league. It’s not as if there is going to be a huge contingent of loud Bucs fans, and if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if Chiefs fans end up outnumbering them.
Moving to the on-field matchup, I don’t see how the Chiefs fail to have success throwing the ball. Tampa’s young secondary is exploitable, and every time they’ve faced a quarterback who can push it downfield they’ve been exposed. They might have looked good against an aging Drew Brees with a torn labrum, but the week before that they made Taylor Heinicke look like a franchise quarterback. The Chiefs won by three points when these teams played in Tampa during the regular season, but the game wasn’t as close as that final score indicates. Kansas City was up 17 in the fourth quarter before a couple of late Bucs touchdowns closed the margin. Remember, this is a Tampa Bay team that won all of one game against teams with winning records during the regular season and their playoff run has been very flukey thus far. Brady was mostly horrible against Green Bay as he tossed three interceptions, and it took an extreme series of miscues by the Packers for them to win that game. Their luck may finally run out here.
NFL Game Totals Pick.
The under also makes some sense here because everybody seems to be underrating this Chiefs defense. Kansas City defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo used the regular season to tinker with his schemes, and he’s been a wizard so far in the playoffs. He just completely shut down Josh Allen and that vaunted Buffalo passing game, limiting Allen to just 6.0 yards per attempt– and that number actually got inflated a lot by garbage time. Again, Brady hasn’t actually played well the past couple of weeks; his opponents just gifted him countless easy opportunities. Against the Saints, Tampa Bay’s three touchdown drives went for a combined 63 yards because of the short fields they were given off turnovers. Playing the Chiefs now, they aren’t going to be so fortunate with the starting field position.
While I think the Chiefs’ offense will have opportunities for success, they aren’t going to cover this number by themselves. Tampa Bay’s pass-rush could potentially pose some problems, especially with Mahomes less mobile due to the turf toe he is dealing with. Those problems will only be exacerbated by the absence of left tackle Eric Fisher, who tore his Achilles in the AFC Championship game. This Kansas City secondary is legit and their pass-rush really came alive against Buffalo. The Buccaneers’ defensive front, with the recently healed Vita Vea, should wreak enough havoc to keep this one from going over a total in the mid-50s.
Super Bowl Betting.
Five key players to watch for Super Bowl LV – Chiefs vs. Buccaneers.
Ranking The Top-10 Super Bowls Of All-Time | Which Is The Greatest Ever Super Bowl?
Super Bowl LV Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers predictions, picks, odds, spread, lines and betting odds.
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NFL Picks.
The Home Of Free Expert NFL Picks For The 2020/21 Season.
Even though there are just 17 weeks in the regular season with a maximum of 16 games per week, NFL betting is easily the most popular North American sports wager. NFL point spreads and season win total prop bets are one of the few in the major sports that are openly discussed by announcers and fans alike. Because of betting, and the popularity of fantasy football, every single game of the NFL season is important, widely discussed, analyzed, and a great opportunity to get in on the action with our free NFL expert picks.
Free NFL Picks Explained.
There’s almost an infinite way to bet on the NFL, from NFL picks against the spread, over unders, parlays , prop bets , daily fantasy sports, or even scoreboard squares, there is a wager type for every kind of football fan. Some bettors like to specialize in a single particular type of NFL pick, while others like to be diverse and wager as many ways as they can on a game. Both types of players can be successful with a disciplined and calculated strategy which is the great thing about NFL betting.
Free NFL Picks Against the Spread.
NFL Over / Under Free NFL Picks.
When you aren’t 100% confident in which team is going to win in an NFL game, or would rather wager on the game, rather than a team, another exciting way to still get in on the action is with totals wagers. In these bets you don’t take a side, but whether the two teams will combine to score over or under the total number of points that the oddsmakers have set. This is why last-second field goals in 24 point blowouts are still edge-of-your-seat moments as they can push the total over or under the set line. We preview every game of the NFL season, providing expert insight into the game alongside NFL picks which will always include a pick on the over/under market in each game of the NFL season.
Money Line NFL Picks.
NFL Schedule 2020/21.
Unlike other sports that have had their seasons widely disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, With the NFL season not due to start until August 2020, it is not yet known the implications the recent events will have on the 2020 NFL schedule. As things stand, the NFL season is expected to start on the 10th September with the Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs hosting the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium. The NFL regular season schedule is expected to run as normal, with 17 game weeks through until January 3rd, 2021, with the Wild Card round of the playoffs scheduled for the weekend after, across the 9th and 10th January 2021. Super Bowl LV is scheduled for February 7th, at Raymond James Stadium, the home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Regular Season NFL Expert Picks – NFL Picks This Week.
Some sites solely focus on the marquee games of an NFL slate but our system features expert picks for every game of the NFL season. The best way to have success in NFL betting is by finding those under-the-radar games like Miami at Jacksonville that do not draw as much public betting interest as Dallas vs. Green Bay. Our expert handicappers spend just as long researching the under-the-radar games, as they do for a Thursday Night Football or Primetime Football games. Our NFL picks this week are the best ways to get a breakdown and a reading of all the games on an NFL slate, with a complete game preview alongside our best NFL picks for each game.
NFL Futures Bets & Playoff Picks.
Throughout the NFL season, we also give you other betting options such as our futures picks and individual player prop bets. Not only do we publish our previews and picks for every game of the NFL regular season but we do the same for the playoffs as well. There’s a lot of money to be made in the relatively short NFL season – why not make the most of it? The stakes in the NFL playoffs are even higher and the margins between the teams are usually even smaller. With more on the line and the best against the best, the hours of research and analysis our NFL experts put in are at even more of a premium. Follow our NFL playoff picks throughout the entire NFL postseason, right through to the Super Bowl itself.
More Than Just NFL Picks.
We also specialize in every major North American sport including the MLB , NBA , NHL , and College Football and College Basketball . Check out our site every single day for some of the best bets in every major athletic contest and make sure to follow us on social media as well.
2020 NFL Pick Em Weekly Pick Sheets.
Still not ready to run your NFL Pick Em pool online? We get it, and we appreciate you’re old school. That’s why we’ve prepared free printable 2020 NFL Pick Em weekly pick sheets to use on your own! Simply select a week, decide whether you want to include point spreads, and use the printer icon to generate a printer-friendly version. Our weekly pick sheets are interactive, which means you can fill them out prior to printing and viewing offline!
2020 NFL Weekly Pick Sheet Notes:
The 2020 NFL Weekly Schedule is typically released in May and is constructed using the following process.
Throughout the season, Sunday night games are subject to change due to the NFL’s flexible scheduling policy.
Spread data was originally set by PointsBet prior to the start of the season and is based on pre-season projections.
During the season, current week spread data is updated several times per day and locked once the first game has begun.
Weekly spread data is provided by a white label odds source and is an aggregation of multiple oddsmakers.
Excel Sports Bet Tracking Spreadsheet 2021 (Free!)
Ever wondered how you are actually doing in sports betting?
Just like tracking your finances can be an eye opening experience (I spent how much at restaurants last month?!), tracking your bets can shed some light on your performance.
Download the free sports bet tracking spreadsheet below to get started (available for both Excel and Google Sheets):
Bet Tracker Spreadsheet: Instant Insights.
If you want to measure your performance and see where you are succeeding and failing, you need to track it.
With this free tool, you can see your performance broken down by various dimensions.
Have a great ROI on betting NBA 2nd halves? Getting solid closing line value on NFL point spreads? This spreadsheet allows you to answer questions like this and more.
How to use the spreadsheet.
While the spreadsheet is pretty straightforward, I’d like to walk you through how it works.
How to track sports bets.
Everything lives in the “Bet Log” tab. This is the only place information is manually entered. Once the data is entered there, all other tabs will automatically populate.
In the “Bet Log” tab, blue columns are required while red columns are optional. The more information you input, the more useful the spreadsheet will be.
Entering things like the closing line, while slightly annoying, will also be the most important to your success.
How to analyze performance.
Each tab will have different graphs and tables that show your performance. The beauty of this is that you can filter the data by any dimension you like.
Any yellow cell is an “input” cell that can be changed. All of these are dropdowns that are pre-populated based on the information you enter in the Bet Log.
How to add more leagues and teams.
To add new leagues and teams, you will do so in the “REF” tab. This tab holds all of the lookup information for the dropdowns throughout the spreadsheet.
Again, the cells available to modify are in yellow. You can add the following dimensions:
Leagues (ex: WNBA) Teams (ex: Chicago Sky) Tags (ex: 2nd half)
Bet Tracker Spreadsheet Metrics.
Deciding what to track is important in determining how you measure success. The spreadsheet tracks the following key metrics:
Closing Line Value.
Closing line value (CLV) is a measure of how much better or worse the odds you bet at were compared to where they closed.
If you believe the markets you are betting into are efficient (NFL point spreads, MLB moneylines, etc.), then CLV is a great predictor of long term success.
All you need to do is input the odds you placed your bet at as well as where the odds closed. Preferably you use a market making sportsbook like Pinnacle to decide what the “true” closing line was.
Profit is about as simple as it gets. Are you making or losing money?
While this is the “bottom line”, surprisingly it isn’t always predictive of long term success. Still, you will obviously want to see how much money you have made or lost.
This is what most people tend to look at. It is a measure of how profitable you are relative to how much you are risking.
While at the end of the day, the money in your pocket is what matters, this metric focuses more on results rather than process and is a measure of efficiency.
ROI isn’t as predictive of long term winning as CLV, but is useful to track to see where you stand.
This one is simple, yet will likely give you insights into where you are putting your money.
If you have a model, does it consistently value the Dallas Cowboys differently than the market? Thus making many of your bets on the Cowboys? Analyzing your risk by league/team/bet type can give you these types of answers.
Bankroll will track our running total of how much money you have in your accounts across all sportsbooks. You can also see this trended over time to help you see any changes in your betting strategy and how that has affected your bankroll.
It is very useful to see, at a glance, where your money lies. Is 95% of our bankroll at FanDuel? Maybe you should shift some to DraftKings.
Bet Tracker Spreadsheet Dimensions.
Having these metrics available is important, but insights really come from slicing the data by different dimensions.
Tracking your performance by league or team can give you clues into where your strengths or weaknesses are.
Do you watch every second of every New York Knicks game? Think you have an edge on Knicks games? You can find out using the spreadsheet.
Same goes for leagues. Do you follow NFL closely but use strictly numbers for NCAA Basketball? Compare the performance of the two and see what’s working.
Bet Type.
Looking at performance by bet type can also shed some light on your process, especially if it is model driven.
Track your performance by the following bet types:
Spread Moneyline Total Prop Future.
You can also use the “Tag” field to designate special types of bets. For example, if you want to see your performance on moneylines for NBA 2nd halves, you would put “2H” (or something similar) in the Tag field and “moneyline” in the bet type field.
A common way to analyze performance is to look at metrics trended over time.
Look at any of the metric/dimension combinations above trended over any time period you’d like.
Want to see your performance over the last 14 days? Or how about the last 12 weeks? Both are possible here.
Google Sheets Sports Betting Tracker.
The sports betting tracker is also available on Google Sheets. While the features are the same as the Excel file, Google Sheets has some notable benefits:
Available/online at all times Can enter bets on your phone using the Sheets app You don’t need to be at a computer to enter your bets Google Sheets auto saves any changes Allows multiple users to be in the sheet at the same time and make changes.
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2021 NFL Draft: This year’s dark horse in a talented running back class.
Keaontay Ingram could be a sleeper in a 2021 NFL Draft running back class that is filled with big names.
The 2021 NFL Draft running back class is filled with a bunch of young and exciting names. Travis Etienne seems to be the top running back in many big boards along with Chuba Hubbard and Trey Sermon. Also, Kenneth Gainwell out of Memphis is getting a lot of hype, while young guy Zamir White is worth paying attention to as well. A guy who isn’t getting as much pop is the Texas Longhorn runner Keaontay Ingram, who could be a steal for an organization in a later round.
Last season, Ingram became a versatile weapon for the Longhorns in both the run and pass game. Ingram rushed for 853 yards and found the endzone 7 times in the 2019-20 College Football season. Ingram was also a weapon for Sam Elligher in the passing game snagging 29 catches for 242 yards and three touchdowns. Ingram has a lot of attributes to be a three-down back in the league and proved it on tape.
Ingram possesses the technique at the running backs position has become common in the league, having great body control and patience at the line of scrimmage. Also having a great ability to stick his foot and change directions to then create a foot race to the endzone against the second and third levels of defense. Also, Ingram going from 190 pounds to 222 pounds this season and standing at 6-feet tall makes his skill set an even more lethal of a weapon in different schemes.
One game that showed why Ingram could be a big asset for an NFL team last year was when the Long Horns face Kansas State in 2019. Ingram was handed the ball 16 times running for 161 yards and two touchdowns. Ingram was used in the read-option scheme, which Texas loves with their mobile quarterback, making great reactions and footwork to gain yards.
In this game, Ingram showed his ability to break down defenders and juke his way into the endzone with great body control and technique against one of the better defensive teams in the Big 12.
Patient back who reminds of an NFL star.
Three words to describe Ingram running technique at the line of scrimmage would be patience, patience, and patience. It was popularized by Le’Veon Bell in his days in Pittsburgh where he waits at the line of scrimmage for blocks to develop and then explode up the field. Then when in open space Ingram shows great footwork and control to maneuver his way upfield.
A part of his game that is underrated is his role in the passing game. Many may go to his wide-open drop in the end zone against LSU early in the season, but he has a great pass-catching arsenal in his game to be a dual-threat running back. Sneaky good route running ability in wheel routes and catching screens in the backfield and then using his running ability to gain yards is a big asset to his game.
He is a guy who probably will not wow us through the 2021 NFL Draft process with a super-fast 40-yard dash or other drills showing athleticism, but he will test at an adequate level.
Currently, Ingram is projected to be a fourth to fifth-round pick, but with a good season this year, you could see him rise in 2021 NFL Draft boards. This past year’s draft you saw a guy like Cam Akers, who was a third to fourth-round guy, get selected in the second round. Don’t be surprised if Ingram is an under the radar guy who goes higher than draft experts say.
SF 49ers: TE Kyle Pitts a dark-horse target in 2021 NFL Draft.
Would the SF 49ers actually consider using their first pick, No. 12 overall, in the 2021 NFL Draft on Florida tight end Kyle Pitts?
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6 Fantasy Football Dark Horses For Dynasty Rookie Drafts.
Quintez Cephus has dynasty dark horse potential in 2021 and beyond.
Just like life, sports will find a way. As sports return slowly and surely we inch closer to a return to the NFL season as well. Dynasty drafts are heating up, rookie camps are non-existent so who are the dynasty dark horses to be targeting? What players currently projected outside the first two rounds possess some deep value?
The value at the top end of the draft seems clear, but championships are built by the obvious move. Championships come riding in with a herd of dark horses who come from nowhere to take the league and title by storm.
1. Quintez Cephus (WR)
The Lions featured a prolific passing offense at the start of last year. Matt Stafford was on a tear to start the year and was on pace to finish the year as QB05. So how does any of this impact the talented Wisconsin wideout? It probably will not this year. Dynasty is not just about finding value for this year. It is about knowing who has a path to stardom in the years to come, and Cephus has a clear path ahead of him.
All three of Detroit’s receivers are scheduled to hit free agency next offseason. Kenny Golladay was WR03 last year and is about to get paid. Marvin Jones was WR27, but he is on the wrong end of 30 and was already making $8 million per year. Danny Amendola may have stayed reasonably healthy in the past few years, but he is a nice slot option at best. The door is open in 2021 and beyond for the former Badger. Cephus is a dynamic receiver who can make plays all over the field. He brought in 24% of the passes in a run-heavy Wisconsin offense and averaged 15.3 YPC. 2020 may not be his year, barring an injury, but 2021 will be a coming-out party as he slides onto the field opposite Golladay. Go get this dynasty dark horse in the third round and reap the rewards in 2021 and beyond.
2. Jalen Hurts (QB)
We all know about the quarterback situation in Philadelphia. Yes, Carson Wentz is firmly entrenched as the starter for this year, but what about next year? What if Wentz gets hurt and misses time like he has each year since he arrived in Philly? Jalen Hurts is a proven commodity as a passer and a running threat. Combine all of that and you have a good candidate for a late-round stash.
Wentz has missed significant regular-season time in two of the last three years and has a 39.8% chance of missing games this year. Anyone who owns Wentz should either have another starting option on the bench or snap up Hurts in a move to handcuff the oft-injured Wentz. If Hurts sees action, he will be productive with a strong ground game and solid receiving options. There is also the chance he develops into a Taysom Hill-esque weapon who gains Flex eligibility as well. Go get Hurts anytime after round three, but if you own Wentz already, we will excuse you for taking him in the second.
3. Tee Higgins (WR)
There are two hype-trains I am claiming the conductor’s hat for in 2020. The first is that Deandre Hopkins will be WR01 this year. Secondly, Tee Higgins will be the best receiver to come out of the 2020 Draft and will be a top-20 wide receiver this year. Higgins is presently ranked as WR06 in the rookie class, behind Lamb, Jeudy, Reagor, Jefferson, and Ruggs III. Higgins has a clear path to one of the largest target shares in the NFL for a rookie receiver this year and the skill set to capitalize on it.
Higgs is currently slotted in as the third receiver on the Bengals’ roster. If we look at Coach Taylor’s time with the Rams, we see that they split their targets fairly evenly between their top three receivers with each receiving 100 targets. Looking at the Bengals they appear to be constructed similarly at receiver. AJ Green, Tyler Boyd, and Tee Higgins look a lot like Robert Woods, Cooper Kupp, and Brandin Cooks. The Bengals do have John Ross and Auden Tate on the roster for now, but Tate will most likely slide into more of a receiving tight end role and provide solid volume there. Meanwhile, Ross is running on borrowed time in Cincy. The oft-injured speedster has been inconsistent since he came into the league and is not a reliable option on a game-to-game basis. Ross will either be traded or cut by the time the regular season rolls around, leaving Higgins as the best deep-threat. Higgins is going in the first round right now, not truly a dynasty dark horse, he should be a top-five pick in rookie drafts. Go get him early and you will be rewarded in 2020 and beyond.
4. Darrynton Evans (RB)
Dynasty Drafts are about finding value in late rounds who will help your team in the years to come. Running back is a volatile position and you should plan on turning over a majority of your running back position every five years or less. Do not plan on a running back remaining a productive part of your lineup beyond those five years. Every running back who has value beyond five years is just a bonus.
5. Lamical Perine (RB)
If the Perine name sounds familiar, it should be his cousin Samaje Perine is on his third team, Bengals, since coming into the league. Lamical has solid college experience coming out of Florida and really flashed dual-threat capabilities in his senior year by catching 40 passes. Heading to the New Jersey Jets, Perine will be competing with Frank Gore to backup Le’veon Bell.
Last year Bell missed one game and has missed time for injury or suspension in all but one year since he came into the league in 2013. Frank Gore is a steadying veteran presence in the running back room, but his yards-per-carry have been under 4.0 in four of the last five years. Gore may see work early this year, but Perine has younger legs and explosiveness that Gore cannot match. Anyone who already owns Bell should start looking at Perine in the second round. Anyone looking for a potential dark horse starter in 2021 should the Jets take the out on Le’veon Bell’s contract should look at him in the third round.
6. Antonio Gandy-Golden (WR)
The former Liberty standout steps into a Washington receiving corps that is searching for another receiver to play on the outside opposite breakout rookie Terry McLaurin. Trey Quinn appears to have locked down the slot position, but opposite McLaurin is nothing but a question mark at this point. The Washington passing offense was anemic last year outside of McLaurin, but Washington has the potential to open it up and let Dwayne Haskins throw a bit more than last year, or let former panther Kyle Allen take the reigns. Add in that Washington could be a landing spot for Trevor Lawrence in 2021 and Gandy-Golden has massive upside.
Dark Horse Fantasy Football Leaders for 2020.
Beyond our fantasy football content, be sure to check out our award-winning slate of Fantasy Football Tools as you prepare for your draft this season. From our free mock Draft Simulator – which allows you to mock draft against realistic opponents – to our Draft Assistant – which optimizes your picks with expert advice – we’ve got you covered this fantasy football draft season.
Lamar Jackson shocked the NFL by leading the league in passing touchdowns last season. Meanwhile, Mark Andrews finished tied for second in receiving touchdowns and DeVante Parker surged into the top five for receiving yards. We see this sort of volatility every season with dark horse candidates surging toward the top of the leaderboard. Today, I’ll tell you which players have a potential scenario that would see them making that leap to finish at or near the top of the league in the most important fantasy stats.
Passing Yards – Ryan Fitzpatrick (MIA) “Wait, what? They drafted Tua!” Right, and he is coming off a major injury and had a limited off-season with his teammates. He most definitely isn’t starting right away and it’s possible that he doesn’t start at all in year one because the Dolphins offensive line isn’t quite ready to protect their prized franchise QB. If Fitzpatrick is the year-long starter, which I’ll admit is less than 50% likely, I’d argue that he is the odds on favorite to lead the NFL in passing yards. After all, the Dolphins will be playing from behind all season again. In fact, from the time Fitz took over as a starter, he was second in the NFL (behind Winston) with 3,094 yards in his 11 games. Add in an improved offensive line and now healthy Preston Williams and that pace should even improve.
Other dark horse candidates.
Joe Burrow – Tremendous weapons, perfect game scripts = heavy volume Daniel Jones – Flashed immense ceiling last year, has great weapons too.
In fact, Tannehill had 1.09 more yards per attempt than any other QB in the final 11 weeks. That is larger the career difference between Tom Brady and Trent Dilfer. It’s twice the difference between Drew Brees and Andy Dalton or Peyton Manning and Jay Cutler. Folks, Tannehill was ridiculous as the starter. And it just isn’t true that Tannehill has always been terrible. Prior to his injuries and the arrival of Adam Gase in 2016, he was #3 all-time behind Peyton Manning and Dan Marino in passing yards during the first four seasons of a career and top 10 all-time in most TDs. His interception rate? Top 10 best and he accomplished all of this with lackluster weapons and a struggling offensive line.
Other dark horse candidates.
Kyler Murray – High-tempo offense, huge volume, improved weapons Baker Mayfield – New coordinator, incredible weapons, broke rookie TD-record in short season.
Rushing Yards – Jonathan Taylor (IND) Outside of Saquon Barkley, I’d put Taylor’s college tape up against any of the elite RB prospects in the last decade. Zeke, Fournette, Derrick Henry? Yep, he’s on par with them all. Frankly, though, this has much more to do with his landing spot. The Colts just so happen to have the best offensive line in all of football. They also have a defense strong enough that they should end up in the type of game scripts that lead to many carries. Not only that, but if we know anything about Frank Reich, he wants to run the heck out of the football. If Indy gives Taylor the keys to the backfield from Week 1, he could explode onto the scene.
Other dark horse candidates.
Raheem Mostert – Don’t forget he went for 146 rush yds on 19 carries vs BAL and 220 on 29 carries vs GB in the playoffs Alexander Mattison – If Dalvin Cook holds out or suffers another injury, Mattison is more than capable of filling the gap as a workhorse.
Rushing Touchdowns – Ronald Jones II (TB) The Bucs backfield is a nightmare to figure out but there is plenty of upside to be found in this dynamic offense from whoever ends up with the job. As we’ve seen with Tom BradyвЂs teams before, lackluster runningbacks can end up with elite goal-line usage and pile up the touchdowns. Jones may not be Christian McCaffrey or Alvin Kamara through the air, but he is plenty competent on the ground and if he wins this job outright in the preseason, we could potentially be looking at 12 to 15 scores from this mid-round pick.
Other dark horse candidates.
Receptions – Cooper Kupp (LAR) Through five weeks last season, Kupp had 63 targets which was eight more than even Michael Thomas! From that point on, his snap counts plummetted every other week and he was seeing inconsistent targets. He flashed for 220 yards in Week 8, for instance, but then caught 0 balls the following week. Perhaps the Rams were hiding an injury. While there are many questions about who Kupp and the Rams will be this season, there is one thing that is clear: Kupp has shown the upside to be a league-winning reception hog and few others can make that claim.
Other dark horse candidates.
Adam Thielen – Stefon Diggs is gone and Thielen had 204 rec in 2017-2018 even with Diggs on the team Terry McLaurin – Incredible rookie tape, limited competition for targets, useful game scripts in store.
Other dark horse candidates.
DeVante Parker – Led the NFL in receiving yards over the final 9 weeks D.J. Chark – Game script should create huge passing volume, third-year WR with elite athleticism, was top 10 in yards before injury.
Receiving Touchdowns – Calvin Ridley (ATL) Since joining the league, Ridley has 17 touchdowns on just 185 targets. Check out how that 9.2% compares to other elite wideouts: Michael Thomas (5.4%), Julio Jones (4.3%), DeAndre Hopkins (5.8%), Mike Evans (6.3%), Tyreek Hill (8.4%) and Davante Adams (6.1%). Not only that, but Ridley (9.12) is right there in yards per target with Thomas, Julio and above Hopkins and Adams. To put it plainly, Ridley belongs in that elite tier but a lack of targets has kept people from realizing it. That all changes this year with over 200 targets vacated and now up for grabs. Much like Chris Godwin last year, it isn’t absurd to think Ridley could supplant Julio as the #1 receiver on his team this year.
Other dark horse candidates.
Marquise Brown – Finally healthy, huge aDOT with incredible speed and the reigning MVP A.J. Green – TD-machine throughout his career including 2018 when he was on pace for 12 again when he got hurt.
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Dark Horse Fantasy Football Leaders.
Keelan Cole’s late-season stretch puts him in elite company.
In 2017, Kareem Hunt came out of nowhere to lead the league in rushing yards. The year before, Jordan Howard finished second and the year prior, Doug Martin went from draft-afterthought to number two in rushing. Each and every year this story plays out in several of the key fantasy stats. Today, I’ll tell you which players I can see taking that step forward to finish at the top of the league.
Passing Yards – Jimmy Garoppolo (SF)
Perhaps this wouldn’t surprise everyone, as some have already enshrined him into the Hall of Fame, but the matter of the fact is that he was merely just a low-end QB1 last year over the five weeks Jimmy G started. Now, I am not suggesting this is a lock or anywhere close to it, so I won’t even have shares of Jimmy G considering his current ADP, but it is worth noting that if you extrapolate his five games out to 16, he would have had 4,934 passing yards in 2017. The leader was Tom Brady, “all the way down” at 4,577. Take into account, also, that Jimmy G was just getting to know the offense since he was traded mid-season. While it likely seems unbelievable to everyone sitting here reading this, there is a distinct possibility Garopollo passes for 5,000 yards in his first full season starting.
Passing Touchdowns – Alex Smith (WAS)
The default line of thinking is that Smith is merely a competent passer and at best, a game-manager. While that was once the truth, it couldn’t be further from reality these days. Smith was spectacular last year and frankly should have seen some MVP votes. He was one of only eight passers who went over 4,000 yards and did it despite throwing just 505 passes. His 104.7 QB rate led the league while his 8.00 yards per attempt trailed only Drew Brees. Now imagine if now that he is in Washington, they open up the offense for him and let Smith throw 575 times like all the other top passers in football. Sure, there may be more than five interceptions for once, but he could also surge forth and throw 35 touchdowns which would have led the league in 2017. Remember, after all, that Tom Brady was “merely a game-manager” until Belichek let him air it out.
Rushing Yards – Rashaad Penny (SEA)
You can point to the fact that the Seahawks’ offensive line wasn’t great last year, but it should be substantially better in 2018 with a full season of Duane Brown and the addition of DJ Fluker, who believe it or not, is quite good at run blocking. Despite the offensive line struggles and having no running back surpass 70 carries last season, the unit as a whole wasn’t bad, and that is because the threat of Wilson’s legs opens up lanes for backs. Remember, too, that the last time Seattle had a true workhorse, Christine Michael averaged 70 yards before being surprisingly cut. Michael is talented but nowhere near as much as Penny, who should have a number of breakaway touchdowns just like 2017’s leader, Kareem Hunt. Plus Penny could see far more opportunities than the 95 Michael saw in his 6 starts.
Rushing Touchdowns – Marshawn Lynch (OAK)
It is tempting to believe that Beast Mode’s career is virtually over, but he was actually super impressive last season. He led the league in yards after contact and it wasn’t his fault the Raiders’ offensive line was a trainwreck. This season, they should be much better, and while Lynch may see just 180 to 220 carries, you can bank on the ball being stuck in his gut when Oakland is on the goal-line. There is a reason, after all, that he has four consecutive double-digit touchdown seasons in a row. In 2017, Todd Gurley led the league with 13, and it is feasible that Lynch matches that number if he stays on the field.
You may expect the Redskins’ passing game to take a step back with Kirk Cousins out and Alex Smith in, but as I mentioned previously, Smith is among the best passers in football and no one seems to realize it. The receiving core hasn’t changed much with Terrelle Pryor and Ryan Grant leaving to be replaced by Paul Richardson and perhaps a healthy Jordan Reed. What has changed, however, greatly benefits Crowder. It is that his new QB almost never throws to a receiver unless they have a yard or two of separation. Among the current receiving options in Washington, only Crowder is above average at creating separation, and he just so happens to be among the best in the league.
Other candidates: Pierre Garcon, Juju Smith-Schuster (only if Brown was to get injured)
Receiving Yards – Keelan Cole (JAX)
Before you just skip this one because it seems to absurd, please hear me out. This one is actually really simple. In the final four weeks of the season, Cole had led the NFL in receiving yards. You might say it is a small sample size, and sure, that is true, but then what do you do with the fact that these are the only receivers with a four-game stretch of 442 or more yards?
DeAndre Hopkins (WR #1) Antonio Brown (WR #2) Keenan Allen (WR #3) Tyreek Hill (WR #4) Julio Jones (WR #6) Keelan Cole (rookie!)
With Cole starting the entire season, he has a chance to continue the way he ended last season. Oh, by the way, he is free in your fantasy drafts. He’s got the athleticism, has no top-tier, or even second-tier wideout in his way, and plays for an offense that was second in the AFC in scoring last season.
Receiving Touchdowns – Corey Davis (TEN)
Chances are that if you drafted Davis, you were so discouraged by his utter lack of production that you won’t dare try it again. I get that, for sure, but please consider that he missed training camp and the pre-season where he would have been learning the playbook and getting chemistry with the offensive unit. Then when he came back, Davis wasn’t even fully healthy. We saw flashes in the playoffs of who he can be and it is an absolute monster. The comps to Dez Bryant and Brandon Marshall are legitimate. Let’s not forget that between the two of them, they’ve got seven seasons with double-digit touchdowns. Davis figures to be the number one option in the offense this season and could absolutely take off the same way both Dez and Marshall did after rough rookie seasons.
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п»їArkansas Sports Media High School Football Poll.
Following is the Overall Top 10 high school football teams in Arkansas and the top five in Classes 7A, 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A and 2A, as voted by a panel of sports media from around the state for the week ending October 31. Ranking is given with first-place votes received, records, total points and last week’s ranking:
Record Pts Prv 1. Bryant (28) 8-0 280 1 2. Bentonville 9-0 250 2 3. North Little Rock 7-1 202 3 4. Greenwood 9-0 194 4 5. Pulaski Academy 9-0 170 5 6. Conway 6-2 146 6 7. Lake Hamilton 8-0 94 8 8. Wynne 9-0 76 7 (tie) Cabot 6-2 76 9 10. LR Parkview 6-1 11 NR.
Others receiving votes: Harding Academy 9, Benton 7, Arkadelphia 5, Rogers 4, Harrison 3, Stuttgart 3, Texarkana 3, Fordyce 2, FS Northside 2, Shiloh Christian 2, Bentonville West 1, LR Christian 1, Rivercrest 1, Springdale Har-Ber 1, Sylvan Hills 1..
Record Pts Prv 1. Bryant (28) 8-0 140 1 2. Bentonville 9-0 112 2 3. North Little Rock 7-1 84 3 4. Conway 6-2 56 4 5. Cabot 6-2 28 5.
Others receiving votes: Bentonville West 10, Springdale Har-Ber 10, Cabot 9, FS Northside 2.
Record Pts Prv 1. Greenwood (27) 9-0 139 1 1. Lake Hamilton (1) 8-0 113 2 3. LR Parkview 6-1 62 5 4. Benton 5-4 57 3 5. Sylvan Hills 6-3 28 NR.
Others receiving votes: Jonesboro 20, Mountain Home 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Pulaski Academy (28) 9-0 140 1 2. Wynne 9-0 109 2 3. Harrison 8-1 65 3 4. Texarkana 5-0 50 4 5. LR Christian 5-2 48 5.
Others receiving votes: Morrilton 5, Camden Fairview 2. Maumelle 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Arkadelphia (12) 6-0 100 1 2. Shiloh Christian (12) 8-1 92 2 3. Joe T. Robinson (1) 6-3 73 3 4. Nashville 6-2 62 4 5. Rivercrest (1) 8-0 51 5.
Others receiving votes: Stuttgart (2) 38, Central Arkansas Christian 3, Ashdown 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Harding Academy (28) 6-1 140 1 2. Prescott 7-0 106 3 3. Newport 8-1 63 2 4. Hoxie 8-0 52 4 5. McGehee 7-0 40 5.
Others receiving votes: Booneville 10, Rison 9.
Arkansas Sports Media High School Football Super Team.
Following is a 27-player Super Team as voted on by a panel of sportswriters, sportscasters and other sports media for the 2020 high school football season that ended in December:
QB – Austin Ledbetter, Sr. Bryant.
RB – Kylin James, Sr, Dumas.
RB – Joe Himon, Jr, Pulaski Academy.
WR – Bryce Bohanon, Sr, Conway.
WR – Hayden Schrader, Sr, Bryant.
TE – Connor Clark, Sr., Jonesboro.
OL – Terry Wells, Sr, Wynne.
OL – Jayden Williams, Sr Conway.
OL – Jack Struebing, Jr Springdale Har-Ber.
OL – Makilan Thomas, Sr, LR Central.
OL – Sam Widmer, Sr, Shiloh Christian.
DL – Jordan Hanna, Sr, Greenwood.
DL – Rodricho Martin, Sr, Bryant.
DL – Braxton Johnson, Jr, North Little Rock.
DL – DJ Withers, Sr, Joe T Robinson.
LB – Futa Shinkawa, Sr, Pulaski Academy.
LB – Cole Joyce, Sr., Bentonville.
LB – Marco Avant, Sr, Jonesboro.
DB – Jayden Jasna, Jr, Greenwood.
DB – Ty Dugger, Sr, Harding.
DB – Josiah Johnson, Sr, Pulaski Academy.
DB – Dreyden Norwood, Sr, FS Northside.
K – Brock Funk, Sr, Bryant.
P – Liam Selhorst, Sr, NLR.
KR – Logen Walker, Sr, Moutnain home.
All-Purpose – Kam Turner, Sr, Rivercrest.
All-Purpose – Landon Rogers, Sr, LR Parkview.
Arkansas Sports Media High School Football Poll.
Following is the Overall Top 10 high school football teams in Arkansas and the top five in Classes 7A, 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A and 2A, as voted by a panel of sports media from around the state for the week ending October 10. Ranking is given with first-place votes received, records, total points and last week’s ranking:
1. Bryant (25) 5-0 250 1.
2. Bentonville 6-0 217 2.
3. North Little Rock 5-0 190 3.
4. Greenwood 6-0 168 4.
5. Pulaski Academy 6-0 144 5.
6. Conway 3-2 125 7.
7. Cabot 5-1 83 6.
8. Lake Hamilton 5-0 40 8.
9. Benton 4-2 36 NR.
10. Bentonville West 4-2 32 9.
(tie) Wynne 6-0 32 10.
Others receiving votes: Fort Smith Northside 19, Little Rock Christian 9, Stuttgart 9, Fordyce 8, Nashville 6, Harding Academy 5, Texarkana 2.
1. Bryant (25) 5-0 125 1.
2. Bentonville 6-0 93 2.
3. North Little Rock 5-0 82 3.
4. Conway 3-2 48 5.
5. Cabot 5-1 22 4.
Others receiving votes: FS Northside 3, Bentonville West 2.
1. Greenwood (25) 6-0 125 1.
2. Lake Hamilton 5-0 87 2.
3. Benton 4-2 83 4.
4. Searcy 4-2 35 5.
5. LR Parkview 3-1 33 3.
Others receiving votes: Jonesboro 11, Sylvan Hills 1.
1. Pulaski Academy (25) 6-0 125 1.
2. Wynne 6-0 93 2.
3. LR Christian 4-1 57 3.
4. Texarkana 4-0 56 4.
5. Harrison 5-1 34 5.
Others receiving votes: Morrilton 10.
1. Nashville (14) 4-1 106 3.
2. Arkadelphia (4) 3-0 73 2.
3. Joe T. Robinson 3-3 71 1.
4. Shiloh Christian (5) 5-1 53 4.
5. Rivercrest (1) 6-0 37 5.
Others receiving votes: Stuttgart (1) 26, Central Arkansas Christian 3, Ozark 3, Pocahontas 2.
1. Harding Academy (21) 4-1 116 1.
2. Newport (4) 7-0 87 2.
3. Prescott 5-0 80 3.
4. McGehee 5-0 31 4.
5. Hoxie 5-0 28 5.
Others receiving votes: Osceola 10, Rison 10, Booneville 9, Glen Rose 4,
1. Fordyce (25) 6-0 125 1.
2. Des Arc 6-0 82 3.
3. Gurdon 4-1 77 4.
4. Poyen 6-0 44 5.
5. Junction City 2-2 38 2.
Others receiving votes: Bigelow 7, Cross County 2.
Arkansas Sports Media High School Football Poll.
Following is the Overall Top 10 high school football teams in Arkansas and the top five in Classes 7A, 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A and 2A, as voted by a panel of sports media from around the state for the week ending November 14. Ranking is given with first-place votes received, records, total points and last week’s ranking:
Record Pts Prv 1. Bryant (25) 13-0 250 1 2. North Little Rock 11-2 205 3 3. Greenwood 14-0 182 4 4. Pulaski Academy 13-0 156 5 5. Bentonville 10-1 126 2 6. Cabot 8-4 125 9 7. Conway 8-4 109 6 8. Lake Hamilton 11-2 93 8 9. Shiloh Christian 14-1 44 NR 10.Harding Academy 12-1 29 NR Record Pts Prv 1. Bryant (25) 13-0 250 1 2. North Little Rock 11-2 205 3 3. Greenwood 14-0 182 4 4. Pulaski Academy 13-0 156 5 5. Bentonville 10-1 126 2 6. Cabot 8-4 125 9 7. Conway 8-4 109 6 8. Lake Hamilton 11-2 93 8 9. Shiloh Christian 14-1 44 NR 10.Harding Academy 12-1 29 NR.
Others receiving votes: Sylvan Hills 22, Little Rock Christian 16, Wynne 10, Rivercrest 3, Fordyce 2, Benton 1, Harrison 1, Hoxie 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Bryant (25) 13-0 125 1 2. North Little Rock 11-2 94 3 3. Bentonville 10-1 55 2 (tie) Cabot 8-4 55 5 5. Conway 8-4 46 4 Record Pts Prv 1. Bryant (25) 13-0 125 1 2. North Little Rock 11-2 94 3 3. Bentonville 10-1 55 2 (tie) Cabot 8-4 55 5 5. Conway 8-4 46 4.
Others receiving votes: None.
Record Pts Prv 1. Greenwood (25) 14-0 125 1 2. Lake Hamilton 11-2 100 2 3. Sylvan Hills 9-4 72 4 4. LR Parkview 8-2 46 3 5. Benton 8-5 22 NR Record Pts Prv 1. Greenwood (25) 14-0 125 1 2. Lake Hamilton 11-2 100 2 3. Sylvan Hills 9-4 72 4 4. LR Parkview 8-2 46 3 5. Benton 6-5 22 NR.
Others receiving votes: Mountain Home 5, Marion 4, Jonesboro 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Pulaski Academy (25) 13-0 125 1 2. LR Christian 9-3 99 4 3. Wynne 11-1 73 2 4. Harrison 11-2 51 3 5. Texarkana 7-1 13 5 Record Pts Prv 1. Pulaski Academy (25) 13-0 125 1 2. LR Christian 9-3 99 4 3. Wynne 11-1 73 2 4. Harrison 11-2 51 3 5. Texarkana 7-1 13 5.
Others receiving votes: Magnolia 10, White Hall 3, Camden Fairview 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Shiloh Christian (25) 14-1 125 1 2. Rivercrest 13-1 98 4 3. Stuttgart 12-1 67 3 4. Warren 8-5 40 NR 5. Joe T. Robinson 8-4 28 2 Record Pts Prv 1. Shiloh Christian (25) 14-1 125 1 2. Rivercrest 13-1 98 4 3. Stuttgart 12-1 67 3 4. Warren 8-5 40 NR 5. Joe T. Robinson 8-4 28 2.
Others receiving votes: Nashville 7, Ozark 7, Dumas 2, Arkadelphia 1.
Record Pts Prv 1. Harding Academy (25) 12-1 125 1 2. McGehee 12-1 96 5 3. Hoxie 13-1 65 4 4. Prescott 10-1 51 2 5. Glen Rose 11-3 24 NR Record Pts Prv 1. Harding Academy (25) 12-1 125 1 2. McGehee 12-1 96 5 3. Hoxie 13-1 65 4 4. Prescott 10-1 51 2 5. Glen Rose 11-3 24 NR.
Others receiving votes: Booneville 13, Centerpoint 1.
Arkansas Sports Media High School Football Poll.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Following is the Overall Top 10 high school football teams in Arkansas and the top five in Classes 7A, 6A, 5A, 4A, 3A and 2A, as voted by a panel of sports media from around the state for the week ending September 5. Ranking is given with first-place votes received, records, total points and last week’s ranking:
1. Bryant (25) 2-0 250 1.
2. Bentonville 1-0 206 2.
3. North Little Rock 1-0 201 3.
4. Greenwood 1-0 148 4.
5. Pulaski Academy 1-0 130 6.
6. LR Christian 2-0 97 7.
7. Cabot 2-0 79 NR.
8. Conway 1-1 74 5.
9. Bentonville West 1-1 50 NR.
10. Benton 0-1 45 8.
Others receiving votes: Joe T. Robinson 23, Springdale Har-Ber 22, Fayetteville 21, Wynne 13, FS Northside 4, Arkadelphia 3, Jonesboro 3, Harding Academy 3, Fordyce 2, Lake Hamilton 1.
1. Bryant (25) 2-0 125 1.
2. Bentonville 1-0 90 2.
3. North Little Rock 1-0 84 3.
4. Cabot 2-0 26 NR.
5. Conway 1-1 23 4.
Others receiving votes: Bentonville West 16, Fayetteville 6, Springdale Har-Ber 3, FS Northside 2.
1. Greenwood (21) 1-0 121 1.
2. Benton (4) 0-1 78 2.
3. Lake Hamilton 1-0 73 4.
4. Jonesboro 1-1 58 3.
5. LR Parkview 1-0 32 NR.
Others receiving votes: Van Buren 7, Pine Bluff 4, West Memphis 2.
1. Pulaski Academy 18) 1-0 118 1.
2. LR Christian (7) 2-0 107 2.
3. Wynne 2-0 60 4.
4. Harrison 2-0 34 3.
5. White Hall 2-0 25 NR.
Others receiving votes: Texarkana 22, Camden Fairview 4, Maumelle 3, Hot Springs Lakeside 1, Valley View 1.
1. Joe T. Robinson (21) 1-1 121 1.
2. Arkadelphia (3) 2-0 75 3.
3. Nashville (1) 1-1 66 2.
4. Shiloh Christian 2-0 63 4.
5. Pocahontas 2-0 17 NR.
Others receiving votes: Warren 15, Ozark 11, Stuttgart 5, Crossett 2, Ashdown 1.
1. Harding Academy (19) 1-0 117 1.
2. Prescott (5) 1-0 95 2.
3. Newport 2-0 61 4.
4. Booneville 2-0 36 NR.
5. Rison (1) 0-1 19 5.
Others receiving votes: Hoxie 18, Osceola 17, Camden Harmony Grove 6, Jessieville 3, McGehee 2, Baptist Prep 1.
1. Fordyce (18) 1-0 118 1.
2. Junction City (5) 1-1 94 2.
3. Gurdon (1) 1-0 58 3.
4. Des Arc (1) 2-0 54 4.
5. Magnet Cove 2-0 35 5.
Others receiving votes: Earle 4, Salem 4, McCrory 3, Poyen 2, Clarendon 1, Bigelow 1, Foreman 1.
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п»їNFL Picks.
Get our top NFL picks for every game of the 2020/21 season including our NFL picks against the spread. We dive into the data, betting trends, team news, and a lot more to bring you the best expert NFL picks each week. Check out our NFL predictions and NFL best bets pages for our top plays on today’s NFL games.
NFL Point Spread Pick.
Well, we made it to the end of the season. It’s sad to see the NFL winding down, but we’ve still got one great game left as the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers square off in the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes will get his chance at revenge on Tom Brady after falling to him in the AFC Championship game two seasons ago.
Oddsmakers have the Chiefs as a three-point favorite, which feels a bit light to me for several reasons. One factor to keep in mind here is that the game is being played in the Buccaneers’ stadium, although I don’t think there will be any home-field advantage to speak of. There will be a limited amount of fans at the game, and many of those tickets are being given away by the league. It’s not as if there is going to be a huge contingent of loud Bucs fans, and if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if Chiefs fans end up outnumbering them.
Moving to the on-field matchup, I don’t see how the Chiefs fail to have success throwing the ball. Tampa’s young secondary is exploitable, and every time they’ve faced a quarterback who can push it downfield they’ve been exposed. They might have looked good against an aging Drew Brees with a torn labrum, but the week before that they made Taylor Heinicke look like a franchise quarterback. The Chiefs won by three points when these teams played in Tampa during the regular season, but the game wasn’t as close as that final score indicates. Kansas City was up 17 in the fourth quarter before a couple of late Bucs touchdowns closed the margin. Remember, this is a Tampa Bay team that won all of one game against teams with winning records during the regular season and their playoff run has been very flukey thus far. Brady was mostly horrible against Green Bay as he tossed three interceptions, and it took an extreme series of miscues by the Packers for them to win that game. Their luck may finally run out here.
NFL Game Totals Pick.
The under also makes some sense here because everybody seems to be underrating this Chiefs defense. Kansas City defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo used the regular season to tinker with his schemes, and he’s been a wizard so far in the playoffs. He just completely shut down Josh Allen and that vaunted Buffalo passing game, limiting Allen to just 6.0 yards per attempt– and that number actually got inflated a lot by garbage time. Again, Brady hasn’t actually played well the past couple of weeks; his opponents just gifted him countless easy opportunities. Against the Saints, Tampa Bay’s three touchdown drives went for a combined 63 yards because of the short fields they were given off turnovers. Playing the Chiefs now, they aren’t going to be so fortunate with the starting field position.
While I think the Chiefs’ offense will have opportunities for success, they aren’t going to cover this number by themselves. Tampa Bay’s pass-rush could potentially pose some problems, especially with Mahomes less mobile due to the turf toe he is dealing with. Those problems will only be exacerbated by the absence of left tackle Eric Fisher, who tore his Achilles in the AFC Championship game. This Kansas City secondary is legit and their pass-rush really came alive against Buffalo. The Buccaneers’ defensive front, with the recently healed Vita Vea, should wreak enough havoc to keep this one from going over a total in the mid-50s.
Super Bowl Betting.
Five key players to watch for Super Bowl LV – Chiefs vs. Buccaneers.
Ranking The Top-10 Super Bowls Of All-Time | Which Is The Greatest Ever Super Bowl?
Super Bowl LV Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers predictions, picks, odds, spread, lines and betting odds.
nfl Top Stories.
Latest News.
NFL Picks.
The Home Of Free Expert NFL Picks For The 2020/21 Season.
Even though there are just 17 weeks in the regular season with a maximum of 16 games per week, NFL betting is easily the most popular North American sports wager. NFL point spreads and season win total prop bets are one of the few in the major sports that are openly discussed by announcers and fans alike. Because of betting, and the popularity of fantasy football, every single game of the NFL season is important, widely discussed, analyzed, and a great opportunity to get in on the action with our free NFL expert picks.
Free NFL Picks Explained.
There’s almost an infinite way to bet on the NFL, from NFL picks against the spread, over unders, parlays , prop bets , daily fantasy sports, or even scoreboard squares, there is a wager type for every kind of football fan. Some bettors like to specialize in a single particular type of NFL pick, while others like to be diverse and wager as many ways as they can on a game. Both types of players can be successful with a disciplined and calculated strategy which is the great thing about NFL betting.
Free NFL Picks Against the Spread.
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When you aren’t 100% confident in which team is going to win in an NFL game, or would rather wager on the game, rather than a team, another exciting way to still get in on the action is with totals wagers. In these bets you don’t take a side, but whether the two teams will combine to score over or under the total number of points that the oddsmakers have set. This is why last-second field goals in 24 point blowouts are still edge-of-your-seat moments as they can push the total over or under the set line. We preview every game of the NFL season, providing expert insight into the game alongside NFL picks which will always include a pick on the over/under market in each game of the NFL season.
Money Line NFL Picks.
NFL Schedule 2020/21.
Unlike other sports that have had their seasons widely disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, With the NFL season not due to start until August 2020, it is not yet known the implications the recent events will have on the 2020 NFL schedule. As things stand, the NFL season is expected to start on the 10th September with the Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs hosting the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium. The NFL regular season schedule is expected to run as normal, with 17 game weeks through until January 3rd, 2021, with the Wild Card round of the playoffs scheduled for the weekend after, across the 9th and 10th January 2021. Super Bowl LV is scheduled for February 7th, at Raymond James Stadium, the home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Regular Season NFL Expert Picks – NFL Picks This Week.
Some sites solely focus on the marquee games of an NFL slate but our system features expert picks for every game of the NFL season. The best way to have success in NFL betting is by finding those under-the-radar games like Miami at Jacksonville that do not draw as much public betting interest as Dallas vs. Green Bay. Our expert handicappers spend just as long researching the under-the-radar games, as they do for a Thursday Night Football or Primetime Football games. Our NFL picks this week are the best ways to get a breakdown and a reading of all the games on an NFL slate, with a complete game preview alongside our best NFL picks for each game.
NFL Futures Bets & Playoff Picks.
Throughout the NFL season, we also give you other betting options such as our futures picks and individual player prop bets. Not only do we publish our previews and picks for every game of the NFL regular season but we do the same for the playoffs as well. There’s a lot of money to be made in the relatively short NFL season – why not make the most of it? The stakes in the NFL playoffs are even higher and the margins between the teams are usually even smaller. With more on the line and the best against the best, the hours of research and analysis our NFL experts put in are at even more of a premium. Follow our NFL playoff picks throughout the entire NFL postseason, right through to the Super Bowl itself.
More Than Just NFL Picks.
We also specialize in every major North American sport including the MLB , NBA , NHL , and College Football and College Basketball . Check out our site every single day for some of the best bets in every major athletic contest and make sure to follow us on social media as well.
NFL expert picks for the AFC and NFC Championship.
We’ve got a big weekend of football ahead.
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Photo by Jamie Squire/Getty Images.
The final four teams in the 2020 NFL season are set, with the Packers, Buccaneers, Bills and Chiefs forming the final group nobody a year ago would have expected. Well, outside of the Chiefs.
I think everyone outside of Kansas City is a little bummed we’re not getting a Browns vs. Bills AFC Championship, but honestly, it’s for the best. It would have really taken the wind out of the end of the season to see both the Bills and Browns benefit from two of the league’s best young quarterbacks being forced out in crunch time due to concussion protocol.
The Chiefs are the runaway favorites in the AFC Championship game, which is understandable. Kansas City remains one of the scariest teams in the NFL for a reason, and so long as Patrick Mahomes is on the field they will always have a chance. However, the Bills are hungry, gritty and incredibly talented on both sides of the ball. It’s going to be interesting to see whether having the weight of a city on the shoulders will improve their play, or make it all a little more difficult.
Don’t get me wrong, the Chiefs will still be hungry — but trying to a second straight Super Bowl is a little like wanting dessert after a really good meal. You’ll make room, but you’re not exactly starving. Buffalo, on the other hand, is STARVING for a Lombardi Trophy. I don’t think there’s anything the players and fans won’t do in order to get their hands on it, and part of me feels like it would be good for the national economy. How much money will table manufacturers get if Buffalo wins? They’ll be breaking left and right for two solid weeks. That’s job creation.
I’m spending considerably more time discussing the AFC this week because I think the NFC is a foregone conclusion. The Buccaneers are obviously a good team, but I think you’re kidding yourselves if you think they have more than a slim chance against Green Bay. Aaron Rodgers is playing phenomenal football, the team is rolling (and having fun doing it), and it’s just difficult to see Tom Brady and Co really mounting a challenge.
Brady largely struggled against the Saints, he just happened to struggle less than Drew Brees. The Tampa Bay defense was the biggest single reason the Bucs are at this point, but there’s a chasm of difference between the Saints and the Packers — especially the Green Bay offensive line, who dismantled the Rams over the weekend.
I know, I know . “never count out Tom Brady.” I’m kind of counting him out here. Sue me.
NFL Playoffs Expert Picks, Predictions: Conference Championships.
CFN Expert Picks.
NFL expert picks, predictions for the NFL Playoff Conference Championships: Tampa Bay at Green Bay, Buffalo at Kansas City.
* next to the pick means the team will win, but not cover.
NFL Playoffs Sunday, January 24.
NFC Championship: Tampa Bay at Green Bay.
Gill Alexander, VSIN: Green Bay Patrick Conn, Longhorns Wire: Green Bay Jeff Feyerer, Fighting Irish Wire: Green Bay Pete Fiutak, CFN: Green Bay Phil Harrison, Buckeyes Wire: Green Bay Jeremy Mauss, MW Wire: Green Bay Big Game Ben Niewoehner, CFN: Green Bay Nick Shepkowski, Fighting Irish Wire: Green Bay Scott Steehn, WinnersandWhiners: Green Bay Keith Stewart, WinnersandWhiners: Tampa Bay Brian Stultz, Auburn Wire: Green Bay Clucko the Chicken, CFN: Tampa Bay CONSENSUS PICK: Green Bay.
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п»їCollege Football Picks & NCAA Football Predictions.
Picks and Parlays hits the gridiron hard and provides college football picks and predictions for every game on the card each week. Our talented team gives you expert picks on NCAA Football from opening night in August through the bowl season and CFP National Championship game in January. Our CFB picks are the best around, because we have the best analysis and latest relevant team info for every game.
CFP National Championship – Ohio State Buckeyes vs Alabama Crimson Tide – Monday 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
NCAA Football Bowl Season is almost over and we have all your betting needs covered.
Ohio State vs Alabama 1/11/21 – College Football Picks & Predictions.
The CFP National Championship presented by AT&T will take place on Monday night, when the Ohio State Buckeyes battle the Alabama Crimson Tide from Hard Rock Stadium.
College Football Schedule Oct. 10 Games Picks From The Pigskin Prognosticator.
Hurricane Winds Are Blowing In Louisiana And Mississippi While There Are Potential Winds Of Change In Auburn, Oklahoma And Texas.
There’s a lot of storms brewing in college football this week, one created by a Delta Force hurricane and more from stirred up alumni and fans.
Hurricane Delta has caused LSU to relocate its game to Missouri and has kicked back the kickoff time of the Kiffin Bowl in Oxford.
The storm is of a different kind in Texas, where some are looking to steer Tom Herman out of Austin and others are starting to question the longevity of Jimbo in College Station. The winds of change are also whipping up again on the Auburn plains and there’s some dust getting kicked up in Oklahoma after a a two-game win drought.
Meanwhile, other teams look to blow down heavy favorites – one of which is named, appropriately enough, the Hurricanes – while an ol’ rivalry kicks it off again in South Bend, but don’t expect it to be a classic.
Now onto the games. All times are Pacific Time because The Prognosticator lives in San Diego. Any changes as a result of Hurricane Delta to dates, times and TV will be updated as announced.
Florida at Texas A&M (9 a.m., ESPN)
Criticism is starting to leak into the Cadets camp and a non-competitive showing against the Swamp Creatures could start to open the floodgates. Aggie fans can give you 75 million reasons they are upset with the coach’s results to date and the prospect of facing a team that can toss the ball after giving up 435 passing yards a week ago doesn’t exactly shine the light of optimism in College Station. Fortunately for the home team the Gators’ bite is not nearly as lethal on defense as it is on offense but this hosts are going to need a lot more than a 12th Man to take this one. Winner: Florida.
Virginia Tech at North Carolina (9 a.m., ABC)
The Mac-sters have been somewhat of a media darling but they have been playing like mac вЂn cheese lately, perhaps caught too far up in the hype to really hand it to their opponents. The Pokies have been poking around their roster to find enough players to put on the field and will need every available body to avoid getting stuck in the North Carolina tar pit. Despite their earlier struggles, the blue-clad boys will be kicking up their heels after this one. Winner: North Carolina.
Texas vs. Oklahoma, Red River Rivalry (9 a.m., FOX, Cotton Bowl, Dallas)
There’s a lot more missing in this oine than the Texas State Fair, fans dragging coolers painted in the school colors and a stadium with a 50/50 mix of red and burnt orange. Missing are victories for each team, for OU is on a two-game losing streak and the Orangmen were just crushed by TCU. This has one coach approaching the hot seat while the other one suddenly feeling a burst of heat himself. The Steers look as sloppy as a drunk getting out of bed with a really bad hangover and neither team has yet to grasp the concept of tackling. May the team of the least embarrassing plays win. Winner: Oklahoma.
Tennessee at Georgia (12:30 p.m., CBS)
Are the rocky times over in Rocky Top? The Volunteers may be about to find out as they take their hedge trimmers to Sanford Stadium to see if they can do a little landscaping and change the landscape of the SEC East. The Dawgs are certainly going dig in to protect their turf and will be off the leash on defense in an all-out effort to beat back the invaders from Knoxville. And while their offense isn’t nearly as pretty as the azaleas that grow at nearby Augusta, there’s too many seeds planted in Athens for the visitors to dig up an upset. Winner: Georgia.
Arkansas at Auburn (1 p.m., ESPN; Changed From SEC Network)
The battered Gus Bus pulls into the Jordan-Hare repair shop after breaking down in Georgia with parts falling off it all the way down I-85. As a result, the Gus Busters are becoming more vocal about fixing not the vehicle but the coach in what is now an annual tradition right up there with the Tiger Walk. As long as the bus doesn’t have to travel it manages to keep from falling apart. Although the visiting Hogs, suddenly no longer playing like little Piglets, are likely to put a few more dents in it. Winner: Auburn.
Alabama at Ole Miss (4:30 p.m., ESPN)
The storm surge arriving in Oxford just won’t be from Hurricane Delta, but from Hurricane Nick. The Crimson Tide can flood a defense like Ole Miss’ with points and while the Rebs are capable of pouring it on, as well, they won’t be able to hold back the wall of water that comes crashing over yhe walls of Vaught-Hemingway. In the end, this will be a wipeout for the Tide. Winner: Alabama.
Miami at Clemson (4:30 p.m., ABC)
Folks in South Florida as well as all those Clemson haters are hoping that a powerful hurricane of another kind makes its way to a tiny town in western Carolina. Or is the all Kirk Herbstreit-generated hype about these Hurricanes just a lot of hot air? Instead of being a Category 4 or 5, most likely they are just a Cat 1, at best. The Felines haven’t worked up enough of a sweat to even have to take a shower yet and it’s highly unlikely they will be blown off course by an occasional gust of wind from Miami. Winner: Clemson.
Florida State at Notre Dame (4:30 p.m., NBC)
Think of this game and images of Bobby Bowden and Lou Holtz come to mind in classic games with National Championship implications, although at this point Navy could give the Irish a better fight than the downtrodden Noles. The first College Game Day show was at a FSU-Notre Dame game and this year’s game is in primetime, but it’s hardly a prime affair. Winner: Notre Dame.
ACC: Pittsburgh vs. Boston College Football Picks, Predictions 10/10/20.
Photo by Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports.
Pittsburgh Panthers (3-1) at Boston College Eagles (2-1)
College Football: Saturday, October 10, 2020 at 4:00 pm (Alumni Stadium)
TV: ACCN Stream live sports and exclusive originals on ESPN+. Sign up now!
The Pittsburgh Panthers and the Boston College Eagles meet Saturday in college football action from BC Alumni Stadium.
Pittsburgh is sitting at 3-1 so far this season. The Panthers started out with victories over Austin Peay, Syracuse and Louisville but fell in a shocker to NC State 30-29 last weekend. As for the Eagles, they’re 2-1 this year. Boston College posted wins over Duke and Texas State in their first two games, then fell 26-22 to North Carolina last Saturday. Check back all season long for free college football picks and college football predictions at Sports Chat Place.
Pittsburgh came out of the gate swinging this season, outscoring Austin Peay and Syracuse by a total of 76-10. The Panthers last couple of games have been tight, however. The victory over Louisville came by just three, and Pittsburgh was outscored 13-9 in the fourth quarter of their one-point loss to NC State.
In that loss to the Wolfpack, Pitt quarterback Kenny Pickett posted 411 yards and a touchdown, while also leading the rush on 40 yards and two scores. Tops in receiving was DJ Turner with eight grabs for 186 yards, and Jordan Addison had two catches for 77 yards and a TD.
Over on the Eagles’ side, they’ve been pretty solid so far. Boston College didn’t have much trouble in a 20-point win over Duke, and dispatched a sneaky good Texas State team by four points. The Eagles were able to hang in there versus North Carolina, but scored just six points in the second half.
In the loss to the Tar Heels, Boston College QB Phil Jurkovec had 313 yards and two touchdowns, while David Bailey led an anemic rush on 28 yards from seven carries. Tops in the receiving corps was Hunter Long, with nine catches for 96 yards.
The Panthers are 7-2 ATS in their last nine games in October and 3-1-1 ATS in their last five games on turf. Pittsburgh is 5-2 ATS versus a team with a winning record and 7-3 ATS in their last 10 road games.
Meanwhile, the Eagles are 4-0 ATS in their last four games as a home underdog and 20-6-1 ATS in their last 27 conference games. Boston College is 20-7 ATS in their last 27 games in October and 1-4 ATS in their last five games after an ATS win.
PICK: I’m going Boston College here. The Eagles have been pretty reliable in most categories this season, and they’ve posted at least 22 points in every game. Defensively Boston College has kept things under control as well, allowing a max of 26 points over three outings. Pittsburgh certainly has some weapons and can score, but I think the Eagles have the capability to keep the Panthers contained. This should be a great game and will likely come down to a few key plays in the second half.
Early college football DFS picks October 10: BY wins for U.
AUSTIN, TEXAS – OCTOBER 03: Sam Ehlinger #11 of the Texas Longhorns looks to pass in the first half against the TCU Horned Frogs at Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium on October 03, 2020 in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Tim Warner/Getty Images)
College football DFS quarterback picks October 10:
Top Tier:
Cash game staples:
Sam Ehlinger, QB, Texas Phil Jurkovec, QB, Boston College Breece Hall, RB, Iowa State Kadarius Toney, RB, Florida Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida Erik Ezukanma, WR, Texas Tech Billy Kemp, WR, Virginia.
Like just about every week’s DraftKings college football slate, I am likely going to enter a cash lineup into at least one of the GPP tournaments because I think it’s solid enough to at least come out ahead.
GPP only pivot plays:
Spencer Rattler, QB, Oklahoma Max Duggan, QB, TCU Deuce Vaughn, RB, Kansas State Austin Stogner, RB/TE, Oklahoma Joshua Moore, WR, Texas Anthony Schwartz, WR, Auburn Lavel Davis, WR, Virginia.
Auburn BYU South Carolina Virginia Syracuse (GPP only) Georgia (GPP only) Oklahoma/Texas game stack (GPP only)
Be sure to keep it here at FanSided Fantasy for all of your daily fantasy sports needs! We will also have every college football game picked against the spread all season long! Who else does that?
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п»їNFL Picks.
Get our top NFL picks for every game of the 2020/21 season including our NFL picks against the spread. We dive into the data, betting trends, team news, and a lot more to bring you the best expert NFL picks each week. Check out our NFL predictions and NFL best bets pages for our top plays on today’s NFL games.
NFL Point Spread Pick.
Well, we made it to the end of the season. It’s sad to see the NFL winding down, but we’ve still got one great game left as the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers square off in the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes will get his chance at revenge on Tom Brady after falling to him in the AFC Championship game two seasons ago.
Oddsmakers have the Chiefs as a three-point favorite, which feels a bit light to me for several reasons. One factor to keep in mind here is that the game is being played in the Buccaneers’ stadium, although I don’t think there will be any home-field advantage to speak of. There will be a limited amount of fans at the game, and many of those tickets are being given away by the league. It’s not as if there is going to be a huge contingent of loud Bucs fans, and if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if Chiefs fans end up outnumbering them.
Moving to the on-field matchup, I don’t see how the Chiefs fail to have success throwing the ball. Tampa’s young secondary is exploitable, and every time they’ve faced a quarterback who can push it downfield they’ve been exposed. They might have looked good against an aging Drew Brees with a torn labrum, but the week before that they made Taylor Heinicke look like a franchise quarterback. The Chiefs won by three points when these teams played in Tampa during the regular season, but the game wasn’t as close as that final score indicates. Kansas City was up 17 in the fourth quarter before a couple of late Bucs touchdowns closed the margin. Remember, this is a Tampa Bay team that won all of one game against teams with winning records during the regular season and their playoff run has been very flukey thus far. Brady was mostly horrible against Green Bay as he tossed three interceptions, and it took an extreme series of miscues by the Packers for them to win that game. Their luck may finally run out here.
NFL Game Totals Pick.
The under also makes some sense here because everybody seems to be underrating this Chiefs defense. Kansas City defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo used the regular season to tinker with his schemes, and he’s been a wizard so far in the playoffs. He just completely shut down Josh Allen and that vaunted Buffalo passing game, limiting Allen to just 6.0 yards per attempt– and that number actually got inflated a lot by garbage time. Again, Brady hasn’t actually played well the past couple of weeks; his opponents just gifted him countless easy opportunities. Against the Saints, Tampa Bay’s three touchdown drives went for a combined 63 yards because of the short fields they were given off turnovers. Playing the Chiefs now, they aren’t going to be so fortunate with the starting field position.
While I think the Chiefs’ offense will have opportunities for success, they aren’t going to cover this number by themselves. Tampa Bay’s pass-rush could potentially pose some problems, especially with Mahomes less mobile due to the turf toe he is dealing with. Those problems will only be exacerbated by the absence of left tackle Eric Fisher, who tore his Achilles in the AFC Championship game. This Kansas City secondary is legit and their pass-rush really came alive against Buffalo. The Buccaneers’ defensive front, with the recently healed Vita Vea, should wreak enough havoc to keep this one from going over a total in the mid-50s.
Super Bowl Betting.
Five key players to watch for Super Bowl LV – Chiefs vs. Buccaneers.
Ranking The Top-10 Super Bowls Of All-Time | Which Is The Greatest Ever Super Bowl?
Super Bowl LV Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers predictions, picks, odds, spread, lines and betting odds.
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NFL Picks.
The Home Of Free Expert NFL Picks For The 2020/21 Season.
Even though there are just 17 weeks in the regular season with a maximum of 16 games per week, NFL betting is easily the most popular North American sports wager. NFL point spreads and season win total prop bets are one of the few in the major sports that are openly discussed by announcers and fans alike. Because of betting, and the popularity of fantasy football, every single game of the NFL season is important, widely discussed, analyzed, and a great opportunity to get in on the action with our free NFL expert picks.
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There’s almost an infinite way to bet on the NFL, from NFL picks against the spread, over unders, parlays , prop bets , daily fantasy sports, or even scoreboard squares, there is a wager type for every kind of football fan. Some bettors like to specialize in a single particular type of NFL pick, while others like to be diverse and wager as many ways as they can on a game. Both types of players can be successful with a disciplined and calculated strategy which is the great thing about NFL betting.
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When you aren’t 100% confident in which team is going to win in an NFL game, or would rather wager on the game, rather than a team, another exciting way to still get in on the action is with totals wagers. In these bets you don’t take a side, but whether the two teams will combine to score over or under the total number of points that the oddsmakers have set. This is why last-second field goals in 24 point blowouts are still edge-of-your-seat moments as they can push the total over or under the set line. We preview every game of the NFL season, providing expert insight into the game alongside NFL picks which will always include a pick on the over/under market in each game of the NFL season.
Money Line NFL Picks.
NFL Schedule 2020/21.
Unlike other sports that have had their seasons widely disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, With the NFL season not due to start until August 2020, it is not yet known the implications the recent events will have on the 2020 NFL schedule. As things stand, the NFL season is expected to start on the 10th September with the Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs hosting the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium. The NFL regular season schedule is expected to run as normal, with 17 game weeks through until January 3rd, 2021, with the Wild Card round of the playoffs scheduled for the weekend after, across the 9th and 10th January 2021. Super Bowl LV is scheduled for February 7th, at Raymond James Stadium, the home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
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Super Bowl 55 is here and we have all your betting needs covered.
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NFL picks and expert predictions as well as betting tips and parlays for all of this weeks games. All of our expert NFL predictions are against the spread. (ATS) This page will be updated weekly.
The Kansas City Chiefs hit the road to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Raymond James Stadium (6:30 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs and Tom Brady for the Buccaneers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field (3:05 PM EST). The quarterbacks expected to start the game are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Aaron Rodgers for the Packers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Buffalo Bills go up against the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium (6:40 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Josh Allen for the Bills and Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Cleveland Browns hit the road to play the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium (3:05 PM EST). The probable starting quarterbacks are Baker Mayfield for the Browns and Patrick Mahomes for the Chiefs. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers hit the road to take on the New Orleans Saints at Mercedes-Benz Superdome (6:40 PM EST). The expected starting QBs are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Drew Brees for the Saints. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Baltimore Ravens take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Lamar Jackson for the Ravens and Josh Allen for the Bills. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Los Angeles Rams take on the Green Bay Packers at Lambeau Field (4:35 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Jared Goff for the Rams and Aaron Rodgers for the Packers. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Chicago Bears take on the New Orleans Saints at Mercedes-Benz Superdome (4:40 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Mitchell Trubisky for the Bears and Drew Brees for the Saints. This matchup report includes Vegas odds and a free NFL prediction for tonight.
The Baltimore Ravens hit the road to play the Tennessee Titans at Nissan Stadium (1:05 PM EST). The expected starting quarterbacks are Lamar Jackson for the Ravens and Ryan Tannehill for the Titans. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Los Angeles Rams go up against the Seattle Seahawks at Lumen Field (4:40 PM EST). The expected starting quarterbacks are John Wolford for the Rams and Russell Wilson for the Seahawks. This report includes betting predictions and our expert NFL picks for todays game.
The Indianapolis Colts hit the road to take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (1:05 PM EST). The expected starters at quarterback are Philip Rivers for the Colts and Josh Allen for the Bills. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers take on the Washington Football Team at FedEx Field (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Tom Brady for the Buccaneers and Alex Smith for the Football Team. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Cleveland Browns hit the road to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers at Heinz Field (8:15 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Baker Mayfield for the Browns and Ben Roethlisberger for the Steelers. This games report has current odds, betting predictions, and free picks against the spread.
The Minnesota Vikings hit the road to play the Detroit Lions at Ford Field (1:00 PM EST). The probable starting QBs are Kirk Cousins for the Vikings and Matthew Stafford for the Lions. We have included an expert NFL pick and parlay for todays game against the spread.
The Miami Dolphins hit the road to take on the Buffalo Bills at Bills Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The QBs expected to start under center are Tua Tagovailoa for the Dolphins and Josh Allen for the Bills. This matchup report includes NFL odds, predictions, and a free pick against the spread.
The New Orleans Saints play the Carolina Panthers at Bank of America Stadium (4:25 PM EST). The probable starting QBs are Drew Brees for the Saints and Teddy Bridgewater for the Panthers. This matchup report includes betting lines and our NFL pick of the day for this game.
The Dallas Cowboys take on the New York Giants at MetLife Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The quarterbacks expected to start under center are Andy Dalton for the Cowboys and Colt McCoy for the Giants. This games report has current odds, betting predictions, and free picks against the spread.
The Pittsburgh Steelers hit the road to play the Cleveland Browns at FirstEnergy Stadium (1:00 PM EST). The QBs expected to start the game are Ben Roethlisberger for the Steelers and Baker Mayfield for the Browns. This matchup report includes football betting lines and our pick of the day for this game.
The Green Bay Packers hit the road to play the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field (4:25 PM EST). The probable starting quarterbacks are Aaron Rodgers for the Packers and Mitchell Trubisky for the Bears. This matchup report has your NFL football pick of the day as well as NFL football odds for the game.
The Washington Football Team hit the road to take on the Philadelphia Eagles at Lincoln Financial Field (8:20 PM EST). The expected starters at QB are Dwayne Haskins for the Football Team and Jalen Hurts for the Eagles. This matchup report includes odds, betting predictions and a free pick against the spread.
Pick: UNDR 7 Catches for Tyreek Hill Start: February 7, 2021 @ 6:30 PM Expert: Doc’s Sports Offered at: 5Dimes Analysis: Free Play from Doc’s Sports. Take Under 7 Receptions (-125) for Tyreek Hill in Super Bowl 55 (6:30p.m., Sunday, February 7 CBS) We have betting that Tyreek Hill will have less than receptions in Super Bowl 55. If he gets exactly 7 catches, this bet will be graded as a push and you will get your money bank. Hill had a monster game against Tampa Bay in the first game on 11/29 and you can bet Coach Bowles will make some adjustments for this game. Hill has only gone over 7 catches 5 times over out the 17 games he played this season. He will likely get a big play with his speed but remember that only counts as just one reception. Take the under in this prop bet. Do not miss out on Doc’s Sports Weekend Football card featuring an all-access pass to Super Bowl plus college and NBA action. We had a monster weekend in college hoops hitting 4 of our 5 plays including a pair of top play winners on Saturday and Sunday. Jump on board now and let 49 years of handicapping experience work for you. Read More Read Less.
USA TODAY Sports’ NFL championship game picks: Packers, Buccaneers, Chiefs and Bills seek Super Bowl 55 berths.
SportsPulse: Lorenzo Reyes was nearly flawless in the divisional round. He’s back to provide his best bets for the NFL conference championship games. USA TODAY.
The NFL’s version of the Final Four is nigh – and what a pair of matchups and what a quartet of quarterbacks championship weekend provides.
In Sunday’s early game (3:05 p.m. ET), the NFC’s top-seeded Green Bay Packers host the wild-card entry Tampa Bay Buccaneers at potentially snow-dusted Lambeau Field in what will be the first playoff meeting between Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady.
At 6:40 p.m. ET, Patrick Mahomes – assuming he has no setbacks after going through the concussion protocol – and the reigning champion and No. 1 seed Kansas City Chiefs of the AFC welcome the second-seeded Buffalo Bills to Arrowhead Stadium as the league’s newest QB superstar, Josh Allen, plays in his first championship round tilt.
Both games are rematches of Week 6 contests won by the Chiefs and Bucs.
Gannett may earn revenue from audience referrals to betting services. Newsrooms are independent of this relationship and there is no influence on news coverage.
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п»ї2021 Fantasy Football Way-Too-Early Mock Draft: Shocking First-Round Pick Might Make Perfect Sense.
The 2020 fantasy football season was a wild ride of injuries, pandemic-related player absences, schedule changes and so much more. How wild was it? The Broncos had to start a practice squad wide receiver at quarterback when their top signal-callers were deemed unavailable due to COVID-19.
Luckily, the NFL and fantasy footballers alike could navigate a full season, and fantasy leaguers crowned a champion. While the NFL has three more games to crown a champion of its own, it’s never a bad time to start to look ahead to the 2021 NFL campaign. Assuming we’re back to (somewhat) normal, what can we all expect from fantasy football drafts? Well, the Sports Illustrated fantasy team got together for a mock draft that might reveal some insights.
This mock draft is 10 rounds and based on a 12-team, full PPR format. Each of our fantasy managers was required to draft at least one quarterback, two running backs, two wide receivers, a flex starter (RB/WR/TE), and a tight end. Incoming rookies were eligible, though their value remains in question until they’re drafted.
So without further ado, here’s our initial look at the 2021 fantasy campaign!
Note: * denotes a player entering a contract year and slated to be a free agent.
1.1. Michael Fabiano: Christian McCaffrey, RB, Panthers 1.2. Frankie Taddeo: Dalvin Cook, RB, Vikings 1.3. Corey Parson: Alvin Kamara, RB, Saints 1.4. Steve Renner: Derrick Henry, RB, Titans 1.5. Matthew De Lima: Saquon Barkley, RB, Giants 1.6. Casey Olson: Aaron Jones, RB, Packers* 1.7. Shawn Childs: Davante Adams, WR, Packers 1.8. Scott Atkins: Jonathan Taylor, RB, Colts 1.9. Ian Ritchie: Justin Jefferson, WR, Vikings 1.10. Ben Heisler: Ezekiel Elliott, RB, Cowboys 1.11. Bill Enright: Tyreek Hill, WR, Chiefs 1.12. Roy Larking: Stefon Diggs, WR, Bills.
Notes: Six running backs came off the board to kick it off, with McCaffrey leading the way. While he missed most of the season due to injuries, CMC averaged more than 30 fantasy points in his three games. To the surprise of no one, Adams was the first wideout selected, but Jefferson’s being picked as the second receiver opened eyes. The question, though, is should it be a surprise? From Week 3 on, Jefferson was the fourth-highest scoring wide receiver in fantasy football. Elliott dropped down to No. 10, where he could be a steal. Remember, he averaged more than 22 fantasy points a game before Dak Prescott was lost for the year.
2.13. Roy Larking: DeAndre Hopkins, WR, Cardinals 2.14. Bill Enright: Nick Chubb, RB, Browns 2.15. Ben Heisler: Travis Kelce, TE, Chiefs 2.16. Ian Ritchie: Calvin Ridley, WR, Falcons 2.17. Scott Atkins: David Montgomery, RB, Bears 2.18. Shawn Childs: Michael Thomas, WR, Saints 2.19. Casey Olson: DK Metcalf, WR, Seahawks 2.20. Matthew De Lima: Josh Jacobs, RB, Raiders 2.21. Steve Renner: Miles Sanders, RB, Eagles 2.22. Corey Parson: James Robinson, RB, Jaguars 2.23. Frankie Taddeo: J.K. Dobbins, RB, Ravens 2.24. Michael Fabiano: Austin Ekeler, RB, Chargers.
Notes: There were no big surprises in this round, although Kelce’s NOT being a first-round selection might come as somewhat of a shock. I didn’t expect Thomas to go ahead of Metcalf considering the Saints’ questions at quarterback, and the fact that Montgomery went as high as he did was notable. I’m not saying he wasn’t a true league winner this past season, but I do wonder whether he’ll be able to duplicate his high level of production when the schedule is tougher and with Tarik Cohen back. The fact that Robinson, Dobbins and Ekeler lasted until the end of the round proves the depth at running back will be much better in 2021.
3.25. Michael Fabiano: Allen Robinson, WR, Bears* 3.26. Frankie Taddeo: Keenan Allen, WR, Chargers 3.27. Corey Parson: Clyde Edwards-Helaire, RB, Chiefs 3.28. Steve Renner: Terry McLaurin, WR, Football Team 3.29. Matthew De Lima: Antonio Gibson, RB, Football Team 3.30. Casey Olson: Patrick Mahomes, QB, Chiefs 3.31. Shawn Childs: A.J. Brown, WR, Titans 3.32. Scott Atkins: D’Andre Swift, RB, Lions 3.33. Ian Ritchie: Joe Mixon, RB, Bengals 3.34. Ben Heisler: Cam Akers, RB, Rams 3.35. Bill Enright: Darren Waller, TE, Raiders 3.36. Roy Larking: Chris Carson, RB, Seahawks*
Notes: This round had a few potential bargains at running back, with Edwards-Helaire, Gibson, Swift, Mixon and Akers coming off the board. Akers’s stock certainly rose due to his late-season rookie success, and I can see him being picked higher in future drafts. Mahomes was the first quarterback off the board, and Waller went as the No. 2 tight end behind Kelce and ahead of George Kittle. The slide that Kittle saw in this draft was surprising. Stay tuned for that.
4.37. Roy Larking: Myles Gaskin, RB, Dolphins 4.38. Bill Enright: Ronald Jones, RB, Buccaneers 4.39. Ben Heisler: Mike Evans, WR, Buccaneers 4.40. Ian Ritchie: CeeDee Lamb, WR, Cowboys 4.41. Scott Atkins: Josh Allen, QB, Bills 4.42. Shawn Childs: Kareem Hunt, RB, Browns 4.43. Casey Olson: Kenyan Drake, RB, Cardinals 4.44. Matthew De Lima: Adam Thielen, WR, Vikings 4.45. Steve Renner: Diontae Johnson, WR, Steelers 4.46. Corey Parson: Will Fuller, WR, Texans* 4.47. Frankie Taddeo: Tyler Lockett, WR, Seahawks 4.48. Michael Fabiano: Amari Cooper, WR, Cowboys.
Notes: Seven of the 12 picks in this round were wide receivers, with Lamb being the most notable as he went ahead of his teammate, Cooper. Lamb was the WR11 and averaged more than 17 fantasy points in games played with Dak Prescott under center, so it’s certainly not a reach. The fact that wideouts like Thielen, Johnson, Fuller, Lockett and Cooper were available in the fourth round isn’t a shock but more a look into how deep this position will be in 2021 drafts. Allen, this past season’s No. 1 quarterback, was the second signal-caller selected.
5.49. Michael Fabiano: James Conner, RB, Steelers* 5.50. Frankie Taddeo: Tee Higgins, WR, Bengals 5.51. Corey Parson: Julio Jones, WR, Falcons 5.52. Steve Renner: Chris Godwin, WR, Buccaneers* 5.53. Matthew De Lima: Kyler Murray, QB, Cardinals 5.54. Casey Olson: Robert Woods, WR, Rams 5.55. Shawn Childs: JuJu Smith-Schuster, WR, Steelers* 5.56. Scott Atkins: Cooper Kupp, WR, Rams 5.57. Ian Ritchie: Brandon Aiyuk, WR, 49ers 5.58. Ben Heisler: Kenny Golladay, WR, Lions* 5.59. Bill Enright: Tyler Boyd, WR, Bengals 5.60. Roy Larking: Lamar Jackson, QB, Ravens.
Notes: This was another heavy round for wideouts, and the names still on the board at this point should be noted. Jones, Woods, Smith-Schuster, Kupp and Golladay were all drafted much higher in 2019, but injuries or inconsistent totals have hurt their appeal. All could be steals in the draft, but all come with risk. Aiyuk going this high could be seen as a surprise, especially since he went ahead of Golladay, Tyler Boyd and other « big-name » players. He did average 18.4 fantasy points in Weeks 7 to 17, ranking fourth among wideouts in that category. Jackson, who was the top quarterback in many 2019 drafts, went third at the position.
6.61. Roy Larking: Robert Tonyan, TE, Packers* 6.62. Bill Enright: Odell Beckham Jr., WR, Browns 6.63. Ben Heisler: Melvin Gordon, RB, Broncos 6.64. Ian Ritchie: Justin Herbert, QB, Chargers 6.65. Scott Atkins: Marquise Brown, WR, Ravens 6.66. Shawn Childs: George Kittle, TE, 49ers 6.67. Casey Olson: Robby Anderson, WR, Panthers 6.68. Matthew De Lima: D.J. Moore, WR, Panthers 6.69. Steve Renner: Deshaun Watson, QB, Texans 6.70. Corey Parson: Russell Wilson, QB, Seahawks 6.71. Frankie Taddeo: Aaron Rodgers, QB, Packers 6.72. Michael Fabiano: Courtland Sutton, WR, Broncos.
Notes: The shocker in this round is that Kittle fell this far down the line and was chosen behind Tonyan. Honestly, I have to chalk this up to either a mistake in the rankings or simply not realizing he was still on the board at the time. Regardless, Kittle is not going to fall this far in most drafts. Herbert, the rookie phenom, went as the fifth quarterback, ahead of Watson, Wilson and Rodgers, who were all selected later in the round. Former superstar Beckham was drafted as a No. 3 wideout for Heisler, and that’s what he is (at best) heading into 2021.
7.73. Michael Fabiano: Dak Prescott, QB, Cowboys* 7.74. Frankie Taddeo: Chase Claypool, WR, Steelers 7.75. Corey Parson: Deebo Samuel, WR, 49ers 7.76. Steve Renner: Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU 7.77. Matthew De Lima: Devonta Smith, WR, Alabama 7.78. Casey Olson: Marvin Jones, Jr., WR, Lions* 7.79. Shawn Childs: Travis Etienne, RB, Clemson 7.80. Scott Atkins: Mark Andrews, TE, Ravens 7.81. Ian Ritchie: Najee Harris, RB, Alabama 7.82. Ben Heisler: Laviska Shenault, WR, Jaguars 7.83. Bill Enright: Raheem Mostert, RB, 49ers 7.84. Roy Larking: Brandin Cooks, WR, Texans.
Notes: This is the part of the draft when the rookies started to come flying off the board, led by Chase and Smith. Etienne and Harris followed quickly thereafter, and I’d guess both would be drafted much higher depending on where they might land in the actual NFL draft. For example, Etienne or Harris landing in Atlanta would push them into a potential top-30 selection. Prescott’s falling to Round 7 could be a steal, depending on his rehab from a gruesome leg injury, and Claypool could be a great bargain too, if Smith-Schuster leaves the Steelers.
Michael Fabiano’s 2021 Fantasy Pro Bowl Team.
The 2021 Pro Bowl rosters have been announced, and while the actual contest has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can still dive into this tradition that started back in 1970. The coaches for that contest were John Madden of the Raiders and Dick Nolan of the 49ers. The contest, which the NFC won 27–6, had two Most Valuable Players (LB Fred Carr of the Packers and DB Mel Renfro of the Cowboys).
The game was played at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, and each player from the winning team was rewarded $2,000. The winning players from the 2020 Pro Bowl were awarded $70,000, while the losers took home $65,000.
Had fantasy football been prominent in 1970, the fantasy Pro Bowl team would have included players like John Brodie, Fran Tarkenton, Ron A. Johnson, MacArthur Lane, Gene A. Washington and Dick Gordon. Brodie led all quarterbacks with 2,941 passing yards and 208.5 fantasy points. That total would have been good enough to finish a mere 22nd at the position this season.
Johnson, the top fantasy running back, had 1,514 total yards, 12 total touchdowns and 271.4 fantasy points. That would have earned him a top-four finish among 2020 backs. Washington, the top-scoring wide receiver, recorded 1,100 yards, 12 touchdowns and 235 fantasy points. He would have been the WR15 in 2020.
Times have changed, folks.
Now that we’ve taken a short trip down memory lane, let’s take a look at the best of the best in the here and the now— the 2021 fantasy Pro Bowl squad.
Josh Allen, Buffalo Bills : Allen led quarterbacks with an impressive 396.1 fantasy points, which ranks as the fifth-most points ever scored in a single season at the position during the Super Bowl era (1966-present). His fantasy point totals have risen in each of his three NFL seasons, during which time he’s rushed for 1,562 yards and 25 touchdowns. He’ll be a top-three quarterback in 2021.
Runner up : Patrick Mahomes, Kansas City Chiefs.
Alvin Kamara, New Orleans Saints : Kamara led all running backs with a total of 377.8 fantasy points, which was 50 more than the No. 2 runner, Dalvin Cook. He averaged 25.2 fantasy points per game, and Kamara scored 20-plus fantasy points in nine of his 15 games. He has now scored 320-plus fantasy points in three of his first four NFL seasons, and his 326 combined receptions are the most ever recorded by a running back during his first four seasons in the league.
Runner up : Derrick Henry, Tennessee Titans.
MORE FROM SI : The 2021 Pro Bowl.
Davante Adams, Green Bay Packers : Adams led all receivers with 358.4 fantasy points this past season. He finished with 18 touchdowns catches, which is tied with Mark Clayton (1984) and Sterling Sharpe (1994) for the third-most in a single season during the Super Bowl era. Adams has also recorded a combined 23 touchdown catches since 2019, which leads all wideouts. As long as Aaron Rodgers is back in Green Bay, Adams is a first-round lock in 2021.
Michael Fabiano’s Super Bowl LV Fantasy Football Rankings.
This is it! Welcome to Super Bowl LV. Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs will travel down to Raymond James Stadium to face Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. This is the first time in NFL history a team in the Super Bowl will be playing at their home stadium.
For whatever contest we’ve got going, let’s set a winning lineup with a little help from my Super Bowl rankings!
Patrick Mahomes, KC (at TB) Tom Brady, TB (vs. KC)
Leonard Fournette, TB (vs. KC) Darrel Williams, KC (at TB) Clyde Edwards-Helaire, KC (at TB) Ronald Jones, TB (vs. KC) Le’Veon Bell, KC (at TB) LeSean McCoy, TB (vs. KC)
Tyreek Hill, KC (at TB) Chris Godwin, TB (vs. KC) Mike Evans, TB (vs. KC) Antonio Brown, TB (vs. KC) Mecole Hardman, KC (at TB) Sammy Watkins, KC (at TB) Demarcus Robinson, KC (at TB) Tyler Johnson, TB (vs. KC) Scott Miller, TB (vs. KC) Byron Pringle, KC (at TB)
Travis Kelce, KC (at TB) Rob Gronkowski, TB (vs. KC) Cameron Brate, TB (vs. KC)
Harrison Butker, KC (at TB) Ryan Succop, TB (vs. KC)
Chiefs, KC (at TB) Buccaneers, TB (vs. KC)
Michael Fabiano’s 2021 Fantasy Pro Bowl Team.
Forget the Pro Bowl, how about a Pro Bowl for the best fantasy players? Senior expert Michael Fabiano highlights the best of fantasy from 2020–21. — The 2021 Pro Bowl rosters have been announced, and while the actual contest has been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we can still dive into this tradition that started back in 1970. The coaches for that contest were John Madden of the Raiders and Dick Nolan of the 49ers. The contest, which the NFC won 27–6, had two Most Valuable Players (LB Fred Carr of the Packers and DB Mel Renfro of the Cowboys).
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п»їNFL Picks.
Get our top NFL picks for every game of the 2020/21 season including our NFL picks against the spread. We dive into the data, betting trends, team news, and a lot more to bring you the best expert NFL picks each week. Check out our NFL predictions and NFL best bets pages for our top plays on today’s NFL games.
NFL Point Spread Pick.
Well, we made it to the end of the season. It’s sad to see the NFL winding down, but we’ve still got one great game left as the Kansas City Chiefs and Tampa Bay Buccaneers square off in the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes will get his chance at revenge on Tom Brady after falling to him in the AFC Championship game two seasons ago.
Oddsmakers have the Chiefs as a three-point favorite, which feels a bit light to me for several reasons. One factor to keep in mind here is that the game is being played in the Buccaneers’ stadium, although I don’t think there will be any home-field advantage to speak of. There will be a limited amount of fans at the game, and many of those tickets are being given away by the league. It’s not as if there is going to be a huge contingent of loud Bucs fans, and if anything I wouldn’t be surprised if Chiefs fans end up outnumbering them.
Moving to the on-field matchup, I don’t see how the Chiefs fail to have success throwing the ball. Tampa’s young secondary is exploitable, and every time they’ve faced a quarterback who can push it downfield they’ve been exposed. They might have looked good against an aging Drew Brees with a torn labrum, but the week before that they made Taylor Heinicke look like a franchise quarterback. The Chiefs won by three points when these teams played in Tampa during the regular season, but the game wasn’t as close as that final score indicates. Kansas City was up 17 in the fourth quarter before a couple of late Bucs touchdowns closed the margin. Remember, this is a Tampa Bay team that won all of one game against teams with winning records during the regular season and their playoff run has been very flukey thus far. Brady was mostly horrible against Green Bay as he tossed three interceptions, and it took an extreme series of miscues by the Packers for them to win that game. Their luck may finally run out here.
NFL Game Totals Pick.
The under also makes some sense here because everybody seems to be underrating this Chiefs defense. Kansas City defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo used the regular season to tinker with his schemes, and he’s been a wizard so far in the playoffs. He just completely shut down Josh Allen and that vaunted Buffalo passing game, limiting Allen to just 6.0 yards per attempt– and that number actually got inflated a lot by garbage time. Again, Brady hasn’t actually played well the past couple of weeks; his opponents just gifted him countless easy opportunities. Against the Saints, Tampa Bay’s three touchdown drives went for a combined 63 yards because of the short fields they were given off turnovers. Playing the Chiefs now, they aren’t going to be so fortunate with the starting field position.
While I think the Chiefs’ offense will have opportunities for success, they aren’t going to cover this number by themselves. Tampa Bay’s pass-rush could potentially pose some problems, especially with Mahomes less mobile due to the turf toe he is dealing with. Those problems will only be exacerbated by the absence of left tackle Eric Fisher, who tore his Achilles in the AFC Championship game. This Kansas City secondary is legit and their pass-rush really came alive against Buffalo. The Buccaneers’ defensive front, with the recently healed Vita Vea, should wreak enough havoc to keep this one from going over a total in the mid-50s.
Super Bowl Betting.
Five key players to watch for Super Bowl LV – Chiefs vs. Buccaneers.
Ranking The Top-10 Super Bowls Of All-Time | Which Is The Greatest Ever Super Bowl?
Super Bowl LV Kansas City Chiefs vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers predictions, picks, odds, spread, lines and betting odds.
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The Home Of Free Expert NFL Picks For The 2020/21 Season.
Even though there are just 17 weeks in the regular season with a maximum of 16 games per week, NFL betting is easily the most popular North American sports wager. NFL point spreads and season win total prop bets are one of the few in the major sports that are openly discussed by announcers and fans alike. Because of betting, and the popularity of fantasy football, every single game of the NFL season is important, widely discussed, analyzed, and a great opportunity to get in on the action with our free NFL expert picks.
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There’s almost an infinite way to bet on the NFL, from NFL picks against the spread, over unders, parlays , prop bets , daily fantasy sports, or even scoreboard squares, there is a wager type for every kind of football fan. Some bettors like to specialize in a single particular type of NFL pick, while others like to be diverse and wager as many ways as they can on a game. Both types of players can be successful with a disciplined and calculated strategy which is the great thing about NFL betting.
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When you aren’t 100% confident in which team is going to win in an NFL game, or would rather wager on the game, rather than a team, another exciting way to still get in on the action is with totals wagers. In these bets you don’t take a side, but whether the two teams will combine to score over or under the total number of points that the oddsmakers have set. This is why last-second field goals in 24 point blowouts are still edge-of-your-seat moments as they can push the total over or under the set line. We preview every game of the NFL season, providing expert insight into the game alongside NFL picks which will always include a pick on the over/under market in each game of the NFL season.
Money Line NFL Picks.
NFL Schedule 2020/21.
Unlike other sports that have had their seasons widely disrupted due to the Covid-19 pandemic, With the NFL season not due to start until August 2020, it is not yet known the implications the recent events will have on the 2020 NFL schedule. As things stand, the NFL season is expected to start on the 10th September with the Super Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs hosting the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium. The NFL regular season schedule is expected to run as normal, with 17 game weeks through until January 3rd, 2021, with the Wild Card round of the playoffs scheduled for the weekend after, across the 9th and 10th January 2021. Super Bowl LV is scheduled for February 7th, at Raymond James Stadium, the home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Regular Season NFL Expert Picks – NFL Picks This Week.
Some sites solely focus on the marquee games of an NFL slate but our system features expert picks for every game of the NFL season. The best way to have success in NFL betting is by finding those under-the-radar games like Miami at Jacksonville that do not draw as much public betting interest as Dallas vs. Green Bay. Our expert handicappers spend just as long researching the under-the-radar games, as they do for a Thursday Night Football or Primetime Football games. Our NFL picks this week are the best ways to get a breakdown and a reading of all the games on an NFL slate, with a complete game preview alongside our best NFL picks for each game.
NFL Futures Bets & Playoff Picks.
Throughout the NFL season, we also give you other betting options such as our futures picks and individual player prop bets. Not only do we publish our previews and picks for every game of the NFL regular season but we do the same for the playoffs as well. There’s a lot of money to be made in the relatively short NFL season – why not make the most of it? The stakes in the NFL playoffs are even higher and the margins between the teams are usually even smaller. With more on the line and the best against the best, the hours of research and analysis our NFL experts put in are at even more of a premium. Follow our NFL playoff picks throughout the entire NFL postseason, right through to the Super Bowl itself.
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NFL Picks (Week 1, 2020): 9-6-1 (+$1,090) NFL Picks (Week 2, 2020): 13-3 (+$1,910) NFL Picks (Week 3, 2020): 12-4 (+$1,230) NFL Picks (Week 4, 2020): 6-7-2 (-$675) NFL Picks (Week 5, 2020): 9-5 (+$1,770) NFL Picks (Week 6, 2020): 5-9 (-$2,365) NFL Picks (Week 7, 2020): 6-7-1 (-$580) NFL Picks (Week 8, 2020): 9-5 (+$1,210) NFL Picks (Week 9, 2020): 3-11 (-$1,945) NFL Picks (Week 10, 2020): 5-8-1 (-$825) NFL Picks (Week 11, 2020): 3-11 (-$1,935) NFL Picks (Week 12, 2020): 10-6 (+$2,395) NFL Picks (Week 13, 2020): 6-9 (-$235) NFL Picks (Week 14, 2020): 10-6 (+$1,330) NFL Picks (Week 15, 2020): 6-9-1 (+$210) NFL Picks (Week 16, 2020): 11-5 (+$1,140) NFL Picks (Week 17, 2020): 8-7-1 (+$985) NFL Picks (Week 18, 2020): 1-5 (-$1,430) NFL Picks (Week 19, 2020): 3-1 (+$285) NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$250)
NFL Picks (2020): 137-124-7 (+$3,815) NFL Picks (2019): 148-128-9 (+$1,200) NFL Picks (2018): 140-134-12 (+$845) NFL Picks (2017): 137-147-10 (-$4,300) NFL Picks (2016): 148-127-10 (+$780) NFL Picks (2015): 133-138-10 (-$3,215) NFL Picks (2014): 143-133-7 (-$1,885) NFL Picks (2013): 144-131-8 (+$7,825) NFL Picks (2012): 130-145-8 (-$7,445) NFL Picks (2011): 137-133-12 (-$1,335) NFL Picks (2010): 144-131-8 (+$5,880) NFL Picks (2009): 151-124-9 (+$4,235) NFL Picks (2008): 136-125-6 (+$6,105) NFL Picks (2007): 162-135-10 (+$3,585) If you don’t quite understand the line, total or anything else, go to my Sports Betting FAQ. Vegas betting action updated Feb. 2, 2:20 p.m. ET. Follow @walterfootball for updates.
Super Bowl LV Pick Chiefs at Buccaneers.
Get more free NFL picks for every game Doc’s Sports.
Last Week’s NFL Picks Against The Spread (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$250) Last Week’s 2-3 Unit NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$400) Last Week’s 4-5 Unit NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 0-0 ($0) Last Week Over-Under (Week 20, 2020): 0-2 ($0) Last Week’s Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks (Week 20, 2020): -$150.
2020 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-2, 50.0% (-$135)
2020 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-124-6, 52.5% (+$3,815) 2020 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 47-43-3, 52.2% (-$1,965) 2020 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 37-22-1, 62.7% (+$5,515) 2020 Season Over-Under: 140-122-6, 53.4% ($0) 2020 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$225.
1999 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 27-41-3 (39.7%) 2000 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 128-123-8 (51.0%) 2001 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 127-122-7 (51.0%) 2002 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 123-136-7 (47.5%) 2003 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 146-126-8 (53.7%) 2004 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 157-123-8 (56.1%) 2005 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 156-126-11 (55.3%) 2006 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 151-135-9 (52.8%) 2007 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 162-135-10, 54.5% (+$3,585) 2008 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 148-140-7, 51.4% (+$6,105) 2009 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 151-124-9, 54.9% (+$4,235) 2010 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 144-131-8, 52.4% (+$5,880) 2011 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-133-12, 50.7% (-$1,335) 2012 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 130-145-8, 47.3% (-$7,445) 2013 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 144-131-8, 52.4% (+$7,825) 2014 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 143-133-7, 51.8% (-$1,885) 2015 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 134-138-12, 49.3% (-$3,215) 2016 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 148-127-10, 53.8% (+$780) 2017 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-140-8, 49.5% (-$4,300) 2018 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 140-134-14, 51.3% (+$845) 2019 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 149-128-9, 53.6% (+$1,200)
2002 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 41-49-2 (45.6%) 2003 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 52-51-2 (50.5%) 2004 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 65-44-3 (59.6%) 2005 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 77-61-1 (55.8%) 2006 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 65-61-4 (51.6%) 2007 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 83-59-5, 58.5% (+$4,110) 2008 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-57-3, 43.6% (-$3,510) 2009 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 49-35-3, 58.3% (+$2,260) 2010 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 51-38-4, 57.3% (+$3,180) 2011 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-51-3, 46.3% (-$2,715) 2012 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 45-50-2, 47.4% (-$2,130) 2013 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 38-42, 47.5% (-$2,890) 2015 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 47-44-1, 51.6% (-$820) 2016 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 42-35-3, 54.5% (+$475) 2017 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 32-40-3, 43.8% (-$2,395) 2018 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 52-41-2, 55.9% (+$2,670) 2019 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-36-2, 55.0% (+$655)
2002 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 11-12 (47.8%) 2003 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 16-13-1 (55.2%) 2004 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 18-11 (62.1%) 2005 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 25-22-1 (53.2%) 2006 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 21-29-1 (42.0%) 2007 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 35-30-2, 53.8% (+$420) 2008 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 39-26-2, 60.0% (+$4,055) 2009 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 29-26, 52.7% (+$330) 2010 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 32-22, 59.3% (+$4,790) 2011 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 14-14, 50.0% (-$1,260) 2012 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 14-21, 40.0% (-$3,650) 2013 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 17-9-3, 65.4% (+$2,970) 2015 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 17-16-2, 51.5% (-$1,120) 2016 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 21-22-5, 48.8% (-$1,465) 2017 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 20-22-1, 47.6% (-$1,595) 2018 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 27-32-1, 45.8% (-$4,735) 2019 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 37-27-2, 57.8% (+$2,185)
2001 Season Over-Under: 3-2 (60.0%) 2002 Season Over-Under: 121-91-3 (57.1%) 2003 Season Over-Under: 126-132-2 (48.8%) 2004 Season Over-Under: 139-124-4 (52.9%) 2005 Season Over-Under: 117-145-4 (44.7%) 2006 Season Over-Under: 129-132-5 (49.4%) 2007 Season Over-Under: 136-145-3, 48.4% (-$1,900) 2008 Season Over-Under: 137-125-6, 52.3% (+$860) 2009 Season Over-Under: 128-135-4, 48.7% (-$3,195) 2010 Season Over-Under: 128-135-5, 48.7% (-$5) 2011 Season Over-Under: 131-131-5, 50.0% (+$135) 2012 Season Over-Under: 125-121-5, 50.8% (+$30) 2013 Season Over-Under: 132-130-5, 50.4% (-$340) 2015 Season Over-Under: 143-119-5, 54.6% ($0) 2016 Season Over-Under: 123-141-1, 46.6% (+$95) 2017 Season Over-Under: 136-139-2, 49.5% (+$640) 2018 Season Over-Under: 118-128-3, 48.0% (-$225) 2019 Season Over-Under: 126-133-4, 48.6% (-$50)
2007 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,035 2008 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,775 2009 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$865 2010 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$200 2011 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$590 2012 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$1,685 2013 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$2,245 2015 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$855 2016 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$275 2017 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$510 2018 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,495 2019 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$1,715.
2006 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3 (50%) 2007 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3, 50.0% (-$400) 2008 NFL Picks of the Month: 6-1, 85.7% (+$3,720) 2009 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-2, 60.0% (+$640) 2010 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-4, 33.3% (-$1,810) 2011 NFL Picks of the Month: 5-2, 71.4% (+$1,870) 2012 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-2, 60.0% (+$560) 2013 NFL Picks of the Month: 6-0, 100% (+$3,900) 2014 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-4, 33.3% (-$1,350) 2015 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3, 50.0% (-$100) 2016 NFL Picks of the Month: 5-1, 83.3% (+$2,780) 2017 NFL Picks of the Month: 4-2, 66.7% (+$1,040) 2018 NFL Picks of the Month: 4-3, 57.1% (-$640) 2019 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3-1, 50.0% (-$625)
Career NFL Picks Against The Spread: 2,994-2,761-179, 52.0% (+$14,120) Career 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 957-859-49 (52.7%) Career 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 452-396-23 (53.3%) Career Over-Under: 2,462-2,416-66 (50.5%) Career Second-Half NFL Picks: 22-15-1 (61.1%) Career NFL Picks of the Month: 44-29-1 (60.3%)
My Team-by-Team ATS Record This section shows how well I do when picking each team this year. The purpose is to see how well I read each team. Pushes are not displayed. Winning/losing streak in parentheses.
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п»їWhy Our Correct Score Tips?
Correct Score is a bet type that highlights the exact score of the outcome of a given match in soccer. Most bookmakers present it in many forms with the most being fixed to first half or full time. It usually one of he most crucial bet to predict but our Experts got you covered.
Top Tips Today.
Table below shows top most correct score tips and predictions for today.
Time League Match Pick 01:15 Uruguay 01:15 Uruguay – Primera Division, Clausura, Round 4 Montevideo City Torque vs Defensor Sporting Correct Score HT(1-0) 03:00 Brazil 03:00 Brazil – Brasileiro Serie A, Round 34 Athletico Paranaense vs Internacional Correct Score HT(0-0) 04:00 Colombia 04:00 Colombia – Primera A, Apertura, Round 4 Independiente Medellin vs Millonarios FC Correct Score HT(0-0) 06:00 Mexico 06:00 Mexico – Liga MX, Clausura, Round 5 Queretaro vs Pachuca Correct Score HT(0-0) 16:50 Bahrain 16:50 Bahrain – Premier League, Round 9 Al-Budaiya vs Al Riffa Correct Score HT(0-2) 19:00 Turkey 19:00 Turkey – TFF 1. Lig, Round 20 Samsunspor vs Bandirmaspor Correct Score HT(1-0) 19:00 Cyprus 19:00 Cyprus – 1st Division, Round 23 Nea Salamina Famagusta vs Olympiakos Nicosia Correct Score FT(2-1) 21:00 Switzerland 21:00 Switzerland – Challenge League, Round 19 SC Kriens vs FC Aarau Correct Score HT(0-1) 22:00 France 22:00 France – Ligue 2, Round 24 Rodez AF vs Clermont Foot 63 Correct Score HT(0-1) 23:00 Chile 23:00 Chile – Primera Division, Round 32 Deportes La Serena vs Universidad Catolica Correct Score HT(0-0)
Its is usually abbreviated as « CS » and its annotation is as follows; CS HT(0-0), CS FT(2-1), CS HT(1-0), CS FT(1-1) etc. Most bookmakers have a huge number of odds placed on this bet type, hence our free tips helps your to increase your chances of winning on this bet.
Tomorrow’s Tips.
All correct score prediction of the matches scheduled to play tomorrow.
The correct score matches will be updated soon. Otherwise subscribe to our Expert tips or Premium tips.
Best market for correct score tips include Egypt soccer competition, Greece Super League, Turkish Super Lig just to name a few. This is not always guaranteed due to ever changing nature of events. Use our exact score tips to boost your chances of winning.
Yesterday’s Tips.
Outcome of correct score predictions yesterday.
Correct Score Tips Daily.
16 January 2021 Correct Score Tips Daily For Today.
B. Dortmund – Mainz Marseille – Nimes.
EVENT LEAGUE CORRECT SCORE DATE B. Dortmund – Mainz Germany – Bundesliga 2-1 16/01/2021 | 15:30 Marseille – Nimes France – Ligue 1 3-1 16/01/2021 | 17:00.
Marseille – Nimes : 2-0 / 2-1 / 3-0 / 3-1 B. Dortmund – Mainz : 2-0 / 2-1 / 3-0 / 3-1.
Manchester United Vs Southampton Premier League Betting Tips & Predictions Wolves vs Arsenal Premier League Predictions & Tips Manchester City vs Crystal Palace Betting Prediction & Tips Inter Milan vs Juventus Serie A Betting Predictions & Tips.
BET INFO Over 2.5 Goals Accumulator Tips Over 2.5 goals to be scored in the match Both Teams To Score Accumulator Tips Both teams to score (BTTS) in a wide range of football games Football Win Accumulator Tips We pick teams to win in our simplest football accumulator Mixed Accumulator The best & less risky tips from various markets Bundesliga Accumulator Tips Weekend Bundesliga tips from different markets England Premier League Accumulator Tips Expert England Premier League Betting Tips.
Correct Score bets are a popular way to bet on football matches. The bet is fairly straightforward, just select the correct score and if the score at the end of the game matches your prediction you’re a winner. In football matches where extra time is possible, correct score bets end at the end of 90 minutes plus injury time. Extra time doesn’t count.
Betting on correct scores is one of the most popular soccer markets for recreational bettors. In this article we analyse correct score betting using “true” score odds. Is correct score betting profitable? Read on to find out.
Correct score betting.
A popular market in football betting is predicting the final score of a game. Unlike straight match odds for which there are just three possible outcomes – home, draw or away – there are many more possible scores.
Unsurprisingly, the odds for correct score betting are considerably longer than the match odds because each possible score has a much lower chance of happening than just a straight home, draw or away result. Even the most common scores – 1-1, 1-0 and 2-1 – have all occurred less than 12% of the time throughout English football league history.
Betting on correct scores: Summing up.
Many bettors love the appeal of a big win offered by correct score betting, and can be easily fooled by success. However, those attracted by the much longer odds available must recognise that not only will they have a far smaller chance of winning, but also the way the bookmakers manipulate their odds ensures that they will potentially be facing a far larger expected disadvantage.
True, there is more opportunity for bookmakers to make bigger errors, but that is one of the reasons why they make the higher correct score odds so unfair.
Correct Score Prediction & Correct Score Tips For Today & Tomorrow.
As an expert correct score prediction site we recommend various prediction and tips for both today and tomorrow.
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Correct Score for today.
Australia – A-League Correct Score.
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Austria – OFB Cup Correct Score.
Brazil – Serie A Correct Score.
вњ”пёЏ Expires in 24 hrs вњ”пёЏ 40 Voucher used вњ”пёЏ 1xBet – рџ’Ћ Best Bookmaker вњ”пёЏ Sports, eSports, Casino.
Czech Republic – 1. Liga Correct Score.
England – Championship Correct Score.
England – League One Correct Score.
France – National Correct Score.
Germany – 2. Bundesliga Correct Score.
Germany – 3. Liga Correct Score.
Germany – Bundesliga Correct Score.
Italy – Serie A Correct Score.
Netherlands – Eredivisie Correct Score.
Poland – Ekstraklasa Correct Score.
Spain – LaLiga Correct Score.
вњ”пёЏ Expires in 24 hrs вњ”пёЏ 40 Voucher used вњ”пёЏ 1xBet – рџ’Ћ Best Bookmaker вњ”пёЏ Sports, eSports, Casino.
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What are Correct Score Predictions?
correct score predictions bets are played dry. The player indicates the exact number of goals that both teams will score in the course of ninety regular minutes. Certainly a very dangerous game in the eyes of an expert. The professional player knows correct score tips are a great asset if well placed. We basically have two different approaches.
The first approach is mathematical, through the use of mathematical rules and formulas to create game systems that bring the player to the cashier. We can also call it the most nerdy approach. That point of view that only a fan tends to exploit.
The second approach is a little less mathematical but certainly no less methodical. You make predictions based on your knowledge of the teams that will take the field. It is an approach that relies heavily on factor c, which is luck. In the first case, however, what the player tries to do is eliminate luck as much as possible to try to be certain on the correct score.
Correct Score Tips & Predictions (05.02.2021)
Here, you can find the best football correct score tips and predictions around. You can never be 100% sure of the outcome when you put in a score prediction. However, by using some fundamental tips, you put yourself in a position to decipher the most likely outcomes.
We update the soccer score predictions daily. This means you have access to the most up to date free correct score predictions for today. We make sure you are ready before the game starts, putting you in an onside winning position.
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Daily Correct Score Football Prediction.
With football matches taking place every day, you can find the most up to date score predictions for leagues around the world right here.
There are a few main points you may want to keep in mind before placing your footy score predictions. By looking at all the aspects of a game, you are in the best position to predict the upcoming match scores correctly.
You want to pay attention to:
The teams’ current form Which players are in the squad Previous results between the two clubs Club politics.
We have taken all these points into account to give you the correct score tips today. Unlike other correct score prediction sites, we only consider cold hard facts. Unless rumours are proven right, they should not influence your score prediction.
The Best Correct Score Betting Tips Explained.
Let’s look at why these tips will help you decide on the most likely footy score prediction.
By taking the teams’ current form into account, you pick up on a trend. This trend allows you to predict the next outcome rather accurately. You should also consider the average amount of goals scored in previous matches. That way, you can bet on a correct score double too.
The players in the squad determine the outcome of the match. Knowing if key players are missing due to cards or injuries can help you determine if the team in question is likely to win or even score at all.
All outcomes of previous matches played against a team shed a lot of light on upcoming meets. Some clubs have quite a record against others. Often, an unbeaten record between two clubs gives you insight into the players’ mindsets. Knowing you’re going up against a team you’ve never beaten is a bit of a mental hurdle.
Football rumours are rife. Player transfers, managers sacked for not achieving results, and even player drama, which we have all heard. The validity to some, if not most rumours, takes time to surface. That’s why you should never base an outcome on a story until it is proven right.
Using these free correct score predictions for today will help you tomorrow. There are plenty of soccer correct score tips out there. Adding them to your arsenal will only make betting on the correct score easier.
2021 Football Result Predictions.
So far, the 2020 Premier League season has offered a lot of upsets as well as a few predictable outcomes. One of the most significant predictions has seen one of the top four teams soar to the top of the leaderboard and run away with the title. There’s even talk of the points record for the season being broken.
Some upsets we’ve seen so far include some of the big clubs, who are spending most of their time lower down in the table. Much lower than punters thought. As expected, the fear of coach sacking and relegation is causing concern within some squads. But, there is still time to inch back up the table and achieve a decent position before the end of the season.
Why Our Correct Score Tips?
Correct Score is a bet type that highlights the exact score of the outcome of a given match in soccer. Most bookmakers present it in many forms with the most being fixed to first half or full time. It usually one of he most crucial bet to predict but our Experts got you covered.
Top Tips Today.
Table below shows top most correct score tips and predictions for today.
Time League Match Pick 01:15 Uruguay 01:15 Uruguay – Primera Division, Clausura, Round 4 Montevideo City Torque vs Defensor Sporting Correct Score HT(1-0) 03:00 Brazil 03:00 Brazil – Brasileiro Serie A, Round 34 Athletico Paranaense vs Internacional Correct Score HT(0-0) 04:00 Colombia 04:00 Colombia – Primera A, Apertura, Round 4 Independiente Medellin vs Millonarios FC Correct Score HT(0-0) 06:00 Mexico 06:00 Mexico – Liga MX, Clausura, Round 5 Queretaro vs Pachuca Correct Score HT(0-0) 16:50 Bahrain 16:50 Bahrain – Premier League, Round 9 Al-Budaiya vs Al Riffa Correct Score HT(0-2) 19:00 Turkey 19:00 Turkey – TFF 1. Lig, Round 20 Samsunspor vs Bandirmaspor Correct Score HT(1-0) 19:00 Cyprus 19:00 Cyprus – 1st Division, Round 23 Nea Salamina Famagusta vs Olympiakos Nicosia Correct Score FT(2-1) 21:00 Switzerland 21:00 Switzerland – Challenge League, Round 19 SC Kriens vs FC Aarau Correct Score HT(0-1) 22:00 France 22:00 France – Ligue 2, Round 24 Rodez AF vs Clermont Foot 63 Correct Score HT(0-1) 23:00 Chile 23:00 Chile – Primera Division, Round 32 Deportes La Serena vs Universidad Catolica Correct Score HT(0-0)
Its is usually abbreviated as « CS » and its annotation is as follows; CS HT(0-0), CS FT(2-1), CS HT(1-0), CS FT(1-1) etc. Most bookmakers have a huge number of odds placed on this bet type, hence our free tips helps your to increase your chances of winning on this bet.
Tomorrow’s Tips.
All correct score prediction of the matches scheduled to play tomorrow.
The correct score matches will be updated soon. Otherwise subscribe to our Expert tips or Premium tips.
Best market for correct score tips include Egypt soccer competition, Greece Super League, Turkish Super Lig just to name a few. This is not always guaranteed due to ever changing nature of events. Use our exact score tips to boost your chances of winning.
Yesterday’s Tips.
Outcome of correct score predictions yesterday.
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п»їNFL Picks Against the Spread: Super Bowl LV.
NFL Picks (Week 1, 2020): 9-6-1 (+$1,090) NFL Picks (Week 2, 2020): 13-3 (+$1,910) NFL Picks (Week 3, 2020): 12-4 (+$1,230) NFL Picks (Week 4, 2020): 6-7-2 (-$675) NFL Picks (Week 5, 2020): 9-5 (+$1,770) NFL Picks (Week 6, 2020): 5-9 (-$2,365) NFL Picks (Week 7, 2020): 6-7-1 (-$580) NFL Picks (Week 8, 2020): 9-5 (+$1,210) NFL Picks (Week 9, 2020): 3-11 (-$1,945) NFL Picks (Week 10, 2020): 5-8-1 (-$825) NFL Picks (Week 11, 2020): 3-11 (-$1,935) NFL Picks (Week 12, 2020): 10-6 (+$2,395) NFL Picks (Week 13, 2020): 6-9 (-$235) NFL Picks (Week 14, 2020): 10-6 (+$1,330) NFL Picks (Week 15, 2020): 6-9-1 (+$210) NFL Picks (Week 16, 2020): 11-5 (+$1,140) NFL Picks (Week 17, 2020): 8-7-1 (+$985) NFL Picks (Week 18, 2020): 1-5 (-$1,430) NFL Picks (Week 19, 2020): 3-1 (+$285) NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$250)
NFL Picks (2020): 137-124-7 (+$3,815) NFL Picks (2019): 148-128-9 (+$1,200) NFL Picks (2018): 140-134-12 (+$845) NFL Picks (2017): 137-147-10 (-$4,300) NFL Picks (2016): 148-127-10 (+$780) NFL Picks (2015): 133-138-10 (-$3,215) NFL Picks (2014): 143-133-7 (-$1,885) NFL Picks (2013): 144-131-8 (+$7,825) NFL Picks (2012): 130-145-8 (-$7,445) NFL Picks (2011): 137-133-12 (-$1,335) NFL Picks (2010): 144-131-8 (+$5,880) NFL Picks (2009): 151-124-9 (+$4,235) NFL Picks (2008): 136-125-6 (+$6,105) NFL Picks (2007): 162-135-10 (+$3,585) If you don’t quite understand the line, total or anything else, go to my Sports Betting FAQ. Vegas betting action updated Feb. 2, 2:20 p.m. ET. Follow @walterfootball for updates.
Super Bowl LV Pick Chiefs at Buccaneers.
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Last Week’s NFL Picks Against The Spread (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$250) Last Week’s 2-3 Unit NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 2-0 (+$400) Last Week’s 4-5 Unit NFL Picks (Week 20, 2020): 0-0 ($0) Last Week Over-Under (Week 20, 2020): 0-2 ($0) Last Week’s Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks (Week 20, 2020): -$150.
2020 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-2, 50.0% (-$135)
2020 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-124-6, 52.5% (+$3,815) 2020 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 47-43-3, 52.2% (-$1,965) 2020 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 37-22-1, 62.7% (+$5,515) 2020 Season Over-Under: 140-122-6, 53.4% ($0) 2020 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$225.
1999 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 27-41-3 (39.7%) 2000 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 128-123-8 (51.0%) 2001 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 127-122-7 (51.0%) 2002 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 123-136-7 (47.5%) 2003 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 146-126-8 (53.7%) 2004 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 157-123-8 (56.1%) 2005 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 156-126-11 (55.3%) 2006 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 151-135-9 (52.8%) 2007 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 162-135-10, 54.5% (+$3,585) 2008 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 148-140-7, 51.4% (+$6,105) 2009 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 151-124-9, 54.9% (+$4,235) 2010 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 144-131-8, 52.4% (+$5,880) 2011 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-133-12, 50.7% (-$1,335) 2012 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 130-145-8, 47.3% (-$7,445) 2013 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 144-131-8, 52.4% (+$7,825) 2014 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 143-133-7, 51.8% (-$1,885) 2015 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 134-138-12, 49.3% (-$3,215) 2016 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 148-127-10, 53.8% (+$780) 2017 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 137-140-8, 49.5% (-$4,300) 2018 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 140-134-14, 51.3% (+$845) 2019 Season NFL Picks Against The Spread: 149-128-9, 53.6% (+$1,200)
2002 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 41-49-2 (45.6%) 2003 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 52-51-2 (50.5%) 2004 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 65-44-3 (59.6%) 2005 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 77-61-1 (55.8%) 2006 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 65-61-4 (51.6%) 2007 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 83-59-5, 58.5% (+$4,110) 2008 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-57-3, 43.6% (-$3,510) 2009 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 49-35-3, 58.3% (+$2,260) 2010 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 51-38-4, 57.3% (+$3,180) 2011 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-51-3, 46.3% (-$2,715) 2012 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 45-50-2, 47.4% (-$2,130) 2013 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 38-42, 47.5% (-$2,890) 2015 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 47-44-1, 51.6% (-$820) 2016 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 42-35-3, 54.5% (+$475) 2017 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 32-40-3, 43.8% (-$2,395) 2018 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 52-41-2, 55.9% (+$2,670) 2019 Season 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 44-36-2, 55.0% (+$655)
2002 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 11-12 (47.8%) 2003 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 16-13-1 (55.2%) 2004 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 18-11 (62.1%) 2005 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 25-22-1 (53.2%) 2006 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 21-29-1 (42.0%) 2007 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 35-30-2, 53.8% (+$420) 2008 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 39-26-2, 60.0% (+$4,055) 2009 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 29-26, 52.7% (+$330) 2010 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 32-22, 59.3% (+$4,790) 2011 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 14-14, 50.0% (-$1,260) 2012 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 14-21, 40.0% (-$3,650) 2013 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 17-9-3, 65.4% (+$2,970) 2015 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 17-16-2, 51.5% (-$1,120) 2016 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 21-22-5, 48.8% (-$1,465) 2017 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 20-22-1, 47.6% (-$1,595) 2018 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 27-32-1, 45.8% (-$4,735) 2019 Season 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 37-27-2, 57.8% (+$2,185)
2001 Season Over-Under: 3-2 (60.0%) 2002 Season Over-Under: 121-91-3 (57.1%) 2003 Season Over-Under: 126-132-2 (48.8%) 2004 Season Over-Under: 139-124-4 (52.9%) 2005 Season Over-Under: 117-145-4 (44.7%) 2006 Season Over-Under: 129-132-5 (49.4%) 2007 Season Over-Under: 136-145-3, 48.4% (-$1,900) 2008 Season Over-Under: 137-125-6, 52.3% (+$860) 2009 Season Over-Under: 128-135-4, 48.7% (-$3,195) 2010 Season Over-Under: 128-135-5, 48.7% (-$5) 2011 Season Over-Under: 131-131-5, 50.0% (+$135) 2012 Season Over-Under: 125-121-5, 50.8% (+$30) 2013 Season Over-Under: 132-130-5, 50.4% (-$340) 2015 Season Over-Under: 143-119-5, 54.6% ($0) 2016 Season Over-Under: 123-141-1, 46.6% (+$95) 2017 Season Over-Under: 136-139-2, 49.5% (+$640) 2018 Season Over-Under: 118-128-3, 48.0% (-$225) 2019 Season Over-Under: 126-133-4, 48.6% (-$50)
2007 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,035 2008 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,775 2009 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$865 2010 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$200 2011 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$590 2012 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$1,685 2013 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$2,245 2015 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$855 2016 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$275 2017 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$510 2018 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: +$1,495 2019 Season Prop/ML/Teaser/Parlay Picks: -$1,715.
2006 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3 (50%) 2007 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3, 50.0% (-$400) 2008 NFL Picks of the Month: 6-1, 85.7% (+$3,720) 2009 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-2, 60.0% (+$640) 2010 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-4, 33.3% (-$1,810) 2011 NFL Picks of the Month: 5-2, 71.4% (+$1,870) 2012 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-2, 60.0% (+$560) 2013 NFL Picks of the Month: 6-0, 100% (+$3,900) 2014 NFL Picks of the Month: 2-4, 33.3% (-$1,350) 2015 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3, 50.0% (-$100) 2016 NFL Picks of the Month: 5-1, 83.3% (+$2,780) 2017 NFL Picks of the Month: 4-2, 66.7% (+$1,040) 2018 NFL Picks of the Month: 4-3, 57.1% (-$640) 2019 NFL Picks of the Month: 3-3-1, 50.0% (-$625)
Career NFL Picks Against The Spread: 2,994-2,761-179, 52.0% (+$14,120) Career 2-3 Unit NFL Picks: 957-859-49 (52.7%) Career 4-5 Unit NFL Picks: 452-396-23 (53.3%) Career Over-Under: 2,462-2,416-66 (50.5%) Career Second-Half NFL Picks: 22-15-1 (61.1%) Career NFL Picks of the Month: 44-29-1 (60.3%)
My Team-by-Team ATS Record This section shows how well I do when picking each team this year. The purpose is to see how well I read each team. Pushes are not displayed. Winning/losing streak in parentheses.
2021 NFL Mock Draft.
Last update: Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021. Major updates. Next update: Occasionally. Follow me @walterfootball for updates.
*** 2021 NFL MOCK DRAFT updated Feb. 3. This mock draft will be updated weekly. Follow @walterfootball for NFL Draft updates. *** Jacksonville Jaguars: Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson The Jaguars were gifted the No. 1 overall pick due to the Jets’ incompetence. This was a franchise-altering turn of events that even had the mayor of Jacksonville thanking the Jets via Twitter. This is an obvious selection. The Gardner Minshew experience was fun, but it’s sadly coming to an end. Minshew is a feisty quarterback, but will be relegated to backup duties because he can’t throw passes longer than 15 yards.
Trevor Lawrence is locked in as the No. 1 pick in the 2021 NFL Draft. He has it all, and that includes size (6-6, 215), a big arm, accuracy and mobility.
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Also, if you’d like to support the site, check out my book! It’s available on Amazon, and it’s called A Safety and a Field Goal .
You can buy it here. It has some NFL Draft-related topics, so like I said, if you want to support the site, this is a great way to do it!
New York Jets: Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State The Jets made a very foolish decision to beat the Rams (and the Browns.) Now, they have a dilemma. Do they select the second-best quarterback in the class or stick with Sam Darnold? Considering that Darnold has shown no signs of becoming a franchise quarterback and has admitted to « seeing ghosts, » it would be best to trade him, especially given that New York will have to pay him a large contract to retain him. It would be smart to move him for a second- or third-round pick.
Justin Fields made the egregious mistake of committing to a program with a talented, young quarterback in Jake Fromm, so he was blocked from starting. Fields, however, was able to transfer to Ohio State, where he dominated in his first season. He continued his strong play into the shortened 2020 campaign, aside from sloppy performances against Indiana and Northwestern. He seemed injured in those games, but after a long layoff, he dominated Clemson in the playoff semi-final. Drawing comparisons to Deshaun Watson, Fields should be the second- or fourth-overall pick in the 2021 NFL Draft.
Miami Dolphins: DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama I mocked Penei Sewell to the Dolphins prior to the national championship, but after watching that game, I don’t see how this pick isn’t Devonta Smith. The Alabama prospect should be the favorite to be the first non-quarterback chosen in the 2021 NFL Draft. He even makes more sense for the Dolphins, and not just because he played with Tua Tagovailoa in school. The Dolphins spent a first-round pick on a tackle last year, so re-signing two tackles to big deals in a span of 12 months can’t sound appealing for management.
DeVonta Smith is an excellent route runner with great hands and tremendous run-after-catch ability. He rightfully won the Heisman and then embarrassed Ohio State in the national championship.
Atlanta Falcons: Zach Wilson, QB, BYU The Falcons have the third-worst cap situation in the NFL, and really, the second-worst only behind Philadelphia if the Saints are excluded (Drew Brees will be off the books in the wake of his retirement.) They could move on from Matt Ryan as a result. New regimes mean new quarterbacks, so this selection could be used on the third signal-caller in this class.
Zach Wilson is a smart quarterback with decent arm talent. However, there are some reported off-the-field and injury issues. Go here to read about Teams Having Concerns with Zach Wilson.
Cincinnati Bengals: Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon How lucky are the Bengals? They won some meaningless games at the end of the year to seemingly move themselves out of the Penei Sewell sweepstakes. However, there’s now a decent chance he’ll be available at No. 5, which is a dream come true for a team that needs to protect Joe Burrow.
Penei Sewell was so good as a sophomore, he received a second-place Heisman vote.
Philadelphia Eagles: Ja’Marr Chase, WR, LSU The Eagles tanked to move from No. 9 to 6. They claimed that they wanted to see Nate Sudfeld, when it’s more likely that they saw film on DeVonta Smith and were hoping to obtain him. That’s no longer likely to happen, but the Eagles can get the second stud receiver in this class, making amends for passing on another LSU player a year ago.
Chase caught 17 passes in his freshman year, then took a huge step forward in 2019, displaying the ability of a top-10 prospect.
Detroit Lions: Gregory Rousseau, DE, Miami Matthew Stafford was traded to the Rams, but I don’t think they’re going after a quarterback with this pick because they’re likely to give Jared Goff a try for one year. If so, Detroit will focus on its other big issues, including the pass rush.
Gregory Rousseau logged double-digit sacks as a redshirt freshman in 2019. He was compared to Calais Campbell entering Miami.
Pick change; previously Trey Lance, QB.
Carolina Panthers: Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State The Panthers had an atrocious defense in 2020, as they sorely missed Luke Kuechly. They need to find a replacement to fix their putrid linebacking corps.
Looking like the next great linebacker to come out of Penn State, Micah Parsons was very productive. That was not a surprise, as Parsons was a highly athletic five-star recruit.
Denver Broncos: Jaelen Phillips, DE, Miami The Broncos may decide to make Von Miller a free agent by not exercising their club option on him. Given his age (32), massive salary, and controversial texts sent to his girlfriend, Miller may not be a Bronco next year. If so, another edge rusher will be needed.
Jaelen Phillips had a monster year in replacing the opted-out Gregory Rousseau.
Pick change; previously Gregory Rousseau, DE.
Dallas Cowboys: Rashawn Slater, OT/G/C, Northwestern The Cowboys can’t trust Tyron Smith anymore. He’s been injured far too often over the past few years. The defense must be addressed, but protecting Dak Prescott is most important.
Rashawn Slater can play every position on the offensive line. He some great tape against Chase Young.
New York Giants: Kyle Pitts, TE, Florida The Giants need Daniel Jones to develop. They spent a first-round pick on a tackle last year, so a No. 1 receiver makes the most sense. Kyle Pitts isn’t technically a wide receiver, but he plays like one at tight end. With Pitts and Evan Engram, the Giants could utilize a potent two-tight end attack, which would really help Jones.
Pitts is a matchup nightmare, as he’s too fast for linebackers and too big for safeties.
San Francisco 49ers: Trey Lance, QB, North Dakota State The 49ers have been linked to some quarterbacks this offseason. It seems as though they want to give up on Jimmy Garoppolo. If they can’t find an upgrade via a trade partner, perhaps they’ll spend this selection on a replacement.
Trey Lance has some nice physical tools, and he’s coming off a huge year in 2019. For more on him, check out Charlie Campbell’s entry in the NFL Hot Press.
Pick change; previously Patrick Surtain II, CB.
Los Angeles Chargers: Alijah Vera-Tucker, OT, USC The Chargers need to protect Justin Herbert as well as possible. They have a huge hole at left tackle that must be addressed.
Alijah Vera-Tucker made a great decision to opt back in to the season. He has played extremely well at left tackle for the Trojans.
Minnesota Vikings: Christian Barmore, DE/DT, Alabama The Vikings need as much defensive help as possible. They have to bolster their defensive line to replace some recent departures.
Christian Barmore has nice length, quickness and athleticism.
New England Patriots: Jaylen Waddle, WR, Alabama With the top four quarterbacks off the board, the Patriots should wait until Day 2 to find a new signal-caller and obtain a new No. 1 receiver with this selection.
Waddle looks to be the next great Alabama receiver to enter the NFL. He’s one of the quickest players in college football.
Arizona Cardinals: Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech The Cardinals have major issues stopping the pass. They need a No. 2 cornerback for the present and someone to replace Patrick Peterson in the future.
Caleb Farley opted out of the 2020 season, but he has high upside with nice size and speed.
Sorry for cutting this into two halves; I’ve received complaints about load times and putting the mock draft on two pages saves bandwidth.
College Football Picks: Bowl Games, 2020.
College Football Picks (Week 2, 2020): 3-2 (+$180) College Football Picks (Week 3, 2020): 3-1-1 (+$380) College Football Picks (Week 4, 2020): 1-4 (-$625) College Football Picks (Week 5, 2020): 2-3 (-$135) College Football Picks (Week 6, 2020): 3-2 (+$170) College Football Picks (Week 7, 2020): 1-3-1 (-$450) College Football Picks (Week 8, 2020): 3-2 (+$180) College Football Picks (Week 9, 2020): 1-4 (-$660) College Football Picks (Week 10, 2020): 1-4 (-$695) College Football Picks (Week 11, 2020): 3-1 (+$390) College Football Picks (Week 12, 2020): 2-2 (-$30) College Football Picks (Week 13, 2020): 2-1 (+$200) College Football Picks (Week 14, 2020): 2-3 (-$255) College Football Picks (Week 15, 2020): 2-3 (-$230) College Football Picks (Week 16, 2020): 1-4 (-$675)
College Football Picks (2020 Season): 30-39-2 (-$2,255) College Football Picks (2019 Season): 53-36-1 (+$3,010) College Football Picks (2018 Season): 39-44-2 (-$2,755) College Football Picks (2017 Season): 38-45-3 (-$3,435) College Football Picks (2016 Season): 48-36-2 (+$1,070) College Football Picks (2015 Season): 42-44 (-$560) College Football Picks (2014 Season): 46-39-1 (-$325) College Football Picks (2013 Season): 52-33 (+$3,970) College Football Picks (2012 Season): 45-34-1 (+$2,500) College Football Picks (2011 Season): 36-32-2 (-$390) College Football Picks (2010 Season): 37-31-2 (+$190) College Football Picks (2009 Season): 34-34-2 (-$3,820) College Football Picks (2008 Season): 49-38 (+$3,020)
Georgia vs. Cincinnati. Line: Georgia by 7. Friday, 12:00 p.m.
What’s the motivation for Georgia? The Bulldogs had aspirations of playing in meaningful January games. Instead, they’re matched up against boring, old Cincinnati. The Bearcats will want to prove that they belonged in the playoffs. With this spread bloated, we’re getting good value with Cincinnati anyway.
Doc’s Sports has more free college football picks for almost every game.
College football Team versus Team database and match up pages for all the top level games plus researched ATS predictions with detailed analysis all for free at SBS CFB Picks.
Notre Dame vs. Alabama. Line: Alabama by 19.5. Friday, 4:00 p.m.
I love betting on great coaches with extra time to prepare. That obviously applies here, as Nick Saban will know how to attack the Irish. Meanwhile, Notre Dame will lose its 719th-consecutive bowl game.
Doc’s Sports has more free college football picks for almost every game.
College football Team versus Team database and match up pages for all the top level games plus researched ATS predictions with detailed analysis all for free at SBS CFB Picks.
College Football Pick: Alabama -19.5 -108 (2 Units) – Bookmaker.
Ohio State vs. Clemson. Line: Clemson by 7. Friday, 8:00 p.m.
The sharps are betting the Buckeyes, and I’m not quite sure why. Ohio State’s secondary is trash, so Trevor Lawrence won’t have an issue torching it. Meanwhile, Justin Fields was dealing with an injury late in the year. I’m not sure if he’s healthy yet, but if he’s not, he won’t be able to keep up with Lawrence.
Need Winning Picks Against the Spread? Get $60 in FREE member football picks from Doc’s Sports Service, one of the most trusted names in the handicapping industry! No salesmen and no obligations! Click Here.
College Football Pick: Clemson -7 -108 (2 Units) – Bookmaker.
Texas A&M vs. North Carolina. Line: Texas A&M by 7.5. Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Texas A&M got absolutely screwed by the college football playoff committee. They deserved to make the playoff over both Notre Dame and Ohio State. However, they’re just not going to have the motivation to play this game over a nondescript North Carolina squad.
Ohio State vs. Alabama. Line: Alabama by 9. Monday, 8:00.
We had two tough beats in earlier picks, but Ohio State covering was not one of them. The Buckeyes were terrific against Clemson, as Justin Fields was much healthier than he was in the Big Ten championship. He got banged up in the semi-final, but with extra time to heal, he should be fine for this game. If so, I like him to cover the spread. I love getting a touchdown or more with great quarterbacks, as there will definitely be back-door potential. I like Alabama to win this game, but the Buckeyes should be able to keep it close.
Follow me @walterfootball to see if anything changes.
Doc’s Sports has more free college football picks for almost every game.
Walter’s football picks.
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2021 NFL Mock Draft Our 2021 NFL Mock Draft has been updated as of Feb. 3. Other Mock Drafts: Charlie Campbell’s 2021 NFL Mock Draft | 2022 NFL Mock Draft.
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п»їNFL DFS for 2021 Super Bowl: Top DraftKings, FanDuel daily Fantasy football picks, stacks, strategy.
SportsLine’s Mike McClure, a DFS pro with almost $2M in winnings, gives optimal lineup advice.
Tom Brady and Patrick Mahomes have been among the most popular NFL DFS picks all season, leading their respective teams through the playoffs to face each other in the 2021 Super Bowl. Should you invest in the 43-year-old Brady, who is trying to win a record seventh Super Bowl ring, or should you build your NFL DFS stacks around Mahomes, the defending Super Bowl MVP?
Choosing between Brady and Mahomes is just one of many parts of your NFL DFS strategy to address on sites like DraftKings and FanDuel. So, how should you formulate winning Super Bowl DFS lineups? Before making any NFL DFS picks and NFL DFS stacks for the 2021 Super Bowl, be sure to see the latest NFL DFS advice, player rankings, stacks and top daily Fantasy football picks from SportsLine’s Mike McClure, a DFS pro who has won almost $2 million.
McClure crushed his NFL DFS picks in 2019, finishing as high as the top 1 percent of tournaments on DraftKings and returning as much as 40x return in some higher-stakes tournaments. He then continued his roll in the postseason, cashing on every single lineup he posted for the divisional round. Anyone who followed him saw some huge returns.
In Championship Weekend, McClure had Chiefs wide receiver Tyreek Hill as one of his top NFL DFS picks on DraftKings. The result: Hill caught nine passes for 172 yards, returning over 26 Fantasy points on both sites! Anybody who had him in their lineups was well on the way to a profitable day.
Now, McClure has turned his attention to Super Bowl 55 and locked in his top daily Fantasy football picks. You can only see them by heading to SportsLine.
Top NFL DFS picks for Super Bowl 55.
One of McClure’s top NFL DFS picks for Super Bowl 55 is Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce. He is quickly becoming one of the most dominant tight ends of all time, becoming a unanimous All-Pro selection. He set career-highs with 105 receptions, 1,416 receiving yards, and 11 touchdowns this season despite sitting out Week 17 to rest up for the playoff run.
Kelce’s exceptional play has continued into the Chiefs’ run back to the Super Bowl. He hauled in eight passes for 109 yards and a touchdown against the Browns and then erupted for 13 catches for 118 yards and two more TDs against the Bills in the AFC Championship Game. Kelce’s play against Buffalo generated almost 40 points on DraftKings and signaled that he will be a 60-minute problem for Tampa Bay in Super Bowl LV.
Part of McClure’s optimal NFL DFS strategy also includes rostering Buccaneers wide receiver Chris Godwin. He went off on Green Bay in the NFC Championship Game, catching five passes for 110 yards. He has 14 receptions for 223 yards and a touchdown in the 2021 NFL Playoffs to help send Tampa Bay back to the Super Bowl.
The fourth-year pro from Penn State caught 65 passes for 840 yards and seven touchdowns during the regular season despite missing four games due to a concussion and broken finger. Although that was a step down from Godwin’s 86-catch, 1,333-yard effort from 2019, he still proved to be one of quarterback Tom Brady’s primary targets. McClure believes that trend will continue in Super Bowl LV.
How to set NFL DFS lineups for Super Bowl 55.
McClure is also targeting a player who could go off for massive numbers on Super Bowl Sunday because of a dream matchup. This pick could be the difference between winning your tournaments and cash games or going home with nothing. You can only see who it is here.
2021 NFL Mock Draft.
Last update: Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021. Major updates. Next update: Occasionally. Follow me @walterfootball for updates.
*** 2021 NFL MOCK DRAFT updated Feb. 3. This mock draft will be updated weekly. Follow @walterfootball for NFL Draft updates. *** Jacksonville Jaguars: Trevor Lawrence, QB, Clemson The Jaguars were gifted the No. 1 overall pick due to the Jets’ incompetence. This was a franchise-altering turn of events that even had the mayor of Jacksonville thanking the Jets via Twitter. This is an obvious selection. The Gardner Minshew experience was fun, but it’s sadly coming to an end. Minshew is a feisty quarterback, but will be relegated to backup duties because he can’t throw passes longer than 15 yards.
Trevor Lawrence is locked in as the No. 1 pick in the 2021 NFL Draft. He has it all, and that includes size (6-6, 215), a big arm, accuracy and mobility.
Follow @walterfootball for updates. Also, you can Support Us on Patreon here!
Also, if you’d like to support the site, check out my book! It’s available on Amazon, and it’s called A Safety and a Field Goal .
You can buy it here. It has some NFL Draft-related topics, so like I said, if you want to support the site, this is a great way to do it!
New York Jets: Justin Fields, QB, Ohio State The Jets made a very foolish decision to beat the Rams (and the Browns.) Now, they have a dilemma. Do they select the second-best quarterback in the class or stick with Sam Darnold? Considering that Darnold has shown no signs of becoming a franchise quarterback and has admitted to « seeing ghosts, » it would be best to trade him, especially given that New York will have to pay him a large contract to retain him. It would be smart to move him for a second- or third-round pick.
Justin Fields made the egregious mistake of committing to a program with a talented, young quarterback in Jake Fromm, so he was blocked from starting. Fields, however, was able to transfer to Ohio State, where he dominated in his first season. He continued his strong play into the shortened 2020 campaign, aside from sloppy performances against Indiana and Northwestern. He seemed injured in those games, but after a long layoff, he dominated Clemson in the playoff semi-final. Drawing comparisons to Deshaun Watson, Fields should be the second- or fourth-overall pick in the 2021 NFL Draft.
Miami Dolphins: DeVonta Smith, WR, Alabama I mocked Penei Sewell to the Dolphins prior to the national championship, but after watching that game, I don’t see how this pick isn’t Devonta Smith. The Alabama prospect should be the favorite to be the first non-quarterback chosen in the 2021 NFL Draft. He even makes more sense for the Dolphins, and not just because he played with Tua Tagovailoa in school. The Dolphins spent a first-round pick on a tackle last year, so re-signing two tackles to big deals in a span of 12 months can’t sound appealing for management.
DeVonta Smith is an excellent route runner with great hands and tremendous run-after-catch ability. He rightfully won the Heisman and then embarrassed Ohio State in the national championship.
Atlanta Falcons: Zach Wilson, QB, BYU The Falcons have the third-worst cap situation in the NFL, and really, the second-worst only behind Philadelphia if the Saints are excluded (Drew Brees will be off the books in the wake of his retirement.) They could move on from Matt Ryan as a result. New regimes mean new quarterbacks, so this selection could be used on the third signal-caller in this class.
Zach Wilson is a smart quarterback with decent arm talent. However, there are some reported off-the-field and injury issues. Go here to read about Teams Having Concerns with Zach Wilson.
Cincinnati Bengals: Penei Sewell, OT, Oregon How lucky are the Bengals? They won some meaningless games